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▷ Activity Points

My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Back in the day, we used to have a roleplay system, which, as the name suggests, focused entirely on RP and the completion of them. As time went on we realized it was fairly limited, and the prizes didn’t directly reward characters used. After some time we decided to change the system, following ACBC’s participation system (found here) closely, thanks to the generosity of Shark and Prog.
Here is where you will see how to earn Activity Points, which can be redeemed for various prizes. You can receive points by RP, art, and developing your character. These points are spendable once you post and receive a 👌 emoji from Nym, which indicates approval.
To see the Activity Shop please go here here.

  • Use the correct forms for the right category.
    Failure to do so will disqualify you for points.
  • Only post for your own points.
    Do not fill the form out for anyone else but yourself.
  • Do not spend your points until you receive the checkmark emoji from Nym.
    You will receive a👌emoji on your post if you've been approved and your tracker has been updated. If there is a mistake preventing you from receiving points you will receive a 😭 emoji, meaning something is preventing you! An edit will be made on your post with a note as to what was incorrect. Repost your submission once you've fixed the error.
  • All entries must be completed before submitting.
    RPs, journal posts, and art should be fully completed before posting for AP.
  • Do NOT delete any posts, ever. Mistakes can be reposted.
    If you make a mistake just strike your post out and make a new one!
  • Use our forms as they are.
    Do not tinker or remove anything from the form.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

You will receive 1 Activity Point per 50 words posted within a roleplay with another user, and 1 Activity Point per 80 words in a solo RP. Wordcount can be seen at the top right of every post. For the RP to qualify please ensure it fits and adheres to the rules below:

  • You must post a thread within a RP forum.
    It doesn’t really matter how you RP. It can be in script form, a Discord log, or paragraph style. As long as each member participating posts their own posts to note their individual word count (meaning one owner cannot post for everyone involved) then your RP is valid.

  • A roleplay must be completed before turning in.
    Once a thread is turned in it’ll be locked to prevent further adjusting or RP. This is so you still have access for your logs but things are kept simple for point accrual. In the case of an abandoned RP, where your partner has not responded in two weeks, you may post the RP for points if you’ve posted at least three times. This will still result in the thread locked, so make sure you’re positive it’s been abandoned!

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account
For submitted art, it must be clear some time was taken into your piece. Point accrual is different depending on the elements within the piece, but your character (or anyone else's) at a minimum should be drawn half body to turn in for points.
Point accrual totals are:
  • Clean lines/edges: +3 Activity Points
  • Lineless Painting: +5 Activity Points (Counts as also clean lines/edges, so don't add both)
  • Full Body: +1 Activity Points
  • Colors: +2 Activity Points
  • Shading: +2 Activity Points
  • Detailed Background: +3 Activity Points
  • Other Owner's Everchange Character: +2 Activity Points per character
To submit for art points your piece must include one of your own Everchange characters. For each character involved (that is your own) they will follow the same Activity Point accrual as above (so if two of your characters are in the art and both have clean lines you'd receive +6 Activity Points).

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Journals can be set up however you like, but the information needed for Activity Points is the same. For each section of information you include that fits the below requirements you will receive a specific amount of Activity Points. Once a journal is submitted you no longer can submit points for those sections for that character. This means if you redo your journal you cannot repost that character’s journal entry -- it’s been already done once. If you add sections that were not previously there and thus no points were redeemed for them you may submit for those sections only.
This obviously changes if the pony is swapped, as they become a new character entirely. The new owner may receive Activity Points with their character.
To receive points please ensure you follow the requirements and rules below:
  • Basic Information: +1 Activity Point
    At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
  • Likes and Dislikes: +1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
    A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
  • Occupation: +1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
    A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
  • Place in the World: +1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
    Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
  • About Their Pet: +1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
    Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.

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signed an NDA
Staff member

Ready to begin collecting points? Awesome! Use one of the forms below! Remember, keep each category in their own post. If you're posting both for art and RP turn-in then post twice!
Always post a new form when you're collecting new points.

RP Form:

[CENTER][B][COLOR=rgb(126, 193, 244)]Redeeming an RP![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]

[B]Username[/B]: your username
[B]RP[/B]: link one RP. post a new form for each RP
[B]Word Count[/B]: your own word count! not your partners
[B]AP Points[/B]: how many points you think you got!

