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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Chapter Two: Chasing the River [FIN]

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Stew Aficionado
Riversurge shrank back when Palepaw ran off - he could certainly sympathize with the idea of running off when things got scary. He was none too pleased when Mothwing came and bid Poppypaw to help Palepaw, for he was objectively more worried for Poppypaw than the pale apprentice... though unlike Branchtail, he was able to keep such thoughts to himself. He exhaled slowly as Poppypaw accepted the task readily and urged him to join. He felt awkward being here and he knew that when he darted off, he typically liked being left alone. At least Poppypaw and Palepaw were close to one another, but he felt like an outsider in their friendship.

Casting a sympathetic look at Mothwing, not fully comprehending what had taken place, but respecting the father for stepping up on behalf of his daughter in the face of a conflict. If Riversurge ever had kits of his own - he found himself glancing ahead to Poppypaw and his cheeks flushed pink - he would want to be as dedicated to his family as Mothwing was.

Padding quickly after Poppypaw, he listened to her and looped his tail around hers, pulling her closer towards him as they walked together.
"Palepaw is very lucky to have you as her friend." He mewed to the mottled she-cat. "Just as I feel lucky to be apart of your life." He went on. "I don't think anyone believes you to be silly for your energy or eagerness to help, Poppypaw. You care very much for your Clanmates, if anything, cats should look to you as an example - it's not easy to remain in high spirits amidst all this."

He paused for a moment, needing to make something clear with the younger she-cat and he raised a paw to stop her.
"I won't know what to say to Palepaw and I don't think I'm the cat she needs to provide comfort to her. But... I can be there to support you, Poppypaw. It, uh, can be a support circle!... or something." SunClan, he didn't know how to express himself properly. "Let's go do our best, at any rate, with whatever comes our way." He mewed finally and started moving ahead again.

It didn't take too long after that to locate Palepaw in her bush and while Poppypaw slunk right up close beside the pale apprentice, Riversurge hung back. They looked so... perfect together, so comfortable. He felt a pang of anxiety flare in his chest. What was he doing here? How could he possibly contribute to this in a productive or positive way? Turning away, he sat a tail length away, eyes forward in case anyone else had any ideas about following them. Palepaw needed her privacy and Riversurge would try to prevent anything from ruining that. @PeterPan_da144 (tagging Poppy) @Nym (mentions Pale)


Stew Aficionado

Following after Branchtail, she tried to grab the tip of his tail gently with her paw, but missed. He needed to stop! Think a bit before trying to talk to Palepaw, otherwise he was only going to make things worse!

And it did indeed get worse. Poppypaw had rushed forward and stood solidly in front of the tom cat, before raising a paw and swatting him rather hard. Thankfully her claws were sheathed or else Nutpelt was going to have to jump in and break up a fight, but it was still... Well, no, not uncalled for. It got Branchtail to pause for a moment, at least.

"Branchtail!" Nutpelt had hissed this time. He was ready to square up against the younger she-cat, and the ginger she-cat was starting to get really anxious. More heads were turning towards them. But he still wasn't listening.

With the appearance of Mothwing, it seemed to help? Perhaps? He put himself squarely between Palepaw and Branchtail, and Nutpelt felt a bit better. Maybe he could get the stubborn tom cat to back down. Though the look he gave... Sent shivers down Nutpelt's spine. Her tail fluffed anxiously as it whipped behind her. Stormflight was here now, and Nutpelt dipped her head, ears flattening back. Oh no... She was going to get an earful from her friend later for not being able to stop Branchtail... She wasn't excited for that.

But what Branchtail did next... Nutpelt was rooted to the spot, though her face grew very stoic and determined. Eyes had narrowed as she listened, tail lashing, though... Did he just call her his mate?

