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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ StoneClan Leader's Den ]

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran

Stepping into a modestly sized cave in the side of the cliff face, you are greeted by StoneClan's leader with a dutiful nod of acknowledgment,
"Welcome to my den, how may I be of service?"

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StoneClan is currently accepting new members!
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Welcome to The Leader's Den, where information about StoneClan is stored. The warrior code, basic clan notations, and joining/name earning/mentoring forms will take place here. All forms will receive a quoted response and should not be deemed accepted or rejected until a response is received. Approvals and rejections will be based on what the leader feels is right.

Questions and concerns can be DM'd to Blinded By Silence on Basilisk Stew, or through the Cats of the Sun Discord. Other clans may use similar formatting for theirs if they wish and do not need to ask for permission.

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[ StoneClan's Residents ]
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
  • Defend your clan, even at the cost of your life.
  • Hunt only to feed the clan, for without prey there are no hunters.
  • The clan eats together to ensure every cat is fed. The ill may eat within their sick dens.
  • Hold the elders, queens, and kits in high regard, for without them there is no clan.
  • At six moons old, kits become paws and must work hard to earn their clan name. Only then, once they've proven themselves, do they bear the rank of Warrior.
  • Any cat who asks for help deserves the aid of the clan.
  • Blood does not need to be spilled when words can fix the problem.
  • The word of the leader is code.
- - -

Just as the stone is the same as the mountain it fell from, StoneClan holds true to a lot of old MountainClan ideals. They are traditionalists who lean into routine and ritual. Their days begin with a dawn patrol of their borders, just as they did back in the Red Mountains. Another patrol mimics the first at sun-high and dusk, and their reports help give the clan the information it needs to proceed. Hunting parties are sent out in rotating locations; ever since the drought, the clan has been careful not to overindulge in their new home. The rest of the clan goes about their day, mentors train their apprentices, and cats of all ages care for the clan. StoneClan eats as one, both as an homage to their beginnings and also to ensure that every cat gets at least a bite of fresh-kill. This happens twice daily, after the return of the morning and evening hunting groups. If a cat is unable to eat with the group, food will be brought to them.

When tough decisions need to be made, the Sunseer will call for the casting of stones. There is a pile of small stones gathered in the center of the Stone Circle, one for every cat in the clan old enough to catch their own prey. The clan will gather here and once the options are presented, they will vote with their stone. The results of the casting become the Sunseer's word and thus must be obeyed.

StoneClan not only believes in SunClan but also that SunClan followed them here on their journey from the Mountains. They know that the dead cats walk among them, carrying visions and wisdom to those who can hear it. To them, SunClan is simply a fact of life, not a simple belief in something unknown.

StoneClan is not violent. They often choose to talk diplomatically rather than solve their problems with tooth and claw. StoneClan cats are taught that patience and loyalty are the most important things a cat can have. They are well-spoken, and typically good problem solvers. However, by putting fighting on the back burner, not many cats are skilled in battle. They can also be stubborn and stuck in their ways. They know what they like and don't often stray from it.

If help is requested, the clan will do what is in their power and then send them on their way. Kits and pregnant cats will not be turned away. Loners who prove themselves loyal will be welcomed and trained in their ways. Loners and Kittypets that join StoneClan are required to adopt a clan-style name and will enter as apprentices. They are given a mentor to help ease them into clan life.

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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
The following forms will need to be filled out in order to play as a StoneClan cat.
  • Birth - When a queen gives birth, her owner will need to post a form here to that the roster can be updated.​
  • Joining - When a Loner, Kittypet, or Warrior from another clan is looking to join StoneClan, you must post their application here. @Blinded By Silence will react to your post with 👌 if approved, 😡 for denial, and 🐸 if roleplay is required.​
  • Naming Ceremony - When your cat is ready to take on their next name, please post with this form. Please note whether or not you want a written ceremony or not.​
  • Mentoring - Please use this form to add your official record of mentoring to your cat. Either the Mentor or Mentee may post this, but it must include a link to a roleplay between the two as they undergo their training together. Please note that you can do this even after your Apprentice has grown to their Warrior Stage.​
  • Leaving - If your cat wishes to leave the clan, post this form here so that the roster can be updated.​
  • Death - While this isn't the place to collect your cat's stored DP, please try and post here when your cat moves on to SunClan so that the roster can be updated.​
Birth Form​
[B][COLOR=rgb(83, 180, 231)][SIZE=5]Welcome A New Generation[/SIZE][/COLOR]
mother [/B]link to mother's cert
[B]father[/B] link to father's cert
- link to kit's cert
- link to kit's cert
- link to kit's cert (add more if needed)

Request to Join​
[B][COLOR=rgb(128, 145, 249)][SIZE=5][CAT NAME HERE] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer[/SIZE][/COLOR]
username [/B]your username here
[B]cat [/B]please link to your cat's cert
[B]reason for joining [/B] please roleplay your cat approaching Sunseer with their request to join. Based on what you write here, Sunseer will reply with their approval or denial, or maybe even a request.

