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Stage Four: Into the Deep Unknown


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 7 7
She turns into a small alcove and takes a moment to take in the sight before it. Something is glowing. That is definitely glowing alright. Moving forward Cordelia tries to make out what the thing is. To her surprise it is a slip of paper. Was someone else here? Where did they go? Surely this means maybe they are on the right path!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 40 40
Chilling silence. +1 AP

It's freezing! It's so cold that she could have sworn she was in a snowbank and not in a cave! Her teeth start clattering as she shivers. Glancing around she doesn't know why she is so uneasy. It isn't until the realization dawns on her that she hears nothing. As in literally NO SOUND! She doesn't want to be in this cave anymore. Best to go back to the group. Maybe they will have had more luck than she has.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 7 7
In a small alcove along a narrow side passage, you spot the soft glow of something that isn't a mushroom. Upon investigation, you realize it's a small slip of paper - how did that get here?

First visit only: +1 Specter Ticket

Moon Bell Charm moved shifting her heavy backpack with supplies to the holes that lead to a small alcove. it was better then waiting and sitting in that blue hued land. there was something off putting about everything having a tinge of blue that she couldn't quite express. it was because of that she thought she saw something glowing only to realize it was a slip of paper. how strange. She picked it up and investigated it a bit between her paws before sliding it into her backpack for some safe keeping.

+1 Specter Ticket


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 32 32
In an otherwise nondescript section of the wall, you find a small carving of what looks like a crown with a ">P" face beside it. Now who would put that there?

Moon Bell Charm continued moving and saw a little carving. She picked it up and turned it over several times. There didn't seem to be anything all that special about it. Still someone must have wanted to put it there. She smiled softly putting it back. it was rather cute and she was tempted to take it but didn't want to remove something that could be precious to a ghost. There was a fine line she would and would not cross even coming from a family of thieves she had been raised better than that. She turned and started to head back toward the arguing ghost and unicorn curious if they had sorted themselves out yet


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 27 27
As you walk, you hum a little tune to yourself. You try to convince yourself that the returned sound you hear is just the cave echoing your song, but echoes don't get notes wrong, do they? ... you stop humming soon after.

She was humming softly she thought she heard the cave follow along. at first it was pleasant but then as she pitch a note higher for one part the cave song didn't' and faltered for a moment before mimicking her once again. Swearing out loud she was no longer humming and very very paranoid as she tried to make her way back to the group not wanting to get lost in the caves and end up it the afterlife permanently with something that didn't know the same song she did.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 29 29
Worrisome whispers! :: As you pause to peer at the ceiling, checking the low material for any signs of weakness before you continue, you swear you could hear the sounds of another pony near you. However, spin and search as you might, you can't seem to find the source. If that's not bad enough, now you're hearing voices - or at least, whispers. You can't quite make out what's being said, but you're certain that it's something; is someone playing a joke on you?

First time only: +1 AP

Passhon was worried about walking through this place. He glanced around then noticed several things. Tilting his head upwards that...that wouldn't give would it? He nearly whined then froze as he heard it...oh nooo. Not...not whispers. Why whispers?!? He nervously looked around as he heard more than one voice around him. "Wh-who's there?!?" no reply. Of course there would be no reply. Why would there ever be a reply?!? He inhaled softly before he attempted to keep going.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 4 4
Was that a sound? :: You swear you heard something skitter off into the darkness, but you didn't get a glimpse of what it was, and the hole you heard it from is too small for you to enter.

The young stallion was standing stock still as his ears picked up that particular sound. First odd skitters?!? What was next? A flat out cave dwelling serial killer?!? Those are a thing he lives with two of them. He sighed heavily. He was fine, this was fine. Everything was fine...
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 13 13
The path continues ... :: You find yourself ... back at the lantern once more. Are these tunnels loops, or something?

