Realm of the Endless (annc pg. 16)


Grizzled Veteran
Light a fire and bathe me in darkness.

Desired Race: Huuuuman~
Character Idea:
Nadi is.... an extrovert. A good chunk of their time at home is spent in their birthday suit, and they're always up for a good rave or nightclub scene. They're not afraid of showing off, which seemingly goes hand-in-hand with their ability to get themselves into trouble. They're equally unafraid to get into someone's face to defend their closest friends, even if the opponent is double their size.
An enormous flirt and natural at convincing others' to get into trouble with them, stemming from a background of influential family members dating back a few generations.
It was quite the bit of gossip at the time for a play actor and a televized actor to wed, and those would be Nadi's parents. Nadi was born to make a scene, almost literally, and that is just what they'll do.
Unfortunately, it also means you can never tell when Nadi is being complacent. A lifetime of being agreeable tends to make it almost impossible to tell when something is actually rubbing them the wrong way unless they choose to speak up, and it can seem so left-field to those not close enough to Nadi to pick up on the small cues.
Its not uncommon to see them with a new flavor of the week clinging to their arm, but with Nadi you can almost guarantee it won't last. Yet many still try to be "the one that Nadi can't be without" and its quite possible to be a rather hush-hush trend among the elite, "Who can finally tame Nadi?" Last they had heard, in fact, a nightclub or two had bets going on their local hotties. Nadi was down for the challenge too, despite the negative reaction it often received. But how does one refuse having so much attention they could drown in it?
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Grizzled Veteran
**Desired Race:** Human
**BS Name:** Shaddaling
**Description/Personality:** Oliver when on the job seems like someone with his life figured out. He looks smart in his paramedic uniform, neat and clean and good with children and the elderly and polite and calm. Really he finds it all to be common sense, if you treat the concerns of others with the gravity they are due and remain calm, then others seem to calm down. The trick is being in control even when everything is pressing down on you.

Even when something is not quite right with your patient and they seem to melt away and no one knows where they went.

And he knows people are assuming things, that he is from a good background, that his parents are together and he is a proper upstanding young man and not like those other sorts. He lets them believe that he is an outstanding citizen.

Not that his dad is a single veteran from the army who joined young, being poor and a minority and seeming to have no other life choices and then a retired bounty hunter who does shady deals on the side. Or that none of his siblings have the same mother or that they never stuck around and there is a 25 year gap between him and his youngest brother.

But his father has always been supportive, and did his best, even going out and buying him his first nail polishes and lipstick. Oliver is loyal to his family and caring to his younger siblings as the oldest of four and his few true friends that know the truth. And well, NOLA is a weird place and he has seen sooo much shit.

Even if those slit pupils weren’t eye contacts and he should know he has to be able to notice those things when looking for eye damage.

Oliver off the job and alone with friends is blunt and sharp and hurt your brain to think about it too hard pretty androgeneous. He would give the world to his family and friends and knows they will always support him back. With them he can relax and be what he is and not what it takes to make it. He works in the horrors and traumas of the world and heals with family friends and looking pretty.

He unabashedly loves cute things. Especially when they are so soft you can just sink into it and well cute and gothic is one of his jams. Pastel goth is a nice look, among others. He is also a bit of a geek, his two black cats are named Godzilla and Mothra and game nights on sundays are usually tabletop D&D or related.

And he knows there are haters out there. There always are and he carries a knife or two on his person and pepper spray. He knows the world is cruel to those that are different but embraces it anyways. Sort of… he has to have that job and he has to make it.



late to the party
Staff member

Gonna be working on more newbies soon but ... + v+ REAL OPENING SOOONNNN. I hope y'all are ready to see some awesome kiddos~

The Narrator

Mule Account
Welcome to the Void!

We have two events open for our grand opening, one of them guaranteeing a character win.

The first of these is our very first Meta Prompt - in these, you'll respond to a situation in the world and get a taste of how things at large are developing in the universe. Player actions may affect our history, after all, so keep an eye on what's going on! This will also be recorded in the future as the start of our history thread, in which we'll keep an overview of things that have happened so future players won't feel totally lost upon joining us.

The second of these is a paid raffle - because we like credits too, you know?

Everyone is free to enter both, and we encourage you all to please do so!​