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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Chapter Three: Friend or Foe [FIN]

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Stew Aficionado

Lupin had been hunting a rabbit, some stupid thing that had been out in the open during the daytime. He'd chased it so far but suddenly it turned away to the side, running towards him, not too quick that he missed it though, he pounced, the rabbit squealed, once, then he dispatched it quickly. As he took deep breaths to recover from the sudden spook he'd gotten by it turning, he scented cats in the air... a lot of cats. How strange, but explained why the rabbit decided to take the chance on him, instead of crashing a gathering. He was curious though and, picking his rabbit up as a potential peace offering to any aggressive cats, strode forwards, his stride showing confidence, not an inch of fear or nervousness as he emerged to find a Clan? ... a very travel weary one at that, very strange, he looked around to see if he could see who led them, wouldn't be his first run in with clan cats but these ones didn't belong here so he had nothing to worry about really.

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Ashenwillow felt his pelt prickle as if someone was watching him. He wouldn't have to wait long to realize that feeling was, in fact, correct -- his eyes had drifted and landed on the sight of a striking she-cat peering back at him- wait, was she grimacing at him? His ears folded and he debated just turning around and ignoring the cat, but... well, truthfully, Ashenwillow was bored out of his mind and this looked like a good opportunity to solve that.
"What?" He found himself calling to the hiding cat, eyes drawn to her snapping tail. She was irritated, great. He didn't blame her one bit, especially if the forest was her home.
He broke the distance between the two and padded cautiously towards the bush, settling a few feet from her. His tail curled around his haunches, still and relaxed. "I'm guessing your another cat who belongs in these parts. We're not going to hurt you, we're just passing through."



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Mouse scratched at his collar anxiously as the other cat frowned, his own fur fluffed and tail lashing from side to side. His gaze followed theirs, noting the group with lowered ears and a hunkered head. Scary! This was all so scary. The other loner scooted closer and he twitched, casting a quick glance to check the cat wasn't going to pull anything. No- they seemed fairly friendly, honestly. His shoulders lowered and he exhaled a shaky sigh, returning to peering at the large group.
"Yeah! There's so many of them!" He squeaked back, tail snapping once more. Too many! Did they really all get along? How did they share food among themselves? Did they ever fight? How did they keep each other's names straight?
'Don't worry, though, I'll make sure you stay safe.'
Mouse looked back at the other cat and felt his tail slowly wind to a soft twitch. He didn't know the cat, but hearing the comforting words was enough to settle his leaping heart. Mouse was not a good fighter, but maybe this cat was.
"Thanks," he mewled softly, head tilting. "A-and your name- I don't think I caught it? Um... I'm sorry for earlier. The screaming, and all." He looked down at his paws and his ears folded once more, shame across his face. "I'm not the bravest cat... s-sorry."

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Sunseer listened to the many cats around him. The sound of relief and hope that he heard, while not shared by everyone, rang through him. It felt like, for the first time in a long while, he could breathe again. They had water, they had food. For now, he sighed, they were safe.

To say that the thought of dangerous wild cats hadn't crossed his mind would be incorrect. But, realistically, unless the loners her formed their own clans, he chuckled at that thought, no one would be stupid enough to attack a group as large as theirs. So when Minnowclaw's voice caught his attention and the strong scent of a strange cat met his nose, Sunseer was surprised for a moment.

"A loner, you say?" Sunseer sniffed in the cat's direction and, while he brought himself to his full height, he positioned himself in a peaceful manner. No need to start anything with the locals, he thought. "Rumble," He repeated the name, "I am Sunseer, leader of... Leader of my clan. How may I be of service to you?"

@PeterPan_da144 @Nym

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
"Oh no, of course not," Skysong began, a surprised smile blooming on her lips as the tiny kit sat on her paws. She purred lightly, a little embarrassed but overall pleased.

"Clan cats would never hard a helpless kit. But I understand your fears, and they are just. It is a scary place out here. But rest easy, queen, you kit will come to no harm around us. My name is Skysong, deputy.." She hesitated, were they really MountainClan anymore? A moment of sadness flickered in her icy eyes but she blinked it away and smiled, "I'm the second in command here in this clan. If you need any assistance, feel free to let us know."


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dovetail had been following the group diligently, weaving through sunbeams and dancing around the shadows of the trees around them. When she wasn't keeping pace in the living world, she was watching them from the sunpool, counting the minutes until the sun rose again and she could continue their journey.

As they trecked through the woods and left the mountain's shadow for good, she would brush against her clanmates. A press of the pelt here, a tail stroke there, knowing that the living could not feel her but hoping still that they found comfort in her presence. This whole thing had been frustrating for her, but she knew it was necessary for the clan's survival. It was like growing pains, she thought.

