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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Chapter Two: Chasing the River [FIN]

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Long-Term Resident

Camelstride followed Littleflower into the darkness and started pawing herbs towards herself, counting them intently and sniffing them with a wrinkled nose. The work was methodical and calming, and Camelstride soon found herself absorbed in the task, carefully separating out the herbs into piles.

She turned to ask Littleflower something, and brushed against the other cat in the small space. She could feel her adoptive mother’s tensed muscles under her fur, and the unconvincing smile was further evidence that she was close to losing composure. Camelstride returned the smile automatically, and opened her mouth to offer some reassurance, but at the last moment decided to pretend she hadn’t noticed Littleflower’s anxiety.

“Do you want equally big piles of herbs for staying and leaving?” She asked, tilting her head. Keep busy, that was the key, keep both of their minds off what was about to happen.



Long-Term Resident

Damsonflower uncurled his tail from his paws and stood, walking over to Skysong who was also sat watching the clan hurry around. He dipped his head respectfully to her as he approached. “I… just wanted to say thank you,” he said, not sure what else to say about the enormity of the situation, “and… good luck.”

What else was there to say?

@Blinded By Silence


Stew Aficionado

The two she-cats just sat, staring out over the camp. Taking one last, long look over everything. Nutpelt's fur finally settled, and she let out a long sigh.

Then, Stormflight was striding away, and at first, Nutpelt thought nothing of it. Ears flicking almost dismissively, every cat had the right to grieve how they wanted, and say their goodbyes alone.

Oh. Stormflight wasn't saying goodbye. She was confronting Eclipsefur. Jolting upright, Nutpelt hurried over. "Be easy on her, Stormflight. Every one is on edge right now and just trying to make sure we all feel our best. Both those journeying, and those staying." Nutpelt also sniffed around Eclipsefur, though, to make sure she was alright.

Eclipsefur started to heave and mewl, and Nutpelt just settled down beside her. Licking over her head and shoulders to try to help her calm down. "It's all right, Eclipsefur. Everyone feels the same. You just shouldn't wear yourself out too much for the journey. The elders might be staying, but there are more warriors than elders, so they'll be able to fend for themselves. We need to make sure we're in the right shape too. So we can find somewhere new, and perhaps come back for those who remained behind."

She had to admit, she enjoyed Poppypaw's certainty that they'd be able to come back. It could give hope, in some ways. It would be good for them to have that. "With less cats here, the prey piles will feed them better than it can the entire clan. They'll be fine, I'm sure of it."

@Subducting @Revel


Long-Term Resident

Stormflight sighed, but deep down she was glad Nutpelt had joined her. The other she cat had a better way with words than the stormy grey warrior, and was much better at comforting than she was. She let Nutpelt take charge of grooming Eclipsefur gently, hoping the she cat would calm a little. She wondered if she ought to ask Littleflower for something to calm the distraught warrior’s nerves.

“Part of being a strong warrior is knowing your weaknesses,” she said firmly, gazing down not unkindly at Eclipsefur, “There’s no need to push yourself past what your body can handle. That’s not going to help anyone, least of all you. Those staying would want you to have the best chance at surviving the journey, don’t you think?”

@Revel @PeterPan_da144


Stew Aficionado

Feeling her friend's sense of... Mmmm she couldn't find a word for it. But Palepaw still lacked enthusiasm about the journey. Poppypaw really didn't blame her, though. And she wasn't upset. How could she be?

A purr escaped at her friends response. More trees, heh, of course. There wouldn't be prey if there weren't trees and rocks to hide in.

Her head swiveled up to Daisypelt though, ears twitching in thought. She nodded her head, though, when Daisypelt said they must be careful since they were headed into the unknown. "Of course," she said simply, folding over the current bundle she was working with.

But then Daisypelt asked her opinion. Whiskers quivered, tail twitched, ears swiveled. The excitement was bubbling up within her again, but being so aware of Palepaw's demeanor, she was surprisingly restrained when she spoke.

"I'm willing to bet we will see other cats. There's no way we're the only ones. Plus, maybe new prey. I bet the prey is different down the mountain. Maybe there aren't as many hawks if it's greener, because that means more trees and bushes, so less visibility for the birds to see." A nod as she spoke, pushed her bundle aside, and grabbed a new one. If there were any. Otherwise, she would knead the dirt gently.