Naming Ceremony​
[B][COLOR=rgb(190, 157, 251)][SIZE=5]By The Powers Of SunClan, I Give You Your Warrior Name...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
username[/B] your username here
[B]cat[/B] please link to your cat's cert
[B]previous name
new name
reason for change[/B] why is your cat's name changing? is this an apprentice becoming a warrior? or a cat earning a new name for some feat? why this name in particular? 
[b]would you like a ceremony?[/b] please @ blinded by silence if so, and sunseer will respond to this post with a personalized ceremony just for your cat!

Mentor Assignment​
[B][COLOR=rgb(170, 95, 194)][SIZE=5]It Is Time For You To Be Apprenticed...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
apprentice[/B] please link to the apprentice's cert here
[B]mentor[/B] please link to the mentor's cert here
[B]roleplay[/B] in order for this to count towards your DP reward, you must complete a roleplay between the apprentice and their mentor with the focus being their training

Leaving the Clan​
[B][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(139, 88, 183)]So Long And Fare Well[/COLOR][/SIZE]
username [/B]your username here
[B]cat [/B]please link to your cat's cert
[B]why are they leaving? [/B]you do not need approval for leaving

Death Form​
[B][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]May SunClan Guide Your Paws...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
username[/B] your username here
[B]cat[/B] please link to your cat's cert
[B]how did they die?[/B] tell us the story of the final chapter of your cat's life. how will they be remembered?

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Long-Term Resident
[WHIRL] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat cert
reason for joining Whirl padded silently around the river's edge, scouting out the area and sniffing around to see if it was already occupied, marked as another cat's territory. She had spent most of her life exploring different bodies of water, and learning how to navigate water of all kinds. Ponds, lakes, streams, brooks, rivers, rapids, whirlpools... at this point the only kind of water she was nervous about was waterfalls, and that was mostly because she didn't particularly like how it felt to fall. Whirlpools were dangerous, and a couple had almost kept her under the water for too long, but she was drawn to them, and her coat was marked with them besides. She was dismayed to find that the territory was, indeed, marked, but perhaps a stretch of the river would be unclaimed and she could live nearby it?

Then, as she turned to walk away and continue exploring, she realized another cat stood nearby in the shadows. Only the slight shifting of the wind carried the scent over to alert her of the presence of the stranger. She turned and cautiously approached. "Hello," she said. "I'm called Whirl. This is your territory, isn't it. Do you know if there are any parts of the river that are unclaimed? I would like to live by the water. Maybe eventually I will find some found family too, but the water is most important." Then she realized she was talking at a complete stranger and she stopped talking abruptly. Her tail flicked as she thought about what to do next if the river wasn't available anywhere near here. Perhaps she would swim to the other side? Then she chided herself a bit and refocused on the current situation. Planning ahead was for later, if it became necessary. (295)

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Sunseer had been laying loaf-life with his paws outstretched, his greying muzzle lifted to feel the sun's warmth. His eyes were closed, his lips moving as he quietly spoke. The Sunspot had quickly become a sacred place, and, although he would not say so aloud, he enjoyed this place far more than the dark and dusty Cave of Visions back in the mountains. The older leader had shifted right back into his old habit of visiting with his ancestors after he had woken.

While his eyes no longer saw anything but blinding white, he heard the she-cat approach from downriver. His murmurs stopped and he turned his head to the sound, eyes closed. He waited until she was in speaking distance, ready to inform her of where she stood, but it seemed she already knew. He closed his open mouth and waited for her to finish.

"It is," He said simply, his voice calm but firm, "My clan has marked this land, yes. We are StoneClan and I am the Sunseer, it's leader. Well met, Whirl." He stood now and turned his head to face her from his stony perch, "We agree, water is most important. Unfortunately, there isn't much of this river that is unclaimed, not for a few days travel." He gave a small smile at her mention of found family. The loners here seemed very accepting, a blessing he thanked SunClan for each and every day. "You are welcome to rest with us, should you need to. I can have a patrol escort you to our borders if you wish to seek out some of the unclaimed river." He felt the sun brighten, warming his dark fur. Sunseer sat down, tucking his tail neatly over his paws, a low rumbling purr in his chest, "Unless of course, you are tired of searching as we were. If you accept our ways, you are welcome to join us."



