Animal Country: Big City


At the moment I'd venture not, because a lot of work right now is happening behind the scenes (things I cannot share because it's mostly logic design we're working on together) and when his part of that is done he'll be focusing more on art, which will be more visible ... I'd hope. 🥴

I think at that point @polliwoggi will keep up a Trello though? That's something he'll need to answer for you all.

Anyway, all I can really say is stuff'll happen when it happens, and while I'm sorry to not be more help there, I can at least edit your username for you.
That's totally fine, I like surprises anyway. 😊
Was just curious if that was available or not. I am a lot more excited for this than I thought I would be which is making me wonder when things will kick off.

Thank you oh great magic hoster. Now it isn't such a glaring blemish on my utter mistakes in life. Lol


At the moment I'd venture not, because a lot of work right now is happening behind the scenes (things I cannot share because it's mostly logic design we're working on together) and when his part of that is done he'll be focusing more on art, which will be more visible ... I'd hope. 🥴

I think at that point @polliwoggi will keep up a Trello though? That's something he'll need to answer for you all.

Anyway, all I can really say is stuff'll happen when it happens, and while I'm sorry to not be more help there, I can at least edit your username for you.
Also what's a trello exactly?


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
That's totally fine, I like surprises anyway. 😊
Was just curious if that was available or not. I am a lot more excited for this than I thought I would be which is making me wonder when things will kick off.

Thank you oh great magic hoster. Now it isn't such a glaring blemish on my utter mistakes in life. Lol
We're excited you're excited! I wish it could just be immediate myself, but I think I speak for us both when I say we want to do it right and make it great. 💜

Also what's a trello exactly?
It's like a public timeline work-board sort of thing, pretty much what you asked for, I think?


Grizzled Veteran
I feel like we talk in a different discord b/c cuz that name rings a bell. >>
Cool, mines the Tol cub~

Still haven't figured out much for the cutie so a practice rp would be nice to kinda mold em out.

Also do you know if you can edit your username? Just realized the last i in my username is lowercase instead of capital and it is going to bother me.....
I go by Emmer on Discord. I'm 100% sure I've seen you there hehe.


I appreciate your suggestion my fellow friend. For I have not looked at the correct forums yet. Thus, you have made things much easier for me. I must say it is quite late here now so I shall see you on the morrow good sir. Mayhaps there be a new piece of literature for you to browse when you wake. Wishing you all the best
- lLuminl

Gotta read it in a proper 1900's upper class citizen tone lol
Why? I'm tired and bored. XD


Station Visitor
oh my goodness I am so stupid - I read the abbreviated winners list on Discord and didn't think I was on it!!! I won a baby!! Thank you!!

can't wait to see what comes out the hiring thread, I'll try and slack off work today and get some in > u>


oh my goodness I am so stupid - I read the abbreviated winners list on Discord and didn't think I was on it!!! I won a baby!! Thank you!!

can't wait to see what comes out the hiring thread, I'll try and slack off work today and get some in > u>
I did the same thing >>
I was super sad about it too. Then I actually clicked the link and realized I actually won a citizen. 😂
Belated congrats btw!


By the way Sharkberry,
Was I supposed to post my personal Citz journal thing in the apartments thread within the group forums? I didn't realize there were other threads besides those on the front page which is my bad.


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Yeah! The journals (so pet threads?) go into the apartments subforum, if you like to keep track of those sorts of things yourself.
(There's usually one for any type of shop/adopts sort of thing, jsyk!)

Do you want me to move the one you've made there for you?


Yeah! The journals (so pet threads?) go into the apartments subforum, if you like to keep track of those sorts of things yourself.
(There's usually one for any type of shop/adopts sort of thing, jsyk!)

Do you want me to move the one you've made there for you?
I assumed there was going to be one created after a bit because I didn't see a journals thread anywhere. Should have known it existed somewhere. lol

If it won't be too much work that's be great otherwise I'd manually move it over in a day or two.


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
I assumed there was going to be one created after a bit because I didn't see a journals thread anywhere. Should have known it existed somewhere. lol

If it won't be too much work that's be great otherwise I'd manually move it over in a day or two.
It's alright. Everything to do with AC:BC outside this thread will be in that group, just so you know. 💜

I moved it for you!


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 25 76 101

Hi everyone!

@polliwoggi asked me to come up with an idea how to give away this little cutie, so I had a good sit and decided, why not a dice game?

Pretty simple:
I will roll 2d100 in this post, and all you have to do is hit those same numbers in yours, rolling 2d100 each post!

You can roll the numbers in separate posts.
(e.g. 25 in one, and 70 in another)

If you win, ping me (in this thread) with links to your winning roll(s).

Good luck!