- 245
- #202
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 21
21. The stack of color books in the art room topple over!
After putting the finishing touches to the dinosaur masterpiece, Itto leaves the classroom once more. Stepping out of the room, he began to think of which rooms he hasn’t checked yet that he knows about. Doing this was starting to feel a little like deja-vu, but it only took a couple minutes for him to think of one place he hasn’t stopped by yet. “The art room! That’s totally a place where I would find something the foals love.” It didn’t take him long to trot over to the art room, head quickly turning this way and that in search for something that stands out as a ‘clue’ or ‘important’ the moment he stepped into the room. While he was looking, a gust of wind must have blown through the room from an open door or window, but suddenly a stack of coloring books come clattering down behind him. “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” Itto nearly shrieks in surprise, jumping and turning around in a ready to strike position… only to see the scattered books over the floor. He stood like that for a moment, just staring at the coloring books before a flush of color spread across his face in embarrassment. Looking left, then right, he hoped no one saw that as he quickly shuffles out of the art room. “Well… nothing here, we should skedaddle...”

21. The stack of color books in the art room topple over!
After putting the finishing touches to the dinosaur masterpiece, Itto leaves the classroom once more. Stepping out of the room, he began to think of which rooms he hasn’t checked yet that he knows about. Doing this was starting to feel a little like deja-vu, but it only took a couple minutes for him to think of one place he hasn’t stopped by yet. “The art room! That’s totally a place where I would find something the foals love.” It didn’t take him long to trot over to the art room, head quickly turning this way and that in search for something that stands out as a ‘clue’ or ‘important’ the moment he stepped into the room. While he was looking, a gust of wind must have blown through the room from an open door or window, but suddenly a stack of coloring books come clattering down behind him. “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” Itto nearly shrieks in surprise, jumping and turning around in a ready to strike position… only to see the scattered books over the floor. He stood like that for a moment, just staring at the coloring books before a flush of color spread across his face in embarrassment. Looking left, then right, he hoped no one saw that as he quickly shuffles out of the art room. “Well… nothing here, we should skedaddle...”
Word count: 223
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- 220
- #203
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 23
23. The dress-up bin has little to offer except broken costumes. Maybe you should consider donating your old clothes?
Itto quickly ducked himself out of the art room as he could without running, quickly entering the playroom just in case to keep himself from being spotted. He hid himself behind the wall, just off to the side of the door frame- even holding his breath to be silent as he made sure no one was following him for his outcry. After his paranoia faded, he shook his head briefly before lifting it and looking around to see where he ended up hiding in. “Oh… I’m in the playroom again. Well, might as well give it one more go over while I’m here.” Itto said to himself, then went further into the room. That’s when he spotted the dress-up bin, excitedly making his way up to peer inside- only to stop, and frown. “Maaaan… that’s depressing.” He said, pulling out costume and inspecting them closely to see each one torn and tattered. “After this is over, and I get the time… I’mma drop some old clothes off for these kids!” With a determined nod of his head, he put the costumes back into the bin, then headed out of the room.

