- 162
- #205
Dice Rolled:
Roll(s): 23, 98
Fuwa tilted her head in amusement when a fish quite literally flew into her mate's flank. True to their name, it would seem. With a twinkle in her eye, she teased.
"Oh, it's bold of a fish to slap your hindquarters, but when I do it, you don't seem to bat an eye." However, she realized, that he likely didn't take her flirting attempts seriously, because she could barely reach him, without standing on her hind legs. Her cheeks turned pink with embarrassment, but she pushed ever forward, determined to maintain a happy mood on this joyous occasion
"A pond could be fun!" She agreed. "You could build it large enough that Dyno could lounge there." She suggested with a smile. "Would it be freshwater or saltwater, do you suppose?" She mused aloud already thinking about how a pond would fit into their humble abode, and more than that, how many decorations she could put around it. @SwordOfTheNagas

Fuwa tilted her head in amusement when a fish quite literally flew into her mate's flank. True to their name, it would seem. With a twinkle in her eye, she teased.
"Oh, it's bold of a fish to slap your hindquarters, but when I do it, you don't seem to bat an eye." However, she realized, that he likely didn't take her flirting attempts seriously, because she could barely reach him, without standing on her hind legs. Her cheeks turned pink with embarrassment, but she pushed ever forward, determined to maintain a happy mood on this joyous occasion
"A pond could be fun!" She agreed. "You could build it large enough that Dyno could lounge there." She suggested with a smile. "Would it be freshwater or saltwater, do you suppose?" She mused aloud already thinking about how a pond would fit into their humble abode, and more than that, how many decorations she could put around it. @SwordOfTheNagas
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- 169
- #208
Dice Rolled:
Roll(s): 8
Unlike their mate, Lillia was dying from the heat- from being a Spring pony, and a super fluffy one at that. Despite this though, it didn’t seem like heat was even effecting her- especially the way they trotted excitedly besides Rockette. The date to the beach was a wonderful idea, but they were just excited to be with their mate more than anything really. The perk of catching fish, then bringing some home to make a meal was definitely nice as well. Lillia was carrying the towels, a blanket to lie on, and even a beach ball with her… though they would have to determine who would be the poor soul to inflate it. That will come later, if they decide to play a game with it. At the question, they tilted their head to think for a moment. “How about both? We can find a spot and you can get the drinks ready, and I can enter us in the tournament. How’s that sound?”

Unlike their mate, Lillia was dying from the heat- from being a Spring pony, and a super fluffy one at that. Despite this though, it didn’t seem like heat was even effecting her- especially the way they trotted excitedly besides Rockette. The date to the beach was a wonderful idea, but they were just excited to be with their mate more than anything really. The perk of catching fish, then bringing some home to make a meal was definitely nice as well. Lillia was carrying the towels, a blanket to lie on, and even a beach ball with her… though they would have to determine who would be the poor soul to inflate it. That will come later, if they decide to play a game with it. At the question, they tilted their head to think for a moment. “How about both? We can find a spot and you can get the drinks ready, and I can enter us in the tournament. How’s that sound?”
- 304
- #209

