▷ 01 - - Follow the Basilisk Stew ToS at all times.
▷ 02 - - Be civil towards one another in-thread and the guild, whether or not you like a certain person. This also means be civil to newbies, even if they ask a thousand and one questions. Be welcoming to newbies, as they help our shop grow!
▷ 03 - - Try to monitor how you speak. This means please refrain from chat speak or spamming the thread. If you feel like the thread is dead and needs life, start a conversation instead of simply saying 'bump'. Chatter is always loved in the shop! Cursing, while allowed, should be kept at a minimum.
▷ 04 - - While you are absolutely free to vent in-thread, please spoiler anything that could be triggering, as well as warn in red what the content may contain. This helps protect those who cannot handle certain topics, and helps you get the help you need!
▷ 05 - - If you believe there is an issue with another customer that a staff member must know about, or you're aware of another breaking the rules, please contact us at the main mule!
▷ 06 - - Refrain from begging or whining for a character. We have plenty of events, and you will surely get a character through the various means we have. However, if you're caught whining, staff will be less likely to grant you a pony. Good behavior is rewarded, bad behavior is not tolerated.
▷ 07 - - When you enter an event, game, or another service we provide there is a chance you'll lose. Should you lose, please remain a good-sport. There will be other chances! However, if you win, please refrain from excessively bragging.
▷ 08 - - Do not copy, steal, alter, or mimic any of the graphics used in this shop. This includes but is not limited to banners, pony lines, user-made content, and such. You may place ponies you own or have permission to use in your signature, in banners, and such as long as you do not alter the lines.
▷ 01 - - You do not need a pony to enter this event!
▷ 02 - - There is currently no limit to how many prizes you can win.
▷ 03 - - Entries not finished will not be considered when it comes to judging prizes.
▷ 04 - - Please read a thread entirely before entering. There may be different rules you haven't seen before! If you have any questions about the rules, PM the shop mule or DM the shop owner (Nym) on Discord.
▷ 05 - - Lists made to be rolled from will be revealed to customers 24 hours before being rolled. This is the time for you to check your name is on the list. If you do not check and your name was missed and it is brought up after the rolling had concluded we cannot re-roll or offer a compensation prize in the shape of a pony.
▷ 06 - - We will not be allowing proxies for this event.
▷ 07 - - Never delete a post in a game! You may edit it to indicate you made a mistake, but do not delete it.