[B]Completed[/B]: is this RP finished? yes or no -- if the answer is no then do NOT post
[b]AP Journal[/B]: link here! lack one? let us know!
Art Form:

[CENTER][B][COLOR=rgb(126, 193, 244)]Redeeming Art![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]

[B]Username[/B]: your username
[B]Art[/B]: link to it. post a new form for each piece
[B]Categories[/B]: which did you do? clean lines? detailed backgrounds? list them all
[B]AP Points[/B]: how many points you think you got!

[B]Completed[/B]: is this art finished? yes or no -- if the answer is no then do NOT post
[b]AP Journal[/B]: link here! lack one? let us know!
Journal Form:

[CENTER][B][COLOR=rgb(126, 193, 244)]Redeeming a Journal Post![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]

[B]Username[/B]: your username
[B]Pony[/B]: name + link to the post
[B]Categories[/B]: which did you do? basic information? about their pet? let us know all of them
[B]AP Points[/B]: how many points you think you got!

[B]Redeemed Yet[/B]: have you posted this pony before for journal AP? if so, what are the sections you're adding that you lacked before?
[b]AP Journal[/B]: link here! lack one? let us know!
Won From Games Form:

[CENTER][B][COLOR=rgb(126, 193, 244)]I Won Points![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]

[B]Username[/B]: your username
[B]Thread Won[/B]: link to the post where you were awarded AP!
[B]AP Points[/B]: how many points were you awarded?

[b]AP Journal[/B]: link here! lack one? let us know!
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Stew Aficionado
Redeeming an RP!

Username: belloblossom
RP: Red Snowcones
Word Count: 3,382
AP Points: 63

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming an RP!

Username: belloblossom
RP: Salt and Pepper Skies
Word Count: 2,735
AP Points: 51

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming an RP!

Username: belloblossom
RP: Silent Night
Word Count: 2,921
AP Points: 55

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming an RP!

Username: belloblossom
RP: Through the Pumpkin Vine
Word Count: 1,666
AP Points: 32

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming an RP!

Username: belloblossom
RP: Bedroom for One
Word Count: 2,738
AP Points: 53

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming an RP!

Username: belloblossom
RP: Window Shopping
Word Count: 2,393
AP Points: 36

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming an RP!

Username: belloblossom
RP: SRP - Perfect Balance
Word Count: 791
AP Points: 9

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming an RP!

Username: belloblossom
RP: SRP - Applicious
Word Count: 854
AP Points: 10

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming an RP!

Username: belloblossom
RP: Cafe Greetings
Word Count: 3,739
AP Points: 66

Completed Yes
AP Journal: Here

Nym: ❌ (Points are off! For example, Red Snowcones would give you 67 points!)
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Stew Aficionado
Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Butterfly Kisses + link to the post
Categories: Basic Info, Occupation, Pet
AP Points: 3

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Babbling Brook + link to the post
Categories: Basic Info, Pet
AP Points: 2

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Dawn Charm + link to the post
Categories: Basic Info, Occupation, Place in the World
AP Points: 3

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Spooky Tooth + link to the post
Categories: Basic Info, Occupation, Pet
AP Points: 3

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Persimmon Drop + link to the post
Categories: Basic Info, Occupation
AP Points: 2

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Rosa Latte + link to the post
Categories: Basic Info, Occupation, Pet, Place in the World
AP Points: 4

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Violetta Bloom + link to the post
Categories: Basic Info, Occupation
AP Points: 2

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Apple Tini + link to the post
Categories: Basic Info, Occupation
AP Points: 2

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Sugar Snap + link to the post
Categories: Basic Info, Occupation
AP Points: 2

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Here

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: belloblossom
Pony: Northern Belle + link to the post
Categories: Basic Info, Pet
AP Points: 2

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Here

Nym: ✅
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Grizzled Veteran
Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Jessie Headshot Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2) + Shading (2)
AP Points: 7

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Cameron Headshot Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2)
AP Points: 5

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Chubs Headshot Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2)
AP Points: 5

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Hex Headshot Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2)
AP Points: 5

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Hex Headshot Mask Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2)
AP Points: 5

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Cinder Headshot Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2)
AP Points: 5

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Sirensong Headshot Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2)
AP Points: 5