She remained rooted to the spot for a few moments, watching everyone else slink away, before she finally found herself able to move. She just... Didn't know what to do now. Instinctively her paws took her towards where she could smell Branchtail. There were so many things to address... She was... Mostly ready to be outcasted for her part in everything. After all, she'd done nothing to stop him. She definitely did try, but not hard enough it seemed. Nutpelt would ready herself for words from her two best friends, and possibly others. She could take it. Honestly, maybe it was better this way. If they were all mad at Nutpelt, perhaps it would take off some pressure and attention from Palepaw.

The issue with Branchtail... Was going to be long and arduous to fix. She could already feel it. It was as if he didn't pay attention to anyone but himself and his wants. That would be a huge issue going forward. Especially if he really felt such a way about her as to call her his mate. Which they'd never even talked about, and she hadn't quite thought about on her end anyway. And now... She would have to. But she knew she wouldn't be able to be with a tom cat who couldn't listen to others. Especially someone he seemed to think of as his mate.



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Palepaw had pretty much assumed Poppypaw would find her -- she always did. She hated herself for the relief that washed through her as she pressed into Poppypaw and fully crumbled into the other she-cat, sobbing into Poppypaw's fur and burying herself into her side. It was better with Poppypaw there; it always was. She hated herself for that -- hated how weak she was that she still relied on her childhood friend to save her. Palepaw had made this mess, she should be able to handle it.
But she couldn't; not right then, at least. She sobbed and wept into her friend's side, her sides heaving and shuddering as she let out, finally, days and weeks of tension and grief. Stupid Branchtail, stupid Mothwing, stupid Deadeye -- this was all far too much.
So, she cried. She wept for quite a time until, slowly, she wore herself down into a shuddering mess and nudged Poppypaw's side until she was practically enveloped by her best friend. She quietened, blinking through raw and red eyes at the world around her. Was that Riversurge? Of course. He was always around lately.
Right, because they were getting that age.
She sighed softly and nosed Poppypaw's paw, slowly sliding her chin onto it. "He likes you, you know," she whispered tiredly, ears flattening. "You don't need to chase me every time I mess up, Poppypaw. You have a life to live, too."

@PeterPan_da144 @belloblossom (Mention of Riversurge)


Stew Aficionado

She had welcomed Riversurge's reassuring and warm words. Pelts had brushed, tail rolling around his gently. Not really registering what she was doing but finding comfort in it. He paused them and mentioned he wasn't sure what to say to Palepaw, which made sense. Poppypaw wasn't sure either. She just knew she needed to be with the young she-cat. That if she left her alone, Palepaw might lose hope even in her. Poppypaw couldn't have that. Palepaw meant so, so much to her. She couldn't lose her best friend.

Though, when she wrapped around Palepaw, there was a pang in her heart as Riversurge sat further away from them. She understood why. He was uncomfortable in this situation. It was rather clear. It made Poppypaw want to curl up with him and groom like she was with Palepaw. She just wanted everyone to feel better. It hurt to see them both hurting, even if it was in different ways.

The entire time Palepaw cried, Poppypaw was gently grooming her. A steady purr had started from her, comfortable being with Palepaw and Riversurge. Though she wished the tom cat was closer. But she was very thankful he was keeping watch.

When Palepaw finally shifted, Poppypaw groomed over the back of one of her ears. "Riversurge?" she started very softly back, an ear flicking. She'd address that in a second.

"You didn't mess anything up, Palepaw." Her voice was louder and steadier. It could carry to Riversurge easily if he was listening. "All you did was defend yourself. Branchtail was being fox hearted and mouse brained, as he usually is. If he had simply left it alone when it was clear you were bothered, it would have been fine. But he's such a kit sometimes," she scoffed, shaking her head. She'd glance towards Riversurge.

"Not all tom cats are like that, though," she purred sympathetically. "Nor she-cats." She knew Palepaw's preferences. "But I can tell you, Palepaw, no matter what Branchtail says, you didn't mess anything up. And you'd have to kill me to make me not chase you," she said in a very joking manner, yet there was an edge to her tone.