Nerissa prolonged the embrace of sorts a while longer as her mind worked. Her initial ire had vanished from her body only remaining as that hint of malice in her eyes as she looked towards the shore through the water. Oh, she was still set on getting her vengeance, but her mate's presence and suggestions had soothed the raging storm into a creeping tide.
Lola's words drew her focus back to her mate and she grinned toothily. She was the perfect minion. Beauty, intelligence, and loyalty to her alone. It set a pleasurable tingle down her spine. And she practically purred out her reply as she slowly pulled out of their cuddle. "Oh, ensnare them my dear. They shall pay for their folly in loyalty or treasure and that takes many forms." She casually alluded to the idea that the ponies themselves where the treasure she was thinking of acquiring. Oh she'd take valuables if they had a chance, but she doubted the beach goers were carrying many valuables on them. She flicked her tail and looked to her beloved's eyes. "They shall learn to respect me one way or another. I do believe it best to start with honey when laying a trap."
She stopped her thought early and her sharp eyes snapped to the approaching pony as they advanced on them quickly. Her smile turned down into a frown and he glowered at the pony as he spoke so open and casually to her. Which only added to with the likely unintended slight that she would need them or any other to remain safe, regardless of the foe. Her own previous words seemed forgotten and she drew herself to be as intimidating as possible before speaking her tone level, dark, and yet still melodic and beautiful. "Perhaps I'd fancy some sushi."
- 193
- #210
Dice Rolled:
Roll(s): 84
While Tetra looked for a spot for them to set up, Stellar used this time to spread out her wings and soak up even more warmth from the sun. That didn’t mean that she wasn’t helping find a spot though, she was looking around. She just happened to find herself getting distracted by the sights of other ponies around, the smell of food being grilled, and the sounds of the water crashing on the beast. Like her parents, Stellar has been working quite hard helping her parents in the orphanage- so it’s been awhile since she last got out and socialized. Hearing Tetra’s voice brought her attention back to her mate, then to the spot she pointed at. “That will work nicely.” She confirms with a warm smile, already moving to claim the spot before someone else did. On the way to the spot, hearing the suggestion from her mate had her stop for the moment. “Oh, alright. I would like some juice please.” She told her, reaching the area they wanted to claim and putting their stuff down to claim it- then goes to register into the tournament.

While Tetra looked for a spot for them to set up, Stellar used this time to spread out her wings and soak up even more warmth from the sun. That didn’t mean that she wasn’t helping find a spot though, she was looking around. She just happened to find herself getting distracted by the sights of other ponies around, the smell of food being grilled, and the sounds of the water crashing on the beast. Like her parents, Stellar has been working quite hard helping her parents in the orphanage- so it’s been awhile since she last got out and socialized. Hearing Tetra’s voice brought her attention back to her mate, then to the spot she pointed at. “That will work nicely.” She confirms with a warm smile, already moving to claim the spot before someone else did. On the way to the spot, hearing the suggestion from her mate had her stop for the moment. “Oh, alright. I would like some juice please.” She told her, reaching the area they wanted to claim and putting their stuff down to claim it- then goes to register into the tournament.
- 4
- #213
Dice Rolled:
Roll(s): 75, 66
75: As you're fishing a wotter peeks their head from the water and waves. Take home a wotter!
66: The fish you caught coughs up two hairclips. Ewww.... Take home a pair of hairclips!

75: As you're fishing a wotter peeks their head from the water and waves. Take home a wotter!

66: The fish you caught coughs up two hairclips. Ewww.... Take home a pair of hairclips!

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- 237
- #214

Normally, the alicorn's blunt hostility would deter most interactions with other ponies -- but this one was persistent, it seemed. Gallant listened with open disinterest, his attention only garnered when the other alicorn open admitted to the possibility they might take off with the necklace he'd fished from the open waters.
His brows rose slightly as he turned his head back to them, eyeing them with a new level of intrigue. "Now what makes you think I'd so easily hand over something that's mine?" Of course, he didn't think of the trinket as his just yet, not truly, but he was curious. Had that tactic worked on another pony so far? Had they procured an item or two during their trek toward him and forgotten those items just as fast as they'd set eyes on the necklace in question?
The lighter alicorn snorted at their last comments, watching as they plopped beside him. "And I can be just as stubborn," Gallant said slowly, making sure to glance over at the maow that had come with them in case the companion decided to cut the current conversation short and simply take the item the other alicorn was after. He glanced down at their outstretched hoof, considering his options for a moment. They didn't seem swayed by his obvious attitude. In fact, they practically threatened to follow him around until he conceded.
"If it's worth nothing, what then?"
- 59
- #218
Dice Rolled:
Roll(s): 36
Lights chuckled at his sweet little mate. Nuzzling her his ears perked up at the sounds of purring. He looked down and blinked slowly. "My love, you did want a cat right?"
The Maow pawed at his tail a few times, then curled around his legs to nuzzle into Vermillion.
"We're keeping it, yes?"
@-Ghastly Demise-

