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Stage Four: Into the Deep Unknown


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 37 37
37The path continues ...If your life was a narrative, you're fairly certain that the author would be tired of writing about tunnels and rocks by now.

It seemed to Nememus that this path would continue on forever. He wanted to find something so that the monotony would end, but he just kept dragging on. He had to continue searching as they hadn't found what they had been looking for quite yet. Eventually there had to be something besides just tunnels and rocks... Right?
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 6 6
Rocks fall, everybody... is fine.Squeezing through a narrow passageway, you're terrified for a moment as a few harmless rocks tumble down on top of your head. Thankfully, nothing worse happens, and after a few moments you feel safe to continue.

Nememus was surprised to continue on and find a small narrow passageway. He wasn't entirely certain he would fit through it as he wasn't the smallest of stallions, but he continued on anyways. If what they needed might be at the end of this passageway then he would be sure to get to it, regardless. He did look above and notice the rocks, they then tumbled down on top of his head and he was rather worried about the rocks, but when it seemed safe, he continued on.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 25 25
25The path continues ...A droplet of water hits your nose from a protrusion above. Are those stalactites, or stalagmites? It's always so hard to remember.

Nememus continued on the path he was on. Surely this must lead somewhere? He was certain eventually they would find what they needed. They just had to... but aside from this, he continued walking on his journey, taking in all of his surroundings. he noticed the Stalactites on the ceiling when a drop of water hit his nose. He was used to caves so he knew the difference between stalactites and Stalagmites.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 33 33
-1 Roll

Taking pictures, walking, so much walking, and Lydia swore she'd seen every inch of this place by now. She paused to snap yet again another picture when a bit off eerie glowing could be spotted out of the corner of her eye. She turned and was amazed by the glowing mushrooms, almost tempted to touch them before second-guessing her decision and instead snapping a quick picture. As she breezed past them , however, a wave of tiredness she hadn't expected hit her rather suddenly, and she had to stifle a yawn. Maybe she really had been out here just a little too long. Trying her best to shake off the feeling,s he pressed on.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 4 4
No sooner had she felt like she was ready for a nap, Lydia heard the skittering of something small running under hoof. she quickly looked around and watched the thing, whatever it was, disappear into a small hole. Frowning, she bent down to try and peek into the small space with little to no success, and trying to snap a picture with her flash on into the hole only succeeded in a blurry and very unusable image to show to the others. With a sigh, she gave up and decided to head back, for the time being at least. She was tired, she was getting a little peckish, and she felt like she was getting nowhere important.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 12 12
You wonder what you're going to have for dinner. This is taking a while - did anyone pack snacks?

After recouping long enough from his tumble, Reaper continued down a new path. He was beginning to think he would get stuck here in some shape of fashion. It was hard to tell which path he’s been down before, if anyone else had found anything importance or not. He can only assume nothing has been found, he hasn’t heard any yelling or other commotion to draw the crowd together. He doesn’t even know how long they’ve been in here for. It could have been a few minutes, or it could have been hours. His biggest thought right now, besides getting stuck, was food; he was getting rather hungry from all this searching.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 11 11
Blue, grey, teal - all these rocks are starting to blur together. It feels like you've been walking for hours, even if it's only been minutes.

Was literally just inwardly complaining about how everything looked the same a few minutes ago. At least, he thinks it was minutes ago. It was so hard to tell now. Reaper was beginning to feel that it would be better not to think too much on it, use all his effort to just focus on the search. With that in mind, he kept walking.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 22 22
Though the guide assured you the caves were definitely safe, you disagree; one wrong turn finds you trapped behind a wall of mud and rock! Thankfully, it doesn't seem like the collapse was terribly large, and with a bit of effort you free yourself - but wow, that could have been a lot worse.

The Pegacorn seemed to be experiencing a bit of deja vu. He doesn’t even know how, pretty sure he was paying attention where he was going this time. Some how, some way… he got stuck between rock and mud yet again. Was this fate? Was he supposed to be here in the afterlife for the rest of his? Could this even be the same spot he got stuck in before?! He hoped not. With a grumble, he freed himself from the confines and trots as far away as possible.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 8 8
Chart #2 - Roll 1d50 (Update A)
for a little while, you lose track of your group, and it strikes you how deathly quiet this cave system is. With chills running along your spine, you hurry back to make sure you know where everyone is.

She was lost in fact she was still lost there was no short time of it. but then she thought she saw everyone. Relief rushed though her. She recognized several of the ponies there. Moving back to the group she round a corner and stopped. she didn't hear any noise. it was strange. in fact she couldn't even hear the noise of the group. there was no dripping. no spider noises, no even mysterious skittering like before. it was more then a bit unnerving. Gulping hard she pushed ahead to try and get to the group again. She had only just seen them and didn't want to loose them again.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 10 10
Chart #2 - Roll 1d50 (Update A)
One of the side passages along the main tunnel you've chosen drops sharply into an inky black abyss. Not willing to see how far down it goes, you turn back to search elsewhere.