23. The dress-up bin has little to offer except broken costumes. Maybe you should consider donating your old clothes?
Itto quickly ducked himself out of the art room as he could without running, quickly entering the playroom just in case to keep himself from being spotted. He hid himself behind the wall, just off to the side of the door frame- even holding his breath to be silent as he made sure no one was following him for his outcry. After his paranoia faded, he shook his head briefly before lifting it and looking around to see where he ended up hiding in. “Oh… I’m in the playroom again. Well, might as well give it one more go over while I’m here.” Itto said to himself, then went further into the room. That’s when he spotted the dress-up bin, excitedly making his way up to peer inside- only to stop, and frown. “Maaaan… that’s depressing.” He said, pulling out costume and inspecting them closely to see each one torn and tattered. “After this is over, and I get the time… I’mma drop some old clothes off for these kids!” With a determined nod of his head, he put the costumes back into the bin, then headed out of the room.
Word count: 191
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- 14
- #204
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 25
25. The teacher's desk is barren, except for piles of unused sticky notes.
25. The teacher's desk is barren, except for piles of unused sticky notes.
- 64
- #205
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 17
Exploring some more!~
17. You poke around the reading corner and find a torn homework assignment!
17. You poke around the reading corner and find a torn homework assignment!
- Carrots - link to roll
- Apple - (Bribe option no longer available) - link to roll
- Candy (Bribe option no longer available) - link to roll
- Blindbox (Bribe option no longer available) - link to roll
- Soda pop (Bribe option no longer available) - link to roll
- 368
- #220
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 7
07. A tower of building blocks clatter to the ground as you accidentally bump into it. Take a moment to fix your mess, yeah?
As Itto headed towards the door of the playroom, an interesting toy caught his eye. Being the giant foal he was, of course, he had to play with it. Picking it up, he began to move the action figure around- making it ‘fight’ other toys around, along with sound effects to go along with it. “Pew pew, bash, bweeam… BOOM!” He laughed as he knocked over the ‘defeated’ toys, then went to the next ‘villain’ that needed to be thwarted- with a whole narrative to go along in his head. “Mr. Awesome takes down, yet, another powerful villain. There is nothing that can stop Mr. Awesome, and the crowd is going wild! RAAAAAH… RAAAAH!” Itto cheered, lifting a hoof into the air in celebration. In his moment of pretend time, he didn’t realize how close he was getting to a tower of blocks that had been built at some point. At least, not until it was too late. He jumped when he felt his flank bump into something, then wince at the clatter that happened not long after that. There was no screaming like a girl this time… mostly because he knew he caused it to fall, and it didn’t just fall out of no where. He turns and notices the blocks spread and scattered on the floor. “… Whoops.” For a moment, he was tempted to just leave them there- he wasn’t the one who left the blocks out to be pushed over in the first place. The more he thought about it though, the more he could hear Shinobu in his head telling him that it would only be right if he picked them up. With a sigh, he started to gather all the blocks up. Instead of putting them back in the tower like they were originally in though, he built a large throne with them and placed the toy onto it. “Okay… no more wasting time. I need to find the rest of the items, then the foals… like, pronto!”

07. A tower of building blocks clatter to the ground as you accidentally bump into it. Take a moment to fix your mess, yeah?
As Itto headed towards the door of the playroom, an interesting toy caught his eye. Being the giant foal he was, of course, he had to play with it. Picking it up, he began to move the action figure around- making it ‘fight’ other toys around, along with sound effects to go along with it. “Pew pew, bash, bweeam… BOOM!” He laughed as he knocked over the ‘defeated’ toys, then went to the next ‘villain’ that needed to be thwarted- with a whole narrative to go along in his head. “Mr. Awesome takes down, yet, another powerful villain. There is nothing that can stop Mr. Awesome, and the crowd is going wild! RAAAAAH… RAAAAH!” Itto cheered, lifting a hoof into the air in celebration. In his moment of pretend time, he didn’t realize how close he was getting to a tower of blocks that had been built at some point. At least, not until it was too late. He jumped when he felt his flank bump into something, then wince at the clatter that happened not long after that. There was no screaming like a girl this time… mostly because he knew he caused it to fall, and it didn’t just fall out of no where. He turns and notices the blocks spread and scattered on the floor. “… Whoops.” For a moment, he was tempted to just leave them there- he wasn’t the one who left the blocks out to be pushed over in the first place. The more he thought about it though, the more he could hear Shinobu in his head telling him that it would only be right if he picked them up. With a sigh, he started to gather all the blocks up. Instead of putting them back in the tower like they were originally in though, he built a large throne with them and placed the toy onto it. “Okay… no more wasting time. I need to find the rest of the items, then the foals… like, pronto!”
Word count: 334
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