Eh...What?!? He looked around the path. He was...back at the start. Huh. That was a new one. He sat down to think a moment as he took stock of this place. Things were sooo weird here. He sighed again. "This place makes my head spin..." he whined. Then waited to start trying to find the way again.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 28 28
A creepy conundrum...
Moving along, you come across a small lump of fuzzy floor. Uncertain if it's moss, mushroom, or something else, you curiously toss a rock at the mound - only to be rewarded with the sudden knowledge that the mount isn't floor at all, but instead a collection of furry arachnids that shuffle and scuttle at your action, but soon settle back into the same roadblock they were in before. The path continues beyond, but that would mean stepping over - or into - the horde.

In the end, you choose to turn around. Who knows if those things are dangerous?

Oh, the After Life! The Journey Beyond!! The Next Best Adventure! Persephone was ecstatic to be part of the intrepid grouop, and her eyes sparkled as they reflected the sky above. Their guides' collective confusion didn't seem to bother her at all, and she was quick to wander out after checking in with her team to see what they wanted to do.

Out here were...spider. Oh! Well it would make sense to have non-pony spirits here, right? Probably a good idea to leave them be, however.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 14 14
A well worn walkway
Peering down at the ground, you realize the dirt beneath you seems to be tightly packed and worn in such a way that suggests heavy use. Touching it reveals that the long-forgotten hoofprints seem to be carved into the rock itself, as though this way were used by many feet long ago.

Blowing the spiders a kiss and wishing them well, Persephone pondered a different direction. Maybe meet up with one of the others? As she considered, the little pixie noticed that she was sinking into the ground - not because it was wet but because there were so many hoofprints in it! Was this an ancient highway?


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 3 3
The path continues...
Nobody told you that you'd be roaming through grubby caves today, did they? Royalty, you swear.

Fascinated, Persephone followed the path as best she could, even hopping from one large print to another as if she were a foal again. (Given her size, this comparison couldn't be helped.) And on she went. And on. And on...

Okay, maybe this wasn't an ancient path between places. Maybe she was just plain lost! Wonderful!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 9 9
Your exploration takes a pause as you notice something overhead. After a few moments of curious squinting, you decide the best you can describe it as is some kind of big, furry spider - with no eyes. You've almost decided that it's actually just another mushroom before it notices you and skitters off. Creepy.

Reaper listened intently to all the instructions given by the Queens and Abraham upon arriving back to the House. The bickering held no interest in him, and just ignored it for the most part while he waited for the okay to step through the door. Once given, he followed the group through the portal... or gateway, whichever of the two it was and glanced around in amazement. A shame he more than likely wouldn't have been allowed to take pictures... Styxx would have loved to see this.

Since that was neither here nor there, the Pegacorn remained close to the group for the most part. He roamed to search down paths and what not, but would always return every so often just to check in and to be sure he wasn't left behind if someone else may have found a clue or the right path while he was gone. That seemed to be the case when a pony found a lantern. Returning when instructed to, he takes in the new landmark they were told to find and sets off.

With new information in tow, Reaper set off to find something like that. Venturing around, the shadow of something caught his eye where he glances up towards it. What is that? He asked himself, doing his best to get a better image. It was hard to see in the darker colors of the surroundings. Was it alive? No... that's a mushroom... right? Or... maybe not. Last he remembered, mushrooms don't move that much as the thing quickly made a hasty exit. So... there's other life down here... other than ponies that is. Interesting. Taking note, he continues his search.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 47 47
The archway!

Bloodless continued to wander with the rest of the ponies, almost aimlessly. At some point, they got momentarily separated from the group. It was during this windo wthat they found something interesting. It looked like a huge set of doors! A gentle squeak left them, their tail whisking side to side excitedly, before they noticed something in the middle. As they grew closer to the doors, they seemed sealed shut, with a small indentation in the doors. "What is this?" they hummed, glancing around for the group. Upon finding Abe, he said they would have to find something to charge it up. Immediately, Bloodless set about to find such an object.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 33 33
Spicy mushrooms!

