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▷ [ORP/Festival] The Fishing Tourney


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 98 64 162
Roll(s): 98, 64

i swear i'm gonna go back and fill these in with rp
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Grizzled Veteran

As Tetra flew towards their spot she spotted her mate also heading over. She smiled to herself as she angled her flight so she would be flying above but next to Stellar. "Why fancy seeing you here so soon." She called down with a mischievous grin, "I take it there weren't many in line to sign up right now?" She did her best to fly slowly so she really ended up gliding most of the way back to their chosen spot. Once there she landed a little awkwardly trying to keep from spilling everything. "A mango juice for you my love and a lemonade for myself. Later when we get really hungry we can go up and get some actual food. Looks like they have a pretty decent selection of grilled foods."



Grizzled Veteran

Rocke was little awkward with public displays of affection but he did his best when Lillia was feeling especially affectionate. He tried his best to keep his tail entwined with their's but it was hard when his was short and just wanted to curl up on itself. He did blush pretty hard when they nuzzled him and froze in his tracks for a moment. Fortunately it wasn't too far from the umbrella and table so Lillia was quickly getting in the shade.

"Okay! I'll get you a surprise drink, and probably some extra water to make sure we stay hydrated." He said with a mock salute, "I'll be back soon." He gave them a quick nuzzle and walked away turning red again. He had time to cool his cheeks as he walked towards the various food and drink tables. He grabbed a couple of bottles of water, placing them in his jacket's pockets. Looking over the rest of the drinks he decided to get a fruit punch drink and a fruit infused sparkling water. Lillia could take their pick between them.



Grizzled Veteran

Yeong sighed feeling his hat get wet and soon everything else as the water just soaked through and dripped down. He took a moment to check on Deku, who was still floating in the water trying to catch fish or who knows what. He focused back on fishing and was hoping that Endura would still be able to make it. He knew she preferred to keep away from crowds but he really wanted to spend time with her and fish. He didn't really care for the party aspect of this beach party/fishing tournament but if coming meant he could catch some fish and show them off to Endura along with some food made from them.... well that would make it worth it.

His ears flicked back as he heard his name being called and turned to see Endura approach the water before removing her cloak. "You made it!" He exclaimed in a quiet voice. He moved to meet her so she wouldn't have to come out so deep. He gave a small sigh/laugh at her statements. "Yeah well if I only could be more successful in fishing when I put my mind to it. Haven't caught anything that would be worth keeping. Deku...." He turned to look at his tail, "Caught a fish and I had to practically wrestle it out of it's mouth. Between that and Midnis climbing up after soaking in her sand castle's moat, it's no wonder that I'm soaked. Should dry off pretty quickly with this weather."


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 49 49
Roll(s): list the numbers rolled!
copy and paste the image of the prize(s) you're taking! remember to only grab 1 per the prompt rolled. if the prize rolled requires to ping Nym then note so here and use the Quote Nym form in a separate post)


Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 53 53
Roll(s): 53

Toxic watched Fuwa closely. Seeing her tear up, he stopped walking. Moving to body block her from view of others while she sorted out her feelings. He let her lean into him as she gathered herself. He leaned down to mutter to her, raspy as his voice was. "My little opal."

He added a little sing-song to it to catch her attention. "I tease and hope, one day we will be parents. The three of us." he licked her cheek. "You panicked. I can see it in your mists." he moved them off to the side where he crowded her to lay down. "You are my opal, Dyno is my onyx. Both are precious stones to me." he cooed to her. "I don't want you to think I love you less because you came second to my life."

He meant it. He knew one day they would be parents. If he had to, he'd change to suit the situation. Make sure Fuwa wasn't doing it all alone.

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Stew Aficionado

Swinging her head around, a brow would raise at the predicament Lofi found himself in. Chuckling, she would find herself on her claws again, before stepping over and leaning her head down towards the Wotter gently. "Please don't mess with those, sweetie. You're welcome to stay with us if you want, but if you play with those too roughly, they might pop. I don't think I'll be able to carry Lofi home if that happens," she laughed. Hopefully it understood.

In the meantime, she would gently pat its head and even gently pull it off if it seemed insistent on the balloons. She would gently gather all the little critters around herself, with the white and orange swirled Maow climbing up to nestle just behind her shoulders. "I don't... Know if we can take care of quite this many, but I'm not opposed to taking them home and helping them find new homes. Or trying to find a way to house them." She was growing a bit nervous at the prospect of... So many pets....



Stew Aficionado

Another soft smile was given to Razzleberry as Blushes shuffled alongside their slightly larger mate. There was a little huff and a shake of their rump, causing some leaves to fall from their tree. Blushes would settle down gently on the blanket once it was laid out, smoothing it beneath them as they pulled out a water bottle to start to sip at. Another notebook was taken out, as Blushes found that they often saw things a bit different than Razzleberry might. So they had begun to take notes of their own on various scenery and interactions that Razzleberry enjoyed watching. That way, if ever she wanted another perspective on things, she could have it. Blushes' eyes would catch all the quieter things, like ponies wading into the water on their own, or a couple who was leaned against each other as they fished in silence. The way the water smelled and splashed against the shore gently. Things like that.



Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 58 58
🎲d100 40 40
Roll(s): 58, 40
52-61 - An aquaila drops down and snatches your bait! Take home an aquaila!

31-40 - A maow meows pointedly, hoping you'll share some fish. Take home a maow!

And nabbing some freebies <3

(idk who goes here yet, either)
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 36 62 98
Roll(s): 36, 62
36: A maow meows pointedly, hoping you'll share some fish. Take home a maow!

62: At the end of your hook is a necklace. Well, finders keepers! Take home a crystal necklace!


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 59 57 116
Roll(s): 59,57

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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 37 37
Roll(s): 37

Stellar wasn’t really expecting to catch up with her mate so soon, or the other way around. So when Tetra flew up beside her, she gasped in surprise at first at hearing a voice near by. Realizing who it was, she blushed softly in embarrassment before rolling here eyes playfully. “You are too silly.” She teased, sticking her tongue out at her mate while still walking along the beach. “There were actually quite a few ponies there trying to sign up, but there were more than one volunteer there signing them up- so the line moved at a good pace.” She explained, glancing over to Tetra briefly before looking ahead so she didn’t walk into anyone by accident. Over time, the two did reach the spot they claimed, where she stopped and stretched for a moment. There was a look of concern on Stellar’s face at Tetra’s awkward landing, but calmed down when her mate seemed to catch herself. “Thank you, hun. I’m not that hungry right now, but that sounds good.” She moves over, nuzzling her cheek to Tetra’s before taking a sip of her drink- soon setting up her fishing pole soon after.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 96 96
Roll(s): 96

Other post for Blue will come later. Too tired/sick to try to type it up.