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Grizzled Veteran

Name: SannhetBreed: Edited Flightless [edits: piercings, knife holder and knife, robe]
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment: WinterFont color: #664e4b
Job: Pirate and swindlerWorkplace The Bottle Crawler Pirate ship
HerdHome location Lives in the pirate ship
Personality: Quite, easily annoyed with non crew, no nonsense.Likes: The sea for it is her home and her grave. Bits are always good. A good strong drink makes the day better at the end of the day.
Dislikes: Land ponies. they are not crew and don't deserve her time. The lost of crew mates hurts her and she will spend days grieving silently and tries not to show her crewmates her pain.

Sannhet is a reliable though quite crew member of the Bottle Crawler pirate crew. She can often be found in the rigging or repairing things around the ship. She tends to highly dislike land ponies and any pony they are smuggling is cargo but any pony who comes aboard and isn’t cargo or crew she calls a ‘sea guest’ She is a firm believer that the first day a Sea guest is on board she has to show hospitality and kindness though she doesn’t like it. After midnight of that day though should the guest still be on the ship she is fine with anything that needs to be done. Theft, murder, anything the captain orders she will carry out.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Untraveled CallBreed: Edited Mystic Kitsune/Ryujin [edits: scarf | curiosities: unique ears]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment: WinterFont color: #d5b5b0
Job: Pirate and swindlerWorkplace The Bottle Crawler Pirate ship
HerdHome location Lives in the pirate ship
Personality: Relaxed, Inquisitive, a bit roughshod at times.Likes: Star watching on warm nights as it's a nice relaxing activity. The gentle swaying of the ship as it's lulling and feels like a lullaby to him. A good hot meal even if he has to travel on land for it.
Dislikes: Leaks and rotting ship parts, he is quick to report those to the other crew who are more adapt at ship repairs as he isn't good at those. His crewmates ending up in jail or hurt. He usually ends up being the pony who is told to go pick the wayward crew in the morning and has to listen to them whine all the way back to the boat which annoys him a bit.

Untraveled Call is a shockingly decent for a pirate. Oh he’ll absolutely help rob and hold up any ship any place but he isn’t one for a drinking night and gambles only in moderation. Often times he is told to go collect the drunks who end up in jails and alley’s before the ship leaves a harbor. He has a cousin who does forestry in a far land who he sends letters to from time to time, but honestly hasn’t seen the other in years. He is close to the crew and loves his free life. He is quite knowledgeable about stars and navigation though it’s not his main job on the boat.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: JinsilBreed: Mystic Dragon/Pegasus [curiosities: medium-sized feathered wings, feathers on tail]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color: #708e65
Job: pirate navigationWorkplace The Bottle Crawler Pirate ship
HerdHome location Lives in The Bottle Crawler Pirate ship
Personality: Jinsil is relatively antisocial preferring his books and charts to other ponies. He dislikes young foals who makes messes and enjoys the night sky.Likes: Cluracan Oneiros the fusspot amuses Jansil very much and the two get along well in Jansil's opinion due to their interest in charts. Sitting in high out of reach places to watch the sky, nighttime is better but daytime is alright.
Dislikes: Rainy/stormy days, it messes with his feathers, it makes it cold and he can't see the sky. just f--- all of it. loud messy young foals. they are just mini nightmares,

Jansil grew up hard and lived in the streets as thief as a foal. Trying to pickpocket the wrong target got him snagged and pulled on board a pirate ship and forced to work there. Jansil had a knack for direction and learned to read the skies there. At first he was just a thief forced to work and made decent place for himself among the crew and ended up staying on as one of the ships navigation officers.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Ünen WebberBreed: Edited Mystic Ghoulie [edits: spiderweb neck accessory, piercings, spider companion | curiosities: 6 legs, spider abdomen as a tail, 8 eyes]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: nymMate:
Alignment: WinterFont color: #ffffff
Job: Body GuardWorkplace Everville bank
HerdHome location Lives in Everville
Personality: Reliable he is honest and steadfast. he is a quite and avid reader and movie buff.Likes: Old movie videos. comedies and horror/monster movies. they just have better practical effects and he prefers those to the cgi new things. His little spider buddy Aisha. She is a lovely spider friend. Spider web themed things. well given how he looks he embraced it young and feels he looks great in such things.
Dislikes: Litter in the streets. he will take time and pick things up even if he didn't drop them. he likes neat things around his home and community. Loud noises. he likes to be alert and if its' too noisy he can't focus well

