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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ LostClan Leader's Den ]


Stew Aficionado
May the Sunlight Guide [Aspenswirl] Home.
cat Aspenswirl
how did they die? It was well known that Aspenswirl had gained many battle wounds in his fight with the badger that he'd faced with his apprentice, Thymepaw. With no opportunity to flee to get help and only a priority to ensure that his apprentice stayed safe, Aspenswirl had been able to defeat the beast and return home with his apprentice. He insisted that Thymepaw was treated first and its suspected that may have led to the infection of his wounds. Bone, LostClan's medicine cat, did her best, but once the infection took hold in Aspenswirl's already terrible wounds, there was no saving him.

Aspenswirl will be remembered by his children: Fennelfur, Honeytooth and Burnetdew, as well as his apprentice, Thymepaw who has vowed to take on part of his mentor's name when its time for him to become a warrior, as Thymeswirl.

For others, he shall be remembered as the tomcat who died protecting the youth and future of LostClan. @Tigeria


Grizzled Veteran
Sorry for the delay, rl and other issues (as well as not receiving notifications) occurred.

"Let all cats old and young come to hear the tales of outside adventures.

Sky has a tale for Lostsun
cat: Sky
reason for joining: Lured in by the siren's call of a beautiful gray she-cat, Sky has found herself yearning to join LostClan. The thought of all the cats who suddenly came to the forest was quite overwhelming, especially when they started making their own little groups. Before that, it was maybe a pawful of cats here and there. Now, they were in large numbers, watching each others backs and marking out territories. It would be tough to be alone, so she was glad she'd found a cat she could pine for and possibly even join. Sky is better in the trees and bushes than on the ground or in the water, and has become adept at springing traps for prey, or running them into corners they can't back out of.
[Jolene] has a tale for Lostsun
cat: Jolene
reason for joining: Jolene, too, has come from a troubled past. She was fated to be perfect, but when she broke the mold hoping to escape her so-claimed destiny, she was burdened with more responsibilities than she could handle. Fleeing her life as she knew it, she came under the care of a loner family for a time and has learned slowly to open her heart to the warmth of others. Now, she seeks her own way forward, in a meaningful way that she can control with her own thoughts and claws. LostClan, despite the name, is where Jolene feels the most seen, the most found. She doesn't know what her future will hold now that she's joining a Clan, but one thing has occurred that she didn't believe would occur again: she is hopeful.
[Memory] has a tale for Lostsun
cat: Memory
reason for joining: " I have a family, already, but I don't they'll be joining. They're kind, wonderful cats, but I think it's time for me to stretch out on my own. I'd like to do that here... you all seem nice, and the shadows of the pines are comforting." Memory purred. "I get distracted, sometimes, my head floats away into the clouds, my mother used to say, but I can hunt. I haven't fought before, but I'm willing to learn. I want to find my place, and I... I think that might be here, if you'll have me." She finished demurely. @Tigeria
I can not lie and will not lie to you, this path you have chosen will be the hardest trial you will face in your life. She looked to each of those wishing to join and with a nod yowled to signal their acceptance.


Grizzled Veteran
Names of Past to Names of Future
cat: Here
previous name: Thymepaw
new name Thymeswirl
reason for change An apprentice grows into a warrior.
Who has witnessed the story: Honeytooth
The story behind the new name: Thymepaw had been so relieved when he and his mentor, Aspenswirl, had fought back and won against the badger that invaded their territory. He had been so full of admiration for his golden-furred mentor, who looked much like a powerful lion facing off his enemy, that he hadn't even considered that the wounds that Aspenswirl sustained from the battle would lead to his mentor's death a few days later. Honeytooth, Aspenswirl's daughter, had stepped up to complete Thymepaw's training after his own wounds had healed and eventually gave him his final assessment, which Thymepaw had passed. Thymepaw then expressed to Honeytooth and again to Lostsun, when it came to it, that he wished to take on his mentor's name, in part and go by Thymeswirl to remember his mentor who had fought so valiantly for him and died to protect his apprentice, and their Clan.
May the Sunlight Guide [Aspenswirl] Home.
cat Aspenswirl
how did they die? It was well known that Aspenswirl had gained many battle wounds in his fight with the badger that he'd faced with his apprentice, Thymepaw. With no opportunity to flee to get help and only a priority to ensure that his apprentice stayed safe, Aspenswirl had been able to defeat the beast and return home with his apprentice. He insisted that Thymepaw was treated first and its suspected that may have led to the infection of his wounds. Bone, LostClan's medicine cat, did her best, but once the infection took hold in Aspenswirl's already terrible wounds, there was no saving him.

