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▷ [ORP/Festival] The Fishing Tourney


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 33 33
Roll(s): 33

Fuwa leaned into Toxic's touch and found herself left deep in thought. She knew he was only joking, of course, but the thought of foals brought bubbles to her belly. Her eyes became distant and she nodded along vaguely to what Toxic was saying, saltwater, yes that would be best for Dyno too... But the thought of having baskets to care for kept weighing on her mind.

She couldn't trust Dyno to look after foals, not as any sort of a father figure. Dyno always seemed so youthful and foal-like at heart, she couldn't imagine that he'd want to be anything to the foals except maybe an older brother. Toxic, to her knowledge, didn't actually want foals either. It wasn't something any of them had openly discussed before. Toxic's attention seemed to be perfectly preoccupied with Fuwafuwa and Dyno Phish and while she had no doubt that he would dote and fiercely protect any baskets that came of their magics intertwining, she found herself riddled with worry.

She would have to be the mother then - and maybe the father too. She sighed softly. Often when Dyno and Toxic would go off by themselves, as was most frequent, she would be left to her own devices, cleaning their home and doing meal prep. She was loathe to admit it, but she understood that as the second treasure to come into Toxic's grasp, that she was also the second favorite. She often felt isolated or left out, because she couldn't keep up with their flirting and witty banter.

She sniffled and surprised herself, she hadn't realized that she'd gone teary eyed. Reaching up a hoof to hurriedly wipe away her tears, Fuwa drifted closer to Toxic's side. Maybe it would be easier for her, better even, if there were foals to raise. Then, perhaps, she wouldn't feel entirely like the third wheel in her own relationship. @SwordOfTheNagas
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 87 87
Roll(s): 87

Dill had been so relieved when he'd seen the two mares swimming close by - thinking he'd finally have a moment to recover... until he noticed what large teeth they had.
"Oh, uh, I-" He stammered out, his throat constricting as his body tensed up. "That is, um... Bye!" He said and with a sharp turn of his tailfin, he was prepared to dart off immediately. He ended up going nose to nose with a lotoise and blanched at the thought of leaving this innocent creature to be torn apart by hungry mouths. Scooping up the hefty reptile in his arms, he sped away as best as he could with his new luggage. He couldn't just let it stay there to be eaten!

I'm going home! He thought. This was more than plenty of pony interaction for one season or maybe even four! @I--LiveWire--I (Dill has ended this interaction! x3 )
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 60 60
Roll(s): 60

Stellar stood behind at their spot for a brief moment, watching her silly mate make her way over to where the drinks were being handed out. She didn’t stay behind for long, eventually turning and heading to the stall that was set up to register. There were quite the amount of ponies still arriving and signing up to fish, but since there were two ponies working to get everyone entered into the tournament it didn’t take too long at all. Though, she still hoped that she didn’t keep Tetra waiting for long. Once signed up, she moved away from the stall and headed back to their spot in a decent trot- trying not to make her mate wait any longer than she already had to.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 65 65
Roll(s): 65

Keeping beside their mate, Lillia continued to brush against his side. Their tail would wrap as best it could around his, nuzzling him affectionately. They never had a problem with public display of affection, and that wouldn’t change any time soon. When they got to the table though, Lillia did finally peel apart from Rocke to dive under the shade of the umbrella- letting out a sigh. They might not have been showing they were uncomfortable in the heat, but now that they found a cool spot- they really appreciated it. “Ah… much better.” They sighed as they rested, putting their stuff down carefully while they were there. Noticing their mate move away, they looked over to them. “No… not really. Surprise me.”

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 21 59 80
Roll(s): 21, 59
21: You caught a fish, but it's too cute to eat! Take home an angelfish!

An aquaila drops down and snatches your bait! Take home an aquaila!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 73 13 86
Roll(s): 73, 13
As you're fishing a wotter peeks their head from the water and waves. Take home a wotter!

It seems like someone lost their blanket... Take home a blanket!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 87 33 120
Roll(s): 87, 33
82-91The lotoise lounging in the sun notices you and shuffles over. Take home a lotoise!

31-40A maow meows pointedly, hoping you'll share some fish. Take home a maow!
(idk who goes here yet)
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She could only smile and laugh at light's side, and she thought about it for a moment " Well I want to prep our home, have a pond prepared for both of the Lotoise, make a bed for the maow oh and maybe plant a few more flowers around the tree house for our insect friend's." she said taking a mental note of everything she wanted to do and take care of, so many things where on her mind and soon as she began her thoughts SMACK Another Scarab just like the other one she had met smacked her in the face causing her to roll back in surprise " oh dear. " she wiggled up on to her side as the little scarab wiggled int o her hair getting stuck the shinny one she had found last time flew over to it curiously as she began laughing hearing lights speak " I found a lonely friend too! looks like our family just keeps getting bigger!" she got up and checked out the new friend that lights and his tail had found " oh how lovely!" she said before laying down a blanket for them to all rest on.
Clover was relaxing quietly sunbathing her hat to the side of her while beside her was a little pond she had made in the sand away from the sore. It was lined with stones she had found and filled with water, deep enough for her new friends and secure away from hungry animals under some shade her little friends swam in the water as she opened an eye to check on them the little Draxocoeti Had been watching over them as well but something was different, a small angelfish that wasn't there before now was swimming around with the other two, this made her happy she accepted this and peered in to the little temporary pond to watch them


Lights rumbled as he gathered everyone on the blanket blinking when his tail added another turtle. "Chompers!!! Really?" he sighed. "Well. I guess I'm going to have a turtle pond..." he blinked at the jet black turtle. "Whoa....Vermillion look at this one."

He moved the bucket to show her, at this point he was going to need a tub.

@-Ghastly Demise-


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 99 99
🎲d100 90 90
7/24 prize rolls
Roll(s): 90. 99
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