Growing up he wanted to be a guard so he had a goal from a young age. though he did get teased as a foal by others saying he would be more a villian then a guard still he didn't let that get to him. He knew who he was and what he wanted and with his unwavering desire he almost ended up a patrol pony of the police force but decided private guard work at a bank suited him much better. He doesn't guard the money but is rather a body guard to protect the staff in the event of an emergency.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Razor GrapnelBreed: Edited Mystic Kelain/Abyssal/Flightless [edits: piercing | curiosities: unique tail with spikes, chest mouth]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color: #b12114
Job: Pirate and swindlerWorkplace The Bottle Crawler Pirate ship
HerdHome location Lives in the pirate ship
Personality: Loyal, hot headed, ProtectiveLikes: The crew. they are his family and he loves them dearly. Calm seas as they are good for the ship and crew. a good easy looting is nice as well. misty days are nice if they are docked to the shore.
Dislikes: Those silly pirate romance stories. Life isn't like that and hearing some pony drivel on about a story like that is just sappy and pethetic, Stories were pirates are villain's is in the same category as well. Dangers to the crew. he feels the need to protect them and will snap quickly at strangers, local constables. really pretty self explanatory here since they keep throwing him and the crew in jails for the night in a lot of places to sober up.

Razor Grapnel was actually raised on the Bottle Crawler. He had been abandoned as a foal due to his unusual curiosities. As such he is exceedingly loyal to the pirate life and the crew members. Razor has been known to snap and jump at the throat of others who mock or cause trouble for the crew. He works hard and does a lot of the in the water care for the ship. He hates constables in most towns as he has ended up in jail more then once for drunken brawling. He is hot headed and quick actioned against those who mess with the crew. He has a bit of an issue with romantic or stories were pirates are villains as life isn’t like that to him.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Ranas of DorthonionBreed: hybrid Dragon / Unicorn Hybrid
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: livewireMate:
Alignment: SpringFont color: #c795e6
Job: Jewelry maker
Workplace High cut gemm factory in the land of summer
HerdHome location Lives in the land of summer
Personality: More devious then she lets on she is quite greedy and loves to horde gems will use her cute innocent looks to her advantage when she can.Likes: Gems Gems gems. the perfection of light refraction, the weight there just isn't anything not to like about gems. better then gold and far more lovely then silver if she could bathe in gems she would. Her family. They are kind and loving which is wonderful as well as their support of her designs and projects. Her rock tumbler. it makes gems shiny. she loves it.
Dislikes: Books, her grandmother runs a book shop and it's just so boring. what is the joy of paper? pointless. movies, they take too long and are too loud and take time away form things she would rather do like polish gems.

Growing up in a loving and close family she loves them dearly and discovered two things growing up. one she hates books. her grandmother's book shop is the most boring place ever. Two gems are amazing! that lead her to a life making jewelry in a gem shop. She loves it.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Honey BeeBreed: Edited Mystic Slime/Pixie [edits: honey wand, sweater, choker | curiosities: unique antenna, unique insectoid wings]
Gender: nonbinary (they accept all genders and are fluid between them)Orientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate: Honey Syrup
Alignment: summerFont color: #febe65
Job: CookWorkplace the PFF herd kitchens!
Herd Herd of Permalooking For FunHome location Lives near the PFF herd so its easy to help out.
Personality: Buzzy and happy Honey Bee often called Bee loves to cook. They also love their mate Honey Syrup. So when Honey Bee heard about this group of permafoals making events and holding games Honey Bee realized someone had to cook and supply for these events so they are happy to join and cook. They are level headed, responsible and kind. They also tend to remind ponies to keep the water containers and jugs on the game fields full and well stocked during eventsLikes: Cooking is a hobby and a passion as is helping their beloved mate. often the two go hand in hand as many harmless pranks may have things like cream pies required so Honey bee is almost always busy. Foals. they love to help and look after foals to the point where the pair adopted quite a few perma foals to share their lives with.
Dislikes: Food going bad. While they do composting it's always sad to see food going bad and not used for something.

Buzzy and happy Honey Bee often called Bee loves to cook. They also love their mate Honey Syrup. So when Honey Bee heard about this group of permafoals making events and holding games Honey Bee realized someone had to cook and supply for these events so they are happy to join and cook. They are level headed, responsible and kind. They also tend to remind ponies to keep the water containers and jugs on the game fields full and well stocked during events.

