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[META SIGN UP] The Town of Stillwater [Closed!]


late to the party
Staff member
Username: belloblossom
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes <3
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes

Your suggested character is:

Perfect Blue
This pony is a fish breeder, working in a hand-made pond fed from a nearby creek. They're often absent from town for days at a time, but the locals know that when they show up, there's plenty of fat fish an the occasional turtle or freshwater crab to be cooked up hot. Some of the locals regard them as a bit of a diva for how well they keep their mane curled.



late to the party
Staff member
Username: houllow
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? No, thank you!

Meet your resident!



Username: Moonie
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely Yup
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially Yup
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool Yup
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony Sure!
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Username: Sesshiyasha
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yups! <3
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Absolutely! <3
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Sure! <3 (Though I may change it if something else speaks to me? <3)
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: RozeyBear
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yep!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yeppers!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yepperoni!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? YES PLEASE. Gimme some of that polli idea fuel.
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late to the party
Staff member
Username: Luxona
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Sure did!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yep!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yeppers!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? It would ease my anxiety, yes >w<;;;

Your suggested character is:

In a town like Stillwater, there's bound to be a cooperative, and this is the pony that runs it. "Switfy" is known by many to be a bit of a grouch, though they're quick to turn on the charm when a dealer from a big city comes in looking for goods. They rule their shop with an iron hoof, however, and anyone stepping out of line is quickly barred (for a week or two) from bringing their goods to the co-op. Still, no one else has the bits to invest in a new store, so their miniature reign of terror is typically tolerated.



late to the party
Staff member
Username: Sesshiyasha
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yups! <3
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Absolutely! <3
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Sure! <3 (Though I may change it if something else speaks to me? <3)

Your suggested character is:

Giddy Gossip
Giddy's name is hilariously on point at times, though they deny it entirely. As a stay at home pony, they don't have a lot to occupy their hooves with once the housework is done. Unlike many other stay-at-homes in Stillwater, however, they enjoy getting up to a bit of gab about what's going on with whoever they find particularly unsavory that week. They and their gaggle of gossipers love to get together on the weekend and cackle like mad hens over a tasty cherry cream soda at the local soda shoppe - even though they claim they don't like sweets. Gotta watch their figure, after all!


Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Username: Bouquet of Diamonds
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Absolutely!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Please and thank you!
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Stew Aficionado
Username: Natty-chan
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yep!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Perfectly a-okay with me!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes please!
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late to the party
Staff member

Your suggested character is:

A professional that moved out to the boonies for a higher pay, Bitcounter every bit (hah!) thinks they're too good for this po'dunk place. They have a haughty attitude and often look down on the less educated or rural ponies of Stillwater, though they secretly love cheesy dramas and other "silly" things they might stare down their nose at others over. They're fond of hand-mixed sodas, and despite their feelings on the town they do enjoy their work as a local banker.

Username: Tigeria
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool YES
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony Sure! I'd love a little help


late to the party
Staff member

Your suggested character is:

HtH is a construction worker, and they're damned proud of it. They've been building things since they were a wee foal, just like their parents before them, and their grandparents before that! They have a great sense of pride when it comes to their work; they know there's technology out there that could make their work easier, but they'd sooner spit on it than use it. That junk just makes a pony do a bad job and makes 'em forget the right ways to do things. They're loud and brash, not to mention outspoken, though not necessarily mean; when the day's done, they like nothing more than to kick back at the local watering hole with a cold ale and be relaxed - if rowdy - with their closest friends.

Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirelyYes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officiallyYes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random poolYes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your ponyYes,please


Stew Aficionado
Username: PeterPan_da144
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yepper doodle
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Of course
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yezzir
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Actually, kinda. I'm a bit brain dead right now but really wanna participate ;u;
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late to the party
Staff member
Username: SwordOfTheNagas
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? WHOOT!!!!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Please and Thank You.

Your suggested character is:

Dusty Secrets
Dusty is an antique seller at the weekly flea market; they'll make trips to other cities once a month or so to stock up, then bring out their wares gradually to impress the buyers over time. It's a tactic they've been using for a while, but with so little new happening in Stillwater, it's pretty easy to push their wares. Likes to set up their booth early so they can leave by midday. Soft spoken and laid back, Dusty has a tendency to call everyone "sir" or "ma'am", based on their admittedly backwater perception of other ponies. They don't mean badly, they just haven't been exposed to a wide variety of sorts, and they're quick to correct themselves if told to! They have a weakness for the color orange and bigger pets.



late to the party
Staff member

Your suggested character is:

Sunny Shimmer
In a not-particularly-fashionable town, being an accessory creator probably isn't really the finest choice of work, but Sunny is determined to make it happen anyway. They spend their days making functional, modest accessories - like lightly decorated hair clips or customized tool holsters for the farmhands. They're mild mannered and polite with a real homey feeling to them, so they're generally well liked even if regarded as a bit of an oddball for what they like to do. They're fairly successful, but what they'd really like to do is get into pet grooming - if only they could stand the pet store owner! They secretly love really frilly things - including that super cute fisherpone and their adorable curls-- Wait! Never you mind that part!

Username: Joshuality
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yup!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yup!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yus indeedy!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Sure! <3


signed an NDA
Staff member
Username: Nym
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes
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Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Username: Jackariah Beckett
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes! At least 50%
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? A.o.k!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes!
Would you like a suggested background/history? Yes please!
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late to the party
Staff member

Your suggested character is:

Stormy Skies
Stormy is nothing like their namesake; they're a stone-cold face with a demeanor that's hard to crack and a total lack of humor. It takes a lot to get them angry, but they're quite literal and don't take well to joking or play time. They work as a farmhand on a local veggie farm, where they can be seen in the only gentle act in their life - hand picking soft produce like zucchini and tomatoes. They have a passion for their work, and it's really the light of their life; they might not crack a smile at a comedian, but they're happy to talk about plants for hours on end. Their big dream is to one day be the farm boss themselves, rather than just a helping hand.

Username: One Little Jay
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirelyYes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officiallyYes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random poolYes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your ponyYES gimme some lore bb


late to the party
Staff member

Your suggested character is:

Sweet Spoonful
This pony works as the town's doctor; they're friendly, but reserved. They have an excellent bedside manner, but are usually regarded as rather distant, even though they do actually care about the residents of the town. They still keep in touch with their mentors from their training, and they make a point to travel to seminars outside of town to keep their knowledge up to date, but sometimes it can be hard to do what they need to with Stillwater's limited supplies. They enjoy reading and are often viewed as a bookworm or "nerd" archetype, despite being one of the least backwater ponies around. They have a good heart and they try their best with what they have available.

Username: Ellanoire
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes


late to the party
Staff member

Meet your resident!

Username: MoogerMint
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes, that makes the most sense! :3
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes! I love surprises~
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Had to think on it a little longer, but naw I should be good. Less work for you! xD <3


late to the party
Staff member

Your suggested character is:

Stellar Shock
Shock is the local pet store owner, doubling as the local livestock dealer through their contacts. They're every bit what many ponies think when they first see them - loud, brash, and opinionated as heck. However, they're also very right in their advice on how to raise animals, and they won't back down on their advice - or demands - on how people treat them. Their pet store is large enough to house quite a few exotic pets alongside the standard small livestock they keep around, and they're proud of the establishment. The only thing they refuse to carry is insects - whether for feed or for pets! - as they're not-so-secretly afraid of them. They think their phobia is still a secret, but it's super not.

Username: Valdmir Talamore
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random poolYes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your ponyYes