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▷ Claims and Power Approvals


Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Despair [My claim for the past... how many months? XD]
Pony: Here

  1. Missing the Light- Ability to leech the colors and brightness within a 15 foot radius of himself, almost turning the world into dark sepia tones. Requires no focus and is more a warning he's approaching.
  2. Leeching the Heat- Can make a room colder by a few degrees, the feel of it seeping into your very bones. Requires focus on his part, usually effects those with negative thoughts more than happier ponies. Tends to drain him so he cannot do it for long, at most 10 minutes.
  3. Haunting Walk- Can creep up on ponies that draw him in with their sadness, almost to the point of hovering before he would be noticed, much like a shadow.
  4. Shuttering Gaze- Can make ponies cry with direct eye contact, for no reason at all. Requires direct eye contact and focus, wears off the minute he looks away.
  5. Gut Wrenching Feeling- Can influence despair with direct contact, the pony feeling as if there is a pit in their stomach and almost disgust burning their throat. It goes away if he stops touching them, and is usually just an initial 'shock reaction' to his touch and can wear off after a moment, but only if he has no ill intent. Otherwise it will only intensify the longer he touches them, causing a choked up feeling and nausea, until they pull themselves away.



Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Lies
Pony: Apate

  1. Lie to Me: A passive power that acts as more of an aura surrounding Apate. Any pony within 5 feet of her can be affected. It's harmless really, seeing as how all this aura does is subtly compell one to lie.
  2. White Lies: Another subtle, passive power. This one, however, coaxes even the most honest of ponies into small lies (I. E. "that pie is blueberry" when it is clearly strawberry) when in Apate's presence.
  3. Unbelievable!: This power takes a bit more effort since it deals with those wildly spun tales that are just so outrageous no pony can believe them. With Apate's help, one's ridiculous lie will be accepted as 100% truth for a full 48 hours. Better hope that's enough time to do whatever it is you were hoping to get done with that wild tale because Apate will not help you again. Everybody gets one.



Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Pony: Shadows - Link to SC drop

  1. Puppet Master: Summons little shadow minions, from the surrounding shadows around him, that can only help him with small tasks, in a place with shadows.
  2. Void Walker: Can travel through shadows, where they are present only
  3. Now you see me, Now you don't: Blending into the shadows around himself.
  4. Dark Travels: Being able to go into another ponies shadow and travel along without the pony knowing, or letting the other pony know that he is.
  5. Shadow Manipulation: Can change the size and shape of shadows, sometimes to scare ponies away, or to just have simple harmless fun with it. Would help him move shadows from one place to another.

@ֆɦǟʀӄɮɛʀʀʏ🍕 @polliwoggi
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Grizzled Veteran
Moon Claiming Power!

Domain desired: Bunnies/Rabbits/Lagomorph (Whichever sounds best)

I understand it is my responsibility to renew this claim if I don't acquire the alicorn within 60 days!

Also have my Shadows Domain made and working on the power approvals, so you can update the list, thank you.
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Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Beauty
Pony: xxx (We'll just call her Beauty for now until a name happens)

  1. Eye of the Beholder (passive)
    Beauty appears to be aesthetically appealing to whomever gazes at her or speaks with her, regardless of if she just stumbled and spilled coffee on herself or is experiencing a severely frizzy hair day. One pony might see her with a shorter bob haircut that reminds them of their current object of affection, or another might see her body rotting and exposing bone; it all depends on their preferences but the lighting on her is always just right regardless. This does not actually give Beauty any power over a pony or change her actual appearance but simply makes her look good in their eyes, whatever "good" might mean to the individual. This passive is only activated when a pony is looking at Beauty and fades once their attention shifts. Blind ponies are immune to this power unless they have a different means of "seeing" that would allow them to divine her physical appearance.
  2. Fashion Police (passive/active)
    At a glance, Beauty can tell in general terms what clothes/makeup would make a pony look good. By focusing on a pony, she can reveal exact details as to what materials/styles they need to look 110% better than they already are. Fashion Police senses can only hone in on one pony at a time for its active form, but Beauty can get a vague idea of other ponies if she gives them a once over.
  3. All-star Stylist (active)
    Beauty can naturally enhance a pony's appearance to look their best. Similar to Eye of the Beholder, this can mean anything from making their hair looking luscious to making sure those worms poke out of the right holes in their body at the right time, gleaming and disgusting. When magically enhanced like this, a pony can look that good for a maximum of 24 hours. Beauty may have this charm on up to 3 ponies at once, though doing so puts a strain on her.
  4. Only Need 10 Minutes (passive/active)
    Beauty can always prep her appearance - hair, makeup, clothes, skin care, eyebrows, and more - within 10 minutes, unless something magical impedes her. At her behest, she may also extend this power to up to 3 ponies within 30ft of her. Gotta make sure the posse looks good before a night on the town! Beauty cannot magically create the materials necessary to get ready, however, so ponies need to have their things within reach first.
  5. The Face That Launched 1k Ships (active)
    Some ponies mistake infatuation and obsession with love and lust, and Beauty loves to take advantage of it. Should someone be enamored with her due to her looks (especially when under the effects of Eye of the Beholder), Beauty can influence the charmed pony to a degree when phrased as doing her a favor. Beauty cannot ask them to harm themselves, harm others, or do something against their normal nature (unless the player really wants to do so in this singular case only, such as having a grumpy pony become more smiley in her presence); her influence can only stretch to do simple tasks, such as being her escort for a day or helping carry her bags. Up to two ponies may be charmed in this way at a time for up to 6 hours and are immune to her charms for 24 hours after their time is up.



Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Pony: Bunnies - Link to SC drop

  1. Hear no Evil: Able to hear and pinpoint dangers from large distances away, able to choose when he hears far distances as he doesn't wish to harm his ears or get overwhelmed.
  2. Power Digger: Able to burrow deep underground to nest in a nice comfy burrow for himself and all his bunny friends.
  3. Peaceful Presence: Passive ability - Bunnies Wild or Pets, naturally flock to Teddy when he's around. He doesn't mean for it to happen, and can easily tell them to go back home.

@ֆɦǟʀӄɮɛʀʀʏ🍕 @polliwoggi
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Stew Aficionado
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Theft --> Thieves
Pony: Dastardly Dubloon

  1. Thieves' Tools - Can transform a solid object (ex. fork, branch, pencil) into a traditional lock pick. Cannot transform object back to its original form and the transformed item has to be roughly the same size as a lockpick would be. (no giant clubs turning into tiny lockpicks on the go.) It can happen up to twice a day, with a three day recharge.
  2. Sleight of Hoof - Poof! Your necklace is gone, just like magic! Only, it is magic. With this power, Dubloon can teleport objects onto herself (or into her pockets, if she's wearing them) so long as she's touched the item in question. She can only do this with items the size of your average wallet or coin purse. Jewelry exempt from this rule - so long as they aren't to large or bulky.
  3. Light on Her Hooves - For up to fifteen minutes, Dubloon can summon silence around her, causing her to make no sound as she moves. (This power has a recharge span of one day.)
  4. Blending In - For up to fifteen minutes, Dubloon can use this power to make herself look like your average pony. Why, she's just another face in the crowd, she doesn't have the prized jewel of such and such in her pocket, noooo, not at all. (This power has a recharge span of one day.)
  5. Ooh, Shiny! - Can appraise and determine a general worth of an object if she touches it. Ex. - She touches a bejeweled goblet and knows that it's regarded as rare/expensive or she touches a gold box and senses it's worth next to nothing.



Long-Term Resident
Moon Claiming Power!

Domain desired: Sunshine

I understand it is my responsibility to renew this claim if I don't acquire the alicorn within 60 days!


Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Thunderstorms
Pony: RLC Sheet order

  1. Awareness: A sense of when it is time to create a storm. Sometimes a sense of when danger might come in rare instances.
  2. Storm Flight: The beat of its many wings begins the process of making storms. Along with the sounds of thunder.
  3. Friction: The tail's contact as it is flying creates an electrostatic discharge which creates the Lightning.
  4. Shimmer- The shimmer of its feathers that protect itself from any harm from the lightning it creates.



