- 249
- #263
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 9
Res: 6
Bribe attempt (Blueberries)
Itto stepped out of the science room, pondering over where to go next. “A foal was found in the classroom, there was one in the kitchen but I didn’t have the right gift for them. I haven’t checked the garden yet, or the playroom… though I should probably save that one for last, or I’m gonna get distracted with the toys again.” He listed to himself, walking down the halls- peeking into rooms as he went. Glue, not long after they had left the previous room, had bitten onto the hem of the large stallion’s jacket and began to tug on it- trying to stop his keeper… or at least, get his attention. It didn’t seem to work. “Then there was the foal in the sci- WAIT!” Spinning on his hooves, and quickly made his way back to the science room- then to the closet that the little foal was in, happy that they were still there. “Hey kid! … Where are the others hiding?” Itto leaned in close, hoping to get an answer. All he got was a smack on the cheek with a ruler. “OOOOWWWW!!! Okay… I get it, it’s a secret. You didn’t have to hit me.” Itto huffs, sniffling as he sulks away from the closet and out of the science room- where Glue just had to shake its head because… once again, Itto forgot he had a cute eraser in his pocket.

Itto stepped out of the science room, pondering over where to go next. “A foal was found in the classroom, there was one in the kitchen but I didn’t have the right gift for them. I haven’t checked the garden yet, or the playroom… though I should probably save that one for last, or I’m gonna get distracted with the toys again.” He listed to himself, walking down the halls- peeking into rooms as he went. Glue, not long after they had left the previous room, had bitten onto the hem of the large stallion’s jacket and began to tug on it- trying to stop his keeper… or at least, get his attention. It didn’t seem to work. “Then there was the foal in the sci- WAIT!” Spinning on his hooves, and quickly made his way back to the science room- then to the closet that the little foal was in, happy that they were still there. “Hey kid! … Where are the others hiding?” Itto leaned in close, hoping to get an answer. All he got was a smack on the cheek with a ruler. “OOOOWWWW!!! Okay… I get it, it’s a secret. You didn’t have to hit me.” Itto huffs, sniffling as he sulks away from the closet and out of the science room- where Glue just had to shake its head because… once again, Itto forgot he had a cute eraser in his pocket.
Word count: 237
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- 198
- #264
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 9
Res: 4
Bribe attempt (Blueberries)
Grumbling and rubbing his cheek as he walked out of the science room. “Stupid foal… smacking me with a ruler. If I wasn’t so busy… I would show them.” Itto huffs, walking down the hall again. Glue, once again, grabs onto his jacket and tugs to get its keeper’s attention- but like before, the stubborn stallion continues to ignore him. Or he just didn’t feel the tugging. He kept walking, wondering where else he could find a foal. Once again, he heard clattering nearby- quickly tucking into the kitchen… only to find the little bird foal once again. “Arrgh! Why do I keep forgetting things. Hold on… maybe you can tell me. Tell me where the other foals are, and I’ll keep your secret.” He bargained, wagging his brows at the foal. That didn’t go over well, because Itto was just answered with a kick to the shin before the foal takes off. “YEOWCH! A SIMPLE ‘NO’ WOULD HAVE WORKED!” He yelled out, jumping a bit with the assaulted leg being held up for a moment while the pain subsided- limping out of the kitchen huffing.

Grumbling and rubbing his cheek as he walked out of the science room. “Stupid foal… smacking me with a ruler. If I wasn’t so busy… I would show them.” Itto huffs, walking down the hall again. Glue, once again, grabs onto his jacket and tugs to get its keeper’s attention- but like before, the stubborn stallion continues to ignore him. Or he just didn’t feel the tugging. He kept walking, wondering where else he could find a foal. Once again, he heard clattering nearby- quickly tucking into the kitchen… only to find the little bird foal once again. “Arrgh! Why do I keep forgetting things. Hold on… maybe you can tell me. Tell me where the other foals are, and I’ll keep your secret.” He bargained, wagging his brows at the foal. That didn’t go over well, because Itto was just answered with a kick to the shin before the foal takes off. “YEOWCH! A SIMPLE ‘NO’ WOULD HAVE WORKED!” He yelled out, jumping a bit with the assaulted leg being held up for a moment while the pain subsided- limping out of the kitchen huffing.
Word count: 186
Last edited:
- 261
- #269
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 9
Res: 7
Bribe attempt (Blueberries)
Itto doesn’t remember the foals ever being this mean. Then again, they were kind of in trouble and were trying to avoid having to clean up the mess they made. There were now older horses going around the daycare trying to find them, and make them own up to the consequences to their actions. So he can, kind of, understand how the foals could be so defensive. Still, doesn’t mean they have to hurt me for it. He thought with a pout, roaming through the building one more time. Some of the other foals just had to be found already, because there was no way that there was that many reasonable hiding spaces in this place. Speaking of, as he walked by a bulletin board that announced things like trips and activities coming up, a certain piece of paper pinned to it caught his eye. He also saw one of the workers standing in front of it, seemingly writing on the piece of paper. Getting closer, peering over the other horse’s shoulder – not that he really had to, he was tall enough – he watched as the worker crosses off the little dog foal from the list that he was shown earlier. Backing up, he was able to put two and two together… this time. “Someone probably found that foal. Well, if they’re keeping track of that… I should keep my eye out on this list more often then.” Food for thought, Itto and Glue walking off again.

Itto doesn’t remember the foals ever being this mean. Then again, they were kind of in trouble and were trying to avoid having to clean up the mess they made. There were now older horses going around the daycare trying to find them, and make them own up to the consequences to their actions. So he can, kind of, understand how the foals could be so defensive. Still, doesn’t mean they have to hurt me for it. He thought with a pout, roaming through the building one more time. Some of the other foals just had to be found already, because there was no way that there was that many reasonable hiding spaces in this place. Speaking of, as he walked by a bulletin board that announced things like trips and activities coming up, a certain piece of paper pinned to it caught his eye. He also saw one of the workers standing in front of it, seemingly writing on the piece of paper. Getting closer, peering over the other horse’s shoulder – not that he really had to, he was tall enough – he watched as the worker crosses off the little dog foal from the list that he was shown earlier. Backing up, he was able to put two and two together… this time. “Someone probably found that foal. Well, if they’re keeping track of that… I should keep my eye out on this list more often then.” Food for thought, Itto and Glue walking off again.
Word count: 247
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