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▷ [ORP/Festival] The Fishing Tourney

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 20 42 62
Roll(s): 20, 42
Forgot to take my freebie yesterday, so taking two today!

20: You're stopped by someone who bought an extra towel. Take home a towel!

42: You notice a lump of sand that looks suspicious.... Take home a glass fish figurine!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 58 46 104
Roll(s): 58, 46

Splash remained next to Scald. When the Vuhor asked if he was afraid of water, Splash shook his head and replied for his sibling. "He doesn't do well with crowds"

Flail calmed a bit once realizing that the other something in the water was another pony and not some frightening creature which was instantly what her mind went to. Of course she always blew everything out of proportion, well her mind did that was.

Aqua Ring still kept under the water still following the Krakken perma child under them, her frilly ears nearly touching them, any movement from the other would cause the two to bump into each other.

@Rano713 @PeterPan_da144 @Bluedemonwolf @Natty-chan


Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 19 19
Roll(s): 19


Toxic rumbled as his much larger frame nuzzled Fuwa. "My little oplalite, what are you doing out here?" he rasped as one of his tails snagged some poor ponies towel. He then used it to clean off Fuwa's hooves to make sure the sand wasn't going to irritate her. He glanced over her. She was safe and whole. That was good. He knew their other partner Dyno was feeling out of it. So he would have to bring back many presents for the other. "I came here to make sure that I had presents for you two."

He would search for a few more presents while he was out here. Leaving the towel on Fuwa as he started to slowly walk with her.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 85 85
Roll(s): 85

@-Ghastly Demise-

Almost as if thinking about him summoned him. The large hybrid stepped up till Vermillion's back was at his chest. He looked down at her with a lazy smile. "There's my little one." he cooed softly. Then looked to the scarab. "Hello."

His large head leaned back as he looked to his tail. "DROP IT!!" he barked at the glutton who was starting to try to chew on a poor lotoise. He looked at the poor creature then pulled it under him with a back hoof. Staring his tail down. "Chew on a beach toy, not a living thing." he hissed. Shaking his head. He looked the poor creature over. "Well, now we have a new friend."

His tail dropped to the sand in a huff.
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Roll(s): 85

@-Ghastly Demise-

Almost as if thinking about him summoned him. The large hybrid stepped up till Vermillion's back was at his chest. He looked down at her with a lazy smile. "There's my little one." he cooed softly. Then looked to the scarab. "Hello."

His large head leaned back as he looked to his tail. "DROP IT!!" he barked at the glutton who was starting to try to chew on a poor lotoise. He looked at the poor creature then pulled it under him with a back hoof. Staring his tail down. "Chew on a beach toy, not a living thing." he hissed. Shaking his head. He looked the poor creature over. "Well, now we have a new friend."

His tail dropped to the sand in a huff.

Her eyes practically glittered as she heard his voice ring out a sudden shiver rolled down her back as it had taken her by surprise, she flicked her ears hearing his voice boom as he scolded his tail " lights! look look w-we have a new friend" she said holding up her new scarab with one hoof as she maneuvered her self to face him while sitting where she was her face glowing with delight." I have never seen one as shiny as this. " with that she placed the scarab on her head after displaying it and went over to check on the Lotoies with lights" two new friends! " she went and pulled out a cloth as she cleaned the drool from the lovely animal and then proceeded to nestle up to lights" We might make a lot of new friends here, I saw some more bugs." She said in a gentle but sing song tone , her face buried in to his chest she was content in this moment.


Stew Aficionado

The two parents watched the children from the shoreline. Though some of them seemed to be in a bit of a panic the two kept to their hooves off method, leaving them to their own devises, only to step in if it got out of control. They needed to learn how to take care of themselves to some point, and to make friends. The large family had been a bit secluded after adopting so many children at once, but with this thier first outing together the two wanted them to make some friends outside of their own adoptive siblings.

Aqua Jet noticed another approaching their family being a bit on guard of his kids, seeing the large tail the other had, he stepped between them and his kids in the shallows the awakened gave the other a nod as they approached "Good day." he spoke to the other.

