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- #301

Name: Sannhet | Breed: Edited Flightless [edits: piercings, knife holder and knife, robe] |
Gender: Female | Orientation Bisexual |
Colorist: tea | Mate: |
Alignment: Winter | Font color: #664e4b |
Job: Pirate and swindler | Workplace The Bottle Crawler Pirate ship |
Herd | Home location Lives in the pirate ship |
Personality: Quite, easily annoyed with non crew, no nonsense. | Likes: The sea for it is her home and her grave. Bits are always good. A good strong drink makes the day better at the end of the day. Dislikes: Land ponies. they are not crew and don't deserve her time. The lost of crew mates hurts her and she will spend days grieving silently and tries not to show her crewmates her pain. |

Sannhet is a reliable though quite crew member of the Bottle Crawler pirate crew. She can often be found in the rigging or repairing things around the ship. She tends to highly dislike land ponies and any pony they are smuggling is cargo but any pony who comes aboard and isn’t cargo or crew she calls a ‘sea guest’ She is a firm believer that the first day a Sea guest is on board she has to show hospitality and kindness though she doesn’t like it. After midnight of that day though should the guest still be on the ship she is fine with anything that needs to be done. Theft, murder, anything the captain orders she will carry out.
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