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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ Certing Thread ]


Stew Aficionado
This Cert Needs An Update!
owner belloblossom
cert Here
old name/clan Blazekit/SunClan (MountainClan)
new name/clan n/a - Name isn't changing
name origin n/a - Name isn't changing
rank n/a - Rank isn't changing
reason for the change Hoping to change Blazekit to Gen 2 with his parents being Sunseer x Morningsky, I have no idea why I didn't cert him like this at the reboot, I think I got mixed up. This change has been approved by Blinded in the discord chat.
is this a swap?: n/a
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Stew Aficionado
This Cert Needs An Update!
owner PeterPan_da144
cert xXx
old name/clan Zakariyah / Kittypet
new name/clan Zak / Loner
name origin Keeping name from Kittypet heritage, just shortening it
rank N/A
reason for the change Following a beautiful she-cat into the wilds (probably to join a colony)
is this a swap?: n/a

Name approved - Bello
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Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist live wire
owner Lunar Fea
name Tremble
name origin As a kit, she was always scared and trembling
sex Girl
clan Loner
rank n/a
uncert Cutie!

Name approved - Bello
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Long-Term Resident
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Live-Wire
owner ArrowAnubis
name Wheat
name origin Plant you can find growing in the wilds
sex Girl
clan Loner
uncert Wheat

Name approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Breeding Needs Certing!
colorist LiveWire
mother Willow
owner of mother Nym
father Rowan
owner of father belloblossom
generations of parents 2 x 1

name Roach
name origin Named after a bug
sex Male
owner belloblossom
clan Loner
uncert Here
special purchases n/a

name Memento
name origin Named by their father's twoleg, before escaping with their mother into the forest.
sex Male
owner Nym
clan Loner
uncert Here
special purchases n/a

name Cypress
name origin Named after a tree
sex Female
owner NatiStorm
clan Ghost (Wild Woods)
uncert Here
special purchases n/a

name Fright
name origin Named after she gave her mother a fright as a kitten.
sex Female
owner PeterPan_da144
clan Loner
uncert Here
special purchases n/a

Names approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Breeding Needs Certing!
colorist I--LiveWire--I
mother Perish Song
owner of mother Absolutiones
father Odin
owner of father PeterPan_da144
generations of parents 1 x 1

name Baldr
name origin Odin's Twolegs named him after one of the sons of Odin from Norse Mythology
sex Boy
owner PeterPan_da144
clan Kittypet
uncert xXx
special purchases N/A

name Tail Glow
name origin Perish Song's Twolegs named the tailless kit thinking it would be funny, using a Poke'mon move name to do so
sex Boy
owner Absolutiones
clan Kittypet
uncert xXx
special purchases N/A

name Meili
name origin Odin's Twolegs also named this little kitten after another son of Odin from Norse Mythology
sex Boy
owner Lunar Fea
clan Afterlife (kittypet ghost)
uncert xXx
special purchases N/A

name Áleifr
name origin A more generic Nordic name, Odin's Twolegs chose this for the little spitfire of a girl
sex Girl
owner ArrowAnubis
clan Kittypet
uncert xXx
special purchases N/A

Names approved - Bello
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Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
This Breeding Needs Certing!
colorist live wire
mother Torintella
owner of mother Lunar Fea
father Omen
owner of father Revel
generations of parents 1st, 2nd

name Grizabella
name origin cats the musical, tori's twolegs are obsessed
sex girl
owner Revel
clan Kittypet
uncert kit
special purchases n/a

name Tiramisu
name origin the two legs got hungry when they got to this kitten
sex male
owner Umbrefox
clan Kittypet
uncert kitt
special purchases n/a

name Rumpleteazer
name origin cats the musical, tori's twolegs are obsessed
sex girl
owner ChexaRain
clan Kittypet
uncert kitte
special purchases n/a

name Macavity
name origin cats the musical, tori's twolegs are obsessed
sex male
owner Lunar Fea
clan Kittypet
uncert kitten
special purchases n/a