Aspenswirl will be remembered by his children: Fennelfur, Honeytooth and Burnetdew, as well as his apprentice, Thymepaw who has vowed to take on part of his mentor's name when its time for him to become a warrior, as Thymeswirl.

For others, he shall be remembered as the tomcat who died protecting the youth and future of LostClan. @Tigeria

While on the the Warbler call stump Lost Sun calls forth the apprentice Thymepaw. While we are gathered to welcome new faces, let us also acknowledge the hard work of an apprentice and the final call to a dear friends tale. She lowers her head in quiet remembrance of Aspenswirl.

Aspenswirl was a brave and fierce warrior, he shall be remembered for his heroic deeds in driving off a badger with his apprentice. For the rest of us here, we shall find you when the time comes now that the sun has set on your story here. While we might be lost among the grass we hope you look upon us from the stars. May Sunclan find, bless, and hold you close in your next journey.

When she had finally staid her piece she looked to the sky, it was clear not a cloud in sight.

"Sunclan above to clan cats below, we have heard the tale from this apprentice and welcomed an old friend to the skies, they themselves have remained clear, the cats have remained strong. From this day forward this apprentice shall be named Thymeswirl! May the sun guide their path to glory!"

at the final call Lostsun dips her head and jumps from warblers call and begins to lead a vigil for the fallen warrior in silence.


Stew Aficionado
[Cat name here] has a tale for Lostsun

reason for joining: "I have been searching for a home for quite some time. I prefer to live close to the water, and seeing as your territory is situated almost in a fork in the river, covered on both sides, it seemed like the perfect place." He would bow his head. "I am a strong swimmer, and a strong hunter. Though I prefer not to fight, I will do what it takes to help keep the clan protected and well fed all year long."



Grizzled Veteran
Of course Salmonstripe accepts this mentorship. She wouldn't have it any other way.

Lostsun accepts this mentorship and is looking forward to Skypaws growth within the clan.

[Cat name here] has a tale for Lostsun

reason for joining: "I have been searching for a home for quite some time. I prefer to live close to the water, and seeing as your territory is situated almost in a fork in the river, covered on both sides, it seemed like the perfect place." He would bow his head. "I am a strong swimmer, and a strong hunter. Though I prefer not to fight, I will do what it takes to help keep the clan protected and well fed all year long."

Lostsun bows her head as well in respect to Blackfish.
"I thank you for your tale, there are more ways to be in a clan than to fight. We welcome you to our clan. May Sunclan find and guide you as the light of your path within this clan."


Stew Aficionado
Silver has a tale for Lostsun
cat: Star
reason for joining: Skyheart actually would have approached Lostsun, alongside her mate Salmonstripe. They had found a pair of kittens (kovak should be posting soon too) all alone in the woods, their mother having been killed by a predator after trying to take it's attention from the kits. The two she-cats couldn't leave the kits there, all alone, and would ask Lostsun if they could bring them in and raise them as clan cats.
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Stew Aficionado
Adventure and Traveling Awaits
cat Nettlepaw
why are they leaving? A mix of reasons, but the straw that broke the apprentice's back was a poor relationship with her mentor, Treebark. Turns out if you pair two cats together with a bad attitude, no learning really gets done. If asked about it, Nettlepaw would say. "Respect goes both ways and I never had it from Treebark to begin with. If I have to earn someone's respect - if they can't respect me even as a stranger, then I don't think we'd get along. When Treebark finally struck me in anger, I'd had enough."

(You can read the drama in Grumpy Puss!)


Grizzled Veteran
Silver has a tale for Lostsun
cat: Silver
reason for joining: Skyheart actually would have approached Lostsun, alongside her mate Salmonstripe. They had found a pair of kittens (kovak should be posting soon too) all alone in the woods, their mother having been killed by a predator after trying to take it's attention from the kits. The two she-cats couldn't leave the kits there, all alone, and would ask Lostsun if they could bring them in and raise them as clan cats.
One look at Lostsun tells that her heart grieves for the two little kits. She nods at the pair of adoptive parents and says.
"Of course they can stay, no kit should hunger either for food or a parents love."
This applies to both since Kovak has not posted.)