Not only that but the pair also adopted several permafoals as their own after all the larger the family the better and they are always happy to add more family members in.
Maple "Syrup" Waffles - Maple is a bubbly, joyful, and happy foal. She loves to play games and can be a little playful at times. She enjoys pancakes and is constantly found on a giant stack of them. She has actual pancakes that she constantly lays on and slowly eats, her emergency rations if you will. Bee loves to make Maple all the pancakes they want.

Honey Fuwafuwa - A goopey mess of a loving child Fuwafuwa was adopted by Honey Bee and Honey Syrup. Now surrounded by love and in an amazing family Fu is happy and took on a first name Honey to be like her new parents. She loves plushies more than anything else and Honey Bee even made them giant pancake pillows for her to lay out on and she carries them everywhere with her.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Taure Talar' OlvaBreed: Mystic Suli [curiosities: wooden growths on arms and neck, wooden horn growths on forehead, rose blossoms in tree]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: NymMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color: #112d2e
Job: FarmerWorkplace Succulent Tea Plantation
HerdHome location Lives just outside of everville on the farm
Personality: Straightforward, honest and caring. he is a hard worker and likes to support others he works with as he views them as an extended family of sorts.Likes: The smell of fresh turned soil, its earthy and soft arouma makes him feel at ease. The farm thriving makes him proud of it even if he doesn't own it. The fact everyone works so hard makes him want to keep up with them and support the others. Forested areas outside of the farm area. They also make him feel at ease and at home.
Dislikes: Drinking night, he is a lightweight and can't handle even small amounts of alcohol. Sleeping in. he feels slightly guilty and rushed to catch up for the day. Classical music. he isn't sure why but many ponies assume he likes classical music so they keep gifting him and growing the collection but he actually doesn't really like it and would prefer soft woodwind or flute instrumental instead.

He left the Despair to join a farm he heard of. He finds farm work relaxing and honestly quite enjoyable. The fact there are so many other suli's who live, work and thrive there also makes him feel at ease and in some ways while it's not not as forested and verdant as his home in Despair he feels like he never left.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Trisha MornfrostBreed: Mystic Kitsune/Earth/Kelain [curiosities: plant growth "collar"]
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color: #87ffee
Job: Apothecary/ shop ownerWorkplace Trap garden apothecary shop
HerdHome location Lives in Spring coastal region.
Personality: Shy and reclusive Trisha spends much of the night up and awake and half asleep in her shop front.Likes: Her plants. they are her solace and comfort. Suli ponies. they help plants so she holds them in some reverence as she likes plants better then most ponies. Sleep. sleep is great and at her shop front she has a pillow behind the desk she does use form time to time to get some added sleep in.
Dislikes: Loud ponies they spook her and make her want to flee, low magic zones. as a kelain she absorbs magic from the area around her as she is always a bit ill due to her late night habits and poor self care so low magic zones make her feel ill as she can't absorb magic to help her health. too bright of a light makes it hard to sleep unless it's a place she can wrap up with a blanket and sleep. Sunlight sleeping is great but any other sunlight is too bright.

Talented mind but weak body was something that has always described Trisha. she grew up with a love of plants as her health stopped her from interacting with other foals much as a child. She lacks the typical crystals like most kelains but has a plant growth that slowly helps her absorb magical energy to help her health. Due to this she took interest in plants and making items and helping others from them. Soon enough she was an apothecary in her own right but spends much of hte night working and compounding products and napping during the day in her shop so she doesn't take care of health to this day and is still very weak bodied.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Rigina PitcherBreed: Mystic Kelain/Suli [curiosities: neck plant growth, plant tail]
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: TeaMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color: #3a1930
Job: EconomistWorkplace The Illusion merchant group
HerdHome location Lives in Spring coastal region.
Personality: Workaholic, she can't help it. she notices things and likes to plan ideas out. She is fairly forward and honest and always thinking about something.Likes: nice hotels. she enjoys vacation and part of that is a nicely laied out hotel that is close enough to activities she can just have small day trips and maybe a pool and (the list goes on) but a nice hotel makes a nice trip to her. Bubble baths. she loves a nice cool bubble bath. unlike most ponies she likes cool or cold baths to warm ones, though by contrast she loves hot sweltering days.
Dislikes: Gaudy marketing. she prefers subtle eye catching to lure someone in rather then slap them upside the face, but to each their own. getting lost. while she likes adventure she hates getting lost so if is map isn't updated or a business she is trying to find has closed down and the information packets in an area aren't updated she gets annoyed very quickly. Chipped hooves. listen there is nothing worse then chipping a hoof. it bothers her all day if it happens.

