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▷ Hiring Thread

My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Welcome to Everchange's always-open-and-looking hiring thread! Please ensure you read everything before applying!

  • Applicants may apply for multiple positions.
    Applying for multiple positions won't mean the applicant will be hired for all if they are selected for one. Applicants are encouraged to keep in mind how many duties they can juggle. Applicants approached by staff for further discussion will have a conversation with Nym about multiple position applications and won't just be swept into all positions applied for.
  • All writing and work must be written by the applicant and only the applicant.
    Do not plagiarize (this includes using AI in any capacity, which is also not allowed on BS), collaborate, or request someone else complete the application.
  • This is a customer service position at its root. Please do not apply if you cannot remain civil.
    Every staff member will be involved with customers in some aspect. While the owners of Everchange have every interest in protecting their staff and will not force them to interact with players they do not get along with, it is expected to remain civil at a minimum. In saying that, management have taken steps to protect staff in situations where customers make them feel unsafe -- staff voices always matter and are valued in Everchange.
  • Applicants do not need prior work experience in the B/C.
    Prior work in the B/C helps give further insight into an applicant's ability and talent, but it is not required. Applicants are encouraged to consider adding more examples of their work if they have 0 experience with adopts in general.
  • Applicants must have and regularly use Discord.
    The staff server is the main hub for communication among staff. This is non-negotiable.
  • The shop has its own server for uploads. Applicants must be comfortable downloading a program (WinSCP) to access uploads and files.
    There is a staff guide on how to download and use WinSCP!
  • New hires will remain on probation for 3 months.
    Generally, new hires will be kept to custom/breeding threads and creating freebies. They may run smaller games, but until a review is done on their current progress within Everchange and it's determined they understand and work well within their role, new hires will not be able to run large events or games.
  • The shop reserves all rights to not hire anyone.
    No explanation is needed for why an applicant was not hired.
  • Do not request application review status.
    Hiring will remain open indefinitely and referenced consistently. Everchange will hire as needed. Requesting a status update will result in the application being set aside for the next few reviews.
  • RLC cannot be taken by anyone aside the owners (Nym and Tea).
    Do not apply if the intent is to profit off Everchange. This has happened in the past and has resulted in removal. Staff are paid in SC (staff credits), which can be turned in ponies, companions, trinkets, etc.
  • Old samples from previous hiring threads should be placed in the examples portion of the application (if applicable).
    All samples for this hiring thread should have been made for the 2024+ hiring process.
  • Lying about availability will only cause future pains for staff and the applicant. Be honest.
    Everchange does not categorize staff by full-time/part-time/guest anymore, although availability will weigh for hiring for support staff. Nym will have to check in on artists who do not contribute within a year or so (or have completely vanished), but there's an understanding that life sometimes gets in the way and staff need time. Support staff should be more often available, as they greatly help keep lists and features going.
  • Do not remove portions of the application.
    Applicants may add sections into their application, but they cannot remove sections as they are deemed required information for hiring.
  • If an applicant no longer wishes to be hired they must remove the post themselves.
    Those wishing to remove their application can either delete the post or strike it out.
  • Keep all applications in separate posts.
    All applications should be in separate posts for readability. Applicants may reference their other application in their posts.
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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Every position has different needs fulfilled, but we expect all staff to in general;
  • Have an interest in the shop and have at least begun learning the rules of the lore and world, and are open to learning more to ensure canonical work fits within limits. While as of April 2024 the shop is currently still undergoing lore and feature adjustments, new hires are given room to improve in understanding the base foundation of the world with an agreement they'll catch up during probation.
  • Work well within a team. Staff work together often.
  • Can communicate when there are changes in availability.
  • Not need constant guidance in picking up work or running games. Freebies are always sought after, and the monthly breedings/customs and artist threads are always readily available.
  • Do not participate in favoritism. We all have friends and spending SC is entirely up to the staff member in question, but non-SC work should be entirely non-biased.
  • Keep staff matters private. Any breach of staff information will result in termination.
Please read below for specific position requirements!