"Though, if there are less birds, there might be more big things to hunt the prey. Things that stalk through the bushes like us that aren't cats. I heard that's what the cats of old did. Tigers and Lions and Lynx. DO YOU THINK WE'LL SEE ANY OF THEM?!" The energy finally burst forth, Poppypaw suddenly on all fours, pelt fluffed excitedly.



Grizzled Veteran

Deadeye pads into camp, her head full of thoughts, but her mouth empty. The hunting, or rather she says she's out hunting, while she's out is not helping. Neither her thoughts, the split clan, nor the gaping canyon in her family. She can't bare to look or speak to her kits. She failed them, she wasn't strong or brave enough to stay or let them stay. Mothwing might say she didn't force her daughters paws, but the truth was and is, Palepaw would be staying here, doing what she believed is the right thing... If it wasn't for her. She's seen the stares, she knows what they must be thinking, she's a terrible mother for not allowing her daughter a true choice. She finds a dark corner and tries to keep her shattered mind and heart together.


Grizzled Veteran
It was a restless night for some in the clan and Riversong was one of them. Sleep was hard to find as her thoughts swirled around in her head. Periodically throughout the night she would turn and lick the scars on her shoulder. She knew what they could find out there beyond the boarders and her mind made up worst case scenarios all night.

When the other warriors started to rise, Riversong started to groom Robinflight's head and face in a good morning greeting. By the time she'd finished rousing her friend and getting her ready for the day, most of the other warriors were up moving about the camp. Riversong made her way into camp to look around one last time. It was strange, she thought she would feel sad to say goodbye but now that it was time to leave, Riversong was ready.

Looking to Robinflight she took a deep breath and released it. "No matter what we find out there, we stick together." She said as more of a daily mantra than a statement.


Streamheart moved slowly through the camp, nuzzling clanmates fondly and saying things such as "This isn't goodbye" and "we'll all see each other again." More than anything, she tried to believe her words were true, but something in her said it was final, she was lying and would never see these cats again. They may split, but they were still a clan, still family and friends, unbreakable bonds. They would absolutely see each other again... she hoped.

As she made her way around the camp, Eclipsefur's sobs found her ears. Streamheart bounded over to her mentor and joined Nutpelt in giving her claming licks.

"Hey, come on now, you can't think like that. They're going to be find because I'm staying here to make sure of it. You trained me to be the best hunter so we could both provide for the clan right? Well, you have to do your part and take care of those who're leaving. I'll do my part and take care of the clan here." She paused to giver her mentor a headbutt. "You have to take care of yourself to take care of the clan, you taught me that. Try to remember yourself okay? Like Stormflight just said, we want you to have a chance of surviving too."

@Revel Eclipsefur @PeterPan_da144 Nutpelt @Subducting Stormflight

Though he was sad to go, Flamestripe had heard enough promises of cats coming back that he wasn't so sure this would be the last time he stood here on the mountain. He couldn't quite place his paw on it but he felt like the clan was going to be okay this way. It was a strange optimism but he was thankful for it and clung to it. They could find a better home, they could come back to help, things could get better for everyone. How could the rest of the clan not see this as a wonderful opportunity?

Quiet as ever, he stood amongst his clan as they prepared to leave, saying silent prayers to Sunclan to watch over them.
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
The near white she-cat watched the fragments of her once strong clan wander the ravine in search for something, anything to keep them busy. Scraps of fur, rolling through the dust, scattering to the wind. Aimless. Empty.

She swallowed hard and blinked slowly. They were waiting on Sunseer now. There was only so much they could do to prepare.

The pawsteps of two cats pulled her attention back. She refreshed her mask of patience and trust, greeting the two with a small, sad smile.

"No, thank you. Thank you both. Choosing to stay, you both are braver cats than I am." Her eyes moved between the two, "May SunClan watch over us all." She bowed her head for a moment before lifting it, staring into the Cave of Visions.

"You have a medicine cat, that is truly a blessing. I'm sure a leader will be found amongst you soon."

