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▷ [ORP/Festival] The Fishing Tourney


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 34 34
🎲d100 19 19
7/22 prize roll

Rolls: 34, 19
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Rea flopped on to the sand, it was a bad idea to wear his strikers today, But it was the price of looking good. sand had gotten under some of his stickers and they had peeled off. he removed them and put them in his bag, not wanting to litter. and began to look for the others that had fallen off. it was made a bit harder with his hair in his face so he used his hair clip to pin it up revealing his pink and blue eyes, but suddenly he happened upon a cute little creature that had partly stuck those stickers on to themselves. Rea smirked and picked it up gently in his hoofs" Hey there little one can I get those back?" he asked as the little phytox who tilted its head gently behind Rea A giggle escaped his daughter Persephone.
"Papa looks like they wanna look like you, can we keep it? I'm sure mum and mama will like them as-well!" she took the little creature from her father he rolled his eyes with a smile at how impatient and existed she was to handle the creature " Sure pumpkin we can keep them" that's all it took, as the little Phytox climbed on to Her thorax and she pranced around happily " make sure you take good care of it!" he said as Persephone was to busy frolicking in her happy moment, she had a friend! a companion to join her in her life, Rea could only smile watching her as he sat back down letting her play with her new friend.

Clover was enjoying her time fishing, her new friends by her side. she hummed happily swaying her head side to side whilst watching the bobber, she wanted more fish, enough to fill her aquarium at home! little did she know she would get more than just fish. over time she heard a Plop, a splash of water rained over her paws as she tilted her head before looking over to the bucket. was her little friend restless? - Nope it was a Maow! it had dropped a Angel fish in to her bucket, she giggled and looked at them both as the little cat meowed contently and proud of itself, before purring and laying down at calicos side, surely the cat mistook her for one of its own, It wasn't all wrong! she knew that the car had chosen her and brought another fish friend to boot. she checked on the fish and luckily the fish was unharmed . a little mad sure but it was now calm that it had another angel fish near by. Link to roll
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Grizzled Veteran

Yeong waited with his line cast out for a fish to take his bait and actually get hooked. He took a second to make sure Midnis was behaving, her moat was finished and was a very uneven odd shaped one. But she looked proud of her work as she sat in one the deep spots, water filling it up from the ocean. Having not feel a tug on his fishing pole he decided it was okay to continue to look away so he could check on Deku. The tail was once again out in the water, mouth open, waiting for something to swim into it's jaws. Yeong sighed but was used to Deku's antics. A sharp tug on his pole caught his attention and he quickly grabbed the fishing pole and pulled back trying to hook whatever had taken a bite of his bait. He began to reel in the line excited to have finally made a catch.


Grizzled Veteran

Rocke walked further onto the beach with Lillia, his tail wagging happily. He wasn't usually this loose and outwardly cheerful but he was on a date with his mate so he could loosen up and not be super serious for once. Hearing their words about where to sit he gave a nod. That would work he supposed. He'd make sure they didn't sit by anyone who'd be too rowdy or try to mess with Lillia. He looked over all of the open spots, spotting a group of umbrellas near the water that didn't have any items under them to show they were claimed or any ponies by them. "How about that spot?" He suggested pointing to the spot he saw. He slowly made his way towards it, just in case his mate said no to the spot, that way he could easily move towards a different spot.



Grizzled Veteran

Tetra gave a nod at Stellar's drink preferences and gave a small chuckle at the wing bap. She was pretty sure she saw some mango drinks so that should be an easy one to fulfill. She hurried to the concession stands and got in line. It was a good thing the lines weren't long yet so it didn't take long to get the two fruit drinks. She got Stellar's mango juice and got a lemonade for herself.

She moved over to where the food was being given away and decided to just grab a couple bags of chips. It looked like there was going to be some barbecue, hamburgers, and hot dogs done soon. She tucked that info into the back of her mind so later when they were really hungry they could come and get some actual food instead of snacks. With drinks and snacks obtained Tetra began to head back to the spot they had picked out. With her claws full she decided that flying over was her best bet so she was in the air as she went back.



Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 27 48 75
Roll(s): 27 48
copy and paste the image of the prize(s) you're taking! remember to only grab 1 per the prompt rolled. if the prize rolled requires to ping Nym then note so here and use the Quote Nym form in a separate post)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 93 93
🎲d100 41 41
Roll(s): 93 and 41
You feel a tug on your leg. It's a phytox who wants to play! Take home a phytox.

You notice a lump of sand that looks suspicious.... Take home a glass fish figurine!
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 100 17 117
Roll(s): 100, 17
100: Something bubbles under the surface... Quote Nym!
17: You're stopped by someone who bought an extra towel. Take home a towel!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 72 70 142
Roll(s): 72, 70

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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 43 43
Roll(s): 43

Sakura tilted her head at the blanket she pulled up, but put it off to the side. Her tail takes it, pulling it along with the Phytox and Wotter that Sesshomaru found close and wrapping itself around them. She cast out her line again, watching the water and both of their bobbers- humming softly. “This isn’t so bad, is it? We get to spend time together, and gather new friends.” She looked to him, giving him a warm smile. “I think we should do this more often… even if there’s not a tournament.” She suggested, leaning to him and giving him a nuzzle- though briefly, not wanting to embarrass him in front of the other ponies with public affection.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 100 100
Roll(s): 100
Quote Nym.

Lillia wasn’t going to complain any time soon about their mate’s change of demeanor, even if it was just temporary. It was nice to see, and it brought a big smile on their face. Honestly, they didn’t really care if their neighbors were rowdy or not- just as long as they weren’t aggressively so, or disruptive. Other than that, they were rather laid back about whoever they might sit beside. “That looks perfect.” Lillia confirmed, walking after Rockette while they headed toward the spot they pointed at- humming a little tune, brushing against his side affectionately every now and then.