Artists include pony, companion, trinket, and clothing/accessory artists. All are necessary for the shop! Pony artists can also color companions. Everchange also seeks out companion-only artists, but they'll need to request another hiring process if they ever want to color ponies.
Those looking to apply for pony creating should understand that only the lineartist of the official lines (@astralprogenitor) can make new templated breed edits/breeds/morphs, as written in the contract for Everchange! Pony artists can make unique curiosities, but they will remain unique to that character. Breedings will require the curiosity to be redrawn. We do not template curiosities and carry them over, unless making a game that has a set of characters using the same curiosity (and even then it will only be for that event; breeding children will have their own drawn curiosities).
Ponies are broken into two categories when coloring; basic and advanced. Basic is a standard pony, using only templated lineart in their components. Hair and faces are not considered edits and keep a pony in the basic category. Advanced ponies are those with edits beyond hair and templated morphs/accessories/traits. If an applicant only wishes to apply to make basic ponies they must make it known, and will require another internal hiring process if they ever wish to work on advanced ponies. Staff will not train applicants -- it will have to be a self-driven process.
Everchange also allows applicants to apply just to make clothing/hair/accessory/trinket templates, but it will be vastly preferred if they also have an additional duty within the shop.
We have a few rules behind coloring/template making. Please read below, even if the rule doesn't pertain to the exact role you're applying for;
  • All works should be colored cleanly. Mistakes are alright, and are caught in the approval process before upload. Spills, empty spaces, inconsistent lineart or lineart coloring, and anatomy errors or the largest concerns. The owners and the moderators handle approvals and will ping with adjustments or an approval!
  • Coloring lineart is optional, but if it is done it should be consistent within the individual pony; if lines are colored to match markings, they should be colored to match all markings. If it is solid colored, it should be solidly blocked in throughout the whole pony.
  • Shading and highlighting is allowed! Everchange embraces artist style.
  • For pony creation, hybrids are allowed for general use. Mystics (those with curiosities), Awakened, Alicorns (which are currently not available as we rework their lore and system), and Permafoals are limited. Nym will announce to staff when they can color them for events/games, otherwise, they're generally off-limits unless within a breeding. Staff may suggest events where they'll be featured!
  • Please do not use only a tiny fraction of a template (e.g. one ghoulie spike or tooth as a feature in a wholly other breed). Any usage of a breed template makes that pony that breed. We'd like to avoid confusion where we can, especially with smaller edits.
  • All pony or companion body edits that are not from the available templated breed files are considered curiosities. Official templated edits (by our shop lineartist) come as they should be used and should never be repositioned/tilted/stretched or shrunk. Templated edits made for a specific age stage should never be used on a different age stage.
  • All artists will be expected to manage their SC accurately, including adding it on their own after creating work, removing it after spending, and ensuring all numbers are correct.
  • Breedings should only use the colors present. Colors on the body of the pony can be used anywhere, meaning hair/markings can be any color seen within the pony (including eye color!). Markings should be referencable from the parents. Curiosities can, within reason, morph depending on the parents involved if an explanation is given during the approval process (e.g "I made the ghoulie spikes long and twisted because parent A has long and twisted horns").
  • Lineart creators are limited to creating new companions, clothing/accessories/hair/expressions, and trinkets.
  • All artists must be able to open PSDs.
  • Never take under-the-table RLC bribes. It will result in the banning of both the artist and the customer participating.
There are further rules (mostly about how hybrids, systems, drops, uploads, etc etc work), but they will be learned if an applicant is hired! There will be plenty of time to slowly adjust into an artist positon, and new hires are not expected to immediately know Everything ™ and be Perfect ™ .

