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From the Swamp they came


Grizzled Veteran
Shadow Claw was a bit apprehensive, he had been told to come but the pony he'd been supposed to meet hadn't turned up and it seemed rude to just... leave, so he got in the boat, looking at the tour guide with a wary look. "Uh.. what the heck was that?" he said, half to himself, half to the pony in the mascot suit.

Question the Mascot Suited Tour guide? (prompt c)


Snow hummed as he looked around. His tail slipping around his body to watch the guide. Most likely sizing the guide up for a good meal. Snow tilted his head as he watched the others among them. A good assortment of differenet ponies. Other ghoulies, that was good. As the wailing started up he perked his ears then hummed as he decided what he would do. Snow looked to the right.

Choice : Looked Right - prompt b


Grizzled Veteran
Acid looks around and arches a brow at the one beings lack of enthusiasm. Doesn't exactly give the most optimistic of vibes. Will have to see how this tour goes. He moves to the boat and takes a seat and looks at those around him. Definitely a mix of different beings. As they move he moves to look to the left. He isn't exactly sure what to expect from this tour.

Choice: Looked Left- Prompt a


Grizzled Veteran
As the tour started, Genevieve was absolutely bouncing on her claws. This place was spooky and -- from what she'd heard through the grapevine -- possibly haunted or home to some kind of weird creature that could eat a full sized pony! But you know, that was just what she heard. Still, it was right up her alley! Her mates might be a little worried to know she was going on a possibly haunted bog ride tour with a bunch of total strangers but.... she'd just blame her mom. She'd heard about it from her.

Ushered inside the boat, the small ghoulie glanced about intending to survey the other tourists while the sound of the boat's fan drowned out everything else. She hadn't even looked over two ponies when she heard it, that spooky wail. She cocked her head, focusing and listening closely. The longer the fan went on, the louder it seemed to get until finally, at a pitch and volume she was sure would be deafening up close, it stopped. Unable to help herself Genevieve let out an excited squeal and wiggle, whipping towards the right.

"Did you hear that!?" She asked no one in particular as she stood on the tips of her claws to see better around the other ponies (curse her being so tiny). "What was that?"

Prompt B
wc: 218


As Orion had slid his waiver into the little collection box he got super excited and though "i hope this is truely haunted, this is going to be so much fun". Orion looked at the mascot chuckled a little and stepped onto Bog Hog Express, As the Tour Guide was saying "All hooves inside the boat at all times, Do not rock this boat I don't fancy trying to get this stinky ooze out of my uniform" Orion thought "eck, yeah that smell would never come out, better do as he says" Thats when Orion heard the noise not the fan but something is, "what the hell was it?" he thought, "what was the moaning type wail?" he said to himself Orion put his hooves over his ears as the sound turned into maybe a banshee's screech, Orion uncovered his ears as the noise faded away as the boat glided away from the docks.

Orion looked right to see if thats where the noise had been coming from

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
(Prompt C)

Mysterie Skull observed the Bog Hog curiously from behind their mask and meandered into a seat upon the boat as instructed. Their tone of voice indicated frustration, as though the very presence of patrons to this midnight bog journey were as rotten to them as the smell wafting up around them. Perhaps they weren't paid well enough to perform the agonizing role known as the "Bog Hog." Or, perhaps they just hated dealing with other ponies. Either way, Mysterie Skull did not care. They were only interested in asking questions.

"Yes, hello, Bog Handler, if I may-" They began, giving the suited pony a head tilt as they spoke. "Has anyone died by rocking the boat? If so, are they still here laying in the bog? I would love to take home a small souvenir if possible."


Grizzled Veteran
As someone who was prone to be drawn to the oddest of adventures, it only made sense that Chalk ws all too ready to slide her waiver into the box, bouncing excitedly. She was barely able to contain herself when it came to be mentioned that rocking the boat was a poor choice, and she settled for tapping her little hooves excitedly. While everyone seemed atwitter with asking questions or looking around, her ttention was drawn to Mysterie Skull and her eyes sparkled mischievously, and she was quick to chime in right after the other, "OHOH I want a body souvenir too, can I have one?!"