Adventure and Traveling Awaits
cat Nettlepaw
why are they leaving? A mix of reasons, but the straw that broke the apprentice's back was a poor relationship with her mentor, Treebark. Turns out if you pair two cats together with a bad attitude, no learning really gets done. If asked about it, Nettlepaw would say. "Respect goes both ways and I never had it from Treebark to begin with. If I have to earn someone's respect - if they can't respect me even as a stranger, then I don't think we'd get along. When Treebark finally struck me in anger, I'd had enough."

(You can read the drama in Grumpy Puss!)
Lostsun is caught blind sighted as Nettlepaw tells of her wish to leave. She looks deeply troubled, stares off with her one good eye at the sky. It is cloudy, it seems like nature will cry and morn with Lostsun on this day.
"Go, I had wished to lead you on your path to find the light, but I can not hold you here. To do so will be to relive my grandest mistake. May Sunclan find you where you tread. You will never be chased or harassed while in Lostclans territory. I hope the next time we meet it will be met with sunshine and happiness."
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Stew Aficionado
[Rumbleheart] has a tale for Lostsun
cat: Rumbleheart
reason for joining: He was among the first group to approach LostClan, alongside his mate and children. Rumbleheart had every intention to tell Lostsun the tale of Tree versus Stone, and why he left. Even amongst the strays in Twolegplace and the wilds, such a large scale attack on the heart of another camp... It was unheard of. It was too much.



Stew Aficionado
[Bearwhisker] has a tale for Lostsun
cat: Bearwhisker
reason for joining: The battle had terrified her, quite frankly, and she felt it best to leave alongside her family. If Lostsun needed more of a tale than that, she would recite the battle against a fox that her, Thornstrike, and Thunderfoot had endured. Quietly, shakily, but she would recite it nonetheless, and request sanctuary within LostClan.



Grizzled Veteran
[Rumbleheart] has a tale for Lostsun
cat: Rumbleheart
reason for joining: He was among the first group to approach LostClan, alongside his mate and children. Rumbleheart had every intention to tell Lostsun the tale of Tree versus Stone, and why he left. Even amongst the strays in Twolegplace and the wilds, such a large scale attack on the heart of another camp... It was unheard of. It was too much.

[Bearwhisker] has a tale for Lostsun
cat: Bearwhisker
reason for joining: The battle had terrified her, quite frankly, and she felt it best to leave alongside her family. If Lostsun needed more of a tale than that, she would recite the battle against a fox that her, Thornstrike, and Thunderfoot had endured. Quietly, shakily, but she would recite it nonetheless, and request sanctuary within LostClan.

Lostsun is horrified to hear about the state of the outside clans just across the river. Fighting has always been a constant companion against non clan cats. Death of apprentices? and even attacking another clan's den? where kittens, queens, and elders could have become involved.
"You have both brought me words to ruminate on. Please enter in as the warriors you both have already been."
She ushers both in to the inner sanctuary of Lostclan's fern dens, before heading off to the Suntree to try and see if Sunclan will answer her queries or remain as drifted apart as always.


Stew Aficionado
[Midnight] has a tale for Lostsun
cat: Midnight
reason for joining: Midnight had been contemplating joining their adoptive father in StoneClan, and was almost ready to do it, when Rumbleheart left StoneClan. So the chaos gremlin decided to follow their parents - yes, Minnowclaw was obviously their mother if Rumbleheart was their father - to LostClan, and the trek back towards the mountain that followed. They gently urged Mouse to join them, their mate, and would happily trade any stories Lostsun wished to hear about their travels before joining the clan.



Grizzled Veteran
[Lilacmoon] has a tale for Lostsun
cat: Lilacmoon
reason for joining: Her home was invaded over a mistake on a very young leaders word. She couldn't stand by and let it happen again. So she is seeking to join a clan that has never gone to war over a piece of prey in the middle of Greenleaf. She will also corroborate the story of how Tree invaded Stone.