Long-Term Resident
Whirl's eyes closed and opened in a slow blink. Stay here, with a clan of cats? It hadn't even occurred to her that this was a possibility. She had just assumed that the area was claimed by a single cat, and upon hearing it was a group she had also immediately assumed that it was not a place that you could join up with. Clowders tended to be closed groups, or require that you pass some sort of test or trial period before you would be welcomed - or at least, that had been her experience thus far. A clan more welcoming than that was a welcome surprise, especially one that already had this kind of water in its territory. She sat down and flicked her tail some more as she lost herself in thought a bit. Did she want her own territory, or did she want to join a group? It was a big decision, but it was one she already had an answer to, deep down, if only she slowed down enough to listen and admit it to herself.

The swirl coated molly already knew she was done wandering and wanted to settle down, but the thing she rarely admitted was that she truly *needed* to live in a group of cats where she was love and accepted, and was able to love and accept in turn. Usually she would only admit that it was something she would like at some arbitrary future point. The offer out of the blue to stay here was surprising but very welcome, and she took it as a sign that it was meant to be.

Whirl looked up, meeting the StoneClan leader's eyes. "Please tell me about your ways, so that I can be certain I can abide by them, and if we are in agreement I would love to accept your very generous offer," she said. (315 / 610)

@Blinded By Silence


Stew Aficionado
By The Powers Of SunClan, I Give You Your Warrior Name...
cat xXx
previous name Rumble
new name Rumbleheart
reason for change Rumble was a loner who joined StoneClan shortly after its founding, alongside his newfound love, Minnowclaw. He tussled with the name change for a long time, though he's worked his tailless booty off to prove to everyone he's more than just a -paw. So this name change would be when Sunseer finally sees fit to bestow upon Rumblepaw his full clan name. The name would be chosen because Rumblepaw has such a huge heart and carries it with him wherever he goes, helping those in need.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Sunseer padded to the clan's new meeting place, the Stone Circle, and gently tested the center stone's height with a paw before leaping on to it. He raised his head and called out, "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet at the Stone Circle for a clan meeting!"

The older tom waited patiently, his long tail tucked neatly over his paws, his clouded eyes closed as he listened to the pleasant sound of his clan moving on to the stones that circled him. Once they settled in, he smiled and said, "It is time that one of our Apprentices has been given his Warrior name. Step forward Rumble."

He felt the large cat step onto the rock beside him, graceful despite his size. In a voice that carried with it the traditions of the Mountains, he said, "I, the Sunseer of StoneClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn."

He purred, feeling the warmth of the sun on his face. Continuing, he turned to face Rumble, "Rumble, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

He smiled proudly at the tom's answer, "Then by the powers of SunClan, I give you your warrior name. Rumble, from this moment on, you will be known as Rumbleheart. SunClan honors your honesty and giving nature, and we welcome you as a full warrior of StoneClan."

Sunseer felt for Rumbleheart's head, chuckling softly as the tom knelt down for him. He rested his muzzle between the tom's ears and purred as the new warrior completed the ceremony with a lick. They parted, and Sunseer welcomed him with his new name.

"Rumbleheart! Rumbleheart!" The clan echoed around them.


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
The older tom purred and smiled warmly, gesturing to the new cat that she follow him.

"Welcome, Whirlpaw. Allow me to take you to meet the others."

- - -

Whirl has been accepted! Please find her a mentor and you are welcome to get her reverted as "Whirlpaw" with the rank of Apprentice if you'd like. Once you have a name for her, you can repost here for a naming ceremony!



Stew Aficionado
[Mama] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Mama
reason for joining Mama had been a loner for his entirety. He was comfortable for a while, flitting between Twoleg houses and being fed, but then going out to the pond when he wanted to feel the uncut grasses under his toes. It was only as he began to get a little older, a little slower, that the round-bellied cat decided that he should find somewhere to settle. He'd heard plenty about the so called "Clans" popping up around the neighborhood, secluded far enough away from the suburbs not to be considered eligible strays for Twoleg adoptors, but large enough that it didn't take Mama long to locate one of them.

He assumed they were all the same - so when he came upon the StoneClan territory first, it didn't even occur to him to look for LostClan or TreeClan. Clan cats were clan cats - they had a large community and relied on one another for protection and food. Mama could join in on that vibe, he was certain. It certainly didn't take long for a trio of cats to notice him lingering at the scent borders and after some brisk interrogation, Mama found himself standing in front of a cat called Sunseer.