[Option C]


Long-Term Resident
Prompt C

Milkyway's eyes were bright and she saw better in the dark than in daylight. The bioluminescence that sparkled in her fur made her a soft source of sweet, pale blue light, barely noticeable save for in pitch black conditions.

The sound of the fan was no conceivable bother to her but the sudden climbing wail to the ear shattering cry of a Banshee had her twisting one way then the other, wide eyes straining to find the source.

Milkyway was shy, a little prone to jumping and was not probably the best suited to this trip, despite her best efforts to be courageous. "What's making that noise!?


Stew Aficionado
Prompt A

Twilight Flight dutifully dropped his waiver into the collection box and got on board the boat. He settled into his spot and eagerly awaited take off. He'd heard the rumors of monsters, of course, but he wasn't frightened. Not yet anyway. He was curious, mostly. Even if there weren't really monsters out on the bog, at least he'd get to enjoy the ride.

The sour manner of the tour guide wasn't much of a turn off either. Twilight felt like he had to sympathize with the other pony. Having to repeat the same things and go the same paths every night probably got really old really fast.

Just as the boat was leaving, Twilight Flight heard a strange wail. Was that the monster the rumors spoke of? Ears perked and eyes straining to catch a glimpse in the dark, the hybrid turned his attention to the left side of the boat.


Grizzled Veteran
Prompt A group
@YupItReallyIsMe, @Cheyriddle4, & @Absolutiones

You lean a little to the left side of the Bog Hog Express, you don't see much in the murky blackness. It seems like even the moon could be swallowed in the bogs depths. Quietly watching the rushing blackness; You are jolted by the boat hitting something, you almost keep your footing.

You three roll a d100 (1-50 you get a bog bath 51-100 you stay,)

Prompt B group
@PeterPan_da144, @SwordOfTheNagas, @RozeyBear, @Shadrya

You look right and see a soft glow in the bog. As you are watching this little light the in the distance you subconsciously lean over the low side of the air boat. When the boat lurches underneath from hitting something, you don't manage to keep your footing.

You four roll a d100 (Evens you stay, Odds you get a bog bath)

Prompt C group
@belloblossom, @Revel, @Bouquet of Diamonds, @ChexaRain, @Straye

You are asking questions and the Bog Hog Mascot is answering them, but they seem to be getting nervous? "Local fauna is just about the same as any bog, ferns, rotten plants, and birds."

The questions about the wail is met with "iiTTSSS JUST THE WIND" You think they are spooked by the wail much more than they are trying to appear to be.

To the two asking about dead bodies they respond "No one has fallen off and died...That I know of. What? No! NO!!! there are no corpse souvenirs." They seem particularly distracted by that line of questions.

They are so distracted that they miss the seemingly only dry patch of land and the Bog Hog Express is hit by natures speed ramp causing you all to bump and bounce around.

Being close enough to the fan controls you all keep your footing, however, you see the other passengers fall, either staying in the boat or going overboard.

Do you:

Help those on the left (they get a +10 to their roll) Prompt A

Help those on the right (they get a +1 to their roll) Prompt B


Grizzled Veteran
Shadow Claw had decided he was not enjoying this ride when he was thrown forwards as the boat hit something. He had stumbled but managed to stay in the boat, quickly he looked left and right ar those that had fallen in, before deciding to help.

Help those on the left (they get a +10 to their roll) Prompt A


Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 81 81
Snow blinked as he leaned over the side. It might not of been a wise move, but the small ghoulie was curious. Which honestly him being of a foal mindset, it would be suitable that he'd go top over tea kettle. There was a loud shriek as he hit the bog. Sputtering as he came back up. His tail mouth shot out to latch onto the nearest object.

Roll 1d100 - 81, odds "BYE!!!!"