Long-Term Resident
@polliwoggi edited forms below with notes about what has been approved so I don't lose track! lmao

Domain desired: Paranoia (approved)
Pony: Maniae

  1. Somebody's Watching Me: The ability to make ponies within a 50 foot radius feel as if someone is there, watching them — just behind them, or out of the corner of their eye. They're not alone, at least that's what they think. Power lasts for up to an hour. (approved)
  2. Shifting Thoughts: The power to make someone in their vicinity (within 20 feet) question the things said to them. Lasts for up to half an hour. (approved)
  3. Turn Around, Look At Me: The rare ability to infect a pony with a lasting paranoia manifested as the feeling of being followed. The power can only be used once per year.
  4. Don't Trust A-: The ability to make a group of ponies feel distrustful of one another for roughly ninety minutes. The power leads to making each pony feel as if the other ponies are being deceptive with malintent (lying, plotting against them, etc.). Can only be used once every 12 hours, and even then only a max of thrice in a row before an entire 24 hours is necessary to recuperate.

Domain desired: Heartbreak (approved)
Pony: Discord

  1. Sight: The ability to see the history of someone's heartbreak(s) through their memory. Discord must be touching the target (to any degree - even a wing feather resting on another's back is enough) for this to work. When the connection is broken, the visions stop. Can only effect one pony at a time. When Discord accesses this ability, they feel the heartbreak in question, intensely, for up to 30 seconds. (approved 'til here) Can only be used twice in one 24 hour cycle.
  2. Heartache: The ability to force a pony to relive a heartbreak as vividly as it first happened — playing through in the target pony's mind. Target must be within a 10 foot radius. Can only be used after Sight has been used on the same target. (approved 'til here) Similar to Sight, this can only be used twice in one 24 hour cycle.
  3. Conflict: An aura that creates feelings of strife between romantically involved ponies within a 10 foot radius. This leads to feelings of heartbreak as they start to believe their loved ones have done them wrong. (approved 'til here) Can only be used once every 48 hours.

Domain desired: Clarity (approved)
Pony: Kirlyam

  1. I See You: When touching a target pony, Kirlyam is able to access whatever it is they are thinking about. This power is reserved for when Kirlyam needs to understand someone, to better serve them. The whole process takes about 30 seconds from the point of initial connection. At first, Kirlyam with have total clarity on the situation, but that clarity will fade over the course of the following 7 days until she returns to stasis on the situation. (approved)
  2. They See You: The ability to reveal the objective truth in a situation. Oddly enough, Kirlyam's hair is needed for this - each individual who she is targeting to impart her wisdom upon must be holding at least a few strands of Kirlyam's hair (yes, while it's still on her head). After roughly 1 minute of concerted effort from Kirlyam, she is able to transmit an objective-lens-truth to participants. (approved)
  3. Give Me Clarity: The ability to grant short-lived reprieve from mind-altering effects, giving clarity of perception. Is only in effect for roughly 30 minutes at a time, but can be used up to three times a 24 cycle.

How do those look? :3 <3

Previous feedback/discussion on powers:
Polli response 2:
Something to infect a pony with a lasting paranoia - the feeling of being followed, or thinking they see something around corners, etc, could be interesting. Wouldn't be usable super often, but definitely thematic.

Maybe an ability to cause a group of ponies to feel distrustful of each other - paranoia is very much related with thinking that others are lying, out to get them, etc. Would cause that feeling to start creeping up in the back of the ponies' minds for the duration. Similar to Shifting Thoughts but different in that it's not just questioning things said per se, it's specifically being paranoid in various ways of the other ponies in that particular group for a set amount of time.

I think you could definitely work in clarity from mind altering affects or madness, even if only temporarily. Giving them clarity in perception. Whether or not this would counteract another alicorn's powers issss I guess up to you guys lmao. I don't know that it could cure hallucinations, but you could definitely have a perception clearing effect for x time so often or an aura effect for sure!

-- Heartbreak:
I think those work. How often can they be activated, like how many times per day?
Ruler response 1:
Re: Paranoia: I would love any ideas for additional powers! I haven't the brain for this, so anything is super helpful.

Re: Heartbreak: Edited "Heartache" and "Conflict" - would these be better? If not, I would love suggestions!

1. Sight: The ability to see the history of someone's heartbreak(s) through their memory. Discord must be touching the target (to any degree - even a wing feather resting on another's back is enough) for this to work. When the connection is broken, the visions stop. Can only effect one pony at a time. When Discord accesses this ability, they feel the heartbreak in question, intensely, for up to 30 seconds.
2. Heartache: The ability to influence a pony to focus on even the small things that can lead to feelings of heartache. If said pony has any lingering doubts of feelings of mistrust, Discord has the ability to amplify those thoughts so that the recipient feels them more intensely. Discord must be physically connected (read: touching) a pony for this to take effect.
3. Conflict: An aura that highlights any feelings of strife between romantically involved ponies within a 10 foot radius. This leads to feelings of heartbreak as they start to believe their loved ones have done them wrong in some way.

