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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[FIN] (Stone/Ravine/Water/Fawn/Mouse/Leaf)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 12 12
The eagle was feeling properly disoriented, its eyesight, usually so keen and clear, was beginning to blur and a feeling of deep uncertainty was taking root in its gut. Still, it wasn't going down without a fight and soon lashed out at the cat that started this all, whether they knew it or not.

The eagle hits Fawndance for 3 damage!
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 18 18

This was it. Fawndance could practically see the glowing lit outlines of the SunClan cats coming to fetch her. When the final blow came from the eagle, a talon that came to stick itself inside her gut, she fell upon the bird. She opened her mouth enough to bite hard into the fleshy bit of its leg and she held on as hard as she could while the life began to bleed out of her. She closed her eyes, hearing the continued fighting around her. She had wanted to see her family. Who knew how long it would be until she saw them again?

Rolling for Fawndance
HP: 1
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 10 10

Stonebelly could feel that the end was coming near. He watched as Fawndance collapsed and his mind raced. They couldn't take her back to camp like that, could someone fetch Fernfire and bring them there? And Starpaw too - best to have more paws to try and take care of this aching patrol.
"We're nearing the end! Stay strong!" He called, his claws hooking under the skin of the bird and scoring downwards. "We'll make it out of this!"

Stonebelly hits the eagle for 5 damage!
HP: 10
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 7 7

Leafpaw, too, saw Fawndance go down and despite herself, she recoiled with a hiss. She wanted to grab Mousepaw and run - let the adults handle this. She wanted her mother, Goldenfreckle. She wanted Flickerfly to come charging in out of no where and save her and her brother. She wanted Tigersun to appear on one of the cliffs and roar so loudly that every eagle on the mountain fled and never returned for the fear of him.

"Mousepaw..." She whimpered. "My... my paw won't move anymore." She could only pick it up, could only hobble away, narrowly avoiding getting stepped on or sliced or bitten by the eagle. She cried fretfully. "Mousepaw, we gotta gooo..." Her mew pitched into a whine. "I'm gonna be eaten!" She fretted, unable to look at the Fawndance's body and so unable to see that the older she-cat was still breathing yet. "M-momma... Momma!" She wailed as she started to make her stumbling journey away from the battle.

Leafpaw misses her attack on the eagle!
HP: 2
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Stew Aficionado
The eagle has been defeated!

Waterfall has delivered the final blow to this eagle and thus it is dead!

Congratulations! You've made it to the end of this patrol without any casualities! It got pretty close there towards the end, so give yourselves a pat on the back that your cats will live another day!

Fawndance, Stonebelly, Leafpaw, Mousepaw, Ravineflight and Waterfall will all be entered into the Scar Raffle! If you choose to edit your posts in with RP replies then you may use this RP for a DP point as well!

When you are finished entering RP replies into the thread, please tag your Patrol as [PATROL-FIN]. Once your patrol has this header tag, you may not post any more in this thread.

If you do not wish any of your above mentioned cats to be entered into the Scar Raffle, please specify below.​


Stew Aficionado

When the eagle finally, FINALLY came down to Waterfall's attack, Stonebelly could only stare in shock and relief - before he remembered all the injuries of his patrolmates around him. He moved first to Fawndance, who had taken the worst of it and lowered his muzzle to hers. Holding his breath, he was able to feel her breath softly as it moved his whiskers. Raising his head, he wanted to lose his breakfast when he saw the state of her pelt, ragged and torn deeply. Turning his head, he saw Leafpaw, crying for her mother and stumbling away up the mountain.

"Leafpaw, wait - you shouldn't be walking! Neither should you, Mousepaw," He added, before turning his head to Waterfall. Miraculously, much like himself, in fact, the dark-pelted she-cat seemingly came out of this encounter unscathed. "Waterfall, I'm going to go tell the camp what happened - I'll fetch Fernfire and Starpaw and any others who might help. Will you stay here? I'd take you with me, but Leafpaw..." He glanced over to the spotted orange apprentice, who had lay down and begun crying unconsolably. Leafpaw was Waterfall's, wasn't she? He turned his gaze to his mate. "Ravineflight, are you able to come with me? I'm leaving now." And sure enough, he turned and broke into a run, tracking his way back to where he would know the MountainClan camp would be. SunClan, please, he prayed, let everyone still be alive and breathing when I come back with help.