Big City, the setting and focus of our shop, resides on the continent known generally as Animalia. The world is very much like our own, with wilds stretching between long roads to other townships and settlements. The people are not human, however - they've never even heard of one! Rather, the world is populated by sapient, anthropomorphic animals (and plants, and fungi too!) known collectively as "citizens." These citizens live their lives much like we do - taking on jobs and bragging about their profits on their socials, working to make their community the best, playing (and getting frustrated at) games and getting lost in their hobbies! Residents in Big City have all the amenities you might expect from a place with such a name, too, from high-speed internet to smartphones and all of the fast n’ free delivery services, life is good - if a little crowded - in the City.
Animalia itself is a supercontinent, divided up by several very different biomes, and more often than not one can find a single, larger city that houses that biome’s unique Wishing Well (detailed later on!) - the magical source where citizens for that region are born. Each of those, in turn, is typically dotted with outlier cities and smaller settlements forged by citz that wanted a more idyllic sort of life. The largest well on the whole of Animalia resides in Big City’s main park, but that doesn't mean that life isn't important elsewhere! The currently known areas of Animalia are:
Big City
The biggest and best city on the whole continent - or so its mayor will tell you. Big City is a massive metropolis, sprawling close to the nearby tropical waters of So Deep’s coastline and surrounded by an even larger spread of twisting, interconnected suburbs. At the edges of its territory lay numerous farms growing deliciously fresh food to feed happy, hungry mouths.
Natives: Cats, Corvids, Dogs, Pigs, Rabbits, Rats, Small Birds
Flat Place
North of Big City is the territory of Flat Place, an area of verdant flatland and wide savanna. Known for such wide, open space, it's no surprise that many animals who live here love running and racing on its broad plains. Flat Place is dotted with numerous campsites along its coast, and it boasts a number of exciting fishing holes and surprisingly deep, underground caverns for the adventurous. Residents like to claim that the skies in Flat Place are so clear you can even see Far, Far Away in the stars at night!
Natives: Chickens, Cows, Giraffes, Horses, Ostriches, Sheep
Northeast of Big City lays Innawoods, a thickly lush city built into the ancient trees that swell towards the skies in its forested biome.Much of the region is unmapped, and some people say the heart of the place is so thick, there's barely an inch between tree trunks! Most residents of Innawoods, especially of its prime city, are fiercely protective of their woodland home, and they go to great lengths to protect its heart. Homes are built from concrete and stone, if not wished into the very fabric of the trees themselves by lucky citizens. If there are settlements in the woods, they are secretive and well-hidden, as even the most intrepid of adventurers are lucky if they don't get lost in the dizzying depths of the forest.
Natives: Beetles, Cubs, Deer, Fireflies, Kitsune, Millipedes, Owls, Spiders, Tanuki
So Deep
Just west of Big City, built into the famously fabulous coral reefs of the area, is the township of So Deep. Numerous aquatic animals call this area their home, making their living both under the waves and floating atop the glittering jewel of the sea. So Deep is a loose community, with many residents often commuting between the bay, Big City and So, So Deep. Their primary offerings are a number of resorts and casinos dotted along the coast, as well as an excellent seafood industry. Many citizens from outside the region view natives of So Deep as extremely relaxed or even lackadaisical; in turn, many of those natives think the outsiders should just, like, chill out, man.
Natives: Karp, Octopuses, Sharks, Sirens, Whale Sharks
So, So Deep
Further north and west of So Deep is the creatively named So, So Deep. Less a city and more a twisting labyrinth of underwater caverns, So, So Deep is the nightmare of many of Animalia's land dwelling people, but a paradise for its natives. Bioluminescent fauna cling to its many walls, giving an eerie and ethereal light to the seemingly endless depths far below the waves. While the inhabitants might get a bad rap from some citizens for being a bit creepy, they're often just as relaxed as their shallower neighbors. Visitors take caution, though; scuba gear or a good set of gills is required to even set fin in the strange, underwater world, and absolutely waterproof electronics are a must!
