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▷ Exploring The Daycare!


Stew Aficionado
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Res: 28

28. Near the toy trains you find a series of figurines, seemingly marching to nowhere.

The playroom seemed to be a ‘death trap’ for Itto. Every time he tries to leave, he just finds something else to keep him in the room. First it was the dress up bin, checking out the costumes. Then it was the toy, which lead to him knocking over and cleaning up a tower of blocks. This time, something by the trains caught his attention. “What’s going on here?” The closer he got to the trains, the more confused he seemed to get. For whatever reason, there was a line of figurines set up. He lifts a brow, walking along the line of figurines that seemed to be set up in a way to look like they were marching. “Maybe they’ll lead to a prize, or one of those special items!” With that thought in mind, Itto began to follow the marching figurines to see where they would go. At first, it was fun, as it was like some sort of mystery. As the time went on, and the line didn’t seem to have any specific destination in mind, he started to get a little annoyed. “Aaah… forget this.” He snorted, finally giving up- turning around and stomping out of the playroom… finally.

Word count: 203​

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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
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Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 7
7. A tower of building blocks clatter to the ground as you accidentally bump into it. Take a moment to fix your mess, yeah?



Stew Aficionado
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Max: 9
Res: 3
Bribe attempt (Pretty rocks)

Finally, having gotten fed up looking for the items to bribe the foals, Itto set off to actually start looking for them. Some motivation for his change of mind, might have been hearing around that some of the foals have already been found. Still having the grand idea of being labeled a hero, he had a new resolve to find the remaining foals… or, at least one. Initially, he really didn’t have any idea how to start looking for the foals or where to go first. For now, he walked around the daycare more. While walking, he noticed something scurry past him in a hurry- then hide under a table. “What was that?” Tilting his head, he makes his way over to the table and glances under it. His eyes go wide, growing excited to see that it was one of the foals. Which item was this one looking for again? He asked himself, tapping his hoof in thought. Eventually, he finally remembered that this particular foal could be bribed with an apple. Did I find an apple? He asked himself, and quickly occupied himself with looking through his pockets. While he fumbled about trying to look for the item in question, it seemed another pony did have the apple needed and took the foal while he was distracted- on top of that, he didn’t even have the item. Looking up to apologize to the foal for not having an apple, he blinked in surprise to see that they were gone. “Huh… I guess they ran off.” He shrugs and goes on to try to find a foal he did have an item for.

Word count: 274​

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Stew Aficionado
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Min: 1
Max: 9
Res: 4
Bribe attempt (Pretty rocks)

Itto muttered to himself a little about how that bear foal was stolen from him right out from under his nose, but he wasn’t too upset as he didn’t even have the means to bribe them out of hiding in the first place. Focusing on something else, he started to go from room to room, looking for the foals. He peered behind doors, under tables, in closets… even under rugs for these foals. “Man… these kids would win some Hide-n-seek contest if they were entered.” He complained lightly, but continued his search. As he walks by the kitchen, some clattering inside caught his attention. Stepping in, and making his way around a table to spot a little bird foal trying to squeeze itself between the pots and pans. “I believe this one liked pretty feathers.” Just like before, he shuffled through his pockets in search for the item in question… seemingly forgotten the contents of his pockets from a few minutes ago. This time around, no one swiped the foal from him while he was looking, but he also found that he didn’t have the item. “Sorry kid… looks like I don’t have any feathers… so, see ya!” With a wave, he turns and walks away.

Word count: 206​

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Stew Aficionado
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Min: 1
Max: 9
Res: 9
Bribe attempt (Pretty rocks)

This is going to be harder than I thought. I should’ve found all the items like I wanted…. Oooor, I should have started looking for the foals earlier. Pah… whatever… it’s too late now. Itto thought, still walking through the daycare in search for foals. Starting so late, he had to wonder how many foals have already been found by this point in time. There were nine, and he doesn’t remember how long he has been searching for bribe items for, so it was more than likely that other ponies had found some of them. That proof would make itself known shortly. Walking passed the classroom, he spotted a unicorn foal being found and lectured about the mess that was made. I checked this room like three times, how did I miss them?! Eh… oh well, at least the awesome drawing is still up on the blackboard. He thought, admiring it for a little while before walking away again.

Word count: 159​

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