In their search for an object to charge up the door, there seemed to be some light around a corner. Ears perked, Bloodless cautiously peeked around, finding a small opening wiht a cluster of mushrooms. They watched them for a few moments, before figuring it best not to try to eat flora in a realm that wasn't entirely their own. After all, anything here was made for ghosts and spirits, right? Probably not safe for a living creature like themself. However, as they turned to scurry back from whence they came, a tangy smell hit them, making them recoil, before they started to feel sleepy. "Goodness, I should have gotten rest instead of staying up fretting about this trip..." they murmured to themself.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 50 50
In a moment of insight, you wonder if there might be some merit to writing this whole adventure down. Sure, you haven't done anything spectacular yet, but it still makes for a weird story, right? Maybe you'll get your big break and become a famous author - Journey Into The Unknown: a Queen's Venture. You can see it now!

First time only: +1 AP

Turning his attention elsewhere, trying to find something of importance, thoughts started to come to Reaper's head. Not many will ever get the experience to venture into the afterlife like him and a few others have today, perhaps he should put what has happened to him on paper. Starting from the start of the Haunted House to the end, of whatever they may find. It would be a good way to make coins on the side… if only he was good at conveying his thoughts. He wasn’t much of a writer, unfortunately, and as much as he felt that others should know what this was like… he thought it best he stuck to his day job. He’s definitely telling his brother all about this though. Until then, he presses on.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 20 20
As you turn a corner, you come face to face with another pony. You startle, then realize it must be another explorer, so you laugh and apologize; soon after, though, their unsettling stare starts to creep at your spine, so you excuse yourself to continue traveling. After a few seconds, you realize you've never seen them before - but on returning to that spot, they've vanished without a trace.

First time only: +1 AP

So lost in his thoughts, the Pegacorn wasn’t entirely looking where he was going as he turned a corner to explore down another path. Nearly bumping face first into another pony quickly snapped him back to the reality, nearly rearing onto his hind legs as he backs up a bit to prevent a collision. Reaper cleared his throat in his embarrassment, bowing his head in apology to this pony. ”Oh… dreadfully sorry. I wasn’t paying much attention. I’m guessing you had no luck down this way?” He asked the other, only to receive an odd… discomforting stare. ”… Well, I guess I don’t see a need to go that way myself, so I’ll try another way. … Thank you.” With another bow, Reaper turned and walked away. It only took two steps for him to feel a chill run up his spine, realizing something. Spinning on his hooves to question the other pony, his eyes were wide to see that they weren’t there.

Was that a specter?! The stallion was giddy like a school filly now, nearly bouncing in place. Now wasn’t the time to fancolt, he had more searching to do.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 44 44
[A chance encounter]

So now they were looking for a stone Archway. The entire tunnel was basically stone so who knows what thats supposed to mean. Saga stumbled into a circular room. It was interesting architecture but it was a dead end. She had a feeling perhaps there was more to the room but for now it was of no use to her. She updated this location on her notebook scribbled map and backtracked to try another route. It feel like they were traveling through a mirror maze.. only without the mirrors.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 3 3
[ The path continues ]

Saga had heard the phrase "doing dirty work" before but she had no idea when she agreed she'd be doing literal dirt-y work. Travel to the other side they said. Explore and find the rulers to tell them about the gate being opened. No one mentioned ankle high dirt or a cave system that kept changing between humid and freezing. No wonder the Alicorns didnt want to do this themselves. Royalty never has to do any of the heavy lifting. This was supposed to be an honor but it feel like a huge ruse!

Saga's mental monologue was silenced as something cold squished under her hooves. She did not want to know what that was. She took a deep breath and tried to find one of the others from her group. Its not like the cave was wide.. how they kept getting separated was beyond her.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 12 12
[the path continues - snack time]

If felt like it had been years since Saga had last eaten though she knew it had been hours at most. Still, she found herself quite hungry. She had packed a couple granola bars due to their nutritional value. Hopefully food was still eatable on this side of the doorway. Since ghosts wouldn't need to eat, drink or sleep it was unclear what rules of natures applied here.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 39 39
[ 39: Someone's cranky! ]

Wei Ying followed, wondering just what was going to become of everything and everypony. This certainly wasn't what he'd expected when he first started along but it didn't really matter - he was here now and there was no turning back.

What there was, however, happened to be some bickering. What exactly were they talking about? Voices? If they were hearing voices that was probably something that needed to be mentioned, though sadly Wei Ying was a bit too deep into his own thoughts to properly address that.