Names approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Breeding Needs Certing!
colorist LiveWire
mother Lady Tart
owner of mother belloblossom
father Arthur
owner of father ChaosT
generations of parents 1 x 1

name Lady Adelaide
name origin Twolegs kept a Victorian Era theme for the kittens
sex Girl
owner Lunar Fea
clan Kittypet
uncert Here
special purchases n/a

name Lady Helena
name origin Twolegs kept a Victorian Era theme for the kittens
sex Girl
owner belloblossom
clan Kittypet
uncert Here
special purchases n/a

name Edward
name origin Twolegs kept a Victorian Era theme for the kittens
sex Boy
owner ChaosT
clan Kittypet
uncert Here
special purchases n/a

name Holmes
name origin Twolegs kept a Victorian Era theme for the kittens
sex Boy
owner Revel
clan Kittypet
uncert Here
special purchases n/a

Names approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Live
owner Absolutiones
name Mephiles
name origin named by a twoleg kit before he departed their care
sex Male
clan Loner
the Dark
special purchases

Name approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist I--LiveWire--I
owner PeterPan_da144
name Black Widow
name origin Named for the deadly black spider with red markings. Even though she has white, the Twolegs she visited thought it apt to name her Black Widow
sex Girl
clan Loner (street cat in the suburbs born and raised, leaving to live in the forest)
rank N/A
uncert xXx
special purchases Spirit interaction

Name approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Breeding Needs Certing!
colorist kovak
mother Orioletalon
owner of mother belloblossom
father Gullscreech
owner of father belloblossom
generations of parents 2 x 1

name Beesting
name origin Named after a buzzing bug!
sex Girl
owner Nym
clan TreeClan
uncert Here
special purchases n/a

name Cricketcall
name origin Named after a chirping bug!
sex Boy
owner Tigeria
clan TreeClan
uncert Here
special purchases n/a

name Wormtail
name origin Named after a wriggly bug!
sex Girl
owner belloblossom
clan TreeClan
uncert Here
special purchases n/a

Names approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist LiveWire
owner belloblossom
name Greebo
name origin Bookworm Twoleg knows her cat is a rascal and knew exactly what to name him when she picked him up off the streets.
sex Male
clan Kittypet
special purchases n/a

Name approved - Bello
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Grizzled Veteran
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Livewire
owner Umbrefox
name Lola
name origin Two legs name, short for Dolores
sex Female
rank n/a
uncert link
special purchases n/a

Name approved - Bello
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This Breeding Needs Certing!
colorist Weylin
mother Mother
owner of mother DragonGirl1031
father Father
owner of father DragonGirl1031
generations of parents 1 and 1

name Tiger
name origin His parents named him this because he looks like a tiger.
sex boy
owner DragonGirl1031
clan loner
uncert Link
special purchases n/a

name Moth to a Flame
name origin His parents named him this after a story they once heard about a moth that flew into a flame at a twoleg house.
sex boy
owner maho
clan loner
uncert Link
special purchases n/a

name Nights Flame
name origin Her parents named her this for the night dark pelt and the marking that looks like a flame.
sex girl
owner DavyJnah
clan loner
uncert Link
special purchases n/a

Name approved - Bello
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Stew Aficionado
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Weylin
owner belloblossom
name Blink
name origin Named for the way they slowly blink at others - humans, cats, butterflies
sex Boy
clan Loner
special purchases No

Name approved - Bello
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
This Cert Needs An Update!
owner Blinded By Silence
cert Echo
old name/clan Unchanged
new name/clan Unchanged
name origin Unchanged
rank Unchanged
reason for the change Recerting with her new Puddle Accessory!
is this a swap? Nope
special purchases Nope
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Kovak
owner Blinded By Silence
name Desoto
name origin Named by his two-legs after a character in a movie
sex Male
clan Kittypet
rank NA
uncert [ x ]
special purchases NA

Name approved - Bello
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
This Cert Needs An Update!
owner Blinded By Silence
cert Tigereye
old name/clan No Change
new name/clan No Change
name origin No Change
rank Warrior [her current cert says kit still]
reason for the change She's def full grown lol
is this a swap? Nope
special purchases Nope
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Grizzled Veteran
This Cert Needs An Update!
owner NatiStorm
cert Cert
old name/clan Yarrowpaw / StoneClan
new name/clan Yarrowbloom / StoneClan
name origin Yarrow is blooming into a fine warrior
rank Warrior
reason for the change Time for his warrior name
is this a swap? Nope
special purchases Nope

Name approved - Bello
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Grizzled Veteran
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