The shop has numerous running components that are not art based, and while Nym was having a ton of fun at first keeping up on them.... well, Everchange has grown considerably and now it cannot be a one-person job anymore. Support staff are those who help with lists, point systems, herd approvals, and any future features that might need a hand in them.
We are not hiring for Alicorn Domain/Awakened Power approvals, nor a certist.
Those seeking to help support the shop will be expected to not need guidance in keeping their duties updated. There will be likely multiple hires for systems, so we aren't entirely relying on one person.
Applicants may suggest areas they offer support in, as Nym honestly isn't sure what duties are of interest and, to be transparent, struggles with thinking of ways to help her. The shop has long been a "I can do it myself I don't want to bother anyone by asking for help" project, so please feel free to offer suggestions within your applications. Support Applications are purposefully vague for that reason.
Support staff will not have access to coloring work and will have to apply if they wish to also color.
These features for sure need support staff to manage them;
  • Activity Points and related threads)
  • Herds and related threads
  • Herd and Activity Shop (preferably those working on these also work on the original threads)
  • Shops (in the creation, tracking of currency spent, and helping players make their own shops. This is a returning feature not yet fully implemented, but players will be able to request BS currency in exchange for non-official trinkets, customer-made art (headshots, couple images, etc), etc etc. Staff can run official trinket shops, clothing/item edits, etc etc.)
  • Reintroduction and running of a fauna/flora thread, tracked in-world Holidays thread, and locations thread.
Support staff will be expected to contribute more consistent time than artists. Please only apply if it is of genuine interest! Furthermore, support staff are harder to pinpoint exactly what is needed for shop management (for previously noted reasons), so this role is very customizable!
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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Both categories have their own application(s) involved, with support staff having more of a "HOW DO YOU WANT TO HELP" format. Regardless, applicants must fill out every part of their application. Applicants may add sections to their application if they feel it'll help convey information, or they have more to add to their portfolio.

Those applying to be an artist must first identify what kind of artist they'd like to be. Pony and companion artists will have the same application, while those making only hair/accessories/clothing/expression/trinket/new companions/etc etc etc have their own. Pony artists have access to coloring trinkets/companions/accessories and can work on donating templates to the shop.
Please check below the requirements for each type of application.
Pony/Companion Artist:
  • Color at minimum 3 mannequin/maow (companion only will color the maow file!) examples. Basic only pony artists do not need to add hair. Please make sure to note if you're not comfortable making any edits, including hair.
  • Create at minimum 2 breedings (on the mannequin lines or maow lines, depending on what you're applying for). Clearly identify the parents involved. Each breeding should have a minimum of 2 "children".
  • Hiring will have two "rounds". Nym will reach out to those she's considering for hiring and provide a pony template or additional companion template to proceed with the second half of hiring. The second half requires the applicant to create two ponies or companions (at minimum) and breed them, making at minimum 2 children. Further samples may be requested in necessary.
  • Giving out any official lines hand for the second part of hiring will result in an immediate blacklist. It is a massive breech of trust.
  • At any point in the hiring process, the shop can withdraw their interest.
  • Previous samples from other shops are not required, but are helpful!
  • Staff will not reach out to every user and comment on their application. Nym will reach out if and when the shop sees an applicant of interest, during a time when it's feasible to train new staff.
  • Hired applicants can keep 1 sample! The rest will be homed via games or other methods.
  • All mannequin/companion work is free to use as inspiration in customs!
  • Please indicate if you're only interested in coloring companions.
Pony Edit Template Artist:
  • Create 5 edits on the mannequin lines. Remember, only the official shop lineartist can make breed template edits, and curiosities are not templated. The edits can be: hairstyles, accessories, clothing, expressions, and other similar work. Please indicate if you're only interested in creating one type of edit, such as noting you're only interested in making new hairs, or new clothes, etc etc.
  • Hiring will have two "rounds". Nym will reach out to those she's considering for hiring and provide a pony template to proceed with the second half of hiring. The second half requires the applicant to create 5 more edits on the pony lines. Further samples may be requested in necessary.
  • Giving out any official lines hand for the second part of hiring will result in an immediate blacklist. It is a massive breech of trust.
  • At any point in the hiring process, the shop can withdraw their interest.
  • Previous samples from other shops are not required, but are helpful!
  • Staff will not reach out to every user and comment on their application. Nym will reach out if and when the shop sees an applicant of interest, during a time when it's feasible to train new staff.
  • Hired applicants will be provided SC in relation to the amount of edits made for hiring.
  • All mannequin work is free to use as inspiration in customs!
Other Template Artist:
  • Create 3 linesets and fill with a solid color for visibility. This section is for those who wish to only make new trinkets or companions.
  • Hiring will have two "rounds". Nym will reach out to those she's considering for hiring. Those creating only trinkets will be given a list to choose from and requested to make 1-3 trinkets based on their selection. Those only applying to create new companions will be discussed with on an individual basis.
  • At any point in the hiring process, the shop can withdraw their interest.
  • Previous samples from other shops are not required, but are helpful!
  • Staff will not reach out to every user and comment on their application. Nym will reach out if and when the shop sees an applicant of interest, during a time when it's feasible to train new staff.
  • Hired applicants will be provided SC in relation to the amount of edits made for hiring.
  • All work is free to use as inspiration in customs!
The Mannequin Template
The Maow File (for companion colorist entries)