@kovak @Subducting


Stew Aficionado
When Sunseer announced that the move wouldn't be happening until the following day, Dustfeather had rushed back to Finchchirp and Buzzardstrike's side and gathered them up. Travel preparations be damned, this was the last day he was going to see his family together until... only SunClan knew when. So, Dustfeather'd huddled close to his mate and all three of their gorgeous, brave kits when night fell and he slept soundly, enjoying the warmth of his kin beside him for the last time.

The morning came far too soon and Dustfeather almost snagged his claw into his son's tail when Finchchirp got up for the day.
"You'll have plenty of time to help the others staying behind after we're gone. Stay with your family a little while longer, Finchchirp." Dustfeather growled lowly from his nest, but Finchchirp had looked at him with bright, determined eyes.

"That's just it, Dad, I want to go help everyone who's leaving. As we are to part, I want to make sure that you, Mom and Sparrowtail all have the best success in getting to... wherever you're going, safely."

Without another word, Finchchirp turned and left the warriors den. Heaving a long sigh, Dustfeather turned to the rest of his kin.
"I suppose it's time for us to be awake and moving too, my loves." He mewed to them. "The sun waits for no cat." @Tigeria @kovak
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Stew Aficionado
Finchchirp had been more than happy to spend the remainder of the evening with his parents and sisters, but when the dawn broke through the camp, blue eyes slid open. Of course he'd wanted to lay down with his family as long as he could, but... he wanted to ensure that those leaving would be safe in their journey too.

Once he'd left the den, he found himself blinking in deep emotions as he watched his Clanmates each taking their last day together differently. He spied Streamheart, Nutpelt and Eclipsefur all cuddled together, comforting one another. Some of the apprentices were aiding Daisypelt with herb gathering... and then there was Pigeonflight with Damsonflower and Skysong. Finchchirp couldn't see Sunseer among all of the crowding, but as far as he saw it - as long as she was still here, Skysong was their deputy and may be able to give him some useful insight as to how he could help out.

"Greetings, Skysong." He mewed as he approached with a dip of his head to the deputy, and to the cats she was speaking with. ", that is... I'd like to help in some way - whether that's for the benefit of those traveling or staying. I just... I need to keep my paws busy. Do you have any notion to how I might be able to do that?" @Blinded By Silence (To Skysong) @Subducting (near Damsonflower) @kovak (near Pigeonflight)


Stew Aficionado
Salmonstripe had spent much of the day making herself useful wherever she could - but more than that, she found herself gravitating close to her mothers. She still hadn't heard any hair or holler of her father and by the time the sun rose on the day they were set out, she found that she didn't quite care what Bloodoath had voted for in the end.

By the time that she finally found herself stretching and moving through the camp. So many cats were already up and helping with packing up herbs or hunting - Salmonstripe wasn't quite sure what she could do with herself to be helpful... until she thought of the poor elders that were staying behind. Well, all the elders save for one.

She started towards the elders den to see if Paleflame had yet woken - would the elder still be up to the journey ahead of them?
"Pardon my intrusion," She mewed softly to any elders who may yet be in the den, resting. "Paleflame, are you awake? It looks like we might be leaving soon." @AlicornPlayhouse (to Paleflame) @Subducting (in case Dapplelight is in the elders den) @PeterPan_da144 (in case Thistlefur is in the elders den) @Blinded By Silence (in case Swallowtail is in the elders den.)
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Stew Aficionado
Silverstreak had spent the day prior with her sisters, though she gave Duskwing ample space to spend with her son and daughter, who were staying behind. Silverstreak wouldn't say anything on the matter, but she was secretly grateful that her niece and nephew were staying. Perhaps she wouldn't feel too lonely with some of her kin still there. Yet, she felt equally bad, for Littleflower had said that those staying would surely endure a life of suffering and struggle. She didn't want that for any of her kin or Clanmates. Still, they'd certainly made their choices the morning prior - Silverstreak had seen the drama that ensued around the family choices from afar, after she herself had voted to stay.

There was one other cat close to her who was set to leave - her apprentice, Flickerpaw. The orange and bushy tomcat had certainly kept her occupied in these last couple of moons, but he was growing steadily and Silverstreak knew that wherever he ended up, Flickerpaw would make her proud. As the morning of the new day shone its light into the camp, her apprentice was still the cat that Silverstreak sought out - for she had already said her final goodbyes to Dawnstride and Duskwing.

