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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ StoneClan Leader's Den ]


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So Long And Farewell
cat Poppyheart
why are they leaving?
They had left the mountain behind. And for what? Since leaving, there was just indecisiveness and stagnation. The clan had split further, and had begun absorbing the local cats. That was okay. But to be at each other's throats after a few moons? And to attack another clan in their very camp, where elderly and kits are present? Neglect was on both sides, and Poppyheart wasn't having any more of it. She should have stopped and debated longer with herself when Palestorm left to return to MountainClan. Perhaps they had been right.


Grizzled Veteran
So Long And Fare Well
cat Whisperstep
why are they leaving? She was attacked in her own home, by cats she would have once been clanmates with had things not gone poorly on the mountain. There is blood spilled everywhere to the point you can smell it's scent each and every time you leave the camp. This is not the promised survival that was touted about on the beginning of the journey. If this was what the clans would become, all because of a silly mistake, she wished she had not stayed with Sunseer and had instead gone after the one leader she thought had gone insane, but had never come storming across the river into their territory. Every time she had met a Lostclan cat they seemed strange, always asking if help was needed. If one needed asylum, or if any assistance at all was needed to cross the river. Strange as they were they could not possibly be any less safe than here. She silently slips out into the night.


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So Long And Fare Well
cat Littleflower
why are they leaving? She tried to fight it. Tried to fight the whispers of doubt that had begun to creep around in the night, waiting for when the air was too still or she had been finally left alone. Why had she left the mountains? To be with her people. With her father. She couldn't shake back then that this was what SunClan had wanted, done what was asked of her because it had to be right if they deemed it so. But then everyone began to split, further cutting the ties that had once brought them together. Gone were the days of the mountains, but she held onto faith that this was the only way to survive.

Doubt had long been there, in the back of her mind, but it had been easy to bury it over the short months after their travels. There was so much to do, and cats were already making smaller families and shoving their kittens off into the world! She had no time for that -- no time to ponder her life choices and if she was truly happy. Her mate had vanished, replacing the extra time she once had with a dull pain. Darkrose would become a new light for her, but their relationship was still developing; still too new for her to lean on fully and vent her worries. She bottled those doubts, focusing on helping train the future medicine cats of other clans, care for the pregnant, and ensuring the dens remained stocked as the clan rapidly grew. There was no time. There was no time!

The world had begun moving too fast, and Littleflower never let herself wonder where she was supposed to be in it. Not until cats she had once shared dinner with came over the border and attacked her friends. Not until she couldn't catch her breath as she sat before the cold, still body of a cat caught in the chaos, her heart hammering in her chest so hard she swore it'd drown out her sobs. Time finally stopped, and with it came crashing the weights of her previous guilt and doubts.

This wasn't home.

She reflected for a few days, tossing and turning in her sleep as she agonized over what to do. Darkrose would remind her often of another clan she once loved -- LostClan. Training Bone had been a delight, and an opportunity to really understand the culture of the newly growing clan. She had begun to resonate with Lostsun, but never given time to truly understand what that meant. Now, she did. She knew where she needed to be, and the people she truly wanted to help. The lost needed her, just as much as she needed them.

They were here home.

That night, a soft voice whispered in her dream, the scent of sunflowers surrounding her. "You need to leave, my little flower."

So she would.

Telling her father was hard enough. Her voice was weak, threatening to tremble as she hung her head and told him of her plans to leave. She didn't mention of where to, afraid it'd lead to another mindless battle. Instead, she promised to finish training her apprentice to replace her in StoneClan before she left, as not to leave them without care. She knew he might never forgive her, but it was time to, for once, make a decision not thrown on her by SunClan, duty, or prophecy.


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So Long And Fare Well
cat Darkrose
why are they leaving? She's already lost someone she loved once. She's not willing to stand by and do it again. She wants nothing more than Littleflower to finally have the peace she deserves, and will be following her out of the clan.


Stew Aficionado
So Long And Fare Well
cat Badgerclaw
why are they leaving? Badgerclaw had joined the Clan for community, for protection, to feel pride that he was apart of something greater. Since the attack over prey from TreeClan and seeing so many cats get hurt - Badgerclaw took the opportunity to slip off during the chaos of battle. He never really gained the community that he sought in the Clan, so no one would miss him now that he left. It was time to live as a loner again, only needing to look after himself.


Stew Aficionado
So Long And Fare Well
cat Riversurge
why are they leaving? Riversurge couldn't let his mate leave on her own. His own thoughts about StoneClan - how he couldn't recognize most of the cats who'd joined, how Sunseer hadn't seen the deterioation of the Clan, how his son had Skysong's ear but never seemed to use it to change the way things were going. It was all so overwhelming. So, when Poppyheart moved to leave, he went with her. His offspring had made a life for themselves here and he bade them his blessing if they wished to stay - and to keep an eye out for danger either way. His heart had always belonged with their mother and while he didn't know what would come up along the journey up the mountain with her, it was clear that StoneClan would no longer be his home.