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Issac Headshot Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2)
AP Points: 5

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Leopold Gijinka Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2) + Full Body (1)
AP Points: 6

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Cassia Headshot Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2)
AP Points: 5

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Quinn Gijinka Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2) + Full Body (1)
AP Points: 6

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Trevor Gijinka Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2) + Full Body (1)
AP Points: 6

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Leon Softpaw Gijinka Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2) + Full Body (1)
AP Points: 6

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Vergil Gijinka Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2) + Full Body (1)
AP Points: 6

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Cameron Gijinka Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2) + Full Body (1)
AP Points: 6

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Cassia Gijinka Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2) + Full Body (1)
AP Points: 6

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Chubs Gijinka Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2) + Full Body (1)
AP Points: 6

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Jesse Gijinka Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2) + Full Body (1)
AP Points: 6

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Samuel Gijinka Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2) + Full Body (1)
AP Points: 6

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Hex Gijinka Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2) + Full Body (1)
AP Points: 6

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Chibi Pony Gift Set Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges x5 (15) + Colors x5 (10) + Full Body x5 (5)
AP Points: 30

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Redeeming Art!

Username: KikiLime
Art: Thomas Gijinka Link
Categories: Clean lines/edges (3) + Colors (2) + Full Body (1)
AP Points: 6

Completed: Yes
AP Journal: Link

Nym: Your group art piece needs to have at least one of your own characters to count! Please repost your redeems without that piece linked.
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  • Sad
Reactions: Nym


Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: Shadrya
Pony: Celestia
Categories: Basic info, Occupation & Place in the world
AP Points: 4 points

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Journal

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: Shadrya
Pony: Orion
Categories: Basic info, Occupation & Plac in the world
AP Points: 4 Points

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Journal

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: Shadrya
Pony: Elisabeta
Categories: Basic Info, Occupation
AP Points: 2 Points

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Journal

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: Shadrya
Pony: Florian
Categories: Basic Info, Occupation
AP Points: 2 Points

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Journal

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: Shadrya
Pony: Bubblegum Pop
Categories: Basic Info, Occupation
AP Points: 2 Points

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Journal

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: Shadrya
Pony: Chusi
Categories: Basic Info, Occupation & Place in world
AP Points: 3 Points

Redeemed Yet: No
AP Journal: Journal
  • Like
Reactions: Nym


Stew Aficionado
Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Pony: Shimmering Stars
Categories: Basic Info ;; Likes/Dislikes (simple lists) ;; Occupation (simple list) ;; Place in the world (ponies they know and history/home/lifestyle)
AP Points: 7 AP

Redeemed Yet: I have not!
AP Journal: Here you go!

Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Pony: Lunar Mothews
Categories: Basic Info ;; Likes/Dislikes (simple lists) ;; Occupation (detailed) ;; Place in the world (ponies they know and history/home/lifestyle) ;; Pets (detailed relationship)
AP Points: 10 AP

Redeemed Yet: I have not!
AP Journal: Here you go!
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  • Like
Reactions: Nym


Grizzled Veteran
Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: Luxona
Pony: Champagne + Post
Categories: Basic Info, Likes/Dislikes, Occupation
AP Points: 4

Redeemed Yet: Nope
AP Journal: Here


Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: Luxona
Pony: Zombae + Post
Categories: Basic Info, Likes/Dislikes, Occupation
AP Points: 4

Redeemed Yet: Nope
AP Journal: Here


Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: Luxona
Pony: Calais Skull + Post
Categories: Basic Info, Likes/Dislikes, Occupation, Place in the World
AP Points: 8

Redeemed Yet: Nope
AP Journal: Here


Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: Luxona
Pony: Naveah + Post
Categories: Basic Info, Likes/Dislikes, Occupation
AP Points: 4

Redeemed Yet: Nope
AP Journal: Here


Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: Luxona
Pony: Ghoul Skulle-Glamour + Post
Categories: Basic Info, Likes/Dislikes, Occupation
AP Points: 4

Redeemed Yet: Nope
AP Journal: Here


Redeeming a Journal Post!

Username: Luxona
Pony: Geovanni Blackshire + Post
Categories: Basic Info, Likes/Dislikes, Occupation
AP Points: 4

Redeemed Yet: Nope
AP Journal: Here
  • Like
Reactions: Nym