Re: Clarity: Would also love suggestions for her! I want to (at Bello's suggestion, who owns Clairty's future mate - Hallucinations) incorporate some kind of power(s) that can counteract some of the effects of Hallucinations' powers. Perhaps some kind of power that... when she is in the presence of other ponies, there is an aura of clarity that can impact them? Hallucinations often isn't seen as he tends to live in the periphery, so something that would make him more visible and apparent would be neat. Additionally, possibly a counteraction to hallucinations? Temporary reprieve for ponies experiencing this. Halp pls >w>
Polli response 1:
Paranoia approved, but noting I have some ideas if you ever want to discuss additional powers for them.

Heartbreak cannot directly change ponies' actions or thoughts without consent, only influence or intesify or soften their feelings, so they can't really ... force ponies to start to believe something new. However, you could re-envision it to, say, bringing up any doubts or silly little fears they may have had about that pony in particular, intensifying anything that might lead to a feeling of heartbreak? So if someone has 0 doubts it would not affect them, but if someone had a passing thought their partner might have cheated on them, it would balloon and become intense and heart-wrenching?

Clarity I think is fine, although again, I could definitely think of some more powers and out of the box concepts for her if you're interested.

Original forms:
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Paranoia
Pony: Maniae

  1. Somebody's Watching Me: The ability to make ponies within a 50 foot radius feel as if someone is there, watching them — just behind them, or out of the corner of their eye. They're not alone, at least that's what they think. Power lasts for up to an hour.
  2. Shifting Thoughts: The power to make someone in their vicinity (within 20 feet) question the things said to them. Lasts for up to half an hour.
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Heartbreak
Pony: Discord

  1. Sight: The ability to see the history of someone's heartbreak(s) through their memory. Discord must be touching the target (to any degree - even a wing feather resting on another's back is enough) for this to work. When the connection is broken, the visions stop. Can only effect one pony at a time. When Discord accesses this ability, they feel the heartbreak in question, intensely, for up to 30 seconds.
  2. Heartache:: The ability to force a pony to relive a heartbreak as vividly as it first happened — playing through in the target pony's mind. Target must be within a 10 foot radius. Can only be used after Sight has been used on the same target.
  3. Conflict: An aura that creates feelings of strife between romantically involved ponies within a 10 foot radius. This leads to feelings of heartbreak as they start to believe their loved ones have done them wrong.
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Clarity
Pony: Kirlyam

  1. I See You: When touching a target pony, Kirlyam is able to access whatever it is they are thinking about. This power is reserved for when Kirlyam needs to understand someone, to better serve them. The whole process takes about 30 seconds from the point of initial connection. At first, Kirlyam with have total clarity on the situation, but that clarity will fade over the course of the following 7 days until she returns to stasis on the situation.
  2. They See You: The ability to reveal the objective truth in a situation. Oddly enough, Kirlyam's hair is needed for this - each individual who she is targeting to impart her wisdom upon must be holding at least a few strands of Kirlyam's hair (yes, while it's still on her head). After roughly 1 minute of concerted effort from Kirlyam, she is able to transmit an objective-lens-truth to participants.


late to the party
Staff member
Sleight of Hoof - You still need a time limit / how often for this power, since teleporting a small object directly to herself is still pretty powerful and needs a cooldown. Note that having a cooldown on the power doesn't mean she couldn't just, like, steal things normally. I'm thinking probably no more than once a day for balance reasons, especially combined with her Ooh! Shiny! ability?


Since the Moon was never fully approved, this is being treated as a new approval, tho I think I told you that ages ago when this process first started. @ u@;

Lunaportation: mmmm. I like it conceptually, I think it works for the moon. Can't travel to places the moon isn't touching at that moment, and since they have no sense to constantly "see" through the moon (I have a critique of lunar vision coming xD) I would say it would need a limit that they must know that a place *exists* to travel there. In exchange, I don't think that you need a limiter of miles, as the condition is fairly restrictive as-is - since it couldn't teleport inside closed places, can't teleport if there's clouds, can't do it if there's no moon out to shine down, etc.