Her biggest worry was Littleflower. The small white she-cat hated watching the young Medicine cat fret and it was killing her to be unable to simply explain away her worries. But such was the way of Sunclan. She walked beside her most of the trip, whispering soft encouragement in her ears. Pointless, she knew, for the medicine cat couldn't hear her in the waking world. But still, it brought her peace to do so.

"Three flowers left, Littleflower," She murmured to herself as she watched loners and clan cats intermix, hoping that was cryptic enough.

Blinking, she saw it. A small bundle of herbs laying in the path. Curious, she padded over silently and sniffed it. And although her eyes were closed and the shadow beneath the bush was dark, she could see those wide green eyes staring at her. A smile spread over her lips and she turned to Littleflower and said simply, "Ah, look at what I've found."

Scrap had been watching the black cat with the white face until his not-father began speaking. All this talk of clans and leaders, what was Rumble doing, he wondered? Probably wondering if there was anything he could do to help, which was very in character for him. Scrap purred as pride in his not-father welled inside him. That was the thing he loved most about Rumble, his desire to help others.

"One day, I'll be just like him," He mumbled to himself, eyes shining.

But then, something else caught his attention.

It was a cat, small and white, so white that the sunlight shimmered off her pelt like mist. He watched as she walked through the group of cats, touching them. Huh. No one seemed to notice her. They didn't react to her at all, in fact. How weird.

He watched as she bent down to inspect the bundle of herbs. And without thinking, he pulled himself out of the bush and stepped forward.

"Hey, those don't belong to you. If you need herbs, I can help you find some, though." He said, his voice ringing loud and clear.

He realized now that he was just behind Rumble and the clan leader. Embarrassed, he shook out his fur and groomed his chest shyly, sitting in a shower of little flowers. He locked eyes with the smiling white she-cat. Why did she look so pleased?

@Nym @PeterPan_da144
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
The older tom chuckled, his long wispy tail swaying pleasantly as he nodded a greeting to the young she-cat.

"Almost as many as you, although scattered about. Here and there. Everywhere. Water draws all kinds, you see."

He watched her unblinkingly as she deftly made her way into the tree. Despite the discomfort in her voice, the clan cat seemed at ease once her claws dug into the wood beneath them.

"I don't fear you, young one. Envy you maybe. You seem to have come from a faraway place," His purr was like the rumbling of sand over stone, "What stories you must carry with you."

"I am He Who Watches, but you may call me Watch. It's far easier to remember."
He chuckled again and returned his eyes to the gathering below, "No, I am with no cat but myself. Scented your group on the wind and simply had to be where the story was, is all."



Stew Aficionado

A soft purr had started in his throat, though it sounded like water tumbling over a waterfall. "You hold your family close to you," he started softly, nodding his head in approval. "Family is the most important thing. One should never forget that."

Minnowclaw had turned and called out to another cat, a tom whom they were approaching. There was something off about the way that he pulled himself up right. Rumble studied him closely, trying to figure out what it was that he felt.

"Sunseer," he rumbled back, dipping his head in greetings. "It is less of how you may be of service to me, and more of how I may be of service to you." He straightened again, though he decided to sit now. Perhaps he would look less intimidating. Definitely he would be easier to attack if the cats so wished to run him off. "I haven't seen any of you before, so I can only imagine that you are brand new to the forest. I ran into your lovely family member, Minnowclaw, first, and offered my help to show you all around, and with whatever else you might need. Whether you are just passing through, or looking for a more permanent home.

Almost immediately, they were interrupted. Rumble turned to see what the commotion was, only to spy his smallest child, Scrap. A very amused purr rumbled forth from him. "Ah, Scrap, I wondered where you'd gotten off to. Gathering herbs again, I see." His gaze was full of warmth and affection for his son, though his words had been a bit confusing. Rumble hadn't gone near the herbs, nor did he see any other cat anywhere near them, or even with their eyes on them. His head tilted curiously, but he decided to say nothing of it, for now.

@Nym (Minnowclaw)
@Blinded By Silence (Sunseer, Scrap)


Stew Aficionado

The tom cat caught her eye, and Rose stared back. Unblinking. Challengingly. She dared him to come and make a scene. And then the other called out to her. Rose flattened herself more, ears straight back and tail whipping. A soft growl had started in her throat as he moved towards her, before dying out as he settled a few tail lengths away. Her eyes were so narrow you could barely see them.

