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Stage Four: Into the Deep Unknown


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 6 6
Chart #3 - Roll 1d50

Walking among the well-lit paths of the mushroom caverns seems almost dreamlike, with the colors slowly winding from cyan to deep azure, and from rippling azure to sullen violet before glimmering back to that brighter tone. How such enchanting beauty exists unknown is a fanciful topic, and perhaps suited for the easy contemplation in such a setting, but you are unfortunately diverted from your thoughts by a particularly strange misstep.

As you step down into a slight indent, you're taken by surprise as you touch down into much softer ground. Moments later, you realize it isn't ground at all as a cloud of spores rises up around you, swirling upward into the glimmering light in a wave of a thousand colors - some familiar, and some strange to your eyes. You stumble backward, coughing and sneezing, but you find that the strange spores are absolutely clinging to you, leaving you awash in new tones.

Try as you might, you can't seem to get them to come off; you only hope they give up and fall off or can be washed off eventually.

First time only: Gain Covered in spores.

Sill more then a little lost she she found her tiredness may be adding the the dreamlike quality of the place. she was getting lost in the land and amazing landscape around her when the misstep made her jump with a gasp. the fine mist of spores that covered her made her sneeze and when the sneezing fit was over she was more multicolor madness then she had been before. she tried to wipe them off but nothing would let her. using her claws she found the fine spores just seemed small enough to slip past them. cursing she tired to get them off with more fever which just left her exhausted and annoyed.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 6 6
Covered in spores.

She remained in that cavern panting and still sneezing occasionally she was covered in the mess and it wouldn't come off she made a misstep making more spores come up which lead to a sneezing fit once more. It seemed to take ages to settle down and when it did she had to pull a scrap of cloth out of her bag and wet it with water and hold it under her nose to stop the sneezing from getting worse again. it was the worst allergies she had ever experienced.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 6 6
She had to keep wiping her nose and taking nice slow breaths into the rag. her voice was turned horse from the spores and she was mentally curing her guide for not warning her that yes allergens existed even in the afterlife. it was her own private horror at this point. Closing her eyes she tried to stay immune to the shifting hues around her as she still found herself fascinated by them
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 36 36
(( You're startled by a drop of icy-cold something running down your back... only to discover it was simply a drop of water from a rock above. Whew, but also cold!))

Kandy was practically prancing along beside her group after eating two delicious chocolate chip cookies. She trotted after her group, hooves pitter-pattering on the ground, before letting out a yelp of surprise and jumping nearly a foot in the air. Her wings shifting wildly as she looked around, she eventually found herself looking up, and spotted the long, pointed rocks dripping water. With a snort of annoyance, she shook it off, the chill still on her fur, before she looked around sheepishly at her peers.

"Heh, heh... I'm fine." She assured them. "Just got surprised by the water. Totally fine."

((4/4 rolls))
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 25 25
A thought occurs to you... :: While you've seen a few things here and there, don't caves usually have more, you know, inhabitants?

Even in his bordem a thought hit him like ice down his back. Others. Where were the natives to this place? Was everyone hiding? He thought to ask their guide as to where everyone was. Then thought against it as their guide had better things to do than to think about that.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 27 27
There's nothing here. Just more rocks.

Reaper looked around the new area when they stepped into the archway, taking note of all the lovely looking mushrooms around the cave. But, after separating from the group to look for the next clue… well, it was highly disappointing. Nothing of wonder as far as the eye could see. In fact, there doesn’t seem to be anything around. Well, maybe it was because they were in a new area and just started searching. He really hoped so.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 17 17
There's nothing here. Just more rocks.

Perhaps he spoke too soon? Venturing further around the caves, Reaper looked here and there… to and fro… back and forth. Just nothing, whatsoever. Just colorful mushrooms. Not that he was complaining too much, they were pretty to look at… but they didn’t come here to look for mushrooms. Well, not much can be done besides to keep searching.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 43 43
You come across one of your other team members, and after a few minutes of talking, they offer you a delicious looking cookie. You eat it happily, grateful for something to munch on.

This one seems to be chocolate chip!

Once a day: Gain +1 rolls

As Reaper kept going, he was relieved to see one of the others of the team. While his main focus was looking for the next path, he decided that some interaction with an actual pony would be nice given his ordeal in the previous area. Honestly, he was surprised when the conversation lead to the cookie being offered. The Pegicorn wasn’t normally a fan of sweets, but he wasn’t going to turn down the kind gesture. Besides, he was getting rather peckish. After enjoying the cookie, he thanked the other pony for the snack and their time; excusing himself to continue searching soon after.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 18 18
You continue your search for the way through the caverns. They really are quite rocky.