"You and Riversurge are both very important to me. The clan might be my home, but they aren't my family. They aren't where my loyalties lie. If either of you are hurting, or afraid, or need someone to back you up, I'll be there." Claws flexed into the dirt.

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'Nor she-cats'.
Palepaw couldn't help but snort in amusement, tail flicking idly. Yeah, Poppypaw had no idea how ironic that comment was. Her ears flattened as Poppypaw reassured her, a low purr stretching in the back of her throat as her friend groomed her. Branchtail was mouse brained, but... Somewhere, along the mess, he had a point. She couldn't live her life regretting a decision forever. She owed it to the other cats in the clan to live with whatever choice she made, and if she couldn't then she should go where she could.
She needed to go back home.
Her mother would never forgive her, and potentially never recover. Her father might blame her, and her sister could turn her back on Palepaw, but... But. She could be the villain in their story, but at least it would make the gnawing teeth in her chest stop. Deadeye had Mothwing and Petalpaw. She'd be okay... she had to be. She was surrounded by so many loving cats willing to pick up the mess Palepaw left behind. Everyone had someone to press against -- they'd be fine. Palepaw would need to live with whatever choice she made, and she couldn't live with this one. She had to leave, or she'd bring down the entire clan with her. Her mother, her father, her sister -- everyone.
They'd just have to hate her for it.
"Thank you," she whispered, nuzzling into Poppypaw and closing her eyes, heaving a soft and shaky sigh. One eye opened, viewing the nearby form of Riversurge. Poor guy; always waiting.
You'll have her all to yourself soon. I'm sorry I'm being selfish right now.
Gently, and with the coyness of a best friend, Palepaw nudged Poppypaw's shoulder with her own. "Don't ignore what I said earlier, either," she whispered lowly. "Riversurge isn't here for me. We haven't shared a word in our lives. That boy is in love with you, and I don't want to ruin that just because..." She paused, voice morphing into a pained and soft breath. "Because of me."
She'd never forgive herself if Poppypaw lost the bright future that was forming right in front of her.
"If someday you have to choose between helping me or being by his side - I'd want you to choose him."


Stew Aficionado

Good. Palepaw accepted that, and had quieted down. She seemed to be feeling better, at least for now. The purring started up again from Poppypaw.

Until she was nudged. There was a little laugh and a shrug of her shoulders. "No, he's not," she said softly back. Shaking her head. But then... The time they'd spent together so far flashed through her head. He had called her... A light earlier. Right? Something like that. And said he felt lucky to be part of her life. Well, if all this was the case, then it wasn't far off from how Poppypaw and Palepaw had talked to each other for years. So maybe he did love her. Poppypaw loved Palepaw, and Riversurge was becoming a very important part of her life. She could tell already. Poppypaw just wanted to be snuggled up in a warm den alongside Palepaw and Riversurge both.

The sentiment arose again that, should the world come crashing down, as long as she had those two, her world would be perfectly fine.

"You wouldn't ruin anything, Palepaw," she said softly, giving a very firm lick to the others ear. "As I said before, you're both very important to me, and I would never let either of you go." Her voice was normal again. Once more carrying towards Riversurge. "I won't let anyone take my choices away from me, nor from you again, nor from Riversurge either. No matter what happens, no matter who we might choose to be with on a deeper level, no matter where we might go in this big, new world of ours, the two of you won't ever have to worry about losing me. Nothing can make me not be there for either of you." She said it matter-of-factly.

"My loyalty lies with my heart. In which both of you reside." She was still missing the romantic part, really not grasping it for some reason.

"Even if you were to forget about me, I would never forget you. Either of you."