They were just passing through, he said? Good, she thought to herself, though she didn't say anything out loud. Not yet. She let them remain in silence for a while longer, unmoving, before finally she seemed to breathe again.

"I certainly hope so," her tone was terse, though her tail had stopped, and her ears had straightened up again. Yet she stayed crouched, for now. She was small but stocky, built like a tom, and had quite powerful legs and paws. "There are enough cats who live here. We don't need more who will steal prey or territory." She was still quite grumpy, but she allowed her gaze to stray from him, looking over the rest of his group uncertainly. If it was only him, she would have chased him off already. Or even him and one or two other cats. She could have gotten a few good hits in. But there were far too many. Rose was suddenly glad Petunia was home, fretting over her kit like a frightened hen. Otherwise, who knows what would have happened to the scaredy-cat with all these strange ones coming around?

@Nym (Ashenwillow)


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Her tail swished at the comment of 'lovely family member' and she debated correcting him. Was it worth it? The clan was family, was it not? She didn't have long to ponder on it, as another voice snapped her attention to them. Another cat- someone who knew Rumble, then? Her eyes narrowed as she tried to decipher what he had said, frowning softly.
"Is everything alright?" She questioned Rumble, head tilting.



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Wow, she was a very, uh, spirited one, wasn't she? He couldn't help but frown as he regarded how tense and territorial she had become, his own tail snapping behind him in agitation. He held the silence almost out of spite, eyes narrowing harshly when she continued.
"I'm assuming you own this area, then?" He found himself challenging, almost surprised by himself. He wasn't the type to fight back, nor a cat who enjoyed arguing, but her hostile appearance had immediately set him off on edge. "If not, then I don't think you can call it stealing, can you?"
He huffed tensely and rolled his shoulder, groaning under his breath. Ugh, no use starting something, anyway -- they were on unfamiliar land and had a disadvantage. "We're not going to hurt you, so can you at least come out of the bush? We equally can't trust each other if we don't at least get out in the open."


Stew Aficionado

Midnight nodded. A lot of cats... A lot of new friends. A lot of cats to help, if they needed it. Unhindered by the smell of mouse, Midnight could tell their father was nearby. This allowed them to fully relax, sitting quietly beside the newfound Mouse. Ehe. Named after a mouse.

"Oh!" They purred a little, dipping their head. "Father says I need to remember my manners because I forget them often. I'm Midnight!" They then shook their head. "No need to apologize! I shouldn't have just pounced anyway, and should have been paying more attention to my surroundings." Their pelt began to buzz with energy again, tail tip twitching. But they had to stay calm for Mouse. They seemed too easily spooked.

"Not every cat needs to be brave. Otherwise, how would we know when danger is afoot?" Their eyes sparkled. "Father says one can never be too trusting or too brave, and that you should be cautious when greeting new cats. I can smell him nearby, even!" Midnight did stand up and nose through the nearby bush until he could see his father, sitting with a few others, including Scrap! "Looks like one of my brothers is here, too," they mrrowed, before pulling back through the bush to see Mouse again. "Did you want to go up and meet anyone? My family, or the new cats? I'll accompany you, if you want to. Or I can help you get home if you're nervous." An ear flicked away a little bug, but otherwise they looked to Mouse curiously, their own prey forgotten on the ground.

@Nym (Mouse)


Stew Aficionado

Fur bristled at his challenging tone. "Not this exact area, otherwise I would have at least attempted to scare you lot off somehow," she growled, shifting on her paws uneasily. She kept it at that, preferring not to delve into any information about her sister or any other cats for now.

He continued on with a less challenginc tone, though still a bit demanding. Her eyes narrowed once more as she looked him over, drinking in his words. With an agitated huff, she finally pulled herself from the bush. Her mottled and swirled coat gave her some great natural camoflauge under the bushes, less so outside of them. Unless it was dawn or dusk.

Slowly, she revealed herself fully, before settling down again. Crouched, but not as tense or coiled as before. Her tail stuck out behind her, low to the ground, but had grown still. Ears straight, eyes fully open.

"Where did you come from?" she started tersely, glancing back towards the group.

@Nym (Ashenwillow)

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Scrap felt heat rising beneath his fur. Goodness, this was not how he had planned this day going. He swiped his paw over his ears and avoided looking at any cat now..

"S-Sorry, I.." His eyes flicked to the bush where the cat who had actually found those herbs was hiding, "I'll just..." He stood and approached the grinning white she-cat. With a nod and a soft, "Sorry, excuse me," He grabbed the bundle and briskly trotted away from all the eyes watching him.

