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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[FIN] (Stone/Ravine/Water/Fawn/Mouse/Leaf)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 2 2
A patrol that is made of Stonebelly, Ravineflight, Mousepaw, Leafpaw, Waterfall, Fawndance. If your cat isn't listed here, you may not post here.

2. Battle Encounter (Eagle)

Cat Stats!

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 5
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 13+

HP: 5
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 13+
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 10 10

Fawndance was getting older, she could feel it as she walked. She knew, of course, that elders existed and were generally well respected in the Clan - after all Swallowtail was among their ranks, but Fawndance wasn't ready to admit to herself that she was of elder age yet. Besides, there were so many things to consider... would she be made to sleep in the Elders Den if she moved to that rank, or could she continue in her nest with Tigersun? Oh, Tigersun, she wasn't even certain she could bring herself to tell him. She was still uncertain about how leaders aged - they had multiple lives from SunClan, but did they still feel the moons they lived?

The notion that Tigersun would outlive her was one that Fawndance tried not to think about. She'd been apart of MountainClan for so long now, but she had been born a loner. Would her time in the Clan be enough to get her to SunClan or when she died would she just become crowfood for the next scavenger? Would Tigersun seek out a new partner after her death? She'd want him to be happy, of course, but the thought of it while she was still alive - albeit older and creakier - was painful.

She usually hung back during patrols these days, letting younger cats patrol on ahead while she could allow herself some time to be lost in thought, among the company of her Clanmates. However, a dark shadow and a piercing cry from above knocked her back into reality. She didn't need to crane her head back to know that it was a sharp-taloned bird coming down upon her.

"MountainClan, from above!" She yowled to the rest of her patrol mates. Oh god, there were apprentices on this patrol! She had to protect them - to protect everyone, it was her job as a warrior of MountainClan! Launching forward at the diving eagle, she sliced her claws up in an attempt to shred its underbelly.

Fawndance lands a hit on the eagle for 5 damage!
HP: 10
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 11 11

Stonebelly was feeling pretty pleased with himself as of late. How could he not, really? He had a beautiful mate and they lived on a mountain so tall that it sometimes seemed as though it touched the sky. He was plenty content with how things were going, though the idea of kits did flicker through his mind more often than not. Still, he wasn't about to push Ravineflight towards the idea. She-cats should be the one who took charge of that matter - they were the ones that did the hard work, at least, as far as he could tell. He was more than happy with the idea of Ravineflight gaining the added pounds, while he kept his slim figure and did the hunting for her.

He had come on the dawn border patrol without complaint only because Ravineflight had been called upon to go as well. Had he been asked to go along, he would have thrown up more of a fuss. As it was, he didn't know his companions well. Waterfall came with her apprentice, Leafpaw and Fawndance was the leader's mate, but beyond that he didn't know all too much about them. He couldn't glean why Mousepaw's mentor, Stormsong, hadn't come along, either. Stonebelly had yet to have an apprentice thrust upon him, so maybe Stormsong knew something about mentorship that he didn't.

What Stonebelly DID know, however, was how to fight and when Fawndance called ou twith the warning call, his eyes snapped around him and then to the sky. An eagle was descending upon Fawndance! Why had it picked her out of the six of them? The apprentices were younger, smaller even. Fawndance didn't seem like a viable choice, but -

This was no time to be questioning the choices of an eagle!
"Fawndance, get out of range!" He hissed, only to see the she-cat jump towards the eagle. "Mouse-brain!" He spat and then turned to his mate and Waterfall. "Waterfall, can you watch the apprentices?" He hated to delegate, but Waterfall already ahd one apprentice, maybe she could handle two? He then turned his head to Ravineflight. "Help me bring it down, Rav. I'll flank it and go in for a sideswipe, can you take its other wing?" He asked, before he shot off to do exactly as he'd promised.

He came alongside the eagle and had to get a bit of a running start to take off from the ground enough that he managed to slice his way through feathers and into the meat of the large bird! Yes!

Stonebelly lands a hit on the eagle for 5 damage!
HP: 10
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 8 8

Leafpaw was so pleased that her brother had come along with her and her mentor on a patrol.
"But what about Stormsong?" She had been pestering him. "Is he sick? Did he fall into a gopher hole? Did a snake get him?" She asked. "Or maybe he got bored of being a mentor. Are you gonna get a new mentor, Mousepaw? Waterfall is the best mentor, but you can't have her cause she's mine." She widened her eyes. "Or is it Ravineflight or Stonebelly or Fawndance, and that's why they're here instead of Stormsong-" She turned her head as she heard a yowl from behind her, but couldn't comprehend what she was seeing.

