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Hopscotch ☘ A Rabbit Shop

[Meta] A Rescue A Foot



Swamp Dweller Response

Bolete tries to contact the outsiders

Bolete watched the north swampers take their captives into the burrow. She knew this was not good, and that they were well over their heads at this point. Wondering if she should go back and try to warn actual rabbits with leadership sense, she looked around trying to decide if she could leave quietly. With a sudden startle, she spotted what looked like great large outsiders crouched around also watching the burrow! They must have followed too, the crazy dwarf must have been right after all... but they did not look like they were making trouble. The two bands alone may be small, and as scary as they may be, she reasoned the big monstrous ridiculousness of the outsiders would be a perfect way to scare the terrorists.

She picked her way carefully over, heading toward the less scary white dwarf with the giants.


Long-Term Resident
Adventurer Response

Peachfuzz look for another way in

Peach decided to follow after the others and look for a different way in. It was probably best to stick together, after all.


Long-Term Resident
Swamp Dweller Response

Ladybug's ambitions were quickly dashed as the small bug quickly turned from aggressor to captive. As she was dragged back to their base, she huffed and glared at the stranger. Things were not working out at all.


Hopscotch Shop

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
Responses open until August 28 @ 5pm PDT

Ladybug was unceremoniously shoved into the burrow. It was quite a shock to be in the dark after being out in the light for so long. Despite her eyes still needing to adjust, it was quite apparent to her that she was utterly surrounded by rabbits! And they were HUGE! What on earth???

[COLOR=#8f6b4e][CENTER][b]Ladybug's Response[/b]

Select one option 
Ladybug tries to incite an escape | tries to get away on her own

Bolete and the others certainly took note of the very large rabbits in the brush. Bolete was even brave enough to go right up to them! After exchanging a few quiet words with the rabbit that seemed to be their leader it was clear these were the outsiders the stranger had been afraid of ...

It was also clear they just wanted to free their friends and get out of here. The North Luremire rabbits were clearly standing guard over the area, and seemed only too happy to deal with these giants themselves ...

If your rabbit did not respond in the last round they are assumed to have approached the outsiders.

[COLOR=#8f6b4e][CENTER][b]Swamp Dweller Response[/b]
Select one option 
(RabbitName) helps the outsiders | alerts the North Swamp dwellers

Thornapple could hardly believe they were at this burrow, and yet didn't have a clear way to pull off the rescue. He gritted his teeth, trying to think hard. One by one, his little group split off to check for another way in, and he joined them.

As he scoured the undergrowth he noticed an approaching sound. A little dwarf popped up. "Uh, hello?" He kept his voice as quiet as possible. After a little bit of explaining it seemed this dwarf was with a few others, and they were friends of the second dwarf who'd been captured. And perhaps even the first? Maybe they could help? But Thornapple wasn't about to hold his breath on that.

A moment or two later Junie emerged from a particularly bramble-y area. It seemed that she'd located a very tiny hole. Perhaps a passage for air? If the group worked together they could probably dig into the hole ... But it would be risky.

If your rabbit did not respond in the last round they are assumed to have looked for another way in.

[COLOR=#8f6b4e][CENTER][b]Adventurer Response[/b]
Select one option 
(RabbitName) enter the small hole | be a look out


Stew Aficionado
Swamp Dweller Response
Snake helps the outsiders

An enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? That's what Snake thought anyway. While he didn't favour the idea of helping these giant invaders, the north swamp dwellers had personally insulted him which was more pressing.


Stew Aficionado
Adventurer Response
Sage enter the small hole

Sage immediately volunteered to dig into the hole. While keeping watch was also important, it made him feel better to be actively doing something.

Hopscotch Shop

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
Responses open until August 30 @ 5pm PDT

Ladybug did seem to have too much luck, but suddenly there was another rabbit there! Sage squeezed down to the hold chamber from above, apparently through a small air hole. The group goggled at him, shocked to see a standard sized rabbit. Could this group be rallied?

@Azael @Absolutiones
[COLOR=#8f6b4e][CENTER][b]Ladybug & Sage's Response[/b]

Select one option 
(Rabbit name) tries to incite an escape through the air hole (Roll 1D20)* | tries rally the group to fight out the main entrance
*If your rabbit tries to incite an escape through the air hole roll 1d20. Results of 12+ result in successfully helping a captive rabbit out! You may roll as many times for this result as you like during this round. The first roll is 'free' and doesn't require any writing. All other rolls require a 100 word response. There are 17 total captives, plus Ladybug & Sage.

If your rabbit did not respond in the last round they are assumed to have helped the outsiders.

The group of swamp dwellers, one by one, approached the outsiders. They exchanged a few quiet words. It seemed that no one was comfortable with the strange dwarves who were guarding the burrow. They were much further south than their usual territory, and it was almost unheard of for them to take other dwarves captive.

Thornapple watched Sage burrow into the air hole, and did his best to stand watch. It was such a narrow hole ... Could a full grown rabbit even make it through? He glanced again at the newly arrived smaller rabbits. They certainly could ...

If your rabbit did not respond in the last round they are assumed to have been a look out.

[COLOR=#8f6b4e][CENTER][b]Adventurer & Dweller Response[/b]
Select one option 
(RabbitName) stands guard | goes after Sage



Swamp Dweller Response

Bolete goes after Sage!

Bolete worried this many of them were bound to get caught. But... also this many of them might be enough to stand up to the captors, especially these giants, she mused as she watched the ensuing breaking and entering. Seeing how small the airhole was, she summoned some more of her boldness and over-it-ness and made her way to the hole. It was time to get these bunnies rescued and get out of here! Went in after the other rabbit to see if she could help.



Adventurer Response
Junie goes after Sage!

Junie was proud of herself for finding the little hole and watched as others tried to get in to it. As they worked at it she wondered if it might be big enough for her too? Why not try, she wasn't going to get left out after all this! Junie helped paw away more dirt and tried to widen the hole so she could get in and help too!

Hopscotch Shop

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account

Thornapple stood watch as several rabbits squeezed themselves down the airhole after Sage. He wanted to hold his breath, but he didn't. He knew that at any moment those strange little rabbits with the funny ears might notice them ... Minutes dragged on, but nothing terrible seemed to happen. And then, a head peaked out of the airhole. His brother!!! Thornapple had to stop himself from giving a whoop of joy. As soon as his brother pulled himself free rabbit after rabbit after rabbit seemed to follow. Thornapple's eyes got huge. How had such tiny rabbits managed to keep this many captive? He gawked as they pulled themselves free of the burrow and scurried into the underbrush around him.

Eventually his own companions emerged, with a nod. He turned tail, and gestured for the rescued rabbits to follow. As he took off through the underbrush, he wondered how long they'd have to make good on their escape before the captors noticed ... He wasn't about to wait around to find out.

@Ellanoire @Absolutiones @HeavenlySnow @Zakiax @Naberius @mewrose @Kyrieko @stormflower

Your rabbits have been freed! They are now able to return to Hopscotch, or may choose to stay in the Luremire. During their time in Luremire they learned several things about rabbit society here. The Northern dwarves who took them captive are an incredibly superstitious lot and deeply believe that the world outside the swamp is populated with monsters. They also seem to experience the illness that swept across Hopscotch every fall and winter. These dwarves also banish all standard sized rabbits from their home, and seem to blame them for the illness ... They kept you captive for fear you'd tell others where they were located. They have no interest in receiving outside visitors and seem very resentful you ever tried to contact them ...

This meta is now concluded! You may redeem and spend your meta points here!