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▷ Claims and Power Approvals


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
I am tentatively approving this claim!

Please be aware that the Alicorn of the Lost already exists, and you will need to provide powers that are more fitting the niche of "Lost Paths" to differentiate the two!

Moon Claiming Power!

Domain desired: Lost Paths

I understand it is my responsibility to renew this claim if I don't acquire the alicorn within 60 days!



Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Purification
Pony: Here She Is

  1. Come Closer :: Berry has a aura of roughly 10ft around her. It trails for about 15ft and lasts in this trail for up to 8 hours. While within this aura, a pony can slowly be eased of one poison or common illness that is greatly affecting them. This aura can also cure a region, roughly 10 miles in every direction, of a plague in its soil if she stays more than 30 days within the radius. She has no control over this aura and if more than 20 ponies are purified rapidly by this aura, it will cause her to be drained.
  2. Just a Tap :: With a touch, Berry can replicate her aura's power. With more focus on what it is that she is purifying. She can use any part of her body for this ability. She can do this for up to 10 ponies a day before she starts feeling tired.
  3. And Just a Drop :: With a touch, Berry can also imbue this single purification into a object, this will remain active for up to 8 hours before it fades. She can do this for up to 5 objects in a single day before it starts to drain her.
  4. With a Song :: Her words carry so much meaning. Berry is able to purify negative thoughts and feelings with a hum or a simple conversation. Speaking with Berry will help clear your thoughts of any negative feeling or self harm, this conversation has to be for longer than five minutes. As for her song, she has to be singing for more than 2 minutes to clear the air of all sour mood. She can only use this song once a day.
  5. Purifying Wave :: Her last resort for when she's in the depths of a nightmare. If things get too much and there's too much negative energies around her. Berry can unleash a wave of purifying energy that banishes it all. This however will leave her totally drained and possibly comatose for several months. This effects extreme toxins, such as a airborne plague. She cannot clear negative thoughts or extreme negative emotions with this wave.

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bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Pyschopomps // ψυχοπομπός (Guide of Souls - not death)
Pony: upcoming breeding drop

  • Resounding Call: this power makes her feel more in tune with the words and feelings of others
    • if she feels like someone is truly hurting--be it physical, emotional, psychological--she will find them to help in which ever way she can
  • The Dancing Twilight: an illusionary power that allows her to make auroras appear
    • this power is known to cause a sense of awe in others have a calming affect on those who have a heavy heart
  • The Walk Between: a teleportation spell that allows her to teleport herself and 1-2 others
    • she will usually take others to her secret garden, being mostly roses, that she tends to and where wildlife thrives
    • this place is enchanted to have a relaxing affect on others, allowing them peace, especially in their hardest of times
    • the animals happily flock to visitors, finding the ponies to be great company, too
  • The Weight of Your Heart: when a pony is baring their heart and soul to her, she takes on some of their sorrows to lighten their load
    • this does cause her to experience a flood of emotions or pain that lasts for approximately a day
    • to her, it is worth it to help take part of the burden of another to keep it from crushing them



Grizzled Veteran
Moon Claiming Power!

Domain desired: Swapping 'Loneliness' for 'Comfort' (So, so sorry but I had it backwards. This is my first rodeo.)

I understand it is my responsibility to renew this claim if I don't acquire the alicorn within 60 days!



late to the party
Staff member
How long does Don't Get Close last once he leaves the area? I didn't understand the power last time so I couldn't properly ask. Edit that in and repost and you should be good to go.

just a tap - how often can she do this, and does that mean that she can give an object her purifying powers? That is, could she enchant a stone to be able to purify things? If so those would need to be two separate powers (which you have room for, so no problem) - one for being able to concentrate her powers at touch, one for being able to enchant an item to purify for her

with a song - how often can she do this, as it's pretty powerful - also a bit stretching the definition, but I like it!

purifying wave - what defines 'negative energies'? I'm cool with working with you for with a song as you could argue negative thoughts are 'tainting' or 'poisonous,' for sure, but I need more clarification here on what this covers as it needs to be things that can be purified, not just any blanket bad thing. Also, how far around her does it affect?

for hallucinations, I think that's fine. Can you edit those in and repost the full power sheet?