With a sigh of relief, he dropped the bundle behind Bone's bush and nudged it underneath with a gentle paw, "Sorry," He said for what he felt was the millionth time today.

@Nym @PeterPan_da144

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Sunseer stared silently at the chest of the large cat, only raising his eyes once he spoke, as he tried to guess where the tom's eyes were. Based on his voice, Sunseer could assume that Rumble was indeed a very large cat indeed.

"We are," he confirmed with a nod, "New to this part of it, anyhow. We've come from a long way off." He chuckled softly, "Minnowclaw might not be my blood, but all my clan is family to me. I'm glad to hear she treated you well. We have no quarrel with the loners of this wood, we are simply looking for a place to rest."

He stopped and listened, nodding softly at the large tom's request to assist, "That is very generous of you, Rumble, we thank you. There is something particular we are look--"

He was interrupted by more voices, the dark tom turned his ears to the commotion. It seemed Rumble knew of them, and, sensing no threatened tones in his voice, deemed the interloper to be not of his concern. Though, he was pleased to hear that there were herbs in the area. That would be helpful.

"Anyway, Rumble. We are looking for the split in the river, do you know how much further we have to go before we find it?"



Stew Aficionado
He had just chuckled at his son. "That is my second youngest. His name is Scrap. Midnight, the youngest, is currently hunting for prey. It seems that Scrap had decided to do some hunting of his own, only for healing herbs." He had directed his words mostly to Minnowclaw, though made sure to speak loud enough for Sunseer to hear, too. It would do no good to disrespect the leader. Rumble purred as Scrap scurried away, and would shift enough to brush pelts with him as he did so.

Turning his attention back to Sunseer fully, he dipped his head. "I do." He would relay the information with little hesitation, though tilt his head curiously. "However, I'm curious as to how you know about the split in the river if you're new here. It isn't hard to assume there will be bends in one, or it will even turn back on itself sometimes. But not all rivers split." Rumble's tone was full of curiosity and even a bit of wonder, with no accusation in it at all. The tom was genuinely interested in knowing how they knew.

@Nym (Minnowclaw)
@Blinded By Silence (Sunseer, Scrap)


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He eyed her once she was in the open, tail lashing once behind him. Good, now he could see if she decided to take her frustrations out more physically. Did it matter if he told her where they hailed from? Would it threaten the safety of their old home? No, that was just paranoia talking -- the cats left behind could handle a lone rogue wandering onto unfamiliar territory.
"The mountains," he meowed, head jerking towards the distant peaks. "For many of them, this is their first trek from home." Not for him, of course, but Ashenwillow could sympathize with the cats who might be overwhelmed.


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There was a brief moment when Littleflower's eyes had glazed over the soft peachy colored cat. There were so many cats piling through the shadows and it had left her physically unable to keep up. She might have continued not to notice the cat if she hadn't spotted a flash of white by his side, and then he spoke to it. She did a physical double-take, gasped, and then flicked her eyes to the flowers at his feet.
"It's you!" She practically shouted in alarm, wincing at herself in turn. "The flowers- and you spoke- Sunseer, he's important." She had whirled her head to her father, fur bristled in excitement as she gestured towards Scrap.
"He spoke to Dovetail." Her voice was a low hush, brimming with a hope she hadn't realized she was desperately trying to hold onto. "And the flowers by his feet- they're the same from my omen."


Stew Aficionado

Her eyes grew big and round. "The mountains?" she murmured back, glancing back the way they had obviously come. Her tail flicked a little now, but her body remained crouched. Though curiosity littered her gaze and tone. Why was such a huge group of cats leaving the mountains?

"That's... A very long trip. Why? It should be much safer for you up there than down here." There was still a wariness to her tone, though she tucked her paws beneath her better, settling in as if to listen. She had attempted to go into the mountains once with Petunia, before she had grown too heavy with kits, but between her sister and the terrain... It had been nearly impossible for the two of them to retreat further from the Twolegs. They had eventually settled for the woods surrounding it that they'd known all their lives, though did their best to stay further away from the Twolegplace.

(She's all loafed up ^^)

@Nym (Ashenwillow)


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Bone flinched further into her bush as the cat approached, her eyes flicking from the bundle and him with a curious furrow. Was he- ah, he was helping her? She dug her paws into the dirt once he was within a nose touches distance, flattening further into the dirt to make herself even smaller. The herbs she needed were slid towards her and she gently placed a paw on them, her head slowly raising and eyes blinking softly.
Thank you, she tried to convey, only to recoil violently into the bush when attention seemed to land squarely on the cat before her. She dragged the bundle with her, large eyes peering through leaves as she watched the scene.
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