It sure looks like he stared into the sun long enough. The fluffy tomcat thought, staring at the milky eyes of the Clan leader in front of him. Still, appearances could be deceiving, he knew that well enough; blind or not, this cat was the leader of a clan, which had to mean something respectable.

He sat there, unsure if he was meant to start speaking first or if he should let the leader begin. After a pregnant pause, Mama finally said.
"Hello." and then, "I would very much like to join your Clan, Sir." @Blinded By Silence
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Graybreeze Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Graybreeze
reason for joining The new Stoneclan had finally settled into their new home. The gray queen had waited for a quiet time before approaching the leader.

"Sunseer. It's Graybreeze. I'm here to officially be counted." She was older now. The journey had taken a told upon her, but she wasn't quite ready for the elder's den yet.

Splitnose Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Splitnose
reason for joining
"Um. Do I come in? Should I stay outside?" The divided tom peeked his head inside. "Hi Sunseer." He waved a paw. "Just letting you know I'm all settled in."

So Long And Fare Well
cat Stormsong
why are they leaving? Stormsong has done his warrior duty and seen his clan safely to their new home. Now the regret of leaving his sister behind has weighed so heavily on his mind, that he has decided to return and see if she is still alive.

So Long And Fare Well
cat Flamepelt
why are they leaving? He's spent some time among the rocks and has decided its not for him. He wants to be closer to the light.

So Long And Fare Well
cat Nightfur
why are they leaving? She wants something more, but she's not sure what exactly that is yet.


Stew Aficionado
[Cornflake] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Cornflake
reason for joining Cornflake had always known she was meant for something better than a kittypet's life. Sure, she didn't know how to hunt, or do find water on her own, really, or to live without a constant supply of chicken flavored treats, but... she was determined to prove to her brother, Reese, that she could live on her own! She'd always had a knack for escaping her Twolegs' den, no matter the precautions they took to try and keep her inside. Sure, she tended to come back from her adventures into the wilderness battered and beat, but the fire inside of her was far from leaving her.

You can imagine her excitement when she found StoneClan, a group of feral cats living near the river. She wanted to become a warrior! She could put her kittypet past behind her - this was her chance, no... this was her DESTINY! Her last interaction with her brother had been the night before - he'd condemned her to a fate of safety, claiming that she wouldn't last a night out on her own in the woods, but now... She found herself grinning up at the StoneClan leader. Now she could survive out in the woods, but she wouldn't be alone.

That is, if they accepted her. A ripple of nervous energy slid over her spine and she shuffled her paws, not having yet sat down yet. Would that be impolite? Did wild cats have manners? They certainly had procedures, but that wasn't quite the same. Eventually, after such an extensive pause, Cornflake couldn't keep quiet any longer.

"Hello, my name is Cornflake, I was named cause I made a mess with the cereal the first time I learned how to jump as a kitten -oh but, I've grown up since then! I'm no where near as messy," She assured the tomcat in front of her. Mostly. She added quietly to herself, before her mouth ran off without her again. "I've always known I was meant to be more than a kittypet, and I am here to join your clan and be a great fighter, hunter, warrior, all of it! Give me a chance, I'll prove myself tenfold! I'll um, I'll be the best outsider turned warrior you're ever gonna see, uh, well not see, cause, uh, you can't see me, can you?" She waved a paw at the tomcat and then flushed with embarrassment. "Not that that matters! But if you're blind and leader, then... well surely there's a good chance that I could become a warrior even after becoming a kittypet, right? That must be right..." She trailed off, mostly thinking aloud at that point, before coming to attention.

"I'll be good, I promise! Pleeeeease let me join your club!" She exclaimed at last.

Well... at least she was enthusiastic. @Blinded By Silence


[BLUEBURR] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Blueburr
reason for joining Blueburr had spent a long time now, parading the borders of this supposed clan. A large, gruff looking feline. His furr was less tuft and more spike, and his uneven jaw that caused fangs to protrude surely did him no good looking less intimidating. What in all the stars he wanted creeping along their borders so close to the night was any cats guess. Never close enough to accuse or attack, but always lingering beyond..

All but one cat, the one he was here to see of course.The most awe striking cat he'd ever seen, extraordinarily new. Content life became all but dull, and discovering was meaningless if she wasn't beside him.
Maybe he was making a bad decision. He hadn't waited for her to ask him to join the clan, and hadn't asked if she had even needed him to.. but he felt strained, standing outside an invisible line to speak to her, whispering in hushed mews so he wouldn't be chased away from the only light he found out there. And.. well, he felt bad. He felt bad, waiting for her to ask him, forcing her to. What if she felt guilty requesting him to leave his old life and never did ask him to join here amongst these cats!? Blueburr HAD to take the leap himself. Hopefully she would find a nice surprise awaiting her, finally seeing him over that barrier he never put there.