"Flickerpaw?" She mewed as she slipped between the other apprentices on their way out of the den. "Flickerpaw, you can't still be sleeping in - not when there's so much happening today." She mewed, her eyes narrowed in concern. Surely, this split of the Clan was stressful on all cats involved, but she hoped that Flickerpaw wasn't taking the thing too horribly. Not like Eclipsefur was many tail lengths away. @Alanna the Pirate Queen (Silverstreak to Flickerpaw)


Stew Aficionado

Eclipsefur looked over at Nutpelt "'s ok, she's.. helping" She said, her sobs subsiding with the comfort they were both giving her, "I know... i just... i can't do enough to protect those we have to leave behind "I hope you're right Nutpelt" she said quietly, she really did pray to Sunclan that those left behind would be okay, that leaving really was the right thing to do.

"I know Stormflight, you're right.. both of you" she sighed, her voice more even now she was finally actually talking about it. "I just hate feeling so... useless" her ears twitched backwards sadly but she knew the others were right, in her heart she knew it.

Then there was Streamheart and Eclipsefur felt like she breaking in two, the apprentice she'd mentored had chosen to stay behind, she didn't have kits (she hadn't met the right tom) but she had treated Streamheart like she was her own kin, her apprentice now grown and much bigger than her, though that wasn't difficult, almost every cat was, besides the apprentices. She tried to smile, managing a small one "that's right, you DID have the clan's best to train you" she even tried a dry chuckle "I know you will, i trust your amazing skills, that i taught you, to feed the clan" She sighed and leaned into the headbutt her previous apprentice gave her. "I'll try, all of you" she turned to the other two shecats that had come over too "I'm sorry, i'll rest, you're right, i need to be fit for the journey, you can't get rid of me this easily Streamheart, i'll come back, i promise" She stood, giving all three a gentle headbonk and a lick on the ear. "Thank you, im sorry for worrying you all"

@Subducting @PeterPan_da144 @NatiStorm

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Tigereye had risen early after a restless sleep. Had she made the right choice? Rather than dwell on it, she rose and proceeded to paw apart her nest, pushing the material to a corner of the Warrior's Den. It was still fresh, no use in wasting it. One less thing for those who remain to worry about.

The tall she-cat spent the rest of her morning visiting her favorite places in the territory, keeping an eye out for prey while she wandered. While she didn't feel right sharing weepy goodbyes with cats she had not tried to get to know, giving her farewells to her favorite haunts left her feeling hollow and sad. By the time she returned, the camp was bustling with activity. She quietly walked past the busy cats and ducked through the door of her little mother's den and rubbed against her with a wordless purr. Without being asked, she went over and started cleaning the nest space, letting her tail trail over her sister's side as she passed.

@Nym (Littleflower; No need to respond, just letting her mom know she's there.) @Subducting (Same)

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Swallowtail did not sleep well. If asked, she would have complained about her joints or something petty, but in reality, she had kept herself awake for two reasons. She had laid in her nest, drinking in the sounds of the cats moving about the ravine. She couldn't hear them well, mind. But she would hold on to the murmur of life and relive it night after night once the life drained from this beautiful mountain. And, as she had hoped, by staying up, she was still asleep as her clanmates set up to leave. Hopefully, they'd be gone when she woke. She hated goodbyes.

@belloblossom @Subducting @PeterPan_da144 @AlicornPlayhouse (To anyone in the Elder's Den, Swallowtail is sleeping)

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Skysong nodded a greeting to Finchchirp, another brave Warrior choosing to stay behind. She listened to their request and nodded, understanding the need to fill their time. She too liked to keep busy, it kept her resolve strong when she had little time to dwell on her worries.

"Well," She said, flicking her tail gently at Pidgeonflight and Damsonflower, "As I was just telling these two, I would recommend that you all stay organized. Perhaps work amongst yourselves to form a hunting patrol. We didn't think to send out the morning border patrol, what with so much going on." She gave a small, sad smile, "While we may be separating, you are all still a clan. Do not forget your code and SunClan will be sure to guide you, I am sure of it."

