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Pokémon Expeditions

002: Going My Way? (Pip + Oliver) [COMPLETE]


Let's go! Expedition time!
Players participating: @Andraia , @Shaddaling

Trainers participating: Shelby "Pip" Sirènes, Oliver Sinclair
Pokémon participating:

Shelby "Pip" Sirènes
Trainer Stats2431-12242
Little Guy
#00099 - Beginner - N. Totodile
3 (4)
3 (4)
1 (3)
2 (4)
1 (3)
3 (5)
1 (5)
1 (5)
1 (5)
3 (5)
#00118 - Beginner - Chingling
1 (3)
2 (4)
3 (4)
2 (4)
3 (4)
1 (5)
1 (5)
3 (5)
3 (5)
1 (5)
#00405 - Beginner - Pikachu (PW)
2 (5)
1 (4)
2 (6)
4 (5)
2 (6)
3 (5)
2 (5)
1 (5)
1 (5)
2 (5)
#00455 - Beginner - N. Poliwag
1 (3)
2 (3)
3 (5)
1 (3)
2 (4)
1 (5)
2 (5)
2 (5)
2 (5)
2 (5)

Oliver Sinclair
Trainer Stats2234-22241
#00007 - Beginner -Delkatty
3 (4)
3 (4)
3 (5)
2 (4)
2 (4)
1 (5)
3 (5)
2 (5)
2 (5)
1 (5)
#00089 - Beginner - N. Scatterbug
2 (3)
1 (3)
2 (3)
1 (3)
1 (3)
3 (5)
1 (5)
1 (5)
3 (5)
1 (5)

Expedition Area: Area 002 - Darksallow Valley (Beginner)
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  • Andy 2096 (323+160+210+276+136+106+266+277+342)
  • Shad 1248 (217+159+107+166+95+98+148+155+103)
  • 08 - Startled Pokemon (N. Poliwag)
  • 04 - Trainer Danger (Pip -1 VIT)
  • 14 - Wild Battle (Chinchou; Shan - Research Ball, Andy - Nest Ball)
  • 02 - Trainer Danger (Major) (RIP Pip and Oliver 💀 )
Last edited:


New day, new probably-moronic escapade into the creepy unexplored forest.

They had come around to the fact that it wasn’t actually haunted or cursed… it just had a lot of stinging nettle, and inexplicable sinkholes. Maybe there were diglettes in the forest. Well, if there were diglets, it would be more likely that they were in the cave than in the forest itself. Unless there was some new grass or water-type diglette in the woods. There were a lot of regional variants here! It wasn’t a complete impossibility.

Realistically, it was just the result of alluvial soil settling unevenly over twisting tree roots.


Pip stood just to the side of the cave exit, leaning against the rocky wall as they observed the forest looming in front of them. They came slightly better prepared this time – a few pokeballs, a few potions, and, most importantly, new member of their team. Their new nauwillian poliwag took very well to training, and showed absolutely zero hesitancy when being introduced to Pip’s other pokemon. They and Little Guy had gotten off particularly well, and they taken to riding around on Little Guy’s back, despite not being that much smaller than him. (It was pretty cute though.)

What they were debating was whether they should go along the river route again, like they had taken with Tori, or if they should cross the river and go into the deeper forest, like they had on their two most recent solo adventures. They had come across a lot of pokemon on their last trip, but none of them had been the elusive feathered-mon that was leaving behind those nests, nor were any of them the little tengels they had been hoping to run into again. Decisions, decisions…

They sighed and rolled their head back so it knocked against the rocks, watching the clouds roll by and rolling Little Guy’s pokeball between their fingers as they considered their options.


Grizzled Veteran
After the warm up exploration in Newbreeze Grasslands and making sure Max was not about to kill himself out there, he worried. Perhaps more then he should, but Max was also an adult and well it was the grasslands. There wasn't much out there that was going to be too dangerous as long as Max kept to that area.

'Cept now they had opened up a new area. One Oliver hadn't explored yet, and rather he did it first before Max went roaring off and landed in a hole, or a tree, or off a cliff, or tripped over his aron and drowned or something else ridiculous. It could happen.

So he had gathered his gear, and his pokemon and found himself traveling the way to the woods. Which was surprisingly not too terrible. Nauwhil was hot and humid but the trees should provided quite a bit of shade and he could hear the soft burbling of a river or stream somewhere ahead.

Mothra was jauntily taking point, her tail flicking back and forth as she led the way, and Mimic was settled on the collar of his shirt, occasionally peering about in curiosity as they traveled. She gave a little mrrppph noise, a little "Del!" Of excitment escaping her as she hurried up to great someone.


Pip wasn't really in a hurry to make their decision -- it was a nice day and they were enjoying the sun while they loitered by the cave entrance. They knew from experience that they wouldn't be able to continue enjoying it once they moved past the tree line. Maybe they could-

The thought didn't get very far, as it interrupted by a little three-legged delkatty coming up to them! Pip blinked down at the creature, startled by her sudden appearance. She was clearly domestic -- she had a little collar on. Pip crouched down and reached out a hand, offering pets. "Uh-... hello there. Where did you come from?"

