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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Chapter Three: Friend or Foe [FIN]

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Midnight? Sure a dark name for a bubbly cat. Mouse followed Midnight to view the cats gathering, nose scrunching. Did he want to see what was happening? Midnight was here, and so very brave compared to Mouse... maybe it'd be okay. Besides, he was curious.
"S-sure," Mouse shook his fur and inhaled deeply, summoning the strength he needed. "I want to know what they're doing, a-anyway...."
He nosed Midnight's shoulder gently. "Lead the way?"


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"The mountains," Ashenwillow confirmed. He shrugged softly and sighed, glancing back towards the mountains with a grim stare. He relaxed his shoulders once Rose settled into a comfortable position, his gaze softening.
"Two-legs took their home, stripping the resources that led to a famine. It wasn't safe anymore to stay," he drifted into a thoughtful silence, deliberating leaving out mention of the cats who had stayed behind. Another sigh, another shift in his posture, and Ashenwillow had returned to looking fairly frustrated.
"It has been a long journey," he admitted, nose scrunched. Too long, and too quiet.


Stew Aficionado

Midnight purred reassuringly to Mouse. "Sure!" They smiled and nodded, before taking a slow step forward. Instinctively they wanted to bolt over to their father, but they wouldn't leave Mouse if he was so shy and scared. So for now, they stepped forward, tail brushing against Mouse's side gently.

"I'll be right here, and if you want to turn around, just let me know," they said softly, pressing their side to the other comfortingly.

Then they would lead the way towards their father, who seemed to be sitting with a few other cats.



Stew Aficionado

When he began to speak of why, her fur bristled and ears tilted backwards. "Twolegs," she spat, one paw shifting to dig claws into the earth beneath her. Perhaps it had been good that her and Petunia hadn't retreated to the mountains. But now... If the Twolegs were up there and also below... How long would it be before they swallowed up the land between?

She glanced towards Ashenwillow apologetically, as her hostility hadn't been directed towards him. In fact, she felt sympathetic towards their plight. Being pushed from their homes because of the Twolegs.

"Well, how much further do you plan to journey? I am... Not overly familiar with what is on the other side of the Twolegplace, but I know some cats who are. These woods are... Rather large and I'm sure could support more cats if... Absolutely necessary." Rose was a bit begrudging to admit it, but she did it anyway. All of the loners who had come pouring out of the forest so far seemed overly welcoming of the new cats, so she was sure they'd be welcomed to stay and settle anyway.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Sunseer winced at his daughter's alarm but once his ears took in the words rather than the sound, he gave a light chuckle and purred to Littleflower, "You see? I told you to have faith." He said this with a soft sigh, letting his own relief wash over him. Despite the rational part of him knowing that SunClan would not lead them astray, there was always that tiny bit of doubt. He made note to have a little more faith himself next time.

He turned to Rumble again, "It would seem we were meant to find you, and your son. Sunclan smiles upon this meeting," He would bow his head a moment, silently giving thanks before turning his sightless eyes to the large loner, "We were told of it by our ancestors. A terrible drought has made our home unlivable and Sunclan told us that the river would lead us to a place where our clan could thrive."

He spoke softly and in a matter-of-fact way, repeating the prophecy they had received, "Chase the stolen river and split as it does. Only in pieces will your clan survive." He cleared his throat a little, "Given what we were told, it would make sense that there's a split in the river."

@Nym @PeterPan_da144

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
He held the black cat's gaze for a moment, blinking slowly back. He hoped he hadn't scared her too much. But when the rush of excitement came over one of the cats from the large group, he shot up with a cry of surprise.

"W-What?!" He stammered, leaning back on his haunches to peer out from the bush, "Me? No, no I-I was just looking for herbs, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-!" His eyes flickered over the cats around him and he felt his pale pelt flush with the attention. His eyes found the white she-cat again. Was she...? "Don't laugh!" he cried, ears flattening with embarrassment.


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dovetail was indeed chuckling to herself with a small white paw in front of her grin.

"I'm sorry," She said, and she did mean it. But she was just so relieved, she couldn't help it! She rose to her feet and approached the small tom, brushing her pelt against his in hopes to calm him.

It was then that she noticed, or rather sensed, the cat beneath the bush. She frowned, worried for the poor thing. She could feel her fear from here, but with her in the shadows, there was nothing she could do.

"Little, dear. You had best take these shaking leaves. Gently, too, or else you'll scare them off." She brushed her pelt against the leaves of the bush, leaving behind a trail of tiny flowers and casting her apprentice a knowing look.



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They were awfully nervous little cats, weren't they? Littleflower smiled sympathetically towards the two rattled cats and nodded at Dovetail.
"Don't be afraid," she mewled softly towards the tom and molly, padding forward. She hoped her smaller size might help aid her efforts in appearing less threatening. "None of us will hurt you, I'd never let that happen."
She glanced back towards her father, who was still focused on the other loner, and then flicked her gaze back to the two shaking leaves smaller cats, her eyes landing on the herb bundle the darker one had a grip on. Oh!

"Do you need medicine?" Littleflower questioned, keeping her respectful distance. "I have more, and I'm happy to share, if you'd both like to come with me?"

@Blinded By Silence We can backplot the rest if you'd like!


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"No clue," Ashenwillow sighed, a brief roll of his eyes following. "He calls all the shots, so whenever he feels we're done." A tail flicked where Sunseer sat and Ashenwillow frowned. It'd be soon, right?
The tip was welcomed, though, and he'd likely share it with Sunseer after in hopes that it'd be the final push to find a home. He regarded the loafed cat with a squint, having finally realized he didn't even know her name.

"I'm Ashenwillow. You are....?"


Stew Aficionado

As the tom spoke, Rose's eyes glanced past him to where he motioned. She recognized the large loner, but the rest of the cats were new. Obviously part of his group. One in particular seemed to be talking to the loner the most. That must be who the tom mentioned.

As he spoke up again, her blue green gaze turned back. "Rose," she said softly, flicking an ear. "Ashenwillow... What a long name," she snorted, clearly amused. "Did the willow part come from willow trees? Since they're black and gray and white like you?"

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