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Stage Four: Into the Deep Unknown


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 43 43
[ 43: A much-needed snack ]

Something apparently had changed in the caves, not that Wei Ying could really tell? He knew at the very least that the next part couldn't be too far ahead. Hopefully whatever was next had less rocks and mushrooms and more literally anything else. That was doubtful but holding on to vain hopes was all he had left with the sore hooves, scrapes, and everything else the Suli had accumulated over his stint in the darkness.

After a bit more wandering, it was a welcome relief to suddenly get a snack from a team member. Tasty, more than welcome, and slightly energizing.

[ +1 roll gain! ]


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 46 46
[ 46: An odd find ]

Fueled with a snack, Wei Ying continued on looking for whatever they were supposed to be looking for. The exit right? Or at least a sign of the path they needed to be taking? The mushrooms probably were a clue, as were all the ponies he had seen covered in those weird spores but just what would it amount to?

So far all it seemed like he was finding were cookies and another one of those...weird slips of paper? He added it to the rest, Wei Ying wondering just what exactly it was going to be used for. Would the Queens be buying it off all of them when they got back?

[ gained +1 spector ticket second visit! ]
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 7 7
[ 7: Skin-crawling skittering ]

A ticket of sorts, a cookie, and still some aches and pains. What would come next? The exit, if Wei Ying was being painfully optimistic, or maybe literally anything he could count on to enjoy and - what was that sound?

Something overhead was making a noise that set his hairs on their end, and the Suli looked up wondering if he'd see anything. Only darkness followed - something that made it even worse - and the sound continued.

Unsurprisingly, Wei Ying increased his pace to get away from there. This was not okay.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 45 45
[ 45: Glimmering lights ]

With the last bit of energy he'd gotten from the cookie from earlier, Wei Ying made another push for the moment. There were still things he needed to look for, to find, and he wanted to make sure to get his questions answered before he got home. For he would be returning home, that was never in doubt. Remaining here was impossible unless his answer was here, in which case that bridge would be crossed when Wei Ying got there.

For now he enjoyed the lights that glimmered and sparkled, a sight he probably would never have seen anywhere else. It was indeed beautiful, but not enough to stop his progress and stall his hopes.

[ gain +1 AP ]
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 1 1
It's a cave :: You continue your search for the way through the caverns. They really are quite rocky.

Well this couldn't get any more boring. Could it? He sighed as he kicked at a rock as he went along. Things changed in this place the whole time. Why wouldn't it be any different now? Another deeper sigh before he kept on going. No use bemoaning what's right in front of you. Waste of energy and time.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 48 48
It's gone now. :: There's nothing here but a non-descript patch of mushroom-less dirt.

...Wait...wait a gosh darn seasonal minute!!! Passhon glanced around the area with a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. Why was he the one to find these sorts of places? The creepy wasteland type places that would have his extended family so darn happy to prance in. He whimpered as he crept along.


Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 3 3
Unexpected visages? ::
You find a strange fungus in the shape of what you're fairly certain is a celebrity's head. Or maybe it's a piece of broccoli? You're not certain, but it'll make a fun story anyway.

Gain +1AP.

He blinked at the fungus. Sitting as he tilted his head he spoke outloud. "I don't see it? It is suppose to be somepony?" he shrugged before he looked around. "Maybe its a new Dullahan Head...I should ask Aria when I get back to the grove..." He stood up to keep going. Maybe they would find their way out eventually.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 17 17
Surely that little fiasco with spores would've given them a start into a new direction, right? Lydia murmured silently to herself when she came across yet another section of caves with nothing new to discover. they were supposed to be on to new adventures by now, with ghosts around every corner! she whined to herself, and if she were any more of a child, she might stomp a hoof over it. She was debating another break, maybe if they went back to that weird little campsite, she could squeeze info out of that little fidgety figure from before...