Pony/Companion Artist Application:
[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(118, 108, 195)][B][FONT=Starborn][SIZE=24px]Artist Application (Pony/Companion)[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]

[B]Type of Application[/B]: Pony+ | Companion Only | (delete the one that doesn't apply)
[B]Preferred Name[/B]:
[B]Prior B/C Experience[/B]: (if none just say so!)
[B]Personal Samples[/B]:
[spoiler]INSERT HERE. all work you wish to show that isn't related to the samples made exclusively for hiring. delete this spoiler if not applicable[/spoiler]

(post images here, do NOT spoiler)

[B]Breeding Samples[/B]:

[URL='http://xxx']Parent 1[/URL] x [URL='http://xxx']Parent 2[/URL] x [URL='http://xxx']Parent 3[/URL] x [URL='http://xxx']Parent 4[/URL] (delete what isn't applicable)
(post images here, do NOT spoiler)

[URL='http://xxx']Parent 1[/URL] x [URL='http://xxx']Parent 2[/URL] x [URL='http://xxx']Parent 3[/URL] x [URL='http://xxx']Parent 4[/URL] (delete what isn't applicable)
(post images here, do NOT spoiler)

[B]Anything Else?[/B]: (is there anything else you'd like us to know?)
Pony Edit Template Artist Application:
[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(126, 193, 244)][B][FONT=Starborn][SIZE=24px]Edit Application [/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]

[B]Type of Application[/B]: (what templates do you want to make? this is specifically for pony edits, like expressions, hair, accessories/clothes, etc)
[B]Preferred Name[/B]:
[B]Prior B/C Experience[/B]: (if none just say so!)
[B]Personal Samples[/B]:
[spoiler]INSERT HERE. all work you wish to show that isn't related to the samples made exclusively for hiring. delete this spoiler if not applicable[/spoiler]

(post images here, do NOT spoiler)

[B]Anything Else?[/B]: (is there anything else you'd like us to know?)
Other Template Artist:
[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(217, 172, 185)][B][FONT=Starborn][SIZE=24px]Other Lines Application[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]

[B]Type of Application[/B]: Trinkets | Companions (delete the one that doesn't apply. if you wish to do both then indicate so and do both set of requirements in the same application)
[B]Preferred Name[/B]:
[B]Prior B/C Experience[/B]: (if none just say so!)
[B]Personal Samples[/B]:
[spoiler]INSERT HERE. all work you wish to show that isn't related to the samples made exclusively for hiring. delete this spoiler if not applicable[/spoiler]

(post images here, do NOT spoiler)

[B]Anything Else?[/B]: (is there anything else you'd like us to know?)

Support applications are much more customizable. There will be a section to fill to evaluate how much time the applicant has, experience they have with logging, and what systems they'd like to manage. An additional section has been added for those applying to also further elaborate their interest and add other ways they'd be interested in supporting the shop and staff.
Nym will reach out to applicants of interest and discuss further about their ideal role as a support staff member.

Support Staff Form:
[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(177, 217, 172)][B][FONT=Starborn][SIZE=24px]Support Staff Application[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]

[B]Preferred Name[/B]:
[B]How Much Time Can You Dedicate To System Management Weekly?[/B]:
[B]Prior B/C Experience[/B]: (if none just say so!)

[B]Areas of Interest[/B]:
[*]list what features mentioned in the Need to Know post you'd be interested in maintaining. if the answer is "all" then say so.