Lights chuckled at his sweet little mate. Nuzzling her his ears perked up at the sounds of purring. He looked down and blinked slowly. "My love, you did want a cat right?"
The Maow pawed at his tail a few times, then curled around his legs to nuzzle into Vermillion.
"We're keeping it, yes?"
@-Ghastly Demise-
- 113
- #219
Dice Rolled:
Roll(s): 71
Toxic looked surprise at her flirting. Usually it was him or Dyno, this was new. Refreshing. "Now my little gemstone, if you keep that up...we might have a gift waiting for us later on." he winked. A light tease back. Though the thought of foals was appealing with his little treasures.
He glanced over as one of his tails dragged through the shallows and he felt it hook a string. He brought it up to show off a crystal necklace. He slowly smiled as he used his tails to tie it to his lantern. "Look Fuwa!! I have a bit of you with me...it matches you well, doesn't it?"

Toxic looked surprise at her flirting. Usually it was him or Dyno, this was new. Refreshing. "Now my little gemstone, if you keep that up...we might have a gift waiting for us later on." he winked. A light tease back. Though the thought of foals was appealing with his little treasures.
He glanced over as one of his tails dragged through the shallows and he felt it hook a string. He brought it up to show off a crystal necklace. He slowly smiled as he used his tails to tie it to his lantern. "Look Fuwa!! I have a bit of you with me...it matches you well, doesn't it?"
- 238
- #220
Dice Rolled:
Roll(s): 24, 96
After the weirdness of a fish coughing up hair clips, that were rather adorable and could be wearable if cleaned, Bitsie went back to casting her line out once more. She laughed as her daughter dodged her elbow "Sorry, baby girl" she said softly, smiling at Deathie. They didn't normally talk a lot, but they enjoyed the time together.
It seemed to take so much longer this time to catch something, but the bobber suddenly disappeared, and she was back in action, excited to see what was at the end of her line again!... though, she made a mental note that she'd be okay if she didn't have hairclips spat out at her again.
24 You caught a fish, but it's too cute to eat! Take home an angelfish or flyingfish!
While her mom was busy with her fishing, Deathie was now fascinated by the lotoise that seemed to also take interest in her. She whispered little words to the creature as her pedipalps brushed over their head gently.
Weird enough, she began to feel something touching her leg? No, no... it was all in her head. Deathie turned her thoughts back to the critter in front of her. But... then she felt something touching her leg again! What could it be?
96 You feel a tug on your leg. It's a phytox who wants to play! Take home a phytox.
Posts: 1, 2

After the weirdness of a fish coughing up hair clips, that were rather adorable and could be wearable if cleaned, Bitsie went back to casting her line out once more. She laughed as her daughter dodged her elbow "Sorry, baby girl" she said softly, smiling at Deathie. They didn't normally talk a lot, but they enjoyed the time together.
It seemed to take so much longer this time to catch something, but the bobber suddenly disappeared, and she was back in action, excited to see what was at the end of her line again!... though, she made a mental note that she'd be okay if she didn't have hairclips spat out at her again.
24 You caught a fish, but it's too cute to eat! Take home an angelfish or flyingfish!

While her mom was busy with her fishing, Deathie was now fascinated by the lotoise that seemed to also take interest in her. She whispered little words to the creature as her pedipalps brushed over their head gently.
Weird enough, she began to feel something touching her leg? No, no... it was all in her head. Deathie turned her thoughts back to the critter in front of her. But... then she felt something touching her leg again! What could it be?
96 You feel a tug on your leg. It's a phytox who wants to play! Take home a phytox.
Posts: 1, 2
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