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▷ [ORP/Festival] The Fishing Tourney


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 53 53
Roll(s): 53

Ignis was an autumn pup - but that did not mean that he had to stick directly to the autumn area. Of course, he had his farm set up in the autumn area, but it had flourished enough so that he felt at ease when he hired a few extra farmhooves to babysit while he went out to the summer region for their fishing tournament. He had excitedly spoken about it to his partner, his cuddle friend, his best bud and, of course, his mate - Jack Frost, but he wasn't quite certain if Jack was intending to accompany him or join him later.

Now, finding himself at the beach, his tails wagging so furiously with excitement that a wave of sand propelled itself out from around him, he was ready to.... Do whatever it is you do at a fishing tourney! He looked around at all the companions and ponies - it did seem like a lot of them had come with their significant other, but he wasn't going to despair! Well, not over that, at least.

His paws began to heat up rapidly under the sun-warmed sand; he'd left any cooling charms at home, unused to the heat of the summer sector. Was it ALWAYS this hot here? Geez! With the ocean right there, he saw his opportunity. He ran forward with a bellow - or was it a cackle... or maybe a howl? - and plunged into the shallows of the water with a tremendous splash.

What he certainly never could have predicted was that some of the water seemed to take a bird form and flew at him. Better yet, it looked very much the image of his dear grumpy heart, Jack, by way of its icy colors.

"How charming!" He rumbled. "Jack ought to be here, truly - I wonder what he would think, to see himself as a bird?" He said, looking around. He was quite wet now, but he wasn't inclined to step onto the hot sand again. Maybe he could become a mer-pup-pony for a day. @Joshuality (Tagged because I mentioned Jack Frost, but you don't need to toss him into the ORP if you'd rather not. <3)
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 23 23
Roll(s): 23

Yokan's beachside summer inn was bustling! All of the rooms were full up and he'd had to hire on extra staff in order to have a moment away to himself. His inn had grown in popularity over the years, something he always prided himself on - but he tried to keep it to the small, eight room inn that everyone loved and remembered. He prided himself on giving exceptional service and he couldn't very well do that if he was a hotel landlord with more rooms than he could count, and more staff than he could name.

No, better to keep things small and personal. It seemed to be going well for his small business so far.
"Syn, dear, I'm going to check out the Fishing Tourney!" He called down the hall towards their room on the top floor. "Come along if you'd like!" But he doubted that his dear floppy eared husband would. He smiled - husband... they could say that to one another now. It felt surreal, but in a light-headed, happy sort of way.

He had just walked down to the beach when he was caught by an onslaught of fishy companions. Two flying fish, one that looked like a bright firework and the other that had unusual wings, swirled around his head so quickly that they blurred like a halo around his ears! He shook himself out of the path of the fish, but they only continued to follow him through the sand. He smiled at the two flying fish, fine, if they needed the company, he would supply it. @AlicornPlayhouse (Tagged cause I mentioned Seafoam Synergy, but no pressure to reply as him. <3 )
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 39 15 54
Roll(s): 48, 39, 15

Inna arrived with the festivities already underway. She paused and scanned the lively crowed as if they might try to rush her all at once. She let out a rumble of a growl before letting her irritable suspicious nature settle. There was only two reasons she had come here to fish and advertise for her shop with some free food for this event. Fortunately, the lively mood would make it less likely she would have to deal with her dammed curse of a diet.

Ignoring everypony around and strode straight for the shore and waded right in. Fishing was much more fun without the hassle of a rod. Sinking below the surface she began the search with a toothy satisfied grin.

She came up with a fish in he mouth to find a maow sitting on the beach staring at her with pleading eyes. She snorted and glowered at the critter. Share her catch, not likely. Though, maybe she'd share some scraps after preparing some sushi.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 16 16
Roll(s): 16

Sakura never minded being left behind while Sesshoumaru ventured off, the long time apart made the days that they were together that much more enjoyable. She always savored them too. It was part of the reason why she suggested the tournament, other than going to a new location and having her mate be a little more social- or at least, nice to other ponies. She knew he had a way of being quite imposing, and other ponies tended to avoid him because of that- but she always felt that he needed more friends… or acquaintances, in his life. Sensing he was silently being ‘mean’, her tail swished back to him to give him a gentle nudge- her own head turning back, giving him a warm smile. When he finally joined her in the spot she picked out, her head tilted at the question he asked, before giving him a nod. “Yes. I did sit here after all.” She told him with a bit of playful sass, looking to the wotter that waved to her as she cast her line again.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 21 49 70
Roll(s): 21 49
copy and paste the image of the prize(s) you're taking! remember to only grab 1 per the prompt rolled. if the prize rolled requires to ping Nym then note so here and use the Quote Nym form in a separate post)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 8 8
Roll(s): 8

Stellar didn’t seem to mind the heat, but it was probably because she enjoyed how the sun warmed her scales. While she wasn’t competitively interested in the tournament, she thought it would be a nice thing to bring her mate and family to. Originally, she wanted to get to the beach in order to find a nice spot and set up a fishing pole. Plans changed a little. It took awhile to convince her parents to join them, or at least, leave the orphanage for a little while and enjoy some time together doing some sort of activity. They agreed, but they weren’t going to leave right away. But after being successful, Stellar did eventually meet up with Tetra and joined her on the way to the beach.