@belloblossom @kovak @Subducting

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
His paws found their way by simple memory. So long had he spent in these dark caves, he was both relieved and morose to realize he knew them by heart. He let his tail touch the wall, part as a guide but mostly in a gesture of farewell. Would they find a place as closely connected to SunClan in this new home? Would they make it there at all?

He wasn't sure how long he had spent, whispering his goodbyes to his loved ones. He relished the warmth of the single sunbeam he could no longer see. He let his tears fall freely. He knew they would follow them, but still, he mourned, not for their loss but for the loss of their home, for the way things had been, and for the sorrows that were sure to come.

Judging by the heat, it was nearly sun high when he left the Cave of Visions. The stone was hot beneath his paws as he approached the place where Skysong spoke to Pidgeonflight, Damsonflower, and Finchchirp.

He stepped past them and let his paws find the edge. He lifted his head to the sun and called for his clan in a voice rough with grief.

"It is time," His voice echoed off the red rock, "Let us meet at the riverbed. May SunClan guide us all."


Stew Aficionado
Robinflight had kin in MountainClan, but all the cats she loved - Littleflower, Sunseer and Riversong, were leaving with her. Even her mentor, Duskwing, was leaving and she found herself feeling more than a little at ease for that - as she had always looked up to Duskwing as a younger cat, for guidance. Now, she felt as though she as ablee to make her own choices in life, but the thought of her mentor staying behind... well, luckily she didn't have to despair over something that wasn't happening.

She saw other families splitting apart and felt empathy for them, but she'd focused on her own kin that day. She rarely spent much time with Littleflower or her father in recent days, but maybe the journey would remedy that. While Littleflower had plenty of her own family in comparison, Robinflight was certain that the medicine cat of mountainclan would never turn away Robinflight for conversation or comfort. At least, she hoped not.

So, she spent most of her days in the trees that she'd grown up on - those that were still stable under her paws. She left claw marks on her favorite trees and wondered if either of Duskwing's kits, Finchchirp or Buzzardstrike, might see them while they carried on the treewalking tradition here. She hoped that there would be more cats treewalking and that if their two groups ever joined again, that perhaps... they could swap tips and tricks for the skill that her mentor had first developed.

After spending so much time in the trees the day before, trying to hunt what prey she could for either the leaving group or those remaining, she had no trouble falling into a deep sleep once she touched down for the evening.

Waking up to Riversong's warm tongue - SunClan, Riversong had the most talented tongue in all of the history of MountainClan, as far as Robinflight was concerned. She blinked open sleepy eyes and followed her friend out of the warriors den. Trudging out into the daylight, she kept close to Riversong, glancing around at the territory she was brought up in, before she at last turned to look solely at the white and grey she-cat next to her. Curling her tail around Riversong's, she nodded.

"I'm not leaving your side for a moment." She confirmed and then turned her head to Sunseer as he approached and announced that it was time to leave. Pressing close to Riversong, Robinflight smiled and began to lead the way, after her leader. @NatiStorm

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
The first few days of travel had been hard. Not difficult, per se. The first two days were well-known territory, but Sunseer thought that might have been why it had taken them so long to walk through it. The group was slow moving, if not because of their sheer size than because of the subconscious hesitation to leave their home territory.

Hunting had been sparse, but, with great relief, they quickly learned that it was far easier to feel a smaller group than a whole clan. And as their paws left the dusty rocks of the high mountain and followed the trail carved into the earth by the river, they could see the difference. It began with bits of green. Not the dry, shriveled off-green they had up in the ravine. Or the deep blue-green of the evergreens. But the green of new life. Birdsong could be heard, rarely, but it was there, and often pointed out, much to the joy of others.

But the best thing happened on the fifth day of traveling.

Sunseer lifted his head, his blind eyes unblinking as his nose twitched.

"Do you smell that?" He said quietly, "I think... Skysong, is there water ahead?"

Skysong lifted her nose to the wind as Sunseer's question. She dared not hope but... There it was! The cool scent of water! She excused herself for a moment and leaped into the nearest tree to scout ahead.

As her piercing blue eyes scanned the path ahead, she felt joy bubble up from inside her. She let out a yowl, calling down the group below.

"It's the river! We've found it!"
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