This all seems fine except thar be treasure - do they need to KNOW what treasure exists, or do they just have a sense of where the 'nearest' treasure would be? is treasure defined specifically as 'hidden things of monetary value' or just 'things of monetary value that we could steal also' XD

also: I am suggesting using the domain Pirates instead of Piracy as your powers relate directly to being a pirate, vs piracy itself (which is more aligned towards specifically robbing, stealing, hijacking, or also cracking and using illegal software). I can def approve your powers for the domain of Pirates after that small clarification, not so much for Piracy.

@One Little Jay
I think those should work, you can edit in and repost!

Reagents - does he create them from thin air or does he just have the power to enchant any materials to work for him?

for the others, how often can he make the enchantments? how long do they typically last? The powers themselves seem fine power wise! I just gotta have durations and uses per day/time period. o vo

vibration sense - since this relies specifically on vibrations, can he only see living creatures/organisms? as I would imagine if he can detect molecular level vibrations he would very quickly go insane from the entire world vibrating around him all the time. in which case, does that mean that stillness makes his sight less effective (if not entirely blind depending on the size of the organism, since internal organs still clearly function and move)

indomitable will - how far does it reduce it? does it reduce alicorn effects, or only typical magical effects? are they halfed, quartered, etc

shadow meld - as an awakened I feel like he needs a limit on how often he can do this per day

shadow reach - 4 yards / 5x daily seems a bit strong for awakened and not alicorn, how about 1 yard (that is three feet after all) and 2x daily?

soothing touch - how long is an 'extended' period? how fully does this power soothe? does it ever stop activating? a constant power like that feels a bit strong for an awakened without specific boundaries :3

comfort zone - how long can he do this at one time, how many times a day

since these powers don't really affect other ponies in any meaningful/needs to be power-balanced way I'll say she's fine and approved.

Peppermint Quartz:
same as above, so approved~

@bitsie spider
Due to the possibly religious connotation, I'm letting you know that I'm not going to look at your powers until I've talked with Nym about the domain itself. It's not death itself, but it's very heavily related. :3

Awakened: 1 | 2
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Stew Aficionado
@polliwoggi - Can do for Hallucinations!

I'm happy to change Piracy for Pirates. Would you like me to post a domain claim saying that I'm switching them out, or just that I'm claiming Pirates?

It would just be a case of knowing the nearest treasure to them at the time. Treasure would be defined to them as "something with monetary value that we can steal" (though they would try to steal anything they came across if it had value to them, haha) If they'd already stolen something, they wouldn't have a constant awareness of it, versus what they have yet to steal, if that makes sense?


Stew Aficionado
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Hallucinations
Pony: Pastel Grimace

  1. Really There? - Pastel Grimace seems to give off the impression that he's not really there. Ponies have a hard time looking directly at him and when they leave they have side effects of lingering confusion/may feel disoriented. Who were they talking to? Was anypony really there?
  2. Heart's Desire - If Pastel Grimace touches a creature's heart/over their heart directly, he can bring forth illusions of that ponies greatest desire, whether it be the memory of a loved one lost or piles of wealth, to surround the pony. This effect lasts for three minutes and can be used up to three times a day.
  3. Pink Ponies on Parade - If a pony is already under an influence that may cause them to hallucinate on their own (alcohol, certain plants, etc) when Pastel Grimace is near, they will find their hallucinations to become more vivid and longer-lasting. Pastel Grimace must be within a 20 foot radius of the inebriated pony for this to take affect.
  4. Prestidigitation: Wonders - Pastel Grimace is able to create minor effects that don't quite seem right. Singing flowers, backwards clocks and haunting, off-tune melodies are what he tends to create most often. He can create these illusions from up to 6 feet away from him.
  5. You Too, Huh? - Pastel Grimace knows when a creature is experiencing hallucinations.



Grizzled Veteran

The sense is more akin to echolocation of sorts. His antenna vibrates sending out high pitch sound that bounces off of things are received back by his antenna. Maybe a different name would be better?
Will also cut down the effective distance to 17-20yrds rather than 50(feel that may be a bit much)

For the will ability, would reducing it by half be too much? With the downside that effects that are in is nature are doubled on him? (otherwise just quartered would be fine)
I would like it to effect alicorn powers, but if that's too much then I'm fine with it not and just being magic/other awakened powers.

For shadow meld is 2 times a day okay?

and that's sounds fine for shadow reach.


late to the party
Staff member


Please get your awakeneds certed before submission - I forgot that we organize them by name, so you HAVE to have certs (unlike alicorns). Your powers I approved are fine once you do that!



Stew Aficionado
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Mischief (has been approved but I want to triple make sure powers were approved)
Pony: xXx

  1. Faerie Form: The ability to take on a much smaller form, generally about six inches high. The user can still do everything they normally would- eat, drink, sleep, potty, fly, magic, etc. They are just really really tiny. The shrinking ability can last for up to two hours, and is ONLY active on the Alicorn themself. They can NOT use this ability on other ponies.
  2. Invisibility: The ability to make oneself invisible to the naked eye. The user can choose who can and cannot see them even while invisible. It follows the same rules as Faerie Form, where it can only be used on the Alicorn who is attuned to it (can't think of wording, sorry x.x). It can last up to two hours, no longer.
  3. Mischief Manipulation: The ability to inspire mischief in other ponies around them. It affects one pony completely for an hour. It can only be in effect so long as the Alicorn is around, within five feet of the pony.
  4. Illusion Manipulation: The ability to create, shape, and manage illusions. Such illusions can cause the target to hear, touch, smell, see and/or taste things that may not actually exist. Affecting one pony completely for an hour, a whole crowd with a couple senses for 10 minutes, or a small group with one set for 30 minutes.



Stew Aficionado
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Moon (purchased and approved)
Pony: xXx

  1. Lunaportation: The ability to teleport via lunar energy, merging with the lunar energy and appearing anywhere else from the same lunar energy, i.e. wherever the moon shines down upon. They can do this up to five times in one night, so long as it is only ten miles in distance. Further than 10 miles would take up multiple charges. Example- Lunaporting 20 miles would be two charges, 30 miles is three, 40 miles is four, etc. So ultimately, up to 50 miles in one lunar cycle. (Not sure if this is still too much, or even too little. Having a hard time judging.)
  2. Lunar Aura: The ability to release and surround oneself in lunar energy for defensive and offensive purposes. Said lunar energy can be used in two ways; to strengthen into a shield or to coalesce into a weapon. The larger the manifested item, the shorter of a time span it can last. A sword could last for approximately ten minutes, a large dome shield would last five minutes.
  3. Lunar Empowerment: The ability to call upon the energy of the moon to make oneself stronger, faster, and even more durable. To double their strength, as in the strength of two ponies, it can be maintained for up to an hour, so long as they are not using too much of something else such as Luna Aura. They can even triple their strength, but that can only be maintained for half an hour, and leaves them absolutely exhausted for twelve hours afterwards.
  4. Lunar Healing: The ability to heal oneself or others by using lunar energy. They can heal broken bones and internal healing, but can not bring some pony back from the brink of death with this. Healing of a broken bone or internal bleeding, or even organs, can take several hours. The smaller the break in bone, the quicker it is done, but the smaller the organ, the longer it takes. However, these are done with surgical precision without the tools, due to it being healed by magic. Example - Broken leg, with several breaks. This would take an entire night (roughly eight hours), with resting periods every 45 minutes for them to recharge their lunar energy for about 15 minutes.
  5. Lunar Vision: The ability to see everything through the moonlight, enabling one to see across the world and look upon areas, so long as the moon shines on that place.
  6. Lunar Magic: The only time this ability can be used is on a full moon, at midnight. This magic is incredibly strong and lunar specific, allowing one to practice miraculous feats of magic related to their domain (healing, generally, but can extend to offense/defense). Now this is something that could bring a pony back from the brink of death. Which was more or less my intention for it, and I had not thought much farther past that as a possibility.

    Notes: Born Alicorn. All powers will be weakest at the apex of the day (highest point of sun, around noon) and strongest at the apex of the moon (roughly midnight?) Also, they can wax and wane with the moon cycle. So, the Alicorn's magic would be at it's apex on a full moon, at midnight, and at it's lowest during a new moon, during the day of said moon. (Should one want to attack, that is the easiest time to)

    Lunar Energy is quite literally moonlight from the moon. The magical connection this pony has with the moon allows them to turn the moonlight into a usable resource, replenished every night when the moon rises. They can use crystals to store small amounts of lunar Energy should they need to cast magic during the day, but these are very small reserves that only allow them to perform small spells.


Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Snow

  1. Snow Globe: Make a localized snow-storm for a set period of time. Specifically, clouds appear overhead and begin sprinkling snow, the area affected is directly proportional to the length/heaviness of the storm. The maximum area would be 400m radius, with the clouds able to snow for max 1hr and it would be a light sprinkling of snow. Maximum time would be 6 hours over a 50m radius, and it can result in a 3-4ft of snow.
  2. Snow-Walking: blessing others to be able to walk across snow with ease for a set period of time. Max 1 day.
  3. Winter Coat: able to bless ponies with snow-colors to be able to blend in with snow for a set period of time. Max 1 day.
  4. Olaf the Snowman: Able to make semi-sentient snow-ponies for a short period of time. Size, number, and time all affect the extent of this power. One large snow-ogre can be sustained for a period of 2hrs, the equivalent of 6 small snow ponies. One small snow pony can be alive for a day. They have no individual thought, but are able to follow general directives. A small snow pony made to play would be able to bounce about play games as directed. A snow-ogre could be directed to carry something heavy.
  5. Winter's Hush: If he is actively in a snowy environment, he exudes an aura of peacefulness that affects a 10m radius. Like how everything gets really quiet and peaceful right after a snowstorm. Only works if he is actively in snow, either from a natural storm or during his "Snow Globe"
  6. Cold Sholder: While he himself is not cold to the touch, standing near him (3m radius) you feel slightly colder and unless the weather is extraordinarily warm, wherever he walks, Auror leave behind snowy footsteps

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Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Toxic Waste

  1. Radioactive: Spending too much time (2+hrs a day for 3+days) around this alicorn can make you sick and/or increase the likelihood of mutation in breeding (this latter part is ONLY for backstory/plotting purposes for ponies that already exist; i.e. Your First Gen pony Z has a mutation and their NPC Parent Y or X (who is NOT a mutant) had a run-in with this Alicorn in the past. Unless the shop asks me for event purposes, you cannot use an rp of ours as a way to ask for random mutations in breedings with non-mutant parents. )
  2. Drippy: He constantly oozes a toxic sludge, but he can keep it from dripping off his body with active concentration. When weak, sick, or asleep, however, he will ooze uncontrollably. This sludge is highly unhealthy to come in contact with and can cause skin and eye irritation and possibly death if ingested.
  3. Radiate: Can irradiate objects so they glow. Note: this is dangerous and the items are now radioactive and will make anyone around it sick. Can also undo this, per Absorb power below.
  4. Absorb: Alicorn can attract garbage, sludge, or radioactive waste from a 50m radius to itself and absorb/dispose of it. Works best in polluted waterways. The more polluted an area, the less effective the power. If over-polluted, they will begin oozing uncontrollably and will have to find a safe place to dispose of the remnants.
  5. Ooze: Though they generally don't, the Alicorn does have the ability to purposefully ooze toxic sludge and leave it behind in their wake in order to pollute an area purposefully.


Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Rejuvination

  1. Wakey-wakey!: Persephone can bring things out of dormancy, specifically at the end of winter (she would not really use this power otherwise except maybe to heal a coma victim or something like that). She makes it her duty to make sure that all the hibernating animals and plants wake up in spring. Just a small bit of energy is spared per creature; just enough to give them a nudge in the direction of spring.
  2. Growth-spurt: Persephone can bless a small area with energy for growth. Nothing will simply sprout out of the ground, but she can bless a small meadow or an orchard so that over the next few days the plants will grow faster and stronger (plants cannot be abused in the meantime, not watering them or hurting them will negate her blessing).
  3. Rejuvenation: Persephone can bring energy and youthfulness back to a select individual. Depending on how unwell or aged the pony is, affects the overall effectiveness of the blessing. Asking Persephone for this blessing too often can lead to depressive side effects, just like any kind of false euphoria would. She can only do this three times a day Max. This is different than her passive envigorating aura as it is supposed to very specifically help an individual who needs a little more energy or to be in less pain. Basically squish all the good feeling you would get from a full spa-day into an insta-spell.
  4. Envigorating Aura: Being around Persephone (10m radius) makes you feel energized and well rested. The longer the presence, the longer the effect lingers. Being around her for an hour can give a sense of well-being that will last the rest of the day.
  5. Warm hugs: Snuggling Persephone feels particularly amazing, both exceptionally energizing and relaxing
  6. Green thumb: Any place that Persephone lives in for a prolonged period of time will see an increase in the health and vigorousness of the flora/fauna that live with her. Max 50m radius to call "home", requires she be there at least several hours a day for at least 4 days a week.