"W-Waterfall..." She mewed and slunk over to her mentor. "Th-that's- is that- is that an eagle?" She'd heard of eagles. Her parents had both fought one. The scars on their pelts showed from their battle. She'd heard the horrible stories. She thought of the cat they spoke of, Finchchirp, who had been killed by one. He'd been a strong senior warrior, who knew every move in the book, but he'd still been killed by an eagle. Leafpaw was just an apprentice! How was she supposed to fight that? Her eyes were round and her fur stood on end. "Mousepaw, c'mere! I'll p-prote-protect you." She stammered softly, unable to take her eyes off the massive bird.

Leafpaw's misses her attack on the eagle! (Poor thing is too scared to even try and fight it!)
HP: 5
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4

Ravineflight had been enjoying clan life. While she was never really lonely or listless as a loner, clan life just... felt right. Especially after finding Cliff, now named Stonebelly. She even enjoyed the naming conventions, even if it was hard to get used to so many name changes. She often still called younger cats by their apprentice names, even after obtaining a warrior name, or apprentices by kit names. So much so that she began just calling them by the first part of their name. That never changed.

"Stone!" she would shout as she was pulled from her thoughts, skidding to a halt in her walk. He had turned around and tore away, towards Fawndance. She'd been lingering at the back of the patrol, and made herself a good target for an eagle. "Fox dung!" she swore, following in hot pursuit.

Ravineflight tried to do as Stonebelly had said, but his hit was so hard that the eagle over corrected, and instead of Ravineflight's, well, flight into the air to grab the other wing, she was buffeted by the feathers back down. Unharmed, but without landing a blow on the eagle.

(( Ravineflight misses on the eagle, drat! ))
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 15

Waterfall had more or less been at the head of the group. Not because she saw herself the leader, nor because anyone asked. She just... happened to end up there. Her own apprentice, Leafpaw, was chattering away, pestering her brother with all sorts of questions. Waterfall purred in amusement, swinging her head and opening her mouth to say something to the young she-cat, only to be interrupted by the shrieking of an eagle. Followed by Stonebelly's semi command, and the mated pair racing off to Fawndance, who had fallen behind.

There was a soft sigh from Waterfall. If they had been a tighter group, perhaps they wouldn't be so scattered and startled. Leafpaw was shaking like a, well, leaf beside her, though Mousepaw seemed less so. In a split second decision, Waterfall chose to bundle her apprentice aside and towards some rocks. "You're too small and scared to fight, come over here, quickly," she said, gently but firmly bundling the small she-cat aside. "Mousepaw, you should take cover too," she shouted, but whether he heard her or not, she wasn't sure.

(( Waterfall forsakes her chance at the eagle in order to shelter Leafpaw, no damage to be done! ))
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 19 19

Every time he opened his mouth to reply to his sister, she said something else. He wasn't amused by it, but he wasn't angry either. This is just how she was. She was by far the chatterer of the bunch. He had grown rather used to it. However, he wasn't expecting the eagle, nor for a battle to ensue. The apprentice hunched low to the ground, fur bristling, eyes glued to the eagle. Fawndance got a hit. Stonebelly got a hit. Ravineflight missed.

Surging forward without a second thought, Mousepaw launched himself towards the group. He was still small and lean, but he knew how to maneuver his small frame to his advantage. As the bird swerved from the cats who had hit it already, Mousepaw came at it from the angle it swerved towards.

With a soft grunt of effort, Mousepaw thumped his hand paws into the ground and flung himself upwards. The eagle was coming straight at his outstretched paws, allowing him a clean and swift strike to its face.

(( Mousepaw hits the eagle dead on!!! ))
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Stew Aficionado
The eagle bears down, talons slashing at the lithe, slower cat it had picked out from the mix. It manages to grab hold of the tan she-cat, but it did not expect other cats to come to its aid! With a cry of frustration, its take off is hindered and its left beating its wings uneasily in the air, trying to get skyborne again with its prey in its talons.

The eagle has landed an attack for 3 damage on Fawndance!

A new round of fighting begins!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 1 1

Fawndance had successfully called her Clanmates to action and both warriors and apprentices had come to her defense, but it was not enough to dissuade the eagle from its attack. She felt talons piece into her back and she yowled her pain. Twisting in pain, she tried to get a swipe at the bird, but there was no angle to get it from here!

Fawndance misses her attack on the eagle!
HP: 7


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4

Stonebelly had felt confident enough in his attack, but when Ravineflight was buffeted back by the force of the eagle's wings and then Fawndance was seized by its talons, his next attack was reckless. He moved as though he would leap at the eagle's wing closest to him, with the only goal in his mind that he had to drag it back down, lest Fawndance be carried off! He'd heard of such things happening before and it frightened him enough that he'd become sloppy. With a hiss, he landed back on the ground. A flash of orange and black caused his head to turn - what was Mousepaw doing here? Nevermind that, it seemed like he was helping!