[B]Support Ideas[/B]:
[*]list ways you'd like to help as a support staff member! go into as much detail as you want. remember, we're not seeking alicorn domain/awakened approval help or a certist

[B]Anything Else?[/B]: (is there anything else you'd like us to know?)
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Stew Aficionado
Support Staff Application

Preferred Name: Sami

Availability: Work hours are 9 am to 4:30 pm EST Monday through Friday, so I am not regularly available then. Sporadically on Discord, but not for shop games or updating lists. Outside of those hours, I'm free until approximately 10 pm at night, as that's when I usually try to go to bed.

How Much Time Can You Dedicate To System Management Weekly?: Approximately 8+ hours I guess? I'd be able to do things daily after getting home from work, though large chunks of time would be given on the weekends. I'm horrible at figuring out how much time things take me, as sometimes I can finish in 5 minutes, other times it's an hour.

Prior B/C Experience:
- Dragon Relams (updating Dragon/Faun/Fodder Census, putting certs into journals, putting daily chance gem wins into journals, general list keeping in that regards, handing out daily chance wins via discord)
- Cats of the Sun (certist, experience using WinSCP, experience working with a team of colorists and role-playing staff, experience de-escalating problematic situations, helped with meta and lore a little, updating small owners lists in specific areas of the shop, tracking my own SC in GoogleDocs)

Areas of Interest:
  • Activity Points and Activity Shop
  • Herds, Herd Shop, Herd Guide (FAQ)
  • General Shops
  • Fauna/Flora Thread
  • Tracking in-world holidays and locations from user submissions (I didn't even realize we had a whole thread for it!)

Support Ideas:
  • Running small games on BS and Discord alike
  • Trinket games (such as the trinket stand we had for Halloween 2023)
  • Helping to run Meta games if/when they come up
  • World lore (beyond locations and holidays)
  • Owner's List (if it falls under certist, disregard <3)

Anything Else?: I'm honestly down to help anywhere I can within the shop, I'm just not entirely sure what areas need coverage that haven't already been specified.
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🐾"When it hurts to look back, and your scared to look ahead,

Artist Application (Pony/Companion)

Type of Application: Basic Pony | Companion Only
Preferred Name: Lisa
Availability: Work 4am -12:30pm PST Saturday - Wednesday. I can easily be reached on discord at almost any time and on my breaks at work. I try to get to bed by 7:30pm on work days and 10pm on my weekends. I think I could do 5-8 hours to coloring and the shop.
Prior B/C Experience: Was a basic colorist with small edits for Paws N Claws and did companions as well
Personal Samples:


Breeding Samples:

Parent 1 x Parent 2

Parent 1 x Parent 2

Anything Else?: I want to be helpful and would love feed back on how I can improve.

you can look beside you, and your best friend will be there."🐾
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Stew Aficionado
Support Staff Application

Preferred Name: Bello
Besides my Mon/Wed classes, I have open availability! There are few days coming up that I'll be unable to work for special events (such as Memorial Day Weekend) but generally speaking I have the time and enthusiasm to dedicate to Everchange! It's also worth noting that while I'm on PST, my sleep schedule is so varied that I'm usually up and on my computer anywhere from 9am to 2am if you needed a more specific idea of how often I'm online and ready to assist where I'm needed.
How Much Time Can You Dedicate To System Management Weekly?: I can contribute a maximum of 16hrs a week to the shop at this time.
Prior B/C Experience:
Cats of the Sun: RP Manager/Shop Manager - Planning the event and games for the year w/ aid from the shop owner, running and managing Metas and roleplays, approving cert forms to ensure it's abiding with shop and lore rules, tracking my own staff credit via GoogleDox, updating the shop lore in the main forum thread and in the shop guild, running variety of game types to giveaway prizes (ex. raffles, personality/backstory, rp contests) in the main thread, in the shop guild and on Discord.