Lunar vision: There is a problem here in that ... well, the moon -- it exists even when the moon isn't out, and you could see well beyond just Everchange. I'm fairly certain this could be meta and world breaking. They could literally see as far as the moonlight reaches into space. Even just restricting it to Everchange's known world, that's literally everywhere outside with no restriction, as well as through any window, crack, door, etc. Way, way too powerful as is. They'd be the ultimate spy!

Lunar energy in general: These ... powers don't relate to the moon. Since the move, we've made a rule that powers have to relate to their domains; I can let lunarportation go as it's 'shining down' like moonlight, and lunar vision I understand in the same context (we've let some borderline things like that go), but the others and the concept don't relate how an alicorn power should. Healing, Empowerment, and Magic in general are, frankly, just things that they could learn via standard unicorn magic and probably do just fine because of their naturally increased alicorn powers. The moon has nothing to do with healing, strengthening, etc, as it is.

This also opens the can of worms that lunar energy is now a thing in the world and a whole class of magic on its own, which I can't decide by myself. If you're insistent in pursuing the concept, I'll have to take it to Nym and Shark, and you would still need to likely change the domain from the moon to more directly, well, lunar energy, as they'd be separate ideas.

If you'd like some suggestions of replacements relating to the moon directly, think about the moon itself - gravity powers, for instance, would make sense, as well as affecting the tides. I really hate you've waited this long for me to be a party pooper. x'D Domains are meant to be literal ties to that domain, and while we allow stretching of this concept (Forests being able to teleport by traveling through a forest's root system, for instance, or Overgrowth having double meanings and being able to both cause something to grow up but also being able to cause cancerous growths), they still need some defining tie to the concrete domain.

Rainbows is mostly fine, but for Rainbow Bridge - I do understand the association, but I think the being able to ... be a solid bridge is stretching the concept of the domain too far. Perhaps making it more of a group teleportation ability where he can move someone to the other end of a rainbow (even one he's made) instantaneously? We tend to be more flexible with teleportation abilities, and it fits in with "at the end of the rainbow" mythology. You could make the distance traveled longer, perhaps able to transport up to 10 ponies at a time, but only once a day?

Brighten Up Life - doesn't need the "vibrancy depends on mood" modifier. Should have a limiter on how often he can do it, and I'd say it should fade gradually over time, even if it's a long time (like over a month?), since splash of color is a permanent effect.

Splash of Color - Remove the ability to have permission for it to be permanent (because we don't want someone trying to use his abilities to claim new markings or such xD). How much paint equivalent can he use a day (like, the equivalent of a small cup of paint, a pint of paint, a gallon, etc).

Missing the Light - so to be clear, this can be seen outside of the radius? x'D Like a big ol' ball of BLEH approaching? Is this active and focused or a constant effect? Conceptually okay as despair seems to make the world greyer (though I would personally make it greyscale and not sepia, sepia tends to be warm and nostalgic for people!)

Leeching the Heat, Haunting Walk - Justify to me how these associate directly with/from despair. You can see my ramble about "literal" links above in my post to Sami. xD

Shuttering Gaze - Do they ONLY CRY, or do they actually feel the effects of despair (heart-wrenching emptiness, hopelessness, ... you know, despair)? How often can he do this.

Gut Wrenching Feeling - So this is a constant effect? Can it be resisted? Because I could see this to be considered a compulsion or overpowered if it's entirely irresistable.

Lie to Me and White Lies are basically the same power. The compulsion can't really be any stronger or it would start to affect less willful ponies more, so ... xD Combine them. :v

Unbelievable! - "won't" help again isn't an acceptable limiter. How often can she do this, and is she ABLE to do it more than once for a single pony or no? o vo

Puppet Master - so these can only do tasks in the shadows? I'm iffy on if it's conceptually solid enough for the domain since shadows doesn't inherently deal with minions/living things, but we may be able to work it as 'creeping shadows' / solidifying them, maybe.

Void Walker - how far away through shadows / what is the max range of this ability? Does he have to know a place exists to try and travel there?

Now You See Me - does this essentially make him invisible when engulfed in shadows or ...? How often can he do this.

Dark Travels - how long can he travel in this way?

