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Game Over Raffle [CYOA Finale]


Grizzled Veteran

Oh, it's the end for you.
Well, that's alright, it happens.
The game isn't finished with you yet!

Enter your name below for a second chance at all your favorite, unclaimed ponies!
If you 'died' to a pony, congrats, they're here with you too!

Ponies with failed captures will be revealed in the group image above over time, and preferences will be taken when the raffle is finally rolled [so you don't have to constantly edit one in your form].

For all our 'Game Over' folks, we have the following five companions you get to choose from as a death prize:

Crying Child, Birthday Party, Sticky Tar, Candy Wrapper, Day & Night

Fill out the form below and post it in the thread to claim your companion and, if you haven't maxed on pony wins, a raffle entry!
Remember, you have a win limit of 2 ponies, but no limit for companions!
You are absolutely allowed to post a form to JUST claim your 'Game Over' companion!

[b]Username:[/b] ---
[b]Companion[/b] -Use the 'codename' listed under the image for your choice of the 3-
[b]Whodunnit?[/b] -Name of the pony that took you out!-
[b]Any Wins/Raffle Opt-Out?[/b] -list any ponies or companions you won in the CYOA and/or mention you're just here for a game over companion-
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Grizzled Veteran
Raffle List:
1. Inari Miko
2. Reoakee
3. Absolutiones
4. Luxona

For Staff
Companions List:
1. Inari Miko - Crying Child
2. Reoakee - Sticky Tar
3. Absolutiones - Sticky Tar
4. Luxona - Sticky Tar


Grizzled Veteran
Username: reoakee
Companion sticky tar (they have pizza and my scare actor needs it ok?)
Whodunnit? chica
Any Wins/Raffle Opt-Out? I did not win any companions as I chose to take on the pizza overlord right away and apparently survived which is a shock and making me feel pretty smug this am, so would love a game over friend please.