Areas of Interest:
  • Reintroduction for flora/fauna, locations and in-world holidays!
  • Herds
  • Herd and Activity Shop
  • Shops

Support Ideas:
  • Pony/Companion Games - On Discord, in the main thread (always been a fan of dice rolling games, like needing to spell a word or roll a specific number), and running games within the guild, whether they be personality/plot/rp based contests, raffles or scavenger hunts!
  • Trinket Grab Bags - I recall that we used to give out grab bags to folks at some points throughout the year. I would love to offer my aid in hosting these!
  • Game Management - Keeping track of which ponies/companions have been given out in games and which have yet to be given out.
  • Lore Updates - I would love to help with any lore based threads in the shop, whether that means updating them as we get new lore in, or cleaning up existing threads as the shop needs, or helping contribute to making lore suggestions myself. Similarly, I'd love to find new ways to get the customers involved (I'm especially excited for the mention of the flora/fauna, holidays and locations as mentioned above. Maybe we extend into food or technology, language or sports!)
  • Owners List Management
  • Extra Aid/Substitute - If someone is unable to do an update or run a game, for whatever reason, I'm happy to take over for them and help out, so that the update, game, etc gets out on time.

Anything Else?: I'm happiest working with clear instructions of what is expected of me. I'm not very tech or numbers savvy (the later being the reason I'm not particularly interested in management of the Activity Points thread) so I may ask clarifying questions semi-frequently. I want the work I do for the shop to be quality. Rest assured! Once I understand how to do something, I'm able to do it well and quickly.

Thank you for taking the time to look this over! <3


Artist Application (Pony/Companion)

Type of Application: Pony+
Preferred Name: Weylin
Availability: Semi - Regularly. Can be reached via discord 24/7 and am available to color / run games in the afternoons all days of the week. Am available in mornings if not available in the evening ( I have a shifting schedule, but am willing to work around it! )
Prior B/C Experience: Owner of Liron, former colorist in DND ( Dungeons and Dice ), current colorist in Cats of the Sun
Personal Samples:


Breeding Samples:

Parent 1 x Parent 2

Parent 1 x Parent 2

Anything Else?: Thankuu :]
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Edit Application

Type of Application: Hair, expressions, accessories.. the whole lot if theres room!
Preferred Name: Weylin
Availability: Semi - Regularly. Can be reached via discord 24/7 and am available to color / run games in the afternoons all days of the week. Am available in mornings if not available in the evening ( I have a shifting schedule, but am willing to work around it! )
Prior B/C Experience: Owner of Liron, former colorist in DND ( Dungeons and Dice ), current colorist in Cats of the Sun
Personal Samples:


Anything Else?: :]
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Grizzled Veteran
Artist Application (Pony/Companion)

Type of Application: Pony+
Preferred Name:
Availability: Past 12pm CST ever day. I’m most active at night!
Prior B/C Experience: Former/Colorist for the following: TLN, Silver Lining, Masks of the Gods, and Starfall! I’m also the co-owner of Starfall and it will be my priority, but I’ve got time for ponies to keep me sane xD
Personal Samples:

Samples: WIP

Breeding Samples:

Parent 1 x Parent 2

Parent 1 x Parent 2 x Parent 3

Anything Else?: I don’t have access to any of my Silver Lining examples anymore due to Photobucket being dumb and my old laptop that had that work being very not alive anymore.

Restoring my app since I figured out how to manage my time better owo/
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Grizzled Veteran
Artist Application (Pony/Companion)

Type of Application: Pony+
Preferred Name: Chexa, Cheza, Chex, etc.
Availability: Daily, always available for DM if I'm not online~
Prior B/C Experience: D&D shop, Starfall [currently]
Personal Samples:

-Past Application Base Samples-

-Current Samples-

Breeding Samples:

Parent 1 x Parent 2

Parent 1 x Parent 2

Anything Else?: I like green. 8U
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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Artist Application (Companion)

Type of Application: Companion only
Preferred Name: Bo
Availability: Part time; I'm a student at the moment, but my last semester will, fingers crossed, be this coming fall. After that, life is a bit up in the air.
Prior B/C Experience: None that is relevant in recent years!
Personal Samples:
CYO plushies I'm most proud of from over the years!


Breeding Samples:

Arcade Carpet x Dark Prism x Rosie Posie

Lavender Lemon x Radioactive Spiral x Ziggy

(Note for the first two in this breeding: I couldn't decide if I liked yellow or brown better, so I included both. They could be "official twins" if I'm hired, but for the purpose of this form, please consider them the same sample twice!)

Anything Else?: I would apply for basic pony without manes/tails right now, but I don't have confidence drawing facial expressions and eyes. Might request to apply for basic pony in future if hired and my skills in drawing eyes/facial expressions improves.
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