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 1 1
Nothing after nothing.... she was sure she was walking in circles. Wait, WAS she walking in circles? Curious, she drew a small figure on the cave floor in the dirt, carefully walking around it and making sure nothing disturbed her little scribble. Her camera was, after all, technology, and that could be messed with just as much as a drawing in the dirt, but she figured maybe a ghost wouldn't be able to disturb it as much? She pressed onward, making a few lefts and HAH! THIS WAS- No, wait. The drawing wasn't here. Huh, guess she wasn't getting twisted around...


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 17 17
More dirt. you know what? Lydia sighed and walked off to the side, giving up. She needed to rest, her hooves were hurting, and this little escapade was proving to be more work than she'd have liked. She pried off her boots to give her hooves a little breather, setting them to the side with a sigh. Why? She pouted silently, why couldn't they just pop in for some ghost tea and then go about their lives at home? She was starting to question if this was all going to be worth it. She was pretty sure she'd orgotten what they were here for, not that she'd been paying much attention after the world 'travel to a ghost realm' came up...


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 11 11
There's nothing here. Just more rocks.

It was going so good. Reaper found another pony, and even though they were a little odd and not helpful… it was a new lead. But now, after trying to follow that trail of spores, it was nothing but rocks, rocks and rocks again. He sighed, hoping he could find the trail again.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 16 16
You can hear some of the others talking behind you, but the cavern walls make their voices bounce and echo in the strangest of ways. It certainly makes everything seem livelier than it actually is, though whether or not that's a good thing ...

If nothing but rocks wasn’t bad enough, that echo was back. His ears flatten against his head, grumbling to himself as he tried his best to block the noise bouncing around the walls in every which direction. It was distracting. Perhaps this was the reason why he kept losing his way.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 19 19
Something in the air hits you suddenly and intensely; it's a smell, something you can't identify but reminds you of somewhere you might call home. It makes an ache form deep in your chest, squeezing as though it might wrench your heart from your body; desperately you want to find the source, the whole of your being wracked by an intense need to satisfy that overwhelming nostalgia.

...imagine your surprise when you realize it's coming from a patch of mold. Ew.

Gain +1 AP.

After some time, the echoing stopped and something else hit his senses. Once again, he smelled something delicious and familiar. Though, not familiar enough to remind him what the source was. So for a second time, after following the positively delightful aroma, he comes to the location where it was coming from to find nothing but disappointment at finding mildew in its place. Gross.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 38 38
You can hear some of the others talking behind you, but the cavern walls make their voices bounce and echo in the strangest of ways. It certainly makes everything seem livelier than it actually is, though whether or not that's a good thing ...

Trying to get as far away from the mildew as possible, Reaper could hear the murmuring bouncing against the cave walls. Not this again. He thought with a groan. Ears practically pinned to his head once again, he trotted through the area as fast as he could in hopes to get away before he lost his mind.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 8 8
You're really quite struck by the beautiful luminescence in this section of the cavern. The mushrooms grow in strangely swirled patterns, creating an almost purposeful artistry from nature.

Reaper eventually got away from the echo, again. He couldn’t help but wonder how long it would be before the noise plagued him once more, letting out a sigh with a shake of his head at the horrible thought. At least the amazing sight of those glowing mushrooms were a small relief of that thought, taking a small break to enjoy the lights they produced.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d50 35 35
As you travel, you note that patches with no mushroom or lichen are actually quite rare - enough that when you see a spot of dirt with nothing on it, you pause to take a moment and examine it. As it turns out, there's a small section of stone that's actually movable, revealing a small hole in the ground with a tiny charm inside. Excitedly, you pick it up, relishing in this miniature treasure hunt you didn't know you were on!

Please immediately copy and paste the PRIZE CLAIM form into a new post. This prize is restricted to 1 persons. If another person rolls it before lore team gets here, they will not gain a prize.

Passhon tilted his head as he moved the stone to the side. Blinking in wonderment. He sat as he dug into the ground a little. This was going to be a fun trip if he was able to get a trinket. If not, eh at least he had a fun story to tell.
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