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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[FIN] (Stone/Ravine/Water/Fawn/Mouse/Leaf)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4
With a screech, the eagle lost its momentum and toppled to the ground - it wasn't dead: it could still fight, but it spent its movement shoving itself back onto its clawed feet and glowering around at the six cats around it.

The eagle misses its attack on Waterfall!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 5 5

Fawndance's attacks weren't hitting even when she tried to fight back against the eagle. So many of the other, younger cats were doing their part - including the two apprentices who were still so young, yet out fighting as though they were grown warriors. She closed her eyes, feeling the effort within her that it took merely to breathe. If she got out of here, she was going to gather up her family and keep them close, even if it meant she bled all over them. She'd bathe her kits later, right now, she merely wanted to see them again.

Fawndance misses her attack on the eagle!
HP: 4
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 10 10

Stonebelly's blind fury was wearing off, his attacks against the eagle becoming less frenzied. As he narrowed his eyes, he managed to clip the wing of the eagle with another slash of his claws. Panting from exertion, he twitched his ears, which bore the scars of previous fights.
"Rav!" He called to his mate. "You hanging in there?"

Stonebelly hits the eagle for 5 damage!
HP: 10
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 12 12

Leafpaw was beginning to get tired, so very tired. Her body shook from fear and from overexertion - Waterfall's training was never this harsh, this long. Maybe it should be - or maybe Leafpaw should dedicate her life to praying to SunClan for the protection against eagles. The powers of SunClan were vast! They could grant a leader 9 lives, so maybe they could protect an entire territory from the evil of eagles. Gritting her teeth, she tried to swipe her claws against the feathered of the beast, only to miss and topple over, falling into her brother Mousepaw.

"S-Sorry!" She mewed, trying to scramble free of him so that he could attack.

Leafpaw misses her attack on the eagle!
HP: 2
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 12 12
The looming bird tried to think - the larger cats were older, did they know how to hit harder? It's mind reeled. Pick off the smaller ones, pick of the weak. It's always what its own mother taught it, wasn't it? So, it turned, rolling eyes, to snap its sharp beak, red with the blood of the other cats it was fighting and made its next attack.

The eagle lands a hit on Mousepaw for 3 damage!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 8 8

They had to be doing some damage to this wretched beast, couldn't they? Fawndance thought, looking at the thrashing bird above her as she managed to drag herself away, inch by inch. It had been so long that she was beginning to suspect the horrible bird may not ever die! Turning her head, she saw the eagle just as its beak closed around poor Mousepaw. In a moment, she'd shoved herself away from the ground and tried to leap at the eagle, but her jump fell short and she landed heavily on the ground with an 'umph!'

His mentor should be here. She thought. Who was Mousepaw's mentor again? Why hadn't he come with them? With the beginnings of a snarl on her maw, Fawndance sneered up at the eagle. If she survived this, she was going to track down Mousepaw's mentor and ensure they never received another apprentice as long as they lived in MountainClan. Surely another set of warrior paws would've helped them have beaten this eagle long ago!

"Hang on Mousepaw!" She spat red onto the ground. "I'm comin' for ya!"

Rolling for Fawndance
HP: 4
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 13

It was her fault, it was her fault, it was her fault. Mousepaw had gotten hurt because she bumped into him. He was hurt because of her - how was she going to tell her parents? How would he ever forgive her? With a shriek of fear and anguish and anger, she launched herself at the eagle's beak, scratching at its head and yowling.
"You! Don't! Hurt! My! Brother!"

Leafpaw hits the eagle for 3 damage!
HP: 2
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 8 8
The eagle's energy was beginning to wane - it had sustained wounds too, and while its will to fight was still strong, the body that held itself together was not. It wobbled, batting its wings in an attempt to shove away the older, larger cats from getting at it, but no to avail.

The eagle misses its attack on Stonebelly!
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4

Fawndance's icy blue eyes had become as round as the full moon when Leafpaw launched herself at the eagle's face.
"Leafpaw!" She gasped, and moved forward to try and grab the apprentice off the bird. It wasn't safe to stay up there - if Leafpaw was thrown off the thrashing enemy, the fall would not be an easy nor a comfortable one. Hissing and hacking, Fawndance raised a front paw to try and snag Leafpaw and drag her down from the enemy, but to no success.

Fawndance misses her attack on the eagle!
HP: 4
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 8 8

Stonebelly, despite his best efforts to prove himself a true warrior of MountainClan, was starting to slowdown. He missed his next attack on the eagle, his claws barely grazing the feathers of the bird and he was becoming well aware of how his fellow Clanmates were starting to look. Ravineflight and Waterfall seemed as though they were doing well enough - he was proud of his mate for that, but the apprentices were looking worse for wear and Fawndance was struggling to keep herself upright.

That said, the eagle didn't look like it was entirely well off either.
"Come on, MountainClan!" He called. "We've got it beat - we can finish this!"

One way or another, anyway, it would be finished.

Stonebelly misses his attack on the eagle!
HP: 10
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4

Leafpaw was not having an ideal day - she was bleeding and battered and she was having a very hard time with keeping her grip on the eagle she'd pounced upon. With a yowl of surprise she was tossed from its back and while she did manage to land on her feet (she thanked her father for his expertise in agility) she felt something twinge unpleasantly in one of her front paws. She crumpled to the ground, but raised her head to look at her brother - was he alright? He had to be alright, right?

Leafpaw misses her attack on the eagle!
HP: 2
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