"All paws on this pile of feathers!" He called to the patrol. "We are not letting it take any one of us!"

Stonebelly misses his attack on the eagle!
HP: 10
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 16 16

Leafpaw had been trembling near the rocks and near her mentor, Waterfall, when she saw her brother take off towards the hawk. She'd been perfectly ready to be bundled off to safety - SunClan, she would've let herself be carried like a kitten up a tree if Waterfall had attempted such a thing, but when Mousepaw took off, she was aware only of how much she was screaming as she pelted after him.

"Mousepaw! Mousepaw!" She wailed. "You're gonna get killed! You're gonna get us killed! You're gonna get me killed! Mom and Dad are gonna be so mad if we die!" She cried as she got closer. "I don't like this, I don't like this, I don't like thiiiiis!" She howled as she pushed off the ground and grasped hold of one of the thrashing wings of the eagle. With a frantic and determined force, she grappled the wing, biting down on it as hard as she could, though with her small jaws and swaying body, it was hard to say how good that actually did anyone in the patrol. @PeterPan_da144

HP: 5
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 13

Hissing and spitting as she was buffeted back, Ravineflight stumbled until she caught her footing. Thankfully, the eagle hadn't gotten far. It had Fawndance barely in its claws. Screeching, Ravineflight threw herself at the large bird again, just as Stonebelly was thudding to the ground again. One of the apprentices had managed to catch the other wing - Mousepaw - but he was struggling. She could hear the other young apprentice and her mentor rushing over, but Ravineflight made contact with the bird again before they could reach them. She lashed out to clamp her jaws down on its outstretched leg, hoping to startle it into dropping the pale she-cat.

(( Ravineflight hits the eagle! ))
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 5 5

While she had watched Mousepaw go, Waterfall initially had no intention of taking off after them. She could tell the eagle was struggling as is, even though it had Fawndance in its talons. However, Leafpaw took off the moment she noticed her brother, and Waterfall followed suit. Her steps were rhythmic and fast, but she saw the battle with a clarity of mind much unlike most of the other mountain cats. Her breathing was steady, and she was ready to fight, should either of the apprentices be caught in harms way.

The blue she-cat would slide underneath the eagle and Fawndance, her back scraping against the ground as she reached up to try to wrap her paws around the tan she-cat. It was improbable for the eagle to carry them both off, so she hoped to add to the weight and weigh it down. Unfortunately, they were just a bit too high for her to stretch her legs up to grab the other she-cat.

(( Waterfall misses the eagle, and tries to wrap her paws around Fawndance, but fails ))
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 10 10

Stonebelly on one side allowed Mousepaw to have a good purchase on the eagle. However, when it tottered, and Stonebelly was thrown off, Mousepaw started being lifted into the air on the wing he was latched on to. A grunt escaped him as he was buffeted with said wing, but he did his best to hold on for as long as possible. Ravineflight was back at the other side, though going for a leg, and the eagle's thrashing was too much for Mousepaw to handle.

Even with Leafpaw launching herself at a wing - and grabbing it, to the toms surprise - Mousepaw was already exhausted and he had to release the bird. The young tom tried to claw at the eagle as he thumped back to the ground, but he was unable to find purchase in the bird's feathered wings.

(( Mousepaw misses! ))
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 19 19
VOID - rolled for a character too soon. This roll does not count towards damage.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 12 12
VOID - rolled for a character too soon. This roll does not count towards damage.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 17 17
VOID - rolled for a character too soon. This roll does not count towards damage.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 18 18
The eagle flaps their wings hard, but is unable to take off due to the attacks from the cats. It grips hard into the cat prey it has, determined to get away with it, rather than to leave its meal behind. Feeling a bite into its wing, its head jerks around to the source and it snaps its beak against the orange furball latched on to it!

The eagle hits Leafpaw for 3 damage!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 1 1

Fawndance felt her back becoming slick with the blood from her wounds - those talons meant business! She couldn't get an attack on the horrible eagle that held her, but she wasn't going to give up trying to escape! She wriggled and writhed, yet it seemed to have no difference to the eagle that held her. With a mix of frustration and pain, she hissed her aggravation over the matter.

HP: 7
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 17 17

Stonebelly couldn't breathe a sigh of relief yet - while the eagle hadn't taken off yet, it still had Fawndance in its claws! Slashing his claws against the bird, he could only vaguely imagine what Tigersun would say to them if the patrol somehow let this cursed eagle fly away with his mate in tow. Pinning his ears hard against his head, he let out a snarl as he continued the attack.

Stonebelly hits the eagle for 5 damage!
HP: 10
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