What games y'all playin'?


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
I've been slow playing the Pokémon Violet DLC and Sonic Colors. I finished Sonic Forces recently and it only made me want to rip my hair out a little.
Never picked up Forces, went for Mania instead, but I've wanted to replay Colors since I heard it ran better than the original. What do you think about it? :unsure:


Stew Aficionado
That's probably for the best LMAO. I only bought it bc it was 50% off.
I didn't play the original release of Colors, I bought it also on sale on Switch and it's decent. Not one of my top favs, but I don't regret buying it


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Yeah, I really enjoyed Mania since I kinda love the 16bit series, feel like Sonic was at some of his strongest there. Really wish they'd at least remaster Adventure + 2 so we could have chao again, altho I'm actually curious if the Shadow game is good. XD

If Color's decent on Switch I'll have to pick it up on a sale.
I remember having fun with it on Wii but feeling like it could've done better on a stronger platform tbh.

I had fun with Frontiers too, but I feel like that's probably one of those hard split either like it or hate it things.
If they improve on that kind of system, I think Sonic might actually find a good spot ...​


Stew Aficionado
God me too. The things I wouldn't give for the chao garden to come back. ToT
Shit I'd be willing to pay the full $60 or whatever for a game solely centered around them I love them lil dudes.

I haven't started Frontiers yet, but it's on my list after I finish Colors. The soundtrack is absolutely fire though. Not something I ever expected out of Sonic, but I'm not complaining. XD


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
I really, *really* thought we were going to get something back when they posted cute chao shorts.
They must really enjoy teasing us either way.

Frontier's soundtrack didn't really surprise me in the same way, SEGA music with Sonic in particular was more often than not amazing.
Again I'm just kinda soft spotted for the 2D series there, according to Ye Old Lore that stuff was groundbreaking (I could talk more about why if music and music tech esp Is A Thing) but Mario of that period was also great, I'm just kinda a huge Sonic nerd all around lol

I think if you kinda like Colors tho you'll prob like Frontiers. They had a bit of a point with the pop in issue, but it's not game breaking, and it's not really HARD, but it is kinda explorey and the levels are pretty good esp if you like to beat times and stuff.

Having not played Forces, but knowing what people have said, I feel like everyone kinda agrees it's a good direction anyway. :unsure: