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[CA] Jairo Solares [READY]

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Character Name: Jairo

Pronoun Choice: He/Him

Age: 36

Home Region: Paldea

Character Overview: Saddled with the responsibility of raising one of his younger siblings when just a child himself, Jairo has learned a few things about what it takes to survive. He's also deeply overworked and in dire need of a vacation he will and has adamantly refused to take, even when practically thrown at him— who else is going to ensure shit gets done and make sure matters are handled in a timely manner? Work always was one of his top priorities and an escape from the more convoluted parts of life, but Jairo hasn't lost sight of what it is he works so damn hard for; his brothers and ensuring they live a want-free life he never had. Jairo has always been a provider, protector, and lover, and while he desperately wishes, deep down, that someone would care for him as he does others, he also has not ever complained about his role in life.

Five Likes:
  • Coffee
  • Giving Gifts
  • Cooking
  • Schedules
  • Praise

Five Dislikes:
  • Cigarettes
  • Heights
  • Parties
  • Spicy Food
  • Mess

  • Puzzles
  • Coffee Making
  • Running

Three Strengths:
  • Organized: Things have homes in Jairo’s world, and he is never without some sort of planner, notebook, or digital device to keep himself on top of things. He’s prone to subtlety nudging things into place when in areas not his, although he tries to fight the urge.
  • Self Sufficient: Jairo was taught young that he couldn’t afford to rely on others— he was the one people needed in their times of need. He can take care of himself just fine, even when stressed, sick, or uncertain. He’s used to navigating the world either as a leader or caretaker and is quick to pick up on context clues of his surroundings.
  • Adaptable: Life frequently doesn’t go as you’d expect, and Jairo isn’t one to stick to rigid expectations. He will bend and mold himself when he has to, quick to asserting a situation and adjusting to fit within it. This has led him to adjusting his tone and body language to further blend in or tackle what he needs to, helping him adorn multiple masks.
Three Flaws:
  • Hellbent: Jairo chases— he lunges after the things he wants and grits his teeth through life, latching onto goals with a locked jaw. Jairo does not give up; it’s simply not in his vocabulary. Unfortunately, this can consume him if he does not achieve his goal for a long time, casting a shadow over warning signs he’d normally notice or even wearing him down until he’s run himself ragged.
  • Vengeful: His temper is rare. He does not anger easily, nor does he feel petty grudges. That is, unless you hurt someone he’s close to or harmed someone defenseless. His fury is a calculating, quiet, seething anger, building over time as he meticulously works at destroying the one at fault. Much like his hellbent nature, his rage can consume him, and while his revenge is slow and carefully planned, Jairo loses himself in the feeling. His morals become thinner, and the longer he lets himself fall into this state the further he finds himself drifting from who he is at his core. Thankfully, he’s learned what is too far, if only because he doesn’t want to leave behind the people who need him.
  • Emotionally Bottled: He cares so deeply for the people he loves, but he has little room for himself. In fact, he’s not even on his radar— he’s fine. He doesn’t need anything, nor does he need to take up anyone’s attention. Or, that’s what he believes. His feelings can be muted when it comes to himself or what affects him directly, but everyone breaks at some point, and when he does it’s a deep, festering wound he struggles to recover from. Jairo does not know how to talk about himself, making it harder to connect with others and make lasting connections with those who need more from him. He also finds himself crumbling under the pressure, although the spans between each break is often years between. Still, when it happens, Jairo is left an incoherent mess, locking himself away until he’s able to get it back under control.


Jairo Solares is the eldest brother to two younger siblings (Aloise and Edelmiro). His parents had been in-love when they had him, but separated after his twin brothers were born. His mother took Aloise and stormed off back to her home town in Kalos while Jairo and Edelmiro stayed with their father. While his father came from money and could provide all they needed, he was a busy man, leaving his children alone as he worked overseas most of their youth. Jairo took to raising Edelmiro, and continued the role even after his father passed from “unknown causes” while on a business trip. It has always been assumed their father couldn’t keep his nose out of places it didn’t belong, but neither sibling cared enough to attempt to dig the truth out.

Jairo never complained about raising his brother, nor that his teenage years were welcomed by him essentially taking on a parental role. He didn’t mind— Edelmiro was his brother, who else could care for him? Who else could Jairo trust to cherish and love his brother as much as he did? His immediate future after the passing of his father was dedicated to establishing a future where he could continue to provide what his family needed. He pursued law school, as his father and mother both had, and found life opened up in the palm of his hand from his dedicated hard work and studies. It was hard, and he never knew rest, but Jairo was happy to be the warmth and support for his brother that their father couldn’t be.

He didn’t know what came of Aloise and his mother until after his schooling and he had settled nicely into his career. It had begun as a curiosity; he hadn’t heard from either his entire life, and Edelmiro had begun questioning if his twin was still out there. What had been a simple, meaningless look into his family became a sudden, heated panic— he couldn’t find anything on Aloise or his mother. They had effectively vanished at first glance. The curiosity became an obsession, and soon Jairo found himself pouring money and hours into finding the information he needed. It took him years, but eventually, through sweat and tears, he managed to track Aloise down and rip his younger brother from the hellhole he called a home.

Aloise did not originally come nicely; they resented the domineering efforts of their older brother when Jairo flew down and quite literally dragged him by the scruff into a car. It didn’t matter how unsafe Aloise’s life was— it was all he knew, and the lavish, safe lifestyle Jairo and Edelmiro were accustomed to didn’t feel like home. While he came back to Paldea and slowly lowered their shoulders around Edelmiro and Jairo, it was clear Aloise didn’’t really know what to do with his new life, and Jairo struggled between wanting to protect the brother he felt he had abandoned and also shake the troublesome, often law skirting gremlin that was Aloise.

And then Aloise suddenly left to Nauwill.

This disappearance was easy to track, and Jairo was quick to “temporarily” leave his job, pack his things, and enter the program himself. Edelmiro promised to keep their home clean and cared for, and off Jairo went, chasing after his more impulsive, lawless, wild sibling. If Aloise wanted to start a new life, fine, but Jairo wasn’t going to let them wander the dangerous wilds without someone to watch their back.

Not again.


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