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From the Swamp they came


Grizzled Veteran

Welcome to the Blazing Bog midnight ride! We thank you for choosing us for your late night tour of the bog!

Please do not mind the words of our competitors saying that there are monsters in the bog. It's just a trick of the light and the howling wind of course!

Please remember to keep all hooves and foals inside the boat buggy! Due to the nature of the bog entry waiver must be signed before we set off!
we will not be held responsible if you happen to fall out and get lost in the bog.

This is a choose your own adventure type of game for a chance at new friend for your pony. You will be presented with choices that will effect you in different ways.

Each prompt will be open for 8 hours and has a maximum of 500 word response.

The first prompt will be posted March 18, 2021 @ 12:00 PM CST

  1. Do sign up!
  2. Do have fun!
  3. Do read and respond to the prompts
  4. Do try and cause the tour staff (Tigeria) to have to think.
  5. Do not force anyone to chose a path
  6. Do not harass anyone
  7. Do not edit posts
Staff other than Tigeria can enter.


Grizzled Veteran
To sign up please fill out this waiver.
Sign ups will end
March 18, 2021 @ 11:50 AM CST

[size="6"][b][color="red"]Entry Waiver[/color][/b][/size]

[b] username:
pony that is going on the tour [/b] (just so that I know)
[B] do you understand that these are pets?[/b] y/n
[B] I understand by signing this waiver I can not complain to the Blazing Bog midnight ride staff if I have an accident [/b] (this is merely for fun)


Long-Term Resident
Entry Waiver

Username: Straye
Pony that is going on the tour: Milkyway
Do you understand that these are pets? Y
I understand by signing this waiver I can not complain to the Blazing Bog midnight ride staff if I have an accident Yes


Grizzled Veteran
Entry Waiver

Username: ChexaRain
Pony that is going on the tour: Sidewalk Chalk
Do you understand that these are pets? Y
I understand by signing this waiver I can not complain to the Blazing Bog midnight ride staff if I have an accident Agreed!

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Entry Waiver

username: Bouquet of Diamonds
pony that is going on the tour
Mysterie Skull
do you understand that these are pets? Yes!
I understand by signing this waiver I can not complain to the Blazing Bog midnight ride staff if I have an accident "I accept your terms, Bog Handler. We are prepared." (Yes)


Grizzled Veteran
Entry Waiver

username: Cheyriddle4
pony that is going on the tour
do you understand that these are pets? y
I understand by signing this waiver I can not complain to the Blazing Bog midnight ride staff if I have an accident How cute a waiver form. *signs in agreement* - Acid


Entry Waiver

username: Shadrya
pony that is going on the tour
do you understand that these are pets? Yes
I understand by signing this waiver I can not complain to the Blazing Bog midnight ride staff if I have an accident Yes.


Entry Waiver

username: YupItReallyIsMe
pony that is going on the tour
do you understand that these are pets? yes!
I understand by signing this waiver I can not complain to the Blazing Bog midnight ride staff if I have an accident: I understand


Stew Aficionado
Entry Waiver

username: PeterPan_da144
pony that is going on the tour
do you understand that these are pets? yes
I understand by signing this waiver I can not complain to the Blazing Bog midnight ride staff if I have an accident yes


Entry Waiver

username: SwordOfTheDarkOnes
pony that is going on the tour
do you understand that these are pets? Y
I understand by signing this waiver I can not complain to the Blazing Bog midnight ride staff if I have an accident A head tilt. "...what if there's a complaint about me? Oh well."


Stew Aficionado
Entry Waiver

username: belloblossom
pony that is going on the tour
Dawn Charm
do you understand that these are pets? Y
I understand by signing this waiver I can not complain to the Blazing Bog midnight ride staff if I have an accident Yes


Grizzled Veteran
Entry Waiver

username: RozeyBear
pony that is going on the tour Genevieve
do you understand that these are pets? Yes
I understand by signing this waiver I can not complain to the Blazing Bog midnight ride staff if I have an accident Yes


Entry Waiver

username: Sesshiyasha
pony that is going on the tour Andromeidis
do you understand that these are pets? y
I understand by signing this waiver I can not complain to the Blazing Bog midnight ride staff if I have an accident I understand


Stew Aficionado
Entry Waiver

username: Absolutiones
pony that is going on the tour Twilight Flight
do you understand that these are pets? Y
I understand by signing this waiver I can not complain to the Blazing Bog midnight ride staff if I have an accident Yes


Grizzled Veteran
Entry Waiver

username: Revel
pony that is going on the tour Shadow Claw
do you understand that these are pets? Yup
I understand by signing this waiver I can not complain to the Blazing Bog midnight ride staff if I have an accident Agreed


Grizzled Veteran
SIGN-UPS are Closed! Lets start this adventure!

@Straye, @ChexaRain, @Bouquet of Diamonds, @Cheyriddle4, @Shadrya, @YupItReallyIsMe, @PeterPan_da144, @SwordOfTheNagas, @belloblossom, @RozeyBear, @Sesshiyasha, @Absolutiones, @Revel

Your group is instructed to slide your waivers into the little collection box that is being manned by the tour guide. They look... strange in their "Bog Hog" Mascot suit, they also look terribly bored at either the prospects of a midnight jaunt on the bog or having to watch you all sign waivers.

As your group makes it over to the "BOG HOG EXPRESS" air boat the tour guide hops up into the fan control seat and says a little more enthusiastically than what might have been expected.

"ALRIGHT lets get this show on the road so I can go home, All hooves inside the boat at all times, Do not rock this boat I don't fancy trying to get this stinky ooze out of my uniform."

It seems that with the raising sound of the fan another sound starts. You notice a moaning wail that spikes into what could be a banshee's screech. It fades off a little as the boat glides away.

Do you:

Look Left? (prompt A)

Look Right? (prompt b)

Question the Mascot Suited Tour guide? (prompt c)

You have 8 Hours to make your response!
(this is how all prompts will be given I don't do the fancy text for this merely put in bold which letter you are following. You can choose only one thing to do.)


Stew Aficionado
Firebug frowned. This didn't seem as fun as the flyers suggested if the tour guide was being so sour. But they settled in anyway, glancing at the other passengers around them. A soft sigh left them as they did so. Perhaps they should have asked Shattered to come with them... What was that? Ears perked up as they listened, before turning their head this way and that slowly.

Their head went right first, scanning the surroundings slowly.


Scopto couldn't be bothered to care if the tour guide wasn't in the mood. Spooky horror was his favorite thing and this bog ride was supposed to be good, or so he'd heard. When an eerie sound rang out, Scopto almost had to laugh. Some sort of joke he was sure.

He turned his head to the left to see if he could hear what, or who, he suspected, had made the sound.
Last edited:


Stew Aficionado
((Prompt C))

Dawn had made the effort to keep her tail tucked in around her so not to bother the other patrons of the ride there, but when she spotted other ghoulies in their entourage, she relaxed a bit. Tipping her beaked mask to the costumed mascot in greetings when she got into the boat, she asked.

"My good, er... pony?" Were they a pony underneath that suit. "Might you tell me about the specifics of the local flora in the bog?" Sure, it was painfully obvious their guide wished to return home, but she doubted a question or two would hold up the trip.