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- #41

Eclipse hadn't liked travelling, it was hard going, the hunting was strange too. So many unknown dangers, at least back home she had known the trails and areas like the bad on her paw, but out here? it was impossible to know. She had however, been extremely successful on her first patrol out hunting when the clan stopped to rest up and eat, to prepare for the next part of their journey, she'd caught many prey, she'd needed help bringing it back to the clan in the end, but the scariest part had to have been when she was almost grabbed by an owl, it was just lucky the wind shifted at the last second, giving Eclipsefur a heads up that the owl was just above her, she'd leapt, higher than she ever had before and had found herself suddenly on the back of the winged devil, her added weight all of a sudden, brought it to the ground, where it broke it's wing, it had been a kindness when she ended it's life (before it came to it's senses) she'd dragged it, and the grouse she'd caught earlier, back to the clan, much to the surprise of Nutpelt and Stormflight, she'd laughed at their expressions at the time.
She'd been resting for a day or two, well... resting between travelling anyway but she'd been antsy, wanting to get out and hunt again, she wouldn't feel right in herself until she was sure everycat was fed, she needed to feel useful so she'd jumped at the chance to volunteer again to hunt, though maybe this time, hopefully without any Owls trying to eat her. She caught up to the group after a few hours with little more than a few mouthfuls, her whole body seemed even more sunken in than usual, so disappointed with herself as she was, unconsciously making herself seem smaller as she approached the members of her clan.
@Subducting @PeterPan_da144 for mention of the girls after her owl hunt