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Stew Aficionado
Riversurge had stationed himself away from the two she-cats in the hopes of protecting their privacy, but as their words carried to him, he felt somehow that his very presence there was an intrusion of itself. He kneaded the ground, trying to erase any of the growing worries, but he couldn't help listening to Poppypaw's words. They caught against his heart like burrs in his fur. She said that he was in her heart!... but Palepaw was apart of her heart space too. Riversurge had to turn his head away from the two she-cats, facing up at the sky above and closing his eyes. He couldn't indicate the hurt he felt, not when so many cats were hurting around him.

He'd said he'd be there to support Poppypaw, but... Palepaw was there, to be supported and to support in turn. What was he even doing here? The thought he'd glimpsed earlier - the thought of having a family with Poppypaw and raising their kits...It was bittersweet. Did Poppypaw envision herself with two cats at her side, raising a family as a trio? He... he couldn't commit to that. Because, while she kept saying that she was fond of both Palepaw and Riversurge... no cat would pick him, by the end.

Poppypaw and Riversurge had only begun to grow close when the Clan split up for the first time. He felt so grateful for her attention, but Palepaw and Poppypaw had been close from their beginning. Was his very presence, sitting nearby, a distraction? Was he taking attention away from Palepaw, who was in such dire need of comfort? He wasn't even being helpful - as much as he liked to kid himself into thinking he could protect their privacy, if any cat tried to barge in, one shove would send Riversurge tumbling to the ground.

What kind of warrior am I? The question had eluded him in his time spent with Poppypaw, but now it came back with a force. I can't hunt well, I can't protect cats I care about. And to Poppypaw, I'm always going to be her second choice while Palepaw is here. And Palepaw deserved Poppypaw - the ginger apprentice was so full of light and Palepaw was hurting so terribly. Riversurge would be selfish to try and steal away any of that light for himself.

You don't want to end up like Branchtail, a selfish, self-absorbed tomcat. He thought miserably, trying to focus on the warmth from the sun on his muzzle. His throat felt tight and his fur ruffled as he swamped himself with his own silent worries. He had to get out of here, but he had to do it in a normal way. If he ran, Poppypaw might be concerned and leave Palepaw. He had to pretend he was alright. Poppypaw shouldn't have to take care of two hurt cats and Palepaw needed her more anyway.

Taking a breath and steadying himself, he looked back awkwardly, straining to keep a straight face.
"H-Hey, Poppypaw, Palepaw? Sorry, this is awkward, but I've needed to relieve myself for some time now, so uh, I'm going to go do that. I'll see you guys back with the rest of the group, whenever you're ready." He mewed and got to his paws, swishing his tail around his legs and hurrying off. That was enough, right? They wouldn't worry about him now and they could be alone and at ease with one another, right? @PeterPan_da144 (tag Poppy) @Nym (tag Pale)


Grizzled Veteran
Though the slow moving travel was tiresome, Riversong found herself in high spirits. Partially due to the fact the clan had been able to find some prey on their journey and partially, mostly really, due to the fact that Robinflight had been spending even more time with her. Normally the two she-cats spent a lot of time together but now they seemed to be spending all their time together and Riversong was loving every second of it.

Well, maybe not every second of it. Knowing Robinflight the way she did, it was easy to see how nervous the other she-cat was on the ground, and Riversong couldn't blame her. The dappled grey she-cat was constantly on the look out for predators or anything that could harm her vulnerable clan. She was honestly amazed that nothing had come upon them yet. Had all the other predators moved on when the river was stolen? How far had they gone?

Although she wasn't as great at tree-walking as Robinflight, Riversong also looked up longingly at the branches above as they traveled. She sought to impress Robinflight by catching an owl early one morning, only to have Robinflight catch not one, but two owls herself.

By the time Skysong announced they had found the river, Riversong was in high spirits indeed. "I can't believe we're almost there!" A purr rumbled through her at Robinflight's excitement and comment. "That's right! You have an unfair advantage over everyone else though because your River follows you!" She said as she returned the shoulder nudge and wink.