Natives: Isopods, Jellyfish, Nudibranchs, Sea Dragons
Swampy Bog
From the south of Big City stretches an expansive and impressive marshland, rolling from swamp to bog, from bog to bayou, and from bayou to beyond. Nestled along one of those shallower stretches of water is the half-submerged city of Swampy Bog. The buzzing city, yawning out the mire in all of its soggy pride, is an eclectic mix of buildings raised on stilts and sunken stone homes, mingled and interlaced with old-fashioned lights and lamps often strung up between tall poles in a charming, yet haphazard manner. Massive mangroves and water oaks thickly laden with hanging moss offer haven to a wide variety of fauna, and it's not uncommon for the air itself to seem alive with the songs of insect and bird alike late into the evening. Many of Animalia's best entertainers hail from Swampy Bog and its long tradition of celebrating just about any event they can!
Natives: Frogs, Moff, Salamanders
Tall Mountain
In the stony peaks of Animalia's great mountain range, the tallest mountain of them all claims a Well and a city of its own. With super-modern homes built right into the rock face, Tall Mountain boasts the second largest population in the land - and quite possibly the most advanced technology, too. The winding mines throughout the range offered an excellent source of supply for quick innovation since the Beginning of All Time, and the same remains true today as its centralized location gives a wonderful starting point for the industries' logistics. Citizens of Tall Mountain are always on the go, and it might just give Big City a run for its money in terms of pep and productivity!
Natives: Alpacas, Angoras, Chinchillas, Goats, Lindwurmes
Ancient Valley
In stark contrast to the ultra-advanced citizens of Tall Mountain, the residents of Ancient Valley seem to be part of a land that time forgot. In truth, maybe it did! Nestled in the middle of the Animalia mountain range, Ancient Valley was only recently uncovered by a particularly astute, exploratory mining team. As such, their level of civilization was quite primitive! While older natives of the misty land are suspicious of these strange newcomers, new citizens adapt quite quickly to the welcoming and outreach crews that visit the valley, and many of them have already integrated quite well into modern society. Those that choose to stay in Ancient Valley have begun to make it more known to the outside, however, as it offers regional delicacies, games - well, an entire culture totally unknown anywhere else in the world!
Natives: Axolotls, Pachies, Quetzals, T-Rexes
Deep within the catacombs of twisting, labyrinthian caverns under Tall Mountain, another Well can be found, and alongside it a most unusual settlement. Built in a series of massive, open caves and cut through the middle by an underground river, Dankville is an utterly dark and damp establishment - perfect for the natives who reside there! Much of the city is entirely lightless, and areas that do cater to the seeing have low, barely there illumination - though even that might be blinding in such overwhelming inkiness! The residents are anything but “wet rags,” however; while outsiders might be put off by their seemingly alien way of life, there’s no denying there’s always something going down in Dankville. From a hopping night club scene - open twenty-four hours a day, of course - to comedy bars and artisan beer gardens with local acts, there’s always some way to party down in the dark.
Natives: Bats, Boo, Eyeballs, Mushrooms
Cloudy Cover
Drifting high over Tall Mountain is a mystical place of wonder known as Cloudy Cover. Resting on magical clouds, precious little about this strange place is known to most land-dwelling citizens, and natives of it aren't quick to let its secrets out! One thing the mythical animals descending from the skybound town do share, however, is its highly coveted cloud cotton; woven from strands of pure, mystical clouds. Unsurprisingly, this fabric is all the rage in the land below, and as such, Cloudy Cover is known first and foremost for its haute fashion and high level of aesthetics, often pictured as a haven for its beautiful citizens. How much of that is true, however, no one but the residents really know for certain.
