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▷ [ORP/Festival] The Fishing Tourney


signed an NDA
Staff member

End Date: August 31st, 11:59pm EST

The beach party in Summer's Touch is hosting a Fishing Tourney, with the grand prize being... well, actually- there isn't one, except for the chance to brag to everyone you meet that you won the Summer Fishing Tourney of xx23. Anyway, fishing poles have been provided, drinks and food are free, there's live music, and whatever a pony finds they can keep! What more can a pony want?

  • Everyone can play.
  • Players can roll twice a day, but may RP as often as they wish.
  • Place the required form for rolling at the top of the post. If a player wishes to edit the post to include RP they may, but the form should be at the top.
  • Do not delete posts. If a mistake is made please edit the post and mark it as voided.
  • Prizes will be added sporadically to the prize pool. Players may not retroactively swap already won prizes for a new one.
  • Players may trade prizes with one another. Do not discuss trades within this thread.
  • Players can only win a pony twice, regardless if the pony is later swapped with another player.
  • Don't be a poor sport.
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signed an NDA
Staff member
  • Using the form underneath the chart each time you roll, players may roll two 100-sided die every day (either in one post or individually). Each number represents a prize the player takes home and can be found on the chart below. Days roll over at midnight, EST!
  • NEW RULE as of August 19th: Did your two rolls land on a number you already have everything of? Players may roll once more in hopes of a different prize! Numbers 100 and 51 do not count for this extra roll.
  • Rule for the last week of the event: Aside from the 51 and 100 number, for the last week of the event players can void one roll and, instead, claim whatever prize they wish
  • Players may only take 1 prize per roll! Players will need to roll the same prompt repeatedly if they want several different recolors of the same prize.
  • Prompts with or mean the player can choose which prize they earned.
  • Some numbers require the player to quote Nym in a separate post. Players rolling 51 can only use the first option ("Hey! What gives?!" You accidentally hooked a pony!") twice.
  • Additionally, players may roleplay within the event and receive AP points once the game officially ends. You will receive 1 Activity Point per 50 words posted in response to another user, and 1 Activity Point per 80 words if posting solo.
  • Ponies must be certed to RP!
  • Prizes will be added sporadically throughout the time of the event and will be announced via the Discord.
  • Players may trade prizes. Trades will not reset the pony prompt limitation.

1-10Something hits you right in the face! Take home a scarab!
11-20It seems like someone lost their blanket... Take home a blanket!
You're stopped by someone who bought an extra towel.
Take home a towel!
21-30You caught a fish, but it's too cute to eat! Take home an angelfish or flyingfish!
31-40A maow meows pointedly, hoping you'll share some fish. Take home a maow!
41-50The line is heavy! You pull up a... geode? Take home a geode!
Something sparkles at the end- oh, is that coral? Take home coral!
You notice a lump of sand that looks suspicious.... Take home a glass fish figurine!
51"Hey! What gives?!" You accidentally hooked a pony! Quote Nym!

Something approaches! Quote Nym!
52-61An aquaila drops down and snatches your bait! Take home an aquaila!
A school of Draxocoeti flies by, but one pauses to inspect your bait.
Take home a draxocoeti!
62-71At the end of your hook is a necklace. Well, finders keepers! Take home a crystal necklace!

The fish you caught coughs up two hairclips. Ewww....
Take home a pair of hairclips!
72-81As you're fishing a wotter peeks their head from the water and waves. Take home a wotter!
As you shake your towel out a serapent falls out! Take home a serapent!
82-91The lotoise lounging in the sun notices you and shuffles over. Take home a lotoise!

When you peek down at your bait bucket you see a ribbit looking back at you! Take home a ribbit!
92-99You feel a tug on your leg. It's a phytox who wants to play! Take home a phytox.
The sand by your feet parts, revealing a large and friendly wurm. Take home a wurm!
100Something bubbles under the surface... Quote Nym!

Place the rolling form at the top of each post with a roll!

Rolling Form:
[b]Roll(s)[/b]: list the numbers rolled!
[b]Prize(s)[/b]: [spoiler] copy and paste the image of the prize(s) you're taking! remember to only grab 1 per the prompt rolled. if the prize rolled requires to ping Nym then note so here and use the Quote Nym form in a separate post)[/spoiler]
Quote Nym Form:
[SIZE=24px][COLOR=rgb(255, 133, 34)][FONT=Starborn]OH NYYYYYYM![/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[b]Roll(s)[/b]: list the numbers rolled that require Nym to be quoted!

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signed an NDA
Staff member

Match the prompt with the prizes below! Players can only take 1 prize per prompt at a time. For instance, if a player wants multiple wotters they'll need to roll 72-81 several times throughout the event!
Prizes will be added over time.

Freebies: [everyone who posts at least once can claim as many of these as they want!]

* Mystic Flyingfish [curiosities: smaller top fins]

















Glass Fish Figurine:

Crystal Necklace:


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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 98 98
Roll(s): 98

As soon as Bob heard that there was a fishing tourney he had to join in. He might not be a competitive fisherpony but he sure was an enjoyer of fishing.

