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[META SIGN UP] The Town of Stillwater [Closed!]


late to the party
Staff member

While many ponies think of their world as chic, urban, and advanced, there are just as many places across the stretch of Everchange that seem almost untouched by time and progress. For every new computer and smartphone the industrious people of the cities create, somewhere else a sprout is planted or an apple plucked from a swaying branch; these are places not forgotten, but simply a step apart from the hustle and bustle of today, and despite all the romanticism many ponies sprinkle over them, these places are likewise filled with long, back-breaking days and exhausted nights. The life of an agricultural area is not easy, particularly in those resistant to change.

Stillwater is one of these places.

Located in a particularly rough stretch of land close to the border of Dream Valley and Winter's Breath, Stillwater is a town that even rural ponies would likely think seems out of touch. The residents here have long upheld a tradition of doing things "the old way," avoiding new technologies and continuing as they have for generations. This mostly-Earth settlement plows land manually, fishes the nearby river with hoof-woven nets, and lives not on prepacked foods or imported goods but self-jarred sustenance and homemade sundries. Life is not easy in Stillwater, and even in their lighter moments its residents are often thought of as stern and, well, unpleasant. Foals are taught young that work,, not play, allows them to survive, and silly wastes of time like play or dance are frowned upon outside of the town's few key celebrations.

What the residents of Stillwater don't know, however, is that in such an aptly named land, change can only be resisted for so long. Something is coming to rattle the foundation of this sleepy little town; will those living there hold fast, or will the winds of change finally loosen such a well-buried rock?


Welcome to our special edition Stillwater Meta Event! Something big is coming to Everchange - and you can be a part of its arrival in this event! First, a little explanation:

This is not a typical meta; you may not bring outside ponies to it unless they have a good reason for being in Stillwater - and unless they're an importer of naturally grown, organic goods that are harvested in the middle of the summer heat, they probably won't have a reason. That's a problem, right? So for this meta, we're going to let you sign up to recieve an existing resident of Stillwater! This pony will be 100% yours, assuming you fill the requirements listed below. You must make their history as part of a native of the area - if you'd like, we'll even give you a name and background suggestion with your assignment to make it a little easier to get into character.

Never fear, though! This meta is introducing a new concept to allow you to earn meta points for other ponies' awakenings and ascensions. Keep reading to find out!

The second atypical aspect of this meta is that the bulk of the participation is not necessarily directly roleplay oriented. You are encouraged to make roleplay posts to go with your actions, and you will be allowed to make backdated RPs to fill in the gaps, but none of it is necessary to participate. What you will be doing is filling out a form each day - like a choose your own adventure. The responses of all players on that day will affect the direction the story goes - how is the town reacting to the event? Has any new information come to light?

In order to keep your free resident, you must participate in ~50% of the days posted. Remember that you don't have to write full roleplays for a response - you'll basically just need to post an action and a mood. A "day" in character will be every ~24-48 hours (depending on real life circumstances) and will be announced both in thread and in Discord. There are 3-4 weeks of days planned, depending on the actions taken by the players, so you will need to post 10-15 times in order to keep your pony.

If you are afraid you won't make enough days, you may also make one or more roleplays based on the events of any one IC day and what your pony did that day. This may be solo writing or with others; if you reach a total of 2500 words (per person), you will be allowed to skip the daily posting requirement.

Meta tokens are a new concept we're introducing in order to allow people to explore multiple characters while still working on ascension requirements for a different one. By participating in this meta, you will be able to gain a new meta token - this will count as a "meta participation" requirement for any pony, not just the one you use in this event! You'll only be able to earn one token per meta, but hopefully this should encourage you to get out and stretch your legs a bit without worrying about stuffing a single pony into every meta event.

In order to sign up, please fill out the form below!

[b]Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely[/b]?
[b]Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially[/b]?
[b]Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool[/b]?
[b]Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony[/b]?
Sign ups will be open until June 21st @ 11:59 PM CST!
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: AlicornPlayhouse
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely Yes!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially Yes!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool Yes!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony Yes please~! <3
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: Reoakee
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? yes I do.
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? yes it's a meta pony after all.
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? actually yeah I wanna see what some of the suggestions are to play with >3 so please give me some ideas
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: ChexaRain
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes I have! At least 10-15 participation posts. <3
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yep!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Nope, I already have an idea. :p <3 Took 2 SECONDS.
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Stew Aficionado
Username: belloblossom
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes <3
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes
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Username: houllow
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? No, thank you!
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: Luxona
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Sure did!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yep!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yeppers!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? It would ease my anxiety, yes >w<;;;
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: Tigeria
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool YES
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony Sure! I'd love a little help
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Grizzled Veteran
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirelyYes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officiallyYes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random poolYes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your ponyYes,please
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late to the party
Staff member

Your suggested character is:
Fervent Hope

They are a dreamer in a town of souls with no light in their eyes. They barely make ends meet offering beautician services for the residents, even though most of their work is just trimming tails and manes. They want desperately to have enough bits to move to a big city and really make something of themselves.

Username: AlicornPlayhouse
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely Yes!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially Yes!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool Yes!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony Yes please~! <3


Username: SwordOfTheNagas
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? WHOOT!!!!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Please and Thank You.
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: Joshuality
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yup!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yup!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yus indeedy!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Sure! <3
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late to the party
Staff member
Username: Reoakee
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? yes I do.
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? yes it's a meta pony after all.
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? actually yeah I wanna see what some of the suggestions are to play with >3 so please give me some ideas

Your suggested character is:

Roundabout Rough

Working on the outskirts of town, Roundabout Rough - or just "Rough" as they're typically known - is a junk collector and general cleaner. They pick up broken pieces of farm equipment and other metal or useful bits that the townsfolk dispose of and sell them to the local blacksmith to make a living. Their existence is meager, but they keep the place tidy and in order.


One Little Jay

Grizzled Veteran
Username: One Little Jay
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirelyYes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officiallyYes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random poolYes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your ponyYES gimme some lore bb
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: Ellanoire
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: MoogerMint
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes, that makes the most sense! :3
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes! I love surprises~
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Had to think on it a little longer, but naw I should be good. Less work for you! xD <3
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Username: Valdmir Talamore
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random poolYes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your ponyYes
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Grizzled Veteran
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely?Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially?Yes I understand
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool?Yes I understand
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? I would love suggestions!
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late to the party
Staff member
Username: ChexaRain
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes I have! At least 10-15 participation posts. <3
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yep!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Nope, I already have an idea. :p <3 Took 2 SECONDS.

Meet your resident!



Stew Aficionado
Username: Absolutiones
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes please
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