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 60 60
Unfortunately Twilight Flight couldn't see anything but bog to the left. Did he pick the wrong side to sit on or was it really just the wind as their guide insisted? He wasn't given much time to consider the question before the boat was rocking rather roughly and his paws were slipping. He scrambled to keep from falling into the bog.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 65 65
Genevieve was so focused on that aoft glow off in the distance that she didn't notice the spot of landing coming right at them. Or, more accurately, them coming at it. Her claws gripped the side of the boat as it collided with the ground, ramping over it with enough force to bounce her right up of our her seat!

....and over the side of the boat!!

The small ghoulie squealed out her surprise as suddenly the metal of the boat wasn't beneath her claws. The empty air whooshed passed her and before she knew it, she was splashing down into the dark waters of the bog. Coughing and sputtering as she surfaced, claws frantically scrambling for purchase beneath her in the water, Genevieve tried her best to get back to the boat. Whether or not was successful was still to be decided.

wc: 143
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 16 16
There was a light in the distance when Firebug glanced to the right. Raising a brow, they stood and shifted in the boat, leaning a bit further out to see. Unfortunately, something seemed to hit the boat from beneath. Firebug yelped in surprise and tried to keep their footing....


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 47 47
Acid was just watching around him and listening as others keep asking questions. Some were quite interesting but for the most part he just didn't wanna deal with speaking at the moment. He is just looking around to see if he could spot a crocodile when they hit the piece of land and he lets out a surprised yelp as he tries to keep his footing. He is highly unamused. Damn people distracting the driver. Why couldn't they wait for him to start the tour conversation instead?
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 5 5
Scopto leaned close to the left side, listening for possible hoofsteps of deceit. Only, he'd leaned too far without knowing, and when the boat bumped, Scopto toppled over the side and into the bog.

Scopto huffed as he surfaced in the water, his tail sputtering and letting out a soft hiss. He'd never asked to be doused in nasty bog water, and he silently fumed as he moved back towards the boat, hoping to get aboard again.


Long-Term Resident
Prompt B Help those to the right, +10 to their roll.

The collision was jarring - it had become increasingly obvious to her that the tour guide was unsettled and when they suddenly hit what must have been land, the way it stopped them in their tracks, her hardened, forked hooves dug into the floor of the boat. Her body rocked and she was rightly terrified, but she was safe.

Milkyway noticed most of those leaning to the left seemed to be going okay - but the right-- she twisted and whipped around, reaching out a foreleg for @SwordOfTheNagas Snow's tail head - the bite was stronger than she expected, but she didn't have the same kind of tail as most ponies so this made more sense. Despite her best efforts, she whinnied in discomfort - she knew it wasn't the snake tail head's fault and they were just doing their best to stay on. (+1 to 81, 82!) "Are you okay? Careful, try to move closer to the fans, okay?

She did her best to assist others in similar feats of disarray, seeing another ghoulie struggling, she limped closer and leaned over to @RozeyBear Genevieve to assist her in getting back into the boat. "You can use your claws to grab my horns if you need to, it's okay." (+1 to 65, 66!)

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Prompt B: Helping those on the right! +1 to their roll!

"Of course, not the entire corpse!"
Mysterie retorted, their skull obscuring an eye roll as the boat suddenly collided with something. Honestly, why did every tour guide this side of the world have to react so oddly to that request? All they'd be taking is a hoof, perhaps a thigh bone. Was that really such a difficult thing? It's not like the deceased would miss it.

It seemed as though any further debate would have to wait until later, though, as several members of their tour group went flying overboard. Mysterie lunged themselves to the right, pulled their fuzzy collar off of their neck, and tossed one end out into the water.

"Alright, you wobble-footed bog trotters, grab onto that end! I'll yank you up again!" They called.


Stew Aficionado
Dawn seemed slightly disappointed by the report that the flora was much the same as any bog. She was readying herself to ask if the same could be said about the native fauna, when the boat lurched forward. Her claws dug into the panels beneath her and her tail swung around to side in keeping her balance.

When she regained her balance, she turned to the left and spotted a few ponies flailing to keep their own footing. Her tail surged forward, trying to grab anyone who looked like they might topple over the edge.

(Prompt A)