A hard working pony Rigina joined the merchant group and gives consultations and looks at what sells best in different regions and the cost and transport of goods as well as what is needed in an area and gives advice to the merchant head. She likes her job and enjoys vacation and travel days but often ends ups doing small bits of work as she can't help her self even when on vacation noticing what sells well and how other react to things.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Kia BellemareBreed: Edited Permafoal Kitsune [edits: face drawing on orb, hats on orb and head, marker] by Livewire
Has a crystal effect to their fur!
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: LivewireMate: perma foal NA
Alignment: WinterFont color: #673129
Job: na she does help Arid with his paperwork fetching things from the printer at home and help him clean his office once a week though and she has a chore list for her allowance every week.Workplace home chores for extra allowance weekly.
Herd naHome location Lives in everville
Personality: Soft, fun loving, creative Kia is always active and enjoys to do things rather then sit still.Likes: art! she feels she is quit an artist even if others don't understand her art. her adoptive father arid shadow. He is kind and nice even if is a clumsy paws at times (and he can't draw at all). Christmas. the lights are amazing and you can make so many pictures with them.
Dislikes: Carrots. they are just to weird! She tends to hide them under the orbs hat and try and toss them in the garbage later under things of course so they can't be seen on the surface of the trash. having to sit still. it's so hard at times to sit still and do nothing. the eyes of others at times. There is a certain way others will look at her when they know she is a perma foal. sometimes pity, sometimes disgust sometimes curiosity and asking the same things over and over, she is just a pony like any other and wants to be treated that way.

Kia was far older then her appearance let on. Long ago she has been dropped off at an orphanage and had been there longer then most. Foals came and went as well as grew up but she stuck around. She had given up on finding a home a while ago and instead just made friends and told stories and made little art. She felt she had gotten quite good even if most foal toys were clumsy compared to adult art supplies which while far more fine and easy to use were long and awkward for her to use. Then one day she was told there was a pony who wanted to meet her. She met with them and was surprised how odd they looked. They had big crystal wings and a smoky odd looking tail. They were nice though a bit clumsy. Kia thought he was a very kind pony and was willing to listen to her and treat her like she was an adult. Maybe they didn’t know some ponies like her were children in their minds as well. She was something between the two where she was knowledgeable but there were times some things just seemed beyond her. She decided to go home with them and that's how her life at the Shadow home started. Her new adoptive father Arid Shadow was kind but could be rude to others as he seemed quite protective over her. That made her happy and he even ordered her custom supplies that were finer then foal toys but smaller and easy for her to use.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Rum DriftwoodBreed: Edited Flightless w/ Bottle Effect! [edits = ear/lip piercings, sleeved vest]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: luxonaMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color: #a89078
Job: Pirate and SwindlerWorkplace Bottle Crawler Pirate ship
HerdHome location Lives in the pirate ship he calls home. He stops on docs here and there but his home is the boat.
Personality: Free spirited and always searching for more treasures and things to do.Likes: Bits, and riches, fine silks and booze of all kinds. Fun ponies he can spend the evenings with for gambling or other things.
Dislikes: Jail time. getting caught. mentions of his past lovers, and of course being broke

Rum Driftwood grew on on the seas. He will lie cheat and steal to get things he wants though he is something of an ‘honorable’ pirate. He has a string of ex’s he has left on shore on is little outings onshore. One such ex actually took his tail feathers that never quite grew back after she found him spending some cozy time with another rather lovely pony. He still gets fond thinking of her sharkish smile. He likes to think himself smug and with a lot of swagger though often comes off as boastful and arrogant. He loves bits and will often spend free time on the boat counting out his bits and treasures. Though spending bits on a good drinking and ‘play’ night is just as fun. He is close with the crew as on the seas he has to trust them with his life. His captain is steadfast and reliable which is a nice change of pace from the flighty ponies on shore to him.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Netria BristlesBreed: Mystic Suli [curiosities: plant, spike horns, spikes on body]
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: TeaMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color: #74ce26
Job: FarmerWorkplace Selma she helps with plants at several places in the oasis
HerdHome location Lives in Selma
Personality: Gentle and caring to plants she may be stand offish to ponies. She is shy and often doesn't know what to say to others and large groups scare her.Likes: She likes green places in the oasis and can often be found there.
Dislikes: Those who don't care for their plants.