Seems he was the first to arrive, but Bob knew that more ponies would join both the party and the tourney. Settling in with a rod, Bob swung it as far as he could. Their was a decent chance he could get something fun to go with his new hat.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 92 92
Roll(s): 92

Namida trotted up to the beach party more than ready to have a good time. There was a fishing tourney with at least one pony already participating that she could see but there were also cute little stalls of food and ponies mingling around.

Pausing to take everything in, Namida felt a tug on her leg. There was an absolutely adorable phytox that seemed to want to play with her. Well who was she to resist such a cute face. Cooing down at it, she hoped they would get along with her dormouse.​
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 49 49
Roll(s): 49

Rain Dance and Aqua Jet decided to bring the family to this fishing event. Dragging a couple of water filled wagons behind them containing their perma aquatic children with in. The two felt it would be a good way for their perma children to get to know each other since all of their current kids were adopted from several different places, and with the talk of having their own offspring eventually the two wanted the whole family to get along and feel more like a family.

With everything being provided for them, and with how big their family was already this was quite the great opportunity for the fish family. Finding a spot on the bank, the two set up trying to make a comfortable spot for all of their children to be able to participate in the event.

(Will be posting with my other 3 in the fam in the morning when i wake up just wanted to get this started o3o)
(Since they intend to bring the whole fam pinging you two incase you wanted to hop in as well)
@Natty-chan @PeterPan_da144
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 40 40
Roll(s): 40
A maow meows pointedly, hoping you'll share some fish. Take home a maow!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 54 54
Roll(s): 54
An aquaila drops down and snatches your bait! Take home an aquaila!
A school of Draxocoeti flies by, but one pauses to inspect your bait. Take home a draxocoeti!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 61 26 87
Roll(s): 61, 26

copy and paste the image of the prize(s) you're taking! remember to only grab 1 per the prompt rolled. if the prize rolled requires to ping Nym then note so here and use the Quote Nym form in a separate post)

Nidra and Mark were fishing side by side during the tournament they had med during registration and decided to fish together. after all neither really expected to win and were entering more for fun. Nidra shouted as something went to snatch her bait! She quickly took off her sweater and tossed it over the bait thief only to then discover it was an aquaila who then seemed very fine with keeping her sweater but was now no longer trying to fly away. Annoyed Nidra cast her line again keeping a close eye on the theif.

Mark on the other hand was at first laughing his tail off at the other's misfortune, maybe he shouldn't but he had no attachment and would never see them again so why not? As he hauled up his catch he looked at the fish and despite his chief instincts he... couldn't it was just too cute. He knew he was never going to be able to cook and eat this fish. So he prepared a separate water bucket and let rest in there while he went back to fishing and tossed it bait from time to time while fishing.
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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 98 87 185
Roll(s): 98 and 87
98: You feel a tug on your leg. It's a phytox who wants to play! Take home a phytox.

87: The lotoise lounging in the sun notices you and shuffles over. Take home a lotoise!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 92 92
Roll(s): 92

Flail, Splash and Aqua Ring sat patiently in the wagons behind their adoptive parents, wondering where they were going. The trio were in two different wagons. Splash was in one wagon with the rest of his 'siblings' where Flail and Aqua Ring were in the other.

The seabell Aqua Ring was a pretty new addition to the group of other perma kids in the Fish family. She was a bit nervous as this was their first full outing since being adopted into this family. Her siblings often called her the water ninja as she would often beable to disappar in the water without meaning to due to her coloration

Once thier parents had set up their spot along the bank, the five were dumped in the ocean as to be more comfortable then sitting in small wagons filled with water.

Aqua Ring disappeared under the surface feeling a little shy with all the other ponies around, where Splash and Flail remained up top
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 80 80
Roll(s): 80
As you're fishing a wotter peeks their head from the water and waves. Take home a wotter!

(Pick a random pone to rp here)
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 100 100
Roll(s): 100
Something bubbles under the surface... Quote Nym!

(Sunny's first post goes here)
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 84 93 177
Roll(s): 84, 93

The lotoise lounging in the sun notices you and shuffles over. Take home a lotoise!

You feel a tug on your leg. It's a phytox who wants to play! Take home a phytox.
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 69 50 119

he was contently trying his hand at fishing hoping to win something or just go home with a new skill. he waited patiently, watching the waters occasionally. sometimes his tail would watch and he would take a brake to eat a snack or drink some thing. it took a while but eventually he felt a tugged, so he pulled and a fish flopped to the docks he was sitting on and he made a confused but slightly scrunched face as he saw what the fish has spit up "hair clips?" they where cute and reminded him of a friend who liked such colors and sweets so he knew just who to give it to. he tried to continue fishing but unfortunately it
yielded no catch for quite some time. he got up to look for another spot before he felt a tug of his tail burring its face in the sand, he went over to take a look seeing a mound , he dug with his paws and pulled out a rainbow class fish, he added it to his bucket and continued to look for a better spot.
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