Now he stood, changing his life for one. Would love be a good enough answer for the tom before him? Would he doubt Blueburrs ability to be loyal, if he were only joining for that purpose? "Ahh.. uhm.. leader cat?" His voice was far meeker than he, all things considered. "I'm searching for a home, you see..! Safety, warmth.. and I think I found her here." Could he not just lie, and say he wished to be a warrior for a more noble reason?! "Could I make your clan my family, to protect it, to protect her! Please.."

@Blinded By Silence

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
[Mama] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Mama
reason for joining Mama had been a loner for his entirety. He was comfortable for a while, flitting between Twoleg houses and being fed, but then going out to the pond when he wanted to feel the uncut grasses under his toes. It was only as he began to get a little older, a little slower, that the round-bellied cat decided that he should find somewhere to settle. He'd heard plenty about the so called "Clans" popping up around the neighborhood, secluded far enough away from the suburbs not to be considered eligible strays for Twoleg adoptors, but large enough that it didn't take Mama long to locate one of them.

He assumed they were all the same - so when he came upon the StoneClan territory first, it didn't even occur to him to look for LostClan or TreeClan. Clan cats were clan cats - they had a large community and relied on one another for protection and food. Mama could join in on that vibe, he was certain. It certainly didn't take long for a trio of cats to notice him lingering at the scent borders and after some brisk interrogation, Mama found himself standing in front of a cat called Sunseer.

It sure looks like he stared into the sun long enough. The fluffy tomcat thought, staring at the milky eyes of the Clan leader in front of him. Still, appearances could be deceiving, he knew that well enough; blind or not, this cat was the leader of a clan, which had to mean something respectable.

He sat there, unsure if he was meant to start speaking first or if he should let the leader begin. After a pregnant pause, Mama finally said.
"Hello." and then, "I would very much like to join your Clan, Sir." @Blinded By Silence
Sunseer stood before the newcomer quietly, his lips parted to drink in this tom's scent. There, beneath the scent of the forest around them, was the sour smell of twolegs. He frowned lightly, but didn't want to dismiss this cat for that on its own.

"I am Sunseer, you may call me as such." He said with a flick of his tail, "Why do you wish to join us? Leaf-Bare is fast approaching, you will need to work hard to earn your keep and keep the entire clan fed."



Stew Aficionado
Mama dipped his head to the cat who introduced himself as Sunseer. When asked about why he wished to join us, and the leader went on to explain how Mama would be expected to earn his keep and keep the Clan fed, Mama nodded.

"I've never had problems with finding food, I'm sure I can supply it for the Clan." He said with confidence in his mew. He could hunt, but with winter approaching, it may be easier to suck up to any Twolegs. He was certain that he could take some extra food back to the Clan, too. It probably wouldn't be wise to try and bring the clan cats into the suburbs. The twolegs knew him, sure, but bringing strange cats around would be likely in advisable. Still, if winter was a time of low prey, then Mama could foresee himself as a great asset to the cats of StoneClan.

"As far as why I want to join... I'm seeking a community. I want to help in providing for others, and I want to be friends with cats who care about one another. Admittedly, I am approaching you close to the cold seasons, because I feel it is during these desperate times that I will be able to prove myself as a good addition to your Clan. And if you decide that I am not doing my part even when you give me the chance, then I will leave with grace and not trouble you further. I just ask for the chance to prove myself, before you make a decision based on my first impression." @Blinded By Silence

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
The older tom listened to the newcomer, rolling each word like a stone in his mind. His tail settled and, after some thought, he nodded.

"Consider it granted, new friend. Welcome to StoneClan. Come with me and I'll show you where you'll sleep."

- - -

Mama has been accepted! Please find him a mentor and you are welcome to get him recerted with a -paw name with the rank of Apprentice if you'd like. Once you have a name for him, you can repost here for a naming ceremony!


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Sunseer was resting in his nest after another patrol. While he wasn't needed on them, he made sure to take the time to go out into their new territory. He wanted to know this place as well as he had the mountain and, well, without his sight it was sure to take some time. The greying tom lifted his head and meowed a greeting when he heard two of his clan members outside.

"Graybreeze, Splitnose. Yes, come in." He waited for them to settle and sat up with a stretch, "Good, I am glad you've found your place here. Come," He said, heading for the entrance, "Let's gather you a stone to set by the Stone Circle."

- - -

Graybreeze and Splitnose have been accepted! Go ahead and get them recerted!

I will update the roster, removing those who have left.