Netria grew up in the Despair and while thrilled by the vegetation of the deep forest she always felt slightly out of place. It wasn’t until she left Despair and saw more barren lands she felt more at home when she found places that had more cacti and plants like she had. Finding this kind of land more home feeling even if it was far from the deep forests she had known. Eventually she settled in Selma a place that had renown desert pegesi. While the land is harsh the oasis of the place and the flourishing cacti make her feel happy and at home.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Felix MathewsBreed: Vampiric Edited Mystic Kitsune/Earth [edits: stocking, shirt, collar, earring | curiosities: cat-shaped tail, pointy ears]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: TeaMate:
Alignment: WinterFont color: #8a8f8f
banker at local everville branch
Workplace works at the local bank in Everville his coworker is a neat freak so he keeps a fairly tidy area as well to avoid her judgmental looks
HerdHome location Lives in Everville
Personality: Relaxed though often attempts to be flirty he falls short of the mark often. He is a wiz with numbers but finds his job a bit boring.Likes: Filigree Gilded Tear his neat freak coworker but he doesn't have the guts to tell her as she doesn't seem to notice him.
Dislikes: Glasses of water just sitting there. he has a small urge to tip them over just to cause mayhem because it would make him laugh inside.

Felix grew up in a single family home. He loved his parent but he wanted more in life and to that end had moved with a rough crowd most of his life. He had ended up with vampire traits during this wild stage of his life. His parent had disowned him at this point which was credulous as the prejudice against vampires had long sense stopped in public. Still some ponies being closed minded and that was how Felix lost the last member of his family. He was fairly independent by that point and with no other support he cleaned up his life and got a decent job working at a bank. He found he had a crush on an earth pony he worked with but he didn’t think she would be interested in him so he keeps his thoughts to himself though does flirt with her a bit when he can.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: NásereBreed: Lamia
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: TeaMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color:
Job: line cook 6-2Workplace Oasis Restaurant in the land of summer as a basic line cook.
Herd pitt vipers should they ever returnHome location Lives in Pitt vipers land
Personality: Understanding of most situations is face seems emotionless at times tough that is far from the truth. He loves to be near groups of people but not in the throng of things so to speak.Likes: Crowded places where he can hang out on the periphery. He loves music and tends to sway to the beat without meaning too his tail tip always betrays him no matter what. Strange words like kumquat. He just loves to say them and has several word of the day colanders.
Dislikes: places that are too neat. having grown up with his family in the pit vipers places that are to neat or sterile looking make him very uncomfortable. those who don't keep in touch with family after all it's all you have in the world. family you can choose them (close friends or adopted family.) or blood ties (born family) doesn't mater family is family and it always takes top priority. Glowing things. they are just so much fun and he loves them.

Growing up in a rough and tumble environment in the Pitt vipers. Násere is fairly strong willed and stubborn. He only had one parent but everyone else in the group was enough like family though not all of them were close. He often traveled with his parent to the local bar and club where he developed a deep love of music and dance. He still sticks to the land of summer and hasn't traveled much but would like to see more of the other seasons some day. He became a cook in a local restaurant in the area. He dislikes getting chewed out by the head cook as he is only a line cook but the money is nice though he knows how to live without it fairly well.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Ezra Kiwi CircuitBreed: Edited Mystic Flightless/Pixie [edits: armlet, earring | curiosities: unveined insectoid wings, extra fluff]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: TeaMate: Irina Burshine
Alignment: SummerFont color: #f1cf7d
Job: Meteorologist
1am- 10am
Workplace weather station/studio
HerdHome location Lives in spring season
Personality: Honest and reliable Ezra is a hard worker who loves his crazy early morning shift because then he gets the rest of the day with his family and hobbies.Likes: building models. he likes to keep his hands busy and has a whole room dedicated to lots of different kinds of models and paints. He has a variety as any kind his kids wanted him to make he was happy to take up for them. His lovely and amazing mate Irina. She drags him all over on her days off for family activities but he likes it. Sales on things! he may not look like it but he is a meticulous coupon clipper and user. he has a book near the front door of popular shopping spots with the most used coupons ready to go anytime.
Dislikes: Days that are sweltering. you can always add layers but it's not like you can remove natural fluff, well without some massive work on his end. Total darkness. Since he gets up so early while everyone else is sleeping he has nightlights around the home so he doesn't have to flip on every light in the house while he gets ready for the day. His kids crying. He just wants to scoop them up and hold them if that happens. He may be clueless how to stop the crying or what started it but he just wants to hold his children and help them any way he can.

