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▷ [ORP/Festival] The Fishing Tourney


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 23 59 82
Roll(s): 23, 59
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 66 5 71
Roll(s): 66 | 5

Making my two rolls while I wait for replies.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 84 91 175
Roll(s): 84, 91

Loony was about at her wits end with this stupid necklace - that was one of her many flaws, her father would chide her: impatience. Thieves were meant to be patient, whether they were the thieves of the sea (pirates) or on land. Thieves were like hunters and hunters who barged in like she had, rarely got what they wanted. However, thieves that lay in wait were boring, she'd claimed as a foal.

Her eyes rounded with interest, looking much like two gold bits under the sunlight, when her companion spoke of a trade.
"So much for being stubborn," Slipped out of her mouth before she could stop it and she hurried along to amend her mistake. "Not that I mind, talking's easy. Just promise me that you'll still let me have a look at the necklace, even if you don't like my answer." She waited a beat and then shifted her wings against her back in an effort not to fidget with her hooves.

"I don't..." She floundered, trying to find the words and shrugging she ended up with. "Love won with gifts isn't really... real. My father will throw treasure at his mate all year, but I don't think it makes her love him anymore. I think she just expects it from him." Nerissa and Loony had only met a hoof-full of times, but Loony had realized early on that she didn't care for her father's mate and she adamantly refused to join the herd that Nerissa was pitching to her at the time. It all sounded so ugly.

"Now, I may not know a lick of romantic stuff myself, my attempts to get into that whole... scene... it's just not my forte. But if the only reason a pony is around you is for the stuff, then they might not be, uh, a morally good character." She paused, turning her gaze away from the other alicorn to reflect on this. She was pestering this alicorn only for this necklace, wasn't she? Drat. Double drat.

"Well, shit." She muttered and looked back at the lighter alicorn. Standing, she shook herself a little and then she offered a hoof to the alicorn by way of introduction. "It feels impolite to take the necklace from you now, after going on about morals, without treating you to lunch first. C'mon stranger, lemme get you some food and we can talk about morals more, or about how fishing is lame, or about whatever else that comes up. Whaddya say?" @RozeyBear
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 69 66 135
Roll(s): 69, 66
The fish you caught coughs up two hairclips. Ewww.... Take home a pair of hairclips! x2


Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 35 84 119
Roll(s): 35, 84
35: A maow meows pointedly, hoping you'll share some fish. Take home a maow!

84: The lotoise lounging in the sun notices you and shuffles over. Take home a lotoise!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 91 67 158
Roll(s): 91, 67
The lotoise lounging in the sun notices you and shuffles over. Take home a lotoise!

At the end of your hook is a necklace. Well, finders keepers! Take home a crystal necklace!

Snagging a freebie sparkler and hat!
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 78 78
🎲d100 58 58
7/25 prize rolls
Rolls: 78, 58
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Grizzled Veteran
Spectral blushed as her mate said that she was beautiful. Despite how long they had been together, things like that still made her get those butterflies in her stomach and get so embarrassed. "I do agree with you on putting it in the windowsill, it really would look pretty. Where do you think we should put the pond so we can set this figurine down in the middle. Maybe add like a fountain or something?" She asked, imagining their home coming together even more. Still even though she wasn't catching much at all, she was still having fun with being at the beach with her love and that was what really mattered. If she caught something that would be fine, if not it was also okay. "Want to go in a little deeper?" She asked.

WC: 135



Grizzled Veteran
Calian really jumped when the scarab slammed into his face. The bug startled him but instead of it flying off, it settled on the middle of his head burying into his hair. Which was fine because hey, new friend. "I guess you're staying now." He chuckled to himself as he cast his line out. A small tug and there on the end of the line was a very pretty angelfish. "Well I'll be darned." Another chuckle rising out of him. Seems he was just getting lucky today. "I guess I'm setting up a small aquarium for you my friend." As he went to go find a small bucket to place the pretty fish in, then back to fishing again. Humming to himself while doing so.

WC: 125


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 28 42 70
Roll(s): 28, 42


signed an NDA
Staff member
Endura was late, but it was to be expected from the potion maker. She had been swamped with orders over the past week and only barely managed to finish them before keeping her word in attending the outing, although she had almost hoped she'd run too late to make the beach trip. Yeong was lovely, obviously, but she had never been a crowd sort and had thought Yeong the same. Well, she had heard somewhere that surprises kept a relationship young...
She had been fairly comfortable in her resignation over the event once she arrived, complete with a sour expression across her normally monotonous face cast in the shadows of her cloak as she looked for her partner. That same expression flickered into a bemused smirk at the sight of her loved on in the waters, drenched and covered by his companion. Ugh, fine. It wasn't often Endura and Yeong went on dates and it was nice to see him outside of their usual setting -- she could try and enjoy the party, she supposed.
"Yeong," she faintly called when the distance between the two had closed. She hesitated by the edge of the water, tugged her cloak off, and set it neatly within eyesight before reluctantly wading into the warm waters towards him. "I always said you put everything to what you set your mind to, but this is a little much, isn't it?" She reached up and gently pushed hair from his face and sighed. "You're soaked."