Natives: Fancies, Dragons, Sprytes, Fraeco, Lungs
Under There
In contrast to Cloudy Cover, deep under Tall Mountain is another land; some argue whether or not it should be considered a part of Animalia at all, but since the mine crew that dug too deeply fell quite literally into the middle of a town meeting, that's really just semantics. The twisted halls below the mountains are accessible now, and from it have come creepy and strange animals of all sorts; each a mockery of some other race on the land above, these "monsters" have faced a bit of trouble integrating into society above. Despite their sometimes horrific appearance, however, the “monsters” of the dark and damp land of Under There are every bit the same sort of normal citizens as those above. Their regional offering to Big City has been their odd meat plants, and with the ability to grow rows of tasty roast or steak with the ease of an apple orchard or watermelon patch, these citizens have single-handedly wiped out most all other forms of red meat and poultry production in just a few years!
Natives: It is a mystery ...
Some people thought Under There was too deep. Some people, possibly, might have been right. Some people might also have been sticks in the mud, so of course further expeditions were mounted with the aid of the monsters of Under There. What they sought, of course, were minerals and wealth; what they found, however - well, there were plenty of minerals and gems to fill their pockets, but as they dug deeper, drilling deeply into the heart of the world below, what they found was something wholly alien. Locked in a massive cave system unlinked to the surface above was a fiery, sweltering land - and a new Well. The natives that came from this one, however, were unlike anything the animals above had ever seen; calling themselves “demons” rather than “animals,” each one of these odd beings was entirely unique! Even the monsters from Under There resembled the people above, but no - not these. No two seem to be even a little bit alike, apart from at least further than having some familiar combination of arms, legs, and a head. Beyond that, it seems, only the wildest of imagination is the limit! Few demons reside in Animalia proper, as the culture contacts are still learning about each other - and they find the weather quite cold! - but more and more of them are appearing over time.
Natives: DEMONS??????????????????
Frosty Falls
In the icy reaches of the north, at the base of a great waterfall frozen for all but one or two months of the year, sits the main township of Frosty Falls, permanently coated in a thick layer of chilly permafrost. In this neverending winter wonderland, the thick-skinned and heavy-furred natives make a jolly home amidst powdery ski slopes and a plethora of hot-chocolate stands. Cheerful decorations adorn the heart of artistry in Animalia, as the city boasts a wonderful selection of often reclusive artists and writers, some would claim from the boredom so much snow and ice brings.. Indeed, while some take inspiration directly from their frozen environment, even more popular are the sprawling, high-fantasy tales and scenes of sci-fi adventures made popular by many of the various cities’ residents from all corners!
Natives: Foxes, Narwhals, Penguins, Wolves
Sandy Ridge
Under the blistering hot sands of the eastern desert, Sandy Ridge emerges from the heat like a shimmering oasis. Life here is slow, often falling to nocturnal schedules, though some residents still face the blinding sun with a certain resolution; after all, it's a common part of their lives. Everyday activities hang in a precarious balance, resting between getting things done and the ever present threat of overheating and dehydration. Even so, its natives have a great fondness for its open-planned buildings and great wind and solar farms, and even if it's hard to beat the heat, there's always cool drinks and icy treats to be found on most every street.
Natives: Fennecs, Spritz
Rainy Plateau
Along the southern coast of Animalia stretches a humid jungle teeming with rich wildlife and luscious flora. From its edge along the Swampy Bog to the coastal line surrounding its borders, Rainy Plateau boasts the greatest variety of life of any region on the continent. The star of this area is the city around its Well; twisted among heavy greenery and sometimes within the ancient trees themselves, this settlement rarely even touches the floor of the jungle, instead strung up in the canopy itself. Life in Rainy Plateau is an adventure, with every step outside of the town proper risking running into some new or unusual, potentially dangerous critter, but residents often embrace it with gusto. After all, if you're not going to escape it, you might as well enjoy it, right?
Natives: Bees, Elephants, Flowers, Peafowl, Speets
Far, Far Away
Does Far, Far Away even exist? It's the debate of many great scholars, and while it's claimed that you can see it if you look with just the right telescope, no one is quite certain. What is certain that is if does exist, whatever lives there must certainly be pretty alien to Animalia.
Natives: Homuns, Pomani