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[CYOA] The Third Floor


Grizzled Veteran
[Only those quoted may respond!]

An elevator? In a pizzeria? It's too good to resist.
As you leave the security room, you take a quick glance at a map pinned to the wall, so you know the kitchen is just inside the building to the right.
It's a little bit of a walk, but the reward should surely be worth the trek, and it takes you no time at all to push past the turnstiles and a giant golden statue displayed in the center of the main entrance.
You barely spare it a glance, as an arrow on the wall marks your destination as just ahead, and the entryway for the food court looms over you with the silhouette of one of the pizzeria mascots over the doors along the wall on the left side.
You wrinkle your nose, not really amused by the kiddie display, but that's usually who they're made for right?
The food court is barren, and it shocks you to see most of the tables and chairs have been stacked against the wall.
Though in hindsight better for you, since the food counter is dead ahead and the kitchen door is in sight.
You move past the abandoned food in the glass displays and quickly push open the kitchen door for your prize; the elevator in all its glory is lit up like a beacon, ready to be used.
You peer inside and its surprisingly clean for an elevator, much more sleek in design than most of the pizzeria.
A glance at the panel also tells you it only has one button. Whether it goes up and down, you decide, you are going to find out right now, and you press it with little to no hesitation.
The doors slide shut effortlessly, and when it starts to move you can't help but feel weirded out by how functional it is, as if it's up-to-date mechanically despite everything else being defunct.
When the doors finally slide open, you notice there's a layer of water on the floor... and you're at a crossroads, in a very skinny room surrounded by high tech equipment.

To the left of you, the door is shut, but you can hear the soft tinkling of music just beyond it.

To the right, the door is also shut, but you hear something almost like static, but it comes and goes periodically.

Straight ahead, the only doorway that's open, you can see light, but it doesn't seem to be coming from the room itself, maybe another room further in?

Which way should you go?

[Roll 1d100 along with your choice!]

Responses must be in by the 23rd, 11:30 PM EST
This will be your thread for the remainder of the game!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 1 1
Oh dear. Perhaps I shouldn't have come here... The food is far older than I imagined. No snacks for me! And the elevator... Where am I? A soft splash as I take a step forward... Water. Why is there water? To the left, there's music... Could someone be in here with me? I shiver at the thought. Now that would be weird... But to the right, there's a static sound. Coming and going. As if also moving? And down the hall... through the door open... A light...

Oh I've made a grave mistake. There's no way I can go back up the elevator now, can I? There was only one button, and this was the only place it took me... I'm supposed to be watching over the entire place, so why did I come down here in the first place?

Going towards static feels like going towards electricity, and electricity with water on the floor... Probably not a great idea... The music is so creepy, though, so in the end...

I go through the open door.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 40 40
Lefty pauses for a moment, listening. His good eye twitches as his ears pick up the sound of static from the door on the right and immediately, he hates the idea of that room. No go.

Straight ahead, he can't pick up any noise, but sees what may be light in the distance. He revels in the silence for a moment before his ears pick up the tinkling of soft music from behind the door to the left. Despite his initial want to go towards the peace of the quiet room with the light, something about the music calls to him, drawing him in.

He moves to the door on the left.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 90 90
"Mm... that way, this way... Got it." With one last glance around the monitors and a big yawn, Boni ambled off to find the food court.

The entrance caused his eyes to roll a little, but as he made his way across the emptied floor he couldn't help a small chuckle. "Hello everybody," he boredly called out to literally no one, imitating one of his favorite u-gamers. "My name is Boni and WELCOME! To an abandoned mal-ooo snacks!" Most of the stuff in the cases had turned already, but a bag of chips caught his eye and he gleefully dug in. "Hmpf, stale...ish... they're fine." With a shrug, Boni turned his attention to the first thing that caught his eye, before the munchies hit.

"Giant metal death trap, where do you lead?"

A few chip cronches later, the answer was revealed. "Oh, a spooky place, of course." Boni sighed again, took a couple steps across the wet floor, and surveyed his surroundings. "Hmm..." abandoning the chips on the nearest equipment shelf, he decided if he was gonna talk out loud, this may be the time to talk quieter... "Well, music means haunted. Light means murderer. Sooooooo..." Boni moved to the door on the right, deciding investigating the static was his smartest play... Besides, if it's wires being all zappy-zappy, he probably ought to do something about it before the whole place goes up. Somehow, Boni didn't think he'd be getting a paycheck if there ceased to be a building to guard.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 1 1
E.E.K. moved along from the security room to go check out the elevator in the food court. It really didn't seem like the right place to put an elevator. He was glad that there had been a pinned map on the wall to help him find the correct building. As he walked over there he followed the arrow on the wall, barely noting the giant golden statue, until he finally reached the food court and the mysterious elevator beyond it. The pizzeria mascot over the door almost freaked him out but he just took a deep breath and continued on. He paused just inside the food court surprised by how empty looking it was. Yes the place was closed and all but still seeing all of the table and chairs stacked off to the side was jarring.

He quickly moved through the food court to the kitchen, pushing through the door and moving to the elevator pretty quickly. The emptiness and quiet of the building was starting to spook him. He was surprised at how clean the elevator was along with the fact that it only had one button. He almost just turned around and said 'nope' to this whole adventure but he must have been possessed by the spirit of his sister as he stepped into the elevator and pushed the button.

