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Pokémon Expeditions

[Expedition] Bumblin' About


Stew Aficionado
Let's go! Expedition time!
Players participating: @Zakiax @PeterPan_da144 @sharkberrypizza @Nym

Trainers participating: Katrina Evergrove
Pokémon participating: 60 (Dawn Rising), 144 (Aqua), 174 (Atlo), 559 (Moonbeam), 680 (Nicippe), 861 (Bubbles)

Trainers participating: Umeki Hayate
Pokémon participating:503 (Penny), 578 (Hopper), 675 (Medusa), 769 (Spinner), 834 (Jumper)

Trainers participating: Matsuda Takahiro
Pokémon participating:527 (Dottie), 534 (Atala)

Trainers participating: Serenity Kalawai'a
Pokémon participating: 575 (Teeny), 964 (Ua)

Expedition area: New Breeze Grasslands
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Stew Aficionado
Hayate was already excited to be on Nauwill. They couldn't wait to see what the new region had in store for everyone to experience. But being away from home had made it harder to do many of their hobbies, so they had started to roam. Doing so allowed them to find out how to go out on Expeditions, and after corralling a few cute Poke'mon from the day care - before Sleepy cleared quarantine - they were finally looking to set out and experience Nauwill. Sleepy was, as usual, sleeping in the dorm, preferring to stay outside of their ball. Hayate had no issue with this.

Today was the first day they would be going on an expedition, and surprisingly, they had managed to group up with some very interesting characters! Serenity Kalawai'a was a well known streamer who sought out Nauwill for similar reasons. Katrina Evergrove, a name Hayate knew from their home region contest circuit. Matsuda Takahiro... Well, while they didn't know much about Takahiro in particular, it seemed they had very similar tastes and vibes. Hayate was excited for that. Finally, they would meet some like minded people, make some friends (hopefully), and find something to occupy themself with.

Already at the meeting point just on the edge of town, Hayate had their small corral of Poke'mon gathered. Spinner on their shoulder, Penny and Medusa playing in the grass, Jumper and Hopper cuddled at their feet. They were taking pictures on their Rotom Phone. Who could pass up such cute little friends?!
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signed an NDA
Staff member
Serenity's views hadn't dropped, but they weren't where she wanted them to be. She had thought they'd spike upon her trip to Nauwill, and for a time they had, but now they had remained at her consistent, stable level. She didn't want that-- if she had, she would have stayed back in Alola, where she was already succeeding. No, she wanted more. More fame, more views, more money. Something tangible to prove she was going further and further, proof that yesterday's Serenity was different from today's. Her viewers had gotten used to her weekly uploads showing the development of Nauwill, and now she was left without much room to grow. If she wanted more, she had to give more, which meant...
An expedition, clearly. It was the one thing Serenity had held off on while settling into the new, barely charted land. She knew to pace herself, leave herself room and backup to pull new views if things grew too quiet. That, and truthfully, Serenity hadn't been ready to explore on her own. Nauwill was wild, untamed by the regularity of normal everyday life and lacking any norm that the other regions have developed. Anything could happen out there, and Serenity had needed time to prepare herself for it. She hadn't been afraid, no, but she wasn't going to risk herself and lose a limb in the process, either. The viewer count remaining in place had been a push forward, but the final nudge had been when she spotted a group forming. Good, she wouldn't be alone! Perfect!
"You two can't come," Serenity murmured under her breath as she recalled Aqua and Lapis and placed their balls onto her nightstand. Teeny squeaked from on top of her bed, uncoiling itself from a lounged, lazy Ua, who had draped an arm over the small poliwag. "Alright, up we go!" Serenity gestured to the two cuddled 'mons, reaching out to pat her disgruntled totodile.
It took a few minutes to corral the two, but obediently they went, Teeny held in her arms and Ua trailing after her with half-lidded, sleepy eyes. Serenity paused long enough to set her rotom phone up to stream a brief intro before waving a hand for it to trail after her and continue recording. She hadn't planned to be the first one there, nor was she, but she was surprised to realize she was the second one to arrive.
"Hey!" She greeted the brightly colored trainer, flashing her best smile. Her rotom phone swiveled around her and inserted itself above the two. "It's not live, but it'll be recording the adventure, if that's okay with you?" Serenity was fairly sure she had mentioned that prior to agreeing to the adventure, but just to be sure. "You're Umeki Hayate, right? Your hair is so cool!"
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🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
"So hey, you're my group, right!?"

Takahiro shouted enthusiastically from a short distance away, waving one arm in the air as the other stretched toward their rotom-inhabited device hovering only a short distance ahead, a large, slowly blinking arrow where their digital face normally lit the device. That pokémon had saved their ass so many times before; from directions, transcribed messages, and reminders, to just simple wake up alarms for things they didn't even know were scheduled. Its owner was probably a nightmare to keep up with, but they seemed to take it in stride. Maybe the little tech-ghost even enjoyed the companionship - and wasn't that the best thing about life, anyway?

Today though, it was just a simple bit of help finding the people they'd agreed to go beyond the still-blossoming city with. It was so easy to get lost in streets that looked the same. In land that looked the same, but at the same time no, it wasn't really concern that had the reformed team member pairing up with others. It was just so lonely being out there solo sometimes. There had been plenty of time for that solitude before, for several years in fact. It was so much better it was a choice now, and it was one that just didn't sound good.

"Oh hey! You're you! Wait ... wait ... did I need to dress up?"

Breathless laughter trailed the query, obviously a joke, as Takahiro slowed their pace. Finally they joined up with the pair talking between themselves, and in the same motion planted their hands firmly on their knees as if catching themselves.

"Huh? No ... I'm fine ... ran across half the city ... cause I forgot where we were meetin!" they continued, grinning widely - seeming totally unashamed by the confession. It wasn't the first time, and it sure wouldn't be the last. "But seriously, I always wear tank tops? Hate feeling like I can't move around! Pants are okay! How do you stand trapping your arms like that? Never understood it, but I spent a lot of time on boats, so maybe that's why? Haa you're both so cute though! It takes a lot of time to look li---"

Takahiro glanced upward, words trailing off as they finally spotted Serenity's phone hovering only a short distance away.

"Oh hey, right, you're a streamer! Are we live right now?"

Without waiting for an answer they pulled two small spheres off the side of their backpack, and a moment later had their arms full of two pokémon. The cubone was clearly a fusion of some sort, and was only too happy to be hoisted into the air, while the aron seemed to take a mild offence to the gesture, hunkering down a bit and making themselves heavier than they already were.

"Oi everyone! I'm Takahiro! This little guy's Atala, and this - oof - brat's Dottie! Hah - she's a bit stubborn and doesn't like to be picked up much. Guess it makes sense, right?"