She turned to a side passage and was sure she was going to meet everyone again but stopped short a small pebble echoed in the darkness as it fell into the abyss. the noise was actually welcome but the sight was not. she had been so sure they had all been right there! Sighing she turned around and moved back the way she came once again. this place was messing with her. She felt more lost then she had before.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 7 7
Chart #2 - Roll 1d50 (Update A)
In a small alcove along a narrow side passage, you spot the soft glow of something that isn't a mushroom. Upon investigation, you realize it's a small slip of paper - how did that get here?

In a small alcove she thought she saw a glow it was slip of paper which stood out due to the strange world. She had seen it or one like it before. she riffled through her pack.... it was gone! she must have dropped it. investigating it was indeed the same slip of paper from before. she wrapped it up and stuffed it back into her bag. She must have dropped in at some point while she had been running or lost or slipping or something. Sighing again she frowned trying to think of all she had been through today.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 14 14
Once more, Bloodless found their attention drawn to the floor of the cave tunnels. After some time, they sat, and just gently nudged the hoof prints with their own hoof. Counting. Wondering what kind of ghostly ponies could leave hoof prints if they were so... What was the word? Smokey? Ethereal? How does one describe a ghost?
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 49 49
[The Path Continues...Breeze]

A brief cold breezes rushes up behind Saga. It was the kind of breeze youd expect to feel if someone ran past you quickly while you stood still. Only this wasn't a possibility as Saga was in a closed in cave, and no one was behind her. There was no visible cracks or openings in the cave wall that could be moving air. Of course. First an endless maze, then spiders, now a ghost breeze breathing down her neck. She never should've signed up for this.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 38 38
A slippery slope!

After some time, Bloodless decided perhaps they should get back up and back to figuring out this archway problem. Taking another turn in the tunnel, their hoof suddenly fell out from under them and they went sliding down the slope. "Help!" they shouted out, ears pressed against their skull as they slid. The tunnel didn't go too far, thankfully, but it was very narrow. Even one as small and slender as Bloodless would have a hard time getting back up because they couldn't get their wings to fly.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 20 20
Saga moved through the tunnels with haste as she was getting quite irritated no one had found the way out yet. Not watching where she was going she slammed right into another pony. She apologized and looked up only to find it was the same creepy starring pony from earlier. She quickly got to her feet but by the time she composed herself the figure had vanished once again. Was a spirit stalking her now?! Why couldn't she just discover a new species of mushroom or something simple like that instead of spirits and creatures of the realm?
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 27 27
Rather on edge now Saga hummed some classical music to herself. The sound bounced around the walls of the cave which was far less annoying than the other events that had happened today. She noticed however that the sound vibrating back was off key.. perhaps it was just how the sound was being vibrated and fedback to her but it seemed as if someone was trying to mimic her toon.. poorly.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 3 3
The path continues ... :: Nobody told you that you'd be roaming through grubby caves today, did they? Royalty, you swear.

There was so much here that the young stallion could do without. First was the whispers, then was the shinies...he was not liking any of this. He blinked as his clawed foot met something muddy and gross. His doctor instinct was so done with this place. He flicked out his claw with a wince.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 32 32
Unusual carving? :: In an otherwise nondescript section of the wall, you find a small carving of what looks like a crown with a ">P" face beside it. Now who would put that there?

There was a long, long pause from the stallion as he stared at the carving. Who here had one of the most childish mindsets he's ever had to witness? He honestly wanted to know. One muddy claw twitched as he looked around then reached out to draw in mud underneath it.

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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 38 38
[ 38: A slippery slope! ]

Where was that blasted archway?? Wei Ying was about to just decide to wait it out when suddenly he found himself stepping poorly. The ground seemed to completely vanish from beneath his hooves and down the Suli went, rolling and tumbling in an absolutely ungraceful mess.

When he came to a stop he was down, a good bit from where he needed to bit, and covered in scratches and bruises. This was...not good, and it seemed like getting back up was going to take so much time.

This seriously was becoming more trouble than it was worth.

[ -1 roll ]


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 6 6
[ 6: Rocks fall, everybody... is fine. ]

Sore and tired, Wei Ying continued to move along in hopes that he wouldn't slide down again. He carefully watched his steps while looking around for the well as for a few other ponies. Hopefully he hadn't wandered around enough to be apart from the crowd, though with how wide these tunnels were there was a chance he could move about for ages and not see any pony.

Or, in the case of just now, have rocks drop on his head. It stung and sent him staggering a little, but not enough for serious damage.

Seriously though, this was too much.
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