When the ride in the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened he stepped out into some water. He looked down at it in disgust before looking up and seeing he was at a crossroads. He looked ahead and saw an open door with light coming from what appeared to be beyond the room. He then looked right, heard the static behind the shut door, and shook his head. Yeah no not going that way. He turned to the left and saw another shut door. He walked towards it and then heard the soft music. He froze in place with a look of horror on his face. Oh heck no! He started to turn towards the open door but paused. Why was that door open and the others closed? What.... what if something was hiding in that room or the room further in where the light was?! Looking back at the closed door in front of him, he decided the music didn't sound scary. Surely that was way better than the other two rooms.

Taking the closed door to the left!

Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 7 7
B0wzer lifted an eyebrow as he passed the golden statue. What an obnoxious piece. He was glad to keep moving past it. He gave little thought as he prodded his way past the walls lined with tables and chairs, only one thing on his mind. When he came to the elevator he gladly walked in, only cursory noticing the well kept mechanics.

This time along with his eyebrow, he lifted a paw at the water on the floor. What an odd thing for an area that had first looked taken care off. Hopefully he wouldn't be electrocuted upon stepping into it. He first noticed the tingling of music and gave no other thought to the rest of the area surrounding him. If there was music, maybe that was the area kids had their parties and their pizza. If nothing else, maybe he could at least luck out with an arcade.

B0wzer headed to the door on the left.


Grizzled Veteran

The open doorway just leads to another room, just as clinically sterile as the first one. Luckily it seems the water hasn't seeped this far in, so within a few steps you're on dry tile again.
Just as before, everything looks to be perfectly functional.
If you didn't know any better, you'd think this was just some normal lab setting, strangely blank stacks of paper sat on tables next to plenty of monitors, eerily devoid of dust and flickering on and off, like the signals had been cut off.
The source of the light, it seems, was coming from a room to the left, the door slightly ajar and flickering ever so slightly, with a soft buzzing noise.
In front of you are what look to be abandoned parts of old animatronics, so new they almost look polished. But did something.. shift just now? Or is it a trick of the flickering light?
To the right is another door, but this one seems pretty heavy duty, you can only assume what lies beyond is pretty important to the entire structure here...

Will you choose Left? Right? Or maybe you want to examine those strange parts?

[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

The decision to choose the left door seems to have its perks, because the room beyond the door seems a little better lit than you'd expect, though far from perfect.
It's a pretty large space, if a bit sparsely decorated, with a few tables and chairs loitering the left wall and a rather nice stage taking up the right side of the room.
You don't see any other doors leading out, but the music seems to definitely be coming from the stage side, where the curtain is drawn shut.
What can only be called whispering, however, seems to seep into your head, and the vents along the left wall seem to be the source.
Will you check out the vents? Or maybe finally find the source of the music behind the curtain?
Of course, the option to leave the room instead is always there...

[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

The choice of the right door was certainly the least worrisome one, of course, and you open the door to a very dark room with wires hanging from the ceiling and buzzing equipment connected to an abandoned control panel... oh. Goody.
"Row, row, row your boat..."
The voice in the dark is chilling, enough to make the little hairs on the back of your next stand up.
"Gently down the stream...."
Your eyes widen as you take in movement in the shadows, and a pair of glowing eyes peer at you from the dark.
"Merrily merrily merrily... merrily.... Oh, how merrily."
And then, into the light the figure steps.

"Oh... a visitor...?"
It seems you've got company!
Do you face them head on? Or run to hide in a vent?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

The decision to choose the left door seems to have its perks, because the room beyond the door seems a little better lit than you'd expect, though far from perfect.
It's a pretty large space, if a bit sparsely decorated, with a few tables and chairs loitering the left wall and a rather nice stage taking up the right side of the room.
You don't see any other doors leading out, but the music seems to definitely be coming from the stage side, where the curtain is drawn shut.
What can only be called whispering, however, seems to seep into your head, and the vents along the left wall seem to be the source.
Will you check out the vents? Or maybe finally find the source of the music behind the curtain?
Of course, the option to leave the room instead is always there...

[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
@Jackariah Beckett

The decision to choose the left door seems to have its perks, because the room beyond the door seems a little better lit than you'd expect, though far from perfect.
It's a pretty large space, if a bit sparsely decorated, with a few tables and chairs loitering the left wall and a rather nice stage taking up the right side of the room.
You don't see any other doors leading out, but the music seems to definitely be coming from the stage side, where the curtain is drawn shut.
What can only be called whispering, however, seems to seep into your head, and the vents along the left wall seem to be the source.
Will you check out the vents? Or maybe finally find the source of the music behind the curtain?
Of course, the option to leave the room instead is always there...

[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 13 13
E.E.K. walked through the door and looked around the slightly better lit room with it's sparse decorations. He was starting to get really freaked out when the whispering noise began. It seemed to be coming from the vents, something he really didn't want to check out. Instead he moved closer to the stage where the music seemed to be coming from. Music was good, right? Yeah.... it must be. So checking out the music behind the curtain was the best thing to do.

Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 7 7
B0wzer frowned and gave a little grunt as he took in the room only to find there was no pizza at all. Only a few small whispers that could be wind coming from the vents. And the silly music coming from behind the curtain. B0wzer decided he was more interested in the music and took to the stage, moving the curtain aside to see what could be making the music