Motivated from his little snack, Reaper kept going through the caves. Once again, nothing doesn’t seem to be very fruitful. Just rocks, rocks, and more rocks. Sure, it was a cave. There were bound to be rocks all over the place, but this was silly. He was kind of curious if there were creatures that lived among these rocks, but only time would tell.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 3 3
You find a strange fungus in the shape of what you're fairly certain is a celebrity's head. Or maybe it's a piece of broccoli? You're not certain, but it'll make a fun story anyway.
Gain +1AP.

She left the place of pulsing hues to find herself in a more stable hued section of the caves she came across a strange looking mushroom. even though she was covered in spores she took time to smile at the strange shape. it was a nice change of place in the area that had proven to be so unsafe already with it's slick floors and missteps..


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 13 13
Chart #3 - Roll 1d50
There's nothing here. Just more rocks.

continuing past the funky little mushroom. she kept wandering and found nothing more then rocks and cave. it was assuring that nothing strange or scary was happening at least. after everything that happened she wanted a shower and sleep. that would be preferable to the madness before her
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 7 7
Chart #3 - Roll 1d50
you hear something scuttling on the rock above, but when you tilt your head up, you see nothing there. Something about the way it sounded makes your skin crawl, and you can't wait to get out of this place. You just hope whatever's past this isn't as creepy as the cave...

She was just thinking she might be able to find the others and actually maybe convince them to take a break so she could catch some sleep or perhaps one of them might know how to get the spores off of her but then the noise started. it was unnerving. she looked all around seeing nothing. the hairs on her neck stood up and she quickened her pace groaning.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 38 38
[38: A curious echo ]

So they managed to make it out of the cave into something even more annoying. All the excitement, the want Wei Ying had been feeling was ebbing. His wounds hurt, this was getting them nowhere, and if they were meant to be finding anything it sure felt like nothing was coming up.

Voices were echoing all around, bouncing from the walls, but he paid it no real mind.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 20 20
[ 20: Unexpected visages? ]

The scrapes from his fall were starting to annoy him, and he wished he could bother someone for a spot of healing. No need to continue on this little fancy adventure if he was injured enough that it ached, right? Perhaps he should seek out a unicorn, see if any of them knew basic healing (for he certainly didn't).

His search had him see something....all together strange, and it certainly wasn't a unicorn. A sort of fungus, shaped in a manner unlike anything he'd seen before.

This place was weird.

[ gained 1 AP ]


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 33 33
[ 33: Beautiful luminescence ]

The search for the unicorn or whatever else they were supposed to be doing continued, and Wei Ying just sighed and looked around in hopes that somehow everyone would find what they needed and this could end? Continue? Who even knew - he'd almost forgotten that this was supposed to maybe be dangerous enough that they'd get paid over it - but yes.

A small area of the wall all lit up looked rather pretty, and the Suli stopped to look at it. Something about it really was rather fetching, but it didn't make up for his growing sourness.

Still, really pretty.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 39 39
Oh, what pretty glowing mushrooms! Persephone cooed softly as their guide spoke, somewhat catching his words; she had to catch up with one of her teammates before she understood that it was still investigation time. Into the new big tunnel ahead, then! Where hopefully she wouldn't get herself stuck in more hoofprints...


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 6 6
[ gained covered in spores ]

Persephone found herself tilting her head this way and that as the colors shifted from cave branch to cave branch. Would she be allowed to keep any at the end of this? Was that against some sort of customs law? Oh, she hoped-

The pixie sank into the ground again, not from an embedded hoofprint but into a colony of the shrooms. Coughing, she found herself quickly covered.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 15 15
"Uh oh..."

The sneeze attacks commenced. Try as she might, Persephone couldn't get all of the spores that clung to her moth fluff out, so she resorted to covering her mouth and nose with part of her cloak for now. Already alert to her body, she jumped a bit when cold water trickled onto her hide, jerking her gaze up at the offending stalactite with her tongue stuck out.

"I need a bath, not a drip!"


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 23 23
Stalactite attack! :: You're startled by a drop of icy-cold something running down your back... only to discover it was simply a drop of water from a rock above. Whew, but also cold!

He shivered at that. Darn caves. He sighed as he kept going. His wings flickered out of sheer instinct to get the cold wet thing off him. He groaned at the feeling, he HATED that feeling. His wings were sensitive. With a glare to the rocks above he kept on going. That nearly made him bolt.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 13 13
Nothing at all... :: There's nothing here. Just more rocks.

The caverns seemed endless. Passhon was coming to the conclusion that this place was not made for guests. It was made to keep intruders out. He hummed softly as he kept walking. How long would it take them to get to where they needed to be? Too long he thought, who knew if the outside world had a time slip going on while they were in here.
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