Stew Aficionado
So Long And Fare Well
cat Sweetfang
why are they leaving? Sweetfang was terrified during the battle - she almost got killed! She's been a good hunter, but she couldn't bear the thought of dying for a Clan who, outside of her mate, didn't know her name. When she rose after the fighting, she went to tell Splitnose she was leaving and then took off. If he came with her, fine, but if not - well, she'd go seek out her brother, or maybe she'd try to return to her kittypet den. Whatever the case, Clan life was just as dangerous as Reese had told her. Oh, how she wish she would have believed him!


Grizzled Veteran
So Long And Fare Well
cat Lilacmoon
why are they leaving? She was old and tired the trip down the mountain was a heavy strain on both her heart and mind. The recent events first the battle in their home then the departure of several cats some back to the mountains, some off to find the reclusive Lostclan across the river.

She had watched cats die from hunger and thirst up on the mountain. To watch, unable to help as other warriors and even apprentices, still young kits in her mind, have to experience the claws of a cat that could have slept in the same den as them. She could not understand why Sunclan was absent during that night. Why had their voices had been so silent, surely they were here with them? They had to of came down the mountain with then right? They surely hadn't wanted the clanmates that had followed their words down off the mountain and split further again to become so removed to attack and kill one another in the height of greenleaf the most plentiful season.

She snuggles into the side of her dearest love. As she looks over to their grown kits and even her grandkits, though she was not their mother or grandmother to all of them by blood, but she had claimed them and mothered all of them, her kits and grandkits, it did not mater that she had no blood claim.

"It's time to go love. I fear for the next time a cat is harmed or killed within their own den over something as foolish as a rat in a forest full of them. I can not choose your path or those of our kits and grandkits, but I don't think our place is here."

She will slip away heavy hearted at the unfortunate turn of events from a broken clan code.


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So Long And Fare Well
cat Goldenleaf
why are they leaving?

"It's time to go love. I fear for the next time a cat is harmed or killed within their own den over something as foolish as a rat in a forest full of them. I can not choose your path or those of our kits and grandkits, but I don't think our place is here."

Lilacmoon had spoken the thoughts Goldenleaf had already been trying to formulate into words. It was easy as that -- she had long lost faith that their place was StoneClan, and long felt SunClan had turned their back on their people. She nodded faintly in return before rising to tell the rest of her family. If they wanted to come she'd welcome it, but that was a decision for them in the end.


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So Long And Fare Well
username Nym
cat Daisypelt
why are they leaving?

When her mothers told her of their departure she had sat there for a moment, pondering her options. Her home was her family. She had only joined StoneClan to stay close to her mothers, after all. Then, Minnowclaw came to her and told her of her own plans, and then so did others of the family. It became clear the family would most likely be divided, leaving her only two choices; stay with the family in StoneClan, or leave and join the side of her family who had felt abandoned by their sun.

It was a hard decision, but she too found herself staring at the sky and wondering why they had led them here just to war over trivial nothings. Bluepaw found her in this trance, and she worried he'd resent her decision. No, in fact, he agreed, and promised to stay by her side no matter which home she chose.

So she chose; she'd leave and follow her mothers elsewhere.


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So Long And Fare Well
cat Minnowclaw
why are they leaving?

"I'm leaving. You should come too."

That was also Minnowclaw said to Rumbleheart and Daisypelt after her mothers told her of their plan. She'd turn to her kids after, repeating a similar phrase with a nod of her head. She respected their independence regardless of their choices, but StoneClan was no home to her. How had Sunseer missed the signs? How had he been so out of touch with his clan? Why did SunClan lead them here? These thoughts had ruminated in her brain since the attack and she wasn't one to dawdle long once her heart was set on an answer.


Stew Aficionado
So Long And Fare Well
cat Rumbleheart
why are they leaving?

"I will follow you to the ends of life and death itself."

He let a rumbling purr out as he nuzzled against his smaller wife. He spoke to his kids alongside her, and told them that he loved them regardless of what decision they made. He would also try to visit, should StoneClan allow random cats along their border still. He would not forsake them, they could always come find him if they needed help. But his love for his wife overrode the loyalty to a clan.


Stew Aficionado
So Long And Fare Well
cat Bearwhisker
why are they leaving?
Simply the thought of being separated from her family drove her to follow. She would look back to the tom whom she had become so close to, and softly ask him to follow her. But it was up to him in the end. Regardless, the large she cat would follow Rumbleheart and Minnowclaw.


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So Long And Fare Well
cat Hushpaw + Hazelpaw
why are they leaving?

"I don't want to be here, but I'm scared.... I don't want to go out there alone, either."

Hushpaw looked up to his sister, eyes wet and round. Hazelpaw nodded solemnly and rose, nudging his shoulder. "You won't be alone. I'll be there. We can go with our parents. I don't know where I want to be after, but I know I wouldn't leave you to make the journey without your strong big sister, either." She flashed a sharp grin as her brother rolled his eyes.

"You're only a few minutes older."
"That's enough for me!"


Stew Aficionado
[Phlox] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Phlox
reason for joining They've been searching for a home for a while now, and being with a big group seems a good idea.
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