Eventually, the two reached the destination and walked onto the beach. Stellar looked around, taking in the sight, sounds, and smells that was around. She hoped that they could find a good spot, and that she could get some time to fish. Hearing Tetra’s question, she glances over to her. “Hmm. I would like a spot so I can set up my fishing rod, then we can swim after that. If that’s alright with you?” She asked, wanting her mate’s approval first.

(I couldn't get to type up Lillia's post. It got really late, and I got really tired. I'll be sure to type it up when I get home from work.)


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 44 44
🎲d100 99 99
7/20 prize rolls

Rolls: 44 & 99
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 97 7 104
Roll(s): 97, 7
97: You feel a tug on your leg. It's a phytox who wants to play! Take home a phytox.

7: Something hits you right in the face! Take home a scarab!
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 44 48 92
Roll(s): 44, 48
You notice a lump of sand that looks suspicious.... Take home a glass fish figurine!

The line is heavy! You pull up a... geode? Take home a geode!

Spectral was delighted to hear about a fishing tourney. Though it was out of her norm since she was more interested in her plants and nightlife she decided that this would be a good chance to soak up some of that warm summer weather. Also there was a chance to get some possible sea plants hooked on her line that she might be able to incorporate into her normal plant rotation. Plus it would be really fun to just see what might be lurking under the dark depths. That and she had dragged Muana with her as well. "It'll be fun!" She exclaimed as she danced on the shore, holding onto the fishing line she was casting out. "Plus, whatever we might get might look good in the garden!"

WC: 129

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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 61 59 120
Roll(s): 61, 59

61: An aquaila drops down and snatches your bait! Take home an aquaila!

A school of Draxocoeti flies by, but one pauses to inspect your bait. Take home a draxocoeti!


signed an NDA
Staff member
"Yes," Strawberri cooed as her wife peeked into the pail, evidently pleased with her catch. A soft purr of a hum left her when her wife nuzzled against her cheek, her own wing rising to delicately pull Ruby Rose closer so she could return the gesture.
"Oh Ruby dear, the coral would fit nicely with your collection," She agreed softly. "I'm sure we can find you something while here, too. Was there a specific companion you were hoping for?" Tick and Tock, her own rabbits, would probably get along just fine with the newest fishy friend, but Strawberri Kiss was personally hoping for something more or less their size. Ruby Rose's own rabbit could also use the company, seeing as how Strawberri's hares were less than social with anyone but themselves.
She caught the distant glaze to her wife's eyes and leaned forward to catch Ruby's gaze. "Love? Is something bothering you?"


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 98 98
Roll(s): 98

Something about festivals left a bitter and gnawing anger in his stomach, writhing at every delighted shriek and mirthful laugh. He didn't have to come, no one asked him to, but Rocket kept finding himself drawn toward the regional festivities, as if attending them might somehow make the memory of her lessen or ache less. Or maybe he was trying to walk back in their hoofsteps, back when they were happy and attended these things without concern or hesitation.
Back when they were them.
But there he was, empty and seething with nothing to make the trek worth the effort. He was angry at himself, angrier at her, and angriest at everyone else who enjoyed the festival alongside their loved ones. He could have offered to take one of his children, sure, but he hadn't. He was alone with his brooding and a mouthful of sand, and he had no one to blame but himself.

The tug of something small and warm snapped him from his ruminating and forced his gaze down to a bright and colorful phytox, who had insistently pulled on his hair for his attention. Rocket's eyes narrowed into slits, his mouth curving into a frown.
"What? I have nothing to give you."
The phytox didn't care, nor did it deter. It gently flopped itself against his hoof and nuzzled close, blinking large eyes up at him. Rocket stared down, gaze hardened and cold, before turning back to hatefully stare at the water with his new companion.
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signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 26 26
Roll(s): 26

Juniper had come to the beach alongside the rest of her family, and she wasted no time in catching her first new friend. Much like her adoptive mother, Strawberri Kiss, Juniper had rescued the flailing pale flyingfish from the sand and deposited them into her own little pail, complete with sympathetic coo's and soft murmurs of comfort until the fish had stilled into a quiet lull within the bucket.