They hadn't seen anyone else headed this way when they were travelling from town, but they had been standing there a while. Pip looked up and over at the cave entrance, anticipating seeing another trainer exit. Unless this little pokemon had wandered all the way here from town by itself?


Grizzled Veteran
Mothra gave a cheerful little chirp, scrutinizing the hand for a second before pushing into it with a deep rumbling purr. She pressed against Pip, giving cheerful purr noises, her tail brushing against Pip's face.

"Really?" Oliver questioned, more amused then not as Mothra gleefully plastered herself over the young wo... no, he could faintly remember them from one of the many bureaucratic certification classes as Nauwhil dotted their i's and crosses their ts. He was rather sure they were nonbinary? Something like that. He had their number and info somewhere in his phone under list of emergency work contacts in case shit went sideways.

"Mothra, please, don't keep slapping her... them?" He questioned, fishing for a proper pronoun, they might be genderfluid? Was he even thinking the right one? "In the face with your tail," he added, watching the bottle brush like end swipe close to getting in Pip's mouth. Mothra chirped, stretching out, tail swaying behind her.


Pip tipped their head back to avoid getting a mouth full of pokemon tail but, obligingly, provided provided the little delkatty -- Mothra, apparently -- with the desired skritches. "Them." Pip provided, unoffended. They had a more masculine build and a more feminine style; it was not the first nor would it be the last time they had to clarify.

The man (and, to be fair, they were making their own assumptions there) who had come around the corner was one Pip had seen around the island, and during some of the intake procedures. He was on the list of registered first aiders, like they themselves were, although they were pretty sure he was far more qualified than Pip was. A medic, or a nurse, or an EMT, or something.

They gave the cat-pokemon a final skritch and stood back up to their full height (6' -- their general demeaner gave the impression of someone who would have a bit of a slouch, but Mémère was very particular about posture and they'd had it drilled into them from a very young age). Pip reclipped Little Guy's ball to their belt and turned to face the man properly. "Pretty sure we've met already -- technically -- but I'm Pip. Pip Sirènes."


Grizzled Veteran
Oliver snapped his fingers as it came to him. "The life guard?" Well maybe that was correct. It felt correct. "Oliver Sinclair, and you met Mothra," He motioned to the delkatty as she gave a little grumbling noise at the lost of scritches and trotted back over to sit by his feet. "The one hiding in my shirt collar is Mimic," he added, carefully extracting the scatter bug out. Oliver gently rubbed over the small insects head before letting him return to his hiding place.

"How have you been finding Nauwhil?" He asked, looking up at them, they were taller then him but that wasn't overly surprising.


Pip smiled, a bit awkwardly, and nodded. "Eh, yeah, the life guard."

They chuckled at the bashful scatterbug; it reminded them a bit of their new pikachu. "At least yours fits!" After a pause they realized that that probably made absolutely zero sense without context. "Er... I was given a pikachu recently and it also tries to hide in my shirt, but..." they used their hands to indicate the rough size of the slightly-rotund electric mouse. Pip would have supplied the pokemon's name... if they had thought of one yet. Why did no one ever warn them how hard it would be to name pokemon?

"It's been pretty alright here, when we're not being threatened by once-in-a-lifetime storms and falling into sink holes." They looked back out at the forest and realized, perhaps a bit stupidly late, that there was really only one reason someone would have wandered all the way out here. "I suppose you're here to explore the valley?" Although maybe they were just curious to see it? They shouldn't make assumptions. "Or... er... look at it?"

Mmmm. Truly. Spoken like someone with a masters degree. They valiantly resisted the urge to burry their head in their hands.

They probably didn't look much like they were going on a hike themselves, to be fair. Although they were wearing boots, that was the only thing about their outfit that varied from their usual day-to-day ensamble of Alolan-shirt-over-twist-top and swim trunks. That was really less about what was appropriate for wandering the woods and more about the limited selection in their closet. (They really hadn't put a lot of thought into their packing when they moved.)


Grizzled Veteran
Oliver paused and grinned softer then usual at Pip's rambling. They reminded him of his younger siblings when they got over excited about something. But much, much more awkward. "That seems a bit rotond for a pikachu, but it is hard to break them from bad habits when adopting a new pokemon," He said, relaxing slightly as he watched Pip dig themselves farther down a hole.

"Yes, it helps pay for the extra costs of living here," He said. "Though, I really would suggest wearing some sort of pants and less flowing t-shirt for better protection from falling into sink holes, or thorn bushes, or what ever else you have lately fallen into." Pip really did dress like life guard or surfer. Hopefully they remembered to use sunscreen.

Oliver was wearing one of the more basic pairs of black pants he had brought along, paired with a simple short sleeve button down also in black with various pastel witchcraft paraphernalia on it in cute chibi style.


