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[b]Name you wish to be called[/b]: Nicknames are valid!
[b]Times usually online[/b]: Please include your timezone!
[b]Have you ever played any dice-based games before?[/b]: Think things more like Dungeons and Dragons, less Monopoly!
[b]Have you ever beta-tested or built a dice-based game before?[/b]: Please be honest!
[b]Are you willing to play without any legitimate "progress" in the game?[/b]: Items and dungeon progress will be removed on opening, but beta testers will receive thank-you gifts!
[b]If selected, which of the listed starter pokémon would you like?[/b]: Rattata, pidgey, sentret, pikipek, zigzagoon, taillow, hoothoot, patrat, pidove, yungoos. Your starter pokémon will be yours to keep!
Pokemon, Dungeons, Dice sounds like the game i just started on here about a month ago. Though I wasn't really focusing on the art part of my game more of the world building and dungeon crawling and dice rolling part of it.
If you want I'll give you permission to use my game's mechanics if you want to use them as a base or dumb them down for your own game.
Thank you for the offer! I already have a system in the works, though. I hope to be looking for beta testers soon, once I have more finished templates!
That's exciting, anyway, though. Pokemon dungeon games are great, so it's neat to see others already doing things with them.