Noticing her mates movement and actions Rain Dance also felt like she had to be on guard. The two really never interacted with other ponies who had some sort of apentage of a tail before so she did not know what to think of the other.

(Mentions kiddos - Interact with Yeong @Bluedemonwolf )
@Natty-chan @PeterPan_da144 @Rano713


Long-Term Resident
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 70 62 132
Roll(s): 70, 62
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 54 51 105
Roll(s): 54, 51

It didn't take long before the pastel pony was hooked on this tourney, but cast after cast kept coming up empty! She was just about to throw in the rod when something tugged her line...

And an Angelfish was caught! "Well now, ain't you a pretty little thing?" Svana gently scooped the shimmering fish into her bucket, and was just about to cast another line when she heard a faint meow from behind her... Seems someone else noticed her catch!

"Listen kitty, you can hang around cuz you're cute too, but see this fish?" She pointed a hoof at the bucket, "That's my fish. No touch my fish. Got it?"


"Good." Svana nodded, and after a few tense moments of her side-eyeing the sand colored Maow, and the sand colored Maow side-eyeing the Angelfish, everyone settled back down and got back to fishing.

"Mmm... water sure is pretty from this view, ay kitty?" "Merow." "Ever see it from out there?" "Mow." "Well... maybe I'll take ya then! Every good pirate needs a cat. Whatcha say?" The Maow said nothing, but instead rubbed against Svana for a moment before deciding to play with her tentacles. "Well... I'll take that as a yes~"

So the pair got back to fishing, Svana fishing the waters, Capt'n Doubloon the Furocious fishing Svana's tentacles... After a bit, they noticed a few Draxocoeti fly by! How neat! One even stopped to inspect Svana's bait, and she gave it a piece. Happily it settled in with them, and Svana began to wonder just how many friends she was gonna make... when she noticed something else approaching them, too!
[word count: 272]
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Stew Aficionado

More frantic little sounds left Scald, even as Splash moved closer, and Flail called out that someone else was coming over. Even when Bubble came over in a flurry of fins, Scald just tried to bury himself under the sand. It was comforting to have them there, but he was already in full anxiety mode. With a soft little wheeze, he eventually gave up, just having his back end shoved into the sand and some built up around his front half. He had tuckered himself out trying to bury to hide from his problems. Soft panting as he watched wide eyed from behind his siblings. How grateful he was to have them here...

A larger pony was approaching... But their parents stepped in. A deflated sigh left the little foal as he finally found himself able to relax. Feeling a little guilty about reacting so loudly and violently... Being scared so easily...

@Bluedemonwolf @Zakiax @Natty-chan @Rano713


Stew Aficionado

A laugh bubbled forth from her, soft and sweet. A claw was extended curiously towards the little fuzzy ones, only for a third to trot over from the nearby bushes. A stunning orange and white striped Maow with beautiful soft blue eyes. She had to take a very deep breath as all three looked up expectantly between the two ponies. "That is, perhaps, the only reasonable explanation," she replied, when he mentioned they might be gifts from Summri to the ponies of the land. The Queens always worked in very mysterious ways. At the thought of taking them home, however, she had to hum in thought. They could be great companions, and help Lofi to have a bit more responsibility around the house. He was always head in the clouds and focused on work, it seemed. Lost in the world of balloons. The thought made her giggle, to which she would look back and up towards Lofi.

"If we cannot find an owner for them, and they are still at our sides when we leave, and we haven't forced them to stay... I would not be opposed to talking with you about how to fit them into our lives." A warm smile was given to the bright Kelper, and she would turn back towards the little creatures. "It is up to you, in the end, if you really are wild... As to if you want to come home with us. I'll make sure to accomodate you as best I can if you choose to, okay?" The little orange and white Maow, at least, meowed in agreement and nuzzled against Daisy's outstretched claw.



Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 12 79 91
Roll(s): 12, 79

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Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 50 78 128

His eyes glimmered int he light as he basked in the shallow tied of the water, unable to go any further on to the surface, He was content however, the cool water splashing against him and his hoofs in the sandy bank the sun warming him his tail coiled around something, he wasn't sure what he looked back feeling a wiggle, and a small gentle paw against his body as he looked down he saw a little wottle. she carefully uncoiled his tail from the little creature, greeting it " good noon little creature, for the coiling" he said as he helped it up form his now uncoiled tell setting it down in the water pushing it gently to the water, however it refused and stayed by his side. he gave a soft smile and pushed the little wottle up from the water on to his upper back just in front of his fins, he greatly accepted this new companionship.

she watched the ocean, content fishing wasn't her thing but she fallowed the motions , her family was here lychee was somewhere. it was new it was definitely a change, however any fish she caught she tossed back and she had an fish safe lure and way to capture without harming any of them, it was quite relaxing plus the water helped hydrate her witch she enjoyed. over time she began to drift off, the water and warm sand soothing her. but son she felt a snag in her fish trap, and pulled herself up to check as she dug her hoofs down int o the water she pulled out a coral~ so lovely! she didn't have this open yet and it was a vibrant red just like her scales. she added it to her beach bag and threw her trap back out before cleaning it off.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 89 89
🎲d100 39 39
Roll(s): 89 and 39
A maow meows pointedly, hoping you'll share some fish. Take home a maow!

The lotoise lounging in the sun notices you and shuffles over. Take home a lotoise!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 34 34
Roll(s): 34

Fuwafuwa grinned in her apparent delight at Toxic's return gesture, but she tilted her head when he asked why she was out there in the first place. What a silly question!

"To have fun, of course!" She shrugged. "Isn't that why everyone's here?" She trilled in delight as he explained his own reasons for being there. "You being here with me is a present in of itself." She assured him, allowing him to run the towel he procured over her hooves with no fuss or resistance. "While I'm sorry that Dyno wasn't feeling up to joining us, it has been a long time since you and I have spent some time along together. I plan on enjoying this day with you to the fullest extent, presents or no." She said with a grin and a sparkle in her eye.

As he stood and began to walk slowly alongside with her, she hurried to catch up with him. Even as he walked so slow, Tox was so tall in comparison to her petite frame that she had to jog to keep up with his long strides. She had no doubt that if she asked him to carry her on his back or with his tails, he would, but she wanted to prove to herself, more than anything else, that she could keep pace with her mate.

"There seem to be a great deal of wild companions out here." She remarked, looking around at all the maow, aqualia and phytox, among others, approaching all manners of ponies across the beach and in the ocean. "Do you think we could take one home, Toxic? If any approach us? I wouldn't mind taking care of them - and maybe it would do Dyno some extra bit of good, to have something to look after for a change." She bumped his leg with her shoulder playfully. They both knew that Dyno Phish tended to appreciate being taken care of by Toxic and Fuwafuwa, more than taking care of others. Not that his mates minded. @SwordOfTheNagas
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 77 77
Roll(s): 77

Lofi was delighted by the sound of Daisy's laugh and watched as another maow crept from the bushes!
"If anymore come near us we may have to open a zoo-" It was then that he heard come manner of chittering coming back from the water and turned his head in time to see a wotter launching itself at him. Lofi let out a gasp - was the wotter afflicted with some illness?! But no, it had scampered up his tail and was peering closely at his magicked balloons. Twisting his head around to try and see it, he couldn't quite get an angle on it and so he looked to his mate, Daisy, for help.

"Dearest Daisy, do you think you may be able to get this critter away from my balloons. I can't reach it, and I don't want it doing any harm to the balloons, lest I get beached here?" He asked. "I suspect I can shake it off if I do so sternly enough, but I don't want to upset it and get bit." Ah, why did the critters that approached his mate seem so more polite - much like Daisy herself. He hoped that didn't mean there was some sort of subtext Summri was sending him via the wotter, implying Lofi was as much trouble as this wotter was. @PeterPan_da144
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