Shadow Manipulation - How much can he change shadows, like ... 50% bigger/smaller, etc? No limiter could mean he could essentially block out the sun and that's no good. 8D

Bunnies - approved

Eye of the Beholder - does this mean that nopony can actually see what she really looks like, since it changes small aspects of her actual appearance? Also to be clear, this doesn't affect their opinion of her, but simply how they literally percieve her?

Fashion Police - So, fashion is subjective; is this simply what she thinks would look good on them? Because overall this really wouldn't be a power per se as much as a good eye for lighting and colors. 8D

All-Star - This is more power like, as if I'm understanding it, the glow-up is magically enhanced to enhance all their best features? For clarity, this doesn't make them more beautiful to ponies that wouldn't otherwise find them appealing, yes? It just takes all their best and makes them ~shine~? (Because, I mean, I might not like that worm poking out of Suzy's eye, but Joe might think it's the best thing since sliced bread...)

10 Minutes - How often can she do this for other ponies per day?

The Face - Direct mind control abilities / powers that take away player facility are not allowed, so she can't force influence/charm a pony. You can have an ability to make them more open to suggestion / more likely to help her if they're infatuated with her, but it cannot be guaranteed.

Some of this needs a little bit of clarification, so bare with me, yea?

Awareness - "when it is time to create a storm" - Do you mean sensing when a storm is approaching? They don't have to be responsible for creating every thunderstorm. X3? I also don't understand the addition about "a sense of when danger might come".

Storm Flight - So they are able to make thunderstorms? Again, they aren't responsible for -every- thunderstorm that ever happens. How often can they make storms?

Friction - So they can create lightning from their tail - how often, and is this like a strong bolt of lightning in power/damage done?

Shimmer - okay, their abilities don't hurt themselves. This is fine!

Paranoia --
Turn Around, Look At Me - I think a permanent paranoia would be pretty devastating, so how long does the lasting paranoia last, or does it stay for the duration of the year? (I think a year would be fine since that's the cooldown, perhaps gradually growing weaker over the course of the year?)

Alternatively, you could definitely make it happen more often, but make the duration less; say, if you wanted to do it once a week, then the effect would only last a week. I wouldn't go over a year, but down to as often as a day if desired, with the duration matching the cooldown.

Don't Trust A - make a note that this ... enhances natural distrusts ponies may have about each other and creates an air of tension. Direct mind control isn't allowed but enhancing natural paranoias about each other is.

Heartbreak --
Looks good, repost as its own form and we're good to go.

Clarity --
Looks good here too, repost as its own form and good to go.

@One Little Jay
the Hunt approved. birds approved.

Treasure approved.

@Bouquet of Diamonds
Inheritance approved.

Trees approved.

Confusion approved.

Treasure | Inheritance | Trees | Confusion | the Hunt | Birds | Bunnies


Grizzled Veteran
Missing the Light - so to be clear, this can be seen outside of the radius? x'D Like a big ol' ball of BLEH approaching? Is this active and focused or a constant effect? Conceptually okay as despair seems to make the world greyer (though I would personally make it greyscale and not sepia, sepia tends to be warm and nostalgic for people!)

Leeching the Heat, Haunting Walk - Justify to me how these associate directly with/from despair. You can see my ramble about "literal" links above in my post to Sami. xD

Shuttering Gaze - Do they ONLY CRY, or do they actually feel the effects of despair (heart-wrenching emptiness, hopelessness, ... you know, despair)? How often can he do this.

Gut Wrenching Feeling - So this is a constant effect? Can it be resisted? Because I could see this to be considered a compulsion or overpowered if it's entirely irresistable.
Missing the Light- Outside of the radius it would probably not be noticeable at all, and everything shifts slowly as he gets closer.
Also down with it being black and white instead. XD

Leeching the Heat, Haunting Walk- I wrote these up thinking of ways despair effects others. Some people get physically cold and distant under the distress of despair, and some people become shells of themselves and basically 'haunt' their own homes. I figured since he is the ruling character of the domain, he might take on a few disparaging side effects himself.

Shuttering Gaze- For this one, its just tears. My thought process was just facing despair head on might make you cry. xD I would not be opposed to combining this with the final power though and requiring both direct intent and eye contact to make the sad feelings and crying all one package.

Gut Wrenching Feeling- See above. Also like most feelings I figure it would effect each pony differently based on their personality and how they might react to the feeling of despair. Stronger ponies or those used to misery would be unaffected entirely since they're accustomed to the feeling (also might shock the hell outta him, plots!).