Pip looked down at their legs, which at least didn't show too much evidence of all of the encounters they'd had with thorn bushed, sink holes, stinging nettle, and scrambling pokemon so far. "Uh... yeah. I keep meaning to buy some pants, but..."

That actually reminded them of what had be stalling their entry into the woods before Oliver and his pokemon had arrived. "Actually, the last couple of times I've come in here I've crossed the river to explore on the other side." They gestured vaguely in the direction they had headed previously, where there was a relatively wide-and-shallow section that could be mostly forded. "So the swim trunks are... strategic?" They would have wanted something they could swim in anyway. Even if that wasn't all they packed.

They really should buy some pants though.


Grizzled Veteran
"I see," Oliver said, looking at river and then back at Pip's clothing choices. "I would think you would have brought some crocs to change into to save you the trouble of wet boots, unless you planned to carry them?" He supposed that could be a plan. "Where you planning to head that way then?"

"I don't want to be keeping you from your expedition..." Oliver hadn't really decided where to go yet. Most of the time the plan was go out in the woods, come back when tired. It had been working rather well.


"I've got water shoes, but I just change into them when I reach the water." Pip explained, scratching awkwardly at the back of their neck. "I actually hadn't decided if I would go that way again. The deeper part of the woods seems to have stinging nettle, but that might have just been a coincidence..." Wait, was he trying to hint that they wanted Pip to go away? Or were they just being polite and not wanting to make Pip feel obligated to stay and chat? "I can go that way again though, if you, eh, were wanting the closer area to yourself? I'm not picky."


Grizzled Veteran
"It is a public woods," Oliver stated, motioning out to all the woods." I'm sure we have plenty of opportunities to find pokemon. Though that does give me a bit more info what is out there." Enough to keep a closer eye on Mothra to keep her out of the brambles.

Oliver clicked her tongue, calling Mothra's attention. "Perhaps we will see each other while out there." He said, giving a nod to Pip and headed out into the woods. "Might take a chance and give that river a look. A lot of pokemon tend to congregate there."


Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 15
Res: 8
The screen flashes and exciting music plays...
Current Word Count: 2053
Total GEs Earned: 8
GEs Already Used: 0

8Something darts across your feet, attempting to flee into the underbrush.Startled Pokémon5

Startled Pokémon
The characters scare pokémon out of hiding. Roll 1-100 and determine which pokémon you've found from the area's chart; all players find the same pokémon, so only one person needs to roll. Each player is allowed to roll one character's DEX + their choice of ball's Catch Score vs the event's difficulty in order to try and catch one.


Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 100
Res: 25
Rolling for Startled Pokemon
??? 1-05 | Tangel 06-15 | N. Poliwag 16-30 | Chinchou 31-45 | N. Wurmple 46-60 | N. Weedle 61-80 | N. Scatterbug 81-100

... it's a N. Poliwag!​


Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 1 3 1 5 2 3 6 4 25
Pip has DEX 3 and is using a Research Ball CS 5 (8)
vs DC 5

... and Pip fails!


Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 2 4 4 1 2 6 1 3 23
Pip nodded a goodbye and then... started walking in the same direction. They had started walking more on instinct than anything else when Oliver had effectively ended the conversation, and had ended up accidentally following them. If they changed directions now it would be even more awkward. They laughed awkwardly when they caught his eye, "sorry I didn't mean to f-" but they were saved any further embarrassment by something coming running out of the woods!

A couple of regional poliwags came darting out from under a bush, headed in the general direction of the river. Pip fumbled with a research ball from their pocket, trying to nap one of them, but they had been taken by surprise and were too slow on the draw. It seemed Oliver hadn't faired much better, and both of the creatures escaped.

It was a good thing those pokemon had been more interested in getting away than attacking, and Pip didn't particularly want to be on the receiving end of one of those water guns. "I should probably take a pokemon out..." they muttered to themselves, retrieving and activating two pokeballs from their belt. A Nauwillian Totodile and unusually coloured Chingling joined the party on the path.

"This is Little Guy," Pip introduced, gesturing to the totodile, then to the psychic type, "and this Mezzo."

Both pokemon stayed close to Pip, as they were trained to do when summoned around other people. While Little Guy was looking up and the new faces with intrigue and a happily swishing tail, Mezzo chimed in a vaguely defensive manner and eyed them suspiciously.


Grizzled Veteran
"What were those?" Oliver questioned, retrieving his nest ball to tuck back into his pocket. What ever it was, it was wet. His nose wrinkle as he scraped off slime from the ball. Aquatic perhaps if that was a protective slimy coat.

It was an odd looking green creature that was sort of reminded him of a polliwog but green, and with bristles, and sort of just in all wrong looking. So maybe not even like a polliwag and more like a green squishy thing.

"Mmh? Oooh. You have one of the starters," he said, looking over the n.totodile and then to the rather distrustful chingling that was giving him the stink eye. "They look well cared for, " he added, keeping his hands to himself.

Mothra gave a soft little chirp noise of greeting, stepping out in a friendly manner if any wished to meet with her.