Stew Aficionado

At some point, while she was speaking, it seemed as if Palepaw had slipped into a doze. An amused purr rumbled forth from her and she continued grooming. Then Riversurge looked back and spoke quietly. Poppypaw had tilted her head, but nodded and smiled. "I'll see you soon," she replied softly, warmly. The rest she could say later. Thanking him for helping.

Poppypaw waited for a few minutes to make sure Palepaw was soundly sleeping. They were away from the bulk of the clan, but she knew it was a safe spot that the other she-cat had found. Plus, she'd tell someone where she was so they could keep an eye or an ear out. Perhaps not her father. Maybe Littleflower? Mmmm, no, she didn't want to stress out their medicine cat more. Daisypelt would do.

Slowly, ever so slowly and carefully, Poppypaw would pull away from Palepaw's side. A few more comforting licks were given, and then she quietly padded away.

Once back with the bulk of the clan, she sought out Daisypelt. Words were exchanged, Poppypaw offered a quick version of what happened if asked and Daisypelt didn't know, and told her where to find Palepaw. She was sure the she-cat would know how to handle Palepaw, as she'd been quite helpful so far, and wouldn't disturb her sleep. Just keep an eye out.

Once that was handled, she decided to see if Riversurge was still around. After all, perhaps there were some things she needed to speak with him about. Palepaw had said something about Riversurge following her, not necessarily being there to help the other she-cat. And Riversurge liking her.

Poppypaw could feel her cheeks growing warm. Could another cat feel such a way about her?

Either way, she needed to figure it out. It made her paws itch not knowing. So Poppypaw sought out Riversurge amongst the rest of the cats.

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Grizzled Veteran
More so than usual, Flamestripe had kept to himself. Not many cats seemed to be in the mood for lighthearted conversations. It seemed like ever since it was mentioned that the clan split and relocate, tensions have been running high and just waiting to explode. Even now, so far into this trip, many of his clanmates seemed to still be grieving for the loss of their old home and loved ones.

Flamestripe withdrew from the others because unlike most of them, he felt fantastic. Sure, he was still thin and felt the weariness of the travel on him but it couldn't compare to how alive he felt. At first, he thought this good feeling was just because the clan was actually starting to find prey and he was getting a bit more to eat. It felt good to put his hunting skills to the use again. However, he soon came to realize that it was the traveling his soul craved.

Though the ginger tom was happy to find water and take a long drink, he was sad to think his traveling adventure was coming to an end. Just as he thought 'I'm going to miss this', he heard a she-cat say that very thing. His ears flicked up first before he turned towards the sisters Lynxstrike and Camelstride.

"I'm going to miss it to!" Flamestripe said slightly too loud in his excitement that another cat was feeling the same way about the journey so far. He took a few steps towards the sisters. "Being on the move has been invigorating. Is it wrong to hope we keep going a little farther?"

@Nym (to Lynxstrike) @Subducting (to Camelstride)


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Lynxstrike had been listening to the drama from afar -- well, to the best of her abilities, at least. Someone had actually roared, which hadn't failed to make Lynxstrike cover her mouth with her paw. Oh my Sun Clan. What a mess. She shook her head and settled neatly onto her haunches and licked at her sister's ear. Thank the ancestors that wasn't them.
She jolted when a voice called out, just a bit too loudly. Who- Flamestripe? She perked up and grinned at the warrior, nodding enthusiastically. E x a c t l y, he got her.
"That's how I feel," she answered, shifting to include space for him to join them. It was nice to talk to someone who wasn't viewing the trip as an end-all disaster. The mountains were... err, nice, but this was better. This felt free -- like a cat ought to be.
"You know, I'm named after something you supposedly can't find around here." It wasn't a brag, but she could imagine some might take it that way. "The world is so much bigger than the mountains, and this really puts into perspective how little we've seen. It'd be nice to see more."