Ezra Kiwi Circuit is often called by Ezra or Kiwi and will answer to both. He grew up in the land of spring being fascinated by the different weathers of the seasons and how they changed or moved. To that end he became a Meteorologist. His childhood dream was to travel to all the seasons as a Meteorologist and be able to report and teach about weather but right after graduation he took a quick trip to the season of Summer for a total of a week and found it was far too hot for him so he quickly moved back home and was glad to be in the Spring season and never wants to leave it again. He met Irina on a rainy wet day and offered just some basic kindness as he had time that day and didn’t mind the rain. He was more shocked later when she called and asked him for a date. To him it was the start of an amazing relationship which lead to him being called a ‘geeky dad’ as the pair had children. It’s a title he claims with pride and enjoys living up to as he will gladly come home with a bag overflowing with models and paints to work on.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Irina BurshineBreed: Edited Mystic Kitsune/Kelain [edits: bracelets | curiosities: round wings, extra fluff]
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: TeaMate: Ezra Kiwi Circuit
Alignment: SpringFont color: #dd31f5
Job: Chiropodist
Doesn't work Thursdays and clinic is closed on weekends and between 12-1:30 daily for lunch
Workplace Gentle Hooves Hoof Clinic
HerdHome location Lives in season of spring
Personality: Kind and understanding Irina is a hard worker with her job but worries about missing the small moments with her family so tries very hard to schedule a lot of family trips and events on her days off from work.Likes: Museums as they are a safe and great experience for children in her mind. She also likes education places like a butterfly garden and she finds the gift shops wonderful and cute. She loves fruit crepes that have a heavy dusting of powder sugar even though she ends up with it all over her face and chest fluff. Her children! They make her so happy she can't help but have a million photos of them and has several around her office.
Dislikes: Rain. it makes her feel and look like a soppy wet rag in her mind. Losing socks and other items in the laundry. She has a personal grudge against the dryer and the children have heard her swear under her breath at it more then once while looking for an article of clothing. Running late for work. It doesn't happen often but when it does it throws her whole day off and it shows from the morning all the way until evening where she looks distressed and near tears.

Irina Burshine grew up in a loving close home. She studied hard and became a Chiropodist and moved from the season of winter to the season of spring. After her move she met the pony who would become her mate. The memory is dear to her as she was having a horrible day she still refers to as black Thursday. She had been late to work and looked a fright from the bad weather on her way to work. The rest of her day was chaotic and she had no chance to set herself to rights. On her way home there was more rain and she had it. On her way home she sat on a bench and just sobbed considering moving back home and giving up on her independent life she expected and had looked forward to with her move to the spring season. It was then the rain stopped over her and a gentle voice asked if she was alright. Ezra who would become her mate had seen her crying and went and bough an extra umbrella from a cheap shop and held it over her. She and he spent quite some time talking, well he listened while she vented. After getting cheered up by Ezra he gave her his phone number and offered to escort her home. She took his phone number and headed home alone. Later she called and asked him on a date and that was the beginning of a long and wonderful relationship. They still seem like newly weds at time according to their friends who know the pair well. To this day Irina keeps extra umbrella by the front door just in case it rains and her or her family want to take an extra umbrella with them that day.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Feedmes Eymour the secondBreed: Edited Mystic Dullahan/Changeling [edits: vine wrapping around leg | curiosities: living plant dullahan head, veined insectoid wings]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: TeaMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color: 3c7949
Job: Doorman at a hotelWorkplace
HerdHome location Lives in

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: SepiaBreed: Edited Mystic (Mutated if using old terms) Earth [edits: sleeves | curiosities/mutations: wings, tail]
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: TeaMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color: #ccb76d
Job: Photographer Workplace
HerdHome location Lives in

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Minnow SakrosBreed: Vuhor with Colouring Effect!
[their body glitters and shines in the light]
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: rozeybearMate:
Alignment: SpringFont color: #a46b8b
Job: CookWorkplace
HerdHome location Lives in

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