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▷ Exploring The Daycare!

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 15
15. You check the teachers desk and find sticky notes shaped like hearts. Cute, but neither useful in your search of something one of the missing kids might want!


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 9
Res: 9
Bribe fail. at this point I"m just tormenting him because i'm doing these while tired


Looking out the window where the yellow one had escaped he heard a noise in the classroom only to spin around and see the crazy unicorn again who had crayons and was already ready to draw on the wall. Raising a paw he rubbed his face and grimaced. He was tired and took a step toward the permafoal. Watching the unicorn dip out and run away. Well that was unsurprising at this point. At least he didn’t get kicked again. He stood there and took a breath in the classroom and counted to ten. That was supposed to be good for anger management.
  • Apple - xx
  • Pretty stones- xxx
  • item - link to roll
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Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 9
Res: 5
Bribe fail.

After his ten count he heard small nibbling under the teachers desk. He saw a green permafoal eating what looked like carrots. He considered reaching toward them but it was pretty clear they were intent of their carrot and he really wasn’t risking being bitten over this. He didn’t even have a carrot to bribe them out. If he did the situation might have played out differently. He thought of the apple and offered it but the creepy little bunny looked at him but then went back to eating the carrot. Yep carrot or mothering. Leaving the little pest under the desk he headed out of the classroom.

  • Apple - xx
  • Pretty stones- xxx
  • item - link to roll
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Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 13

Not seeing much else to check in this room Bedazzle Mint decided to go out to the hallway to find another room to search. She made it out into the hall and was heading towards the next room on the other side of the hall when she heard a noise. She looked down the hall and saw a car toy speeding towards her. She tried her best to avoid it but slipped a little in the process. Giggles could be heard from down the hall as she worked to keep her hooves beneath her.
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Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 5
More exploring!

Bedazzle Mint looked in the direction that they car had come from and started to walk that way. As she did she noticed a trail of glitter on the floor. Did it come from the car or perhaps a mischievous foal? She wasn't sure but decided that following it might lead her to something. She ended up in a room designated 'Art Room' and reached the end of the trail in the middle of the room. Left with another mystery Bedazzle Mint scratched her head a little.

  • candy - link
  • item - link to roll
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