Grizzled Veteran

Eclipsefur had been about to talk to her friend when the other cat had shot off after Branchtail and Palepaw, poor thing, she knew how it felt being ton in two but at least she'd been able to make the choice for herself. She sighed as other cats went to the apprentice's aid, good, she needed help. Her ears flattened as she overheard Branchtail though, what a MOUSEBRAIN .... bullying someone who was clearly not in the best place mentally for the confrontation but she didn't get involved, Nutpelt was there, Stormflight had joined them, others jumped in, including Palepaw's father in the end, she wasn't needed, the LAST thing Palepaw needed was MORE cats coming over. She flopped down and tried to listen to other conversation ... wait... had Skysong said there was sign of the river? She was excited but cautious, she decided she would stay put and wait and see. She'd done a good amount of helping to feed the clan, what with owls and other prey... she was pretty sure the clan would get sick of Owl soon though, and she chuckled to herself, maybe she'd try keep a talon or two off the next one she caught.


Long-Term Resident

Camelstride gazed forwards towards the commotion, frowning slightly. Her bobbed tail twitched in consternation, but she decided to not involve herself, even though she could hear Poppypaw’s voice in amongst the arguing cats. Lynxstrike’s reassuring lick was comforting and she turned to her sister, eyebrows raised at the argument.

The ginger she cat blinked owlishly as Flamestripe joined them, and she considered what he and Lynxstrike said, considering. Camelstride wasn’t an adventurous cat, especially, and the strains of the journey on the clan were in the forefront of her mind- she hadn’t disliked travelling, but she did hope they’d find somewhere to rest soon- if only so that the tensions fluttering through the clan might ease.

“I don’t think some cats can cope with much longer,” she commented to Flamestripe wryly, titling her head backwards towards where the arguing cats had dispersed from, before turning to gaze lovingly at her sister, “But I can see how travelling is making you happy, so I guess it’s not all bad.” She was generally happy to make do with whatever situation she was in- as long as she had her family, Camelstride would be contented.

@NatiStorm @Nym

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
He had made his way to his daughter's side without his white shadow to guide him. He greeted his daughter kindly with a mrrow, trying to hide the pride in his purr.

"See," he said with a grin that had once been his signature, but now was like so many other ghosts in his life, "All is well. I feel, well," His smile saddened, "I feel as I am sure we all do, that I wish none of this had been necessary. But," He began walking back to the front of the group, gesturing that she follow him, "We are fed and soon to be watered. Of this I am thankful. Come, daughter, have a drink with me. You are worrying yourself ragged."



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Littleflower winced as she heard the shrill shouting from afar, her head snapping towards the sound. Those were a lot of voices, but they weren't hurt voices. Well... not physically in peril sounds, at least. Her ears folded, tail flipping between her legs as she considered her options. The shouting seemed to end with a literal roar, catching her off-guard.
Yeah, that seemed more like drama than anything she needed to immediately be worried about, and honestly... Littleflower was not in the place to handle that.
So, when her father invited her for a drink she murred softly and trailed after him. The two had rarely spent alone time together, but it was welcomed, although a little awkward. She wasn't sure exactly how to talk to him in the capacity of his child. As a medicine cat, it was easy -- work was something that always came naturally to her. But as family? That was harder; he had been so busy her entire life and then she had been so preoccupied with the strange series of events that led to her becoming a medicine cat. Neither had time to explore family bonds, but it was nice when they bumped into one another long enough to share a moment.
"I'm fine," she mewled from his side, leaning her head forward to peer at his eyes. Sun Clan really had taken his sight... "I'm more worried about you. I can tell you're working yourself too hard." Her tone held firm, slipping into her duties with a frown. He needed to be careful.
"I know you want to look out for everyone, but you also need to tend to yourself."


Grizzled Veteran

Deadeye watched with a wary eye as her daughter mingled with the clan. It was obvious she wasn't happy here. Deadeye wandered closer to the now close river looking for Mothwing among those she once felt were proud of her, but now barely even looked for her. While Palepaw was out and about, Petalpaw hadn't truly surfaced to the happy and loud kit she'd once been.

Deadeye looked at her reflection, she wasn't as thin as those that had starved during the first drought. Her eyes looked haunted in the rippling surface. She makes her way to her mate, she knows he's also not dealing well with either of their kits being at odds with them. She brushes against his side for what feels like the first time in days even though they sleep next to one another.

"I don't know if I did the right thing." Her voice is tiny compared to the talking cats. "She's not happy here." She leaned into him, being away from the mountains had it's positives for Deadeye, she no longer got lost in memories as often. She wasn't relaxed by any means, but she was no longer running herself ragged hunting or pretending to hunt.



Grizzled Veteran

Petalpaw was miserable, her sister hadn't even looked her way in days. The clan hadn't really talked to her past a simple hello. She felt like a half drowned squirrel. She had taken to just keeping out of the way of the others. Staying silent because it was her fault her sister, mother, and father weren't like before. They were hardly talking, it was as if something broke that day. If she had just kept her mouth shut maybe Palepaw could have stayed on the mountain. The guilt felt like a boulder was tied around her throat when she tried to talk to anyone. Maybe she shouldn't have been Palepaw's sister after all.

She looks at the clan talking and enjoying each others company while her family is in shambles. Ears flattening and tail drooping she slips away before either can notice she's near and instead looks for her mentor Duskwing, only to stop short as Palepaw's mentor was still on the mountain. She just pads near the river to sit and wait for Sunseer or Littleflower to tell them to carry on.


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Mothwing felt like he was suffocating. Poppypaw had run off to console Palepaw and he was just... there, regretting every step that led him to that moment. His heart hammered, his mouth was dry, and he felt like the weight of a million boulders were pressing hard against his shoulders. Right now, more than anything, he wanted to track down Branchtail and give him a proper throttling, but luckily his mate had found his side and pressed against it.
He murred softly, leaned down, and gently licked her cheek. His poor wife, she was so tired. He sympathetically pressed his cheek into hers and nuzzled, letting loose a soft sigh.
"I don't know," he answered, voice low and just for her. "I just wanted her safe, with us, but..." But? But what? Was he really wishing he hadn't? What would have happened to Palepaw then?
..... Well, what had just occurred wouldn't have happened, for sure.
"But we're her parents -- we're supposed to keep her safe, Deadeye. Was that so wrong of us?"

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
As the two spotted cats made their way down to the stony shore of the river, he imagined for a moment that Littleflower was not her grown self but the happy little kit he had missed out on. Gone from his mental image of her were the worry lines that had furrowed her brow, replaced by that beautiful smile of hers. She had her mother's smile, a blessing in and of itself. Despite the fact that he knew he would never see it again, he would never forget it. Her voice, too concerned and responsible for the kit in his mind's eye, pulled him back to reality.

He sighed to himself, chewing his lip at the awkward silence that fell between them. If only he had given her more of his time... But such was the life of the sunseer. When you give a piece of your time to every cat of the clan, there was rarely enough to give to their family. It left him heartbroken, thinking of how little time they had spent together. But now, with how things were... Maybe he would have more time in this new home? He hoped to SunClan that would be true.

"To be honest," He said, pulling a bit of a grin, "I'm not doing much looking these days." He rolled through his joke, trying to make light of the situation, "But in all seriousness, don't worry for me, little one. I'm only trying as much as any cat is. We all will have a lot to learn soon, I'm sure."

He leaned down, sniffing the cool water as it moved past. The river here was slow, but based on the sound of it, the current picked up in the middle. They would walk along it, he'd decided. No point in drenching their pelts. He took a long drink and sighed in relief as he felt the chill of the water spread through his body.

"You need to take care of yourself too, you know. You're a medicine cat, a mother, a mate." He shook his head, chuckling, "I guess you get that from me